By the Hour

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By the Hour Page 24

by Roni Loren

He wrapped his arm around the back of her thighs and flipped her skirt up with his other hand, revealing lacy, cream-colored panties. He gave her a quick smack to her ass. “Claiming you.”

  She grunted against his back. “Caveman.”

  “Sometimes,” he admitted, carrying her down the hallway. “But that gets you wet, so what does that make you?”

  She sighed heavily, feigning boredom. “Don’t be so proud of yourself. I’m not turned on by this, you know.”

  He smiled and halted his step in the hallway in front of a mirror. With his free hand, he tugged aside her panties, the view of all that pretty pink flesh making his cock go painfully hard against his zipper.

  “What are you doing?”

  He dragged his fingertips over her, his fingers coming away slick and a tremor working through her body. “You’re such a liar, doc. A filthy liar with a needy, wet pussy.”

  The words were crude, but the mirror gave him all the confirmation he needed. Her muscles clenched, her body reacting to the dirty talk like he’d stroked her again. Heat suffused through him and all his blood rushed south.

  “You’re disgusting,” she said, but the breathlessness in her voice gave her away.

  “You fucking love it.” He swung away from the mirror, carrying her to the bedroom with singular purpose.

  When they got inside, he lowered her to the bed onto her back, and she sat up on her elbows, fire in her eyes. He could stroke himself off to that image alone, Elle’s hair mussed, her knees spread, and challenge all over her face. I dare you to fuck me. That was the overt message. But another, more dangerous one whispered at the back of his mind.

  I dare you to love me.

  Everything in that look said she wouldn’t make it easy on him. She wouldn’t hide that fact. She’d challenge him, keep him on his toes, not let him get away with any shortcuts. He fucking loved that about her. Elle was a lot of things—smart, beautiful, tough. But what drew him to her over and over again was that intense confidence that made him bring his A-game.

  She demanded more of him. He wanted to be more for her.

  “Take off your panties and show me how not turned on you are,” he challenged.

  She cocked an eyebrow at him, reached down to tug off her underwear, and then bold as you please, dragged the material over herself, removing any evidence of how wet she’d become. She parted her knees, giving him an X-rated view that had his tongue pressing against the roof of his mouth.

  He smirked, trying to look unimpressed even though his dick was about to break through his zipper. “That’s cheating, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said breezily. “This is doing nothing for me.”

  He unbuckled his belt and slid it through the loops, making sure it snapped when he pulled it fully out. “Well, if you’re not going to play by the rules, then I don’t need to either.”

  Her gaze jumped to the leather in his hand, a flicker of unease crossing her face. “What are you doing?”

  He stalked over to the bed, taking his time, enjoying how warily she watched him. Two predators sizing each other up. Without giving her warning, he lifted her up and flipped her over. She let out a little sound of protest, but he had her hands behind her before she could offer much of a fight. He gripped her wrists in one hand and held her in place as he used the looped belt to flip her skirt up. Her wrists twitched in his grip, but she didn’t try to pull free. He smiled at the silent permission.

  He dragged the warm leather over her ass, relishing the way she shivered. “Your scent’s filling the room, doc. One would think you might be begging for me to stripe you with this belt.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “That’s not the magic word.”

  He lifted the belt and let it fall along the lower part of her ass, not too hard since they hadn’t played this way before but enough to make her feel the sting and make her skin go pink.

  She gasped and her hips rocked back automatically…toward the belt, not away.

  He licked his lips at the sight. He could give up pain play if Elle wasn’t into it, but her eager response had his engine revving. To be able to play these kinds of games with her, walk these lines, and know that they were both getting off on it…that was magic.

  No, not magic, a miracle. A miracle to find it in someone like Elle, someone who he was just as drawn to outside the bedroom as he was in it. He’d never found both sides of his desires met in the same person.

  He brought the belt down again, this time right above the first spot. She groaned into the mattress. That was all he needed to hear. He held her in place, wielded the leather in short bursts, and turned her ass pink all over. When she was writhing and cursing into the mattress, he leaned over and dragged his tongue along her heated skin, then bit.

  “Son of a bitch.” The words were sharp but the tone was much more God, yes than insult.

  He drew his fingers along the slippery flesh between her legs. “Beg me to fuck you, Elle. I can make that ache you’re feeling go away, can make that burn turn into something much more satisfying.”

  “Who says I need you to take care of it?” she shot back.

  He smiled and wrapped the belt around her wrists, binding her so he could release his grip on her. “Oh, you’d rather your narrow little fingers? Or maybe the good doctor has a toy supply. I bet you do.” He checked the tightness on the binding, making sure it was holding her but not cutting into her skin. “Now that I have you tied up, maybe I should check.”

  “Stay out of my stuff, Cannon.”

  He smiled. Still not a safe word. “Where would the good doctor keep her stash?” he wondered aloud, teasing her. “She’s too rude to let anyone sleep over, so she probably wouldn’t go through too much trouble to hide it.”

  He went over to one bedside drawer, naming the contents as he went through. “A novel, batteries, a remote control…aww, a journal. I wonder if you’ve drawn hearts around my name.”

  Elle turned her head his way, worry flashing across her face. “Not the journal.”

  He could hear the change in tone, the lack of playfulness in it. He reached over and tapped her chin, getting her to look at him. “I was kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you. Got it?”

  She swallowed hard. “Okay.”

  “But these”—he pulled out a flesh-toned dildo/vibrator combo and a small bottle of lubricant—“these are exactly what I was looking for.”

  Her gaze followed him as he walked around the bed and stopped behind her again. He ran his palm over her reddened skin, loving the shiver she gave him in return. Everything would be sensitive now, the tingling nerves making her aware of every part below her waist. He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and positioned it under her hips.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You said you didn’t need me. I’m proving your point. You should be thankful. I’m agreeing with you.” He reached around her hips and angled the dildo inside her, pushing slowly and getting the small silicon attachment to press against her clit.

  She hissed out a breath. He smiled, pleased with the response, and positioned the pillow so it’d hold the toy in place. Then, he turned it on.

  “Fuck.” Her body gave a start as if she’d been shocked and her fingers curled into the sheets.

  “Someone went for high voltage last time she got herself off.” He dialed the speed down. “Don’t want to rush you, doc. That’d make it too easy.”

  He dragged a wingback chair from the corner of the room and positioned it in her line of sight. Her cheek was pressed into the bed and her gaze burned into him, focused even though the vibrator was obviously working some magic on her. He sat down for the show.

  “You’re just going to sit there?” she demanded.

  He smiled and casually unbuttoned his jeans. “You said you didn’t need me, so I thought I’d just enjoy the view.”

  He slipped his hand inside his pants and freed his aching erection. He gave himself a slow stroke, and Ell
e’s hips rocked, probably of their own volition based on the frustrated wrinkle in her brow.

  “Better be careful how much you move, don’t want to dislodge the vibrator.” He ran his thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the fluid there and enjoying the feel of it as he kept his eyes solidly on Elle. “That wouldn’t be any fun for you, watching me come with no help for yourself at all.”

  “You’re a selfish bastard. I doubt you’d care.”

  He shrugged. “You’re probably right. But remember, if you need me to fuck you, I can. You just have to ask…nicely.”

  “Screw you.”

  He tilted some of the lubricant in his palm and then fisted his cock, sending a ripple of pleasure through him but enjoying the hungry look on Elle’s face more. Her hands twisted in the binding of the belt and she rolled her hips against the pillow, trying to get more stimulation. He’d set it low enough that it was probably a losing fight. It’d be just enough to get her riding the edge but not enough to put her over. He wasn’t above stacking the deck when it came to these games. He liked to play dirty, too.

  “How’s the silicone feel, doc?”

  “Bigger than you.”

  He smirked, knowing that wasn’t true. “How many times have you fucked the vibrating wonder? Do you imagine it’s attached to someone or do you get off knowing you’re doing it to yourself?”

  “I don’t need to imagine anyone. I’m a pretty good lay.”

  He chuckled. “Confident.”

  Her gaze dipped back down to his hand and he spread his knees wide, cupping his balls and glossing himself up in the lewdest way possible. Elle was riveted, and that only drove his need for her higher. He was playing the game like he didn’t care, but his whole body ached to plunge deep into hers.

  Patience. That was going to be the name of the game.

  Who would break first?

  Elle thought her body might implode. Lane’s big hand stroked lube over every inch of his cock until it was thick, hard, and shiny, and all she could think about was how good it would feel to have him inside her. Her trusty vibrator was betraying her with its gentle, maddening hum against her clit—just enough to make her toes curl but not enough to give her any relief. She ground her hips shamelessly, trying to get more stimulation, but it only teased her more.

  Meanwhile, Lane looked as if he had all the time in the world. He was sprawled in that chair like a decadent king, legs wide, eyes half-mast, pleasing himself but teasing the hell out of her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen a man look more enticing. Lane wore his eroticism like a second skin, like he was one-hundred percent comfortable with himself.

  He had to be with his job, she imagined, but she couldn’t think about that now. Right now, all she could think about was getting him back to the bed with her. She needed him, and both of them knew there was only one way she was going to get him.

  She cleared her throat, a needy tremble working through her body as the vibrator pushed against her clit again. “You win,” she said hoarsely. “I want you. I need you to fuck me.”

  Lane’s brows lifted. “I didn’t hear a please.”

  She swallowed past the instinct to argue back. In this game, they would both win. “Please fuck me. I would be ever so grateful.”

  He smiled despite her mocking tone. “Wow, look how nicely the doctor can beg. I even believe she half means it.”

  “Yeah, the bottom half means it wholeheartedly. The top half is giving you the finger.”

  A low chuckle rumbled from him. “Good thing I only need the bottom half right now.”

  He stood and walked over to her, hand still absently holding himself. He bent close to her ear. “You trust me, doc?”

  The words sent prickly awareness through her. With any other man she’d been with since her divorce, she would’ve instantly answered, No, back the hell off. But the answer came easily this time. “Yes.”

  He kissed behind her ear. “Good. Because I plan to make us both feel very, very good.”

  She wasn’t sure exactly what he had in mind, but a calmness filled the space inside her head that would normally start analyzing everything. This was Lane. He’d take care of her. And if anything went amiss, he’d respect her safe word. She was safe with him.

  Lane released her hands from the belt’s binding. “Get your elbows beneath you, pretty girl.”

  The little endearment would’ve freaked her out in the past, but now it warmed her. She settled on her arms and took a deep breath as Lane trailed a palm over her backside. He grabbed the base of the vibrator and gave it a few pumps, angling it inside her and hitting all the right places.

  She sighed into the mattress.

  “I’m thinking our silicone friend here might help us out. Maybe I’ll keep him right where he is.”

  She didn’t know what he meant but when he dragged a lubricated finger over her asshole, she automatically clenched.

  “Easy,” he said, as if he were soothing a horse. He kissed her tailbone. “I can make you feel really good, but you’ll have to do your part. You’ll need to trust me and relax.”

  She inhaled a deep breath, trying to recapture that calm place inside her, but her heart was hammering against her ribs. She remembered him threatening this that first night together. The thought had both intrigued and terrified her. The fantasy of it pushed all those sexy, forbidden buttons, but reality didn’t always match fantasy. There were a lot of things she could fantasize about that she didn’t believe would be all that fantastic in real life. But the calm confidence in Lane’s voice soothed her. He wouldn’t try anything with her that he didn’t think she’d enjoy. He was dominant in bed, but generous, and had always focused on her pleasure. If he wanted to do this, it was because he believed it’d feel good for them both.

  “Still with me, doc?” he asked, voice soft.

  She swallowed past the initial kick of anxiety. “For now.”

  “Good.” His finger pressed against her opening, and the touch alone sent nerve endings waking up and standing at attention, but instead of the expected discomfort, a wash of pleasure went through her. The vibrator had keyed her up so much already that it was converting everything into sweet, liquid oh-hell-yes sensations. He eased his finger inside, giving her body time to catch up and soften. She groaned into the mattress.

  Lane whispered words of filthy encouragement, his own voice dipping into an octave that meant this was driving him wild, too. One finger, then another, Lane worked her sensitive opening while keeping the vibrator moving just right with his other hand. He was the musician and she his instrument. She’d never heard this song before but she was ready to buy the album and a ticket to the concert.

  He scissored his fingers with slow, steady attention and a tremor went through her muscles. A curse slipped past her lips.

  “I want to take you here, Elle,” he said, his voice deep and gravel-filled. “I want to feel you squeezing my cock as I fill you up and that vibrator works on us both.”

  She writhed against the touch and at the words, her body slick with sweat and demanding more. Right now, he was making her walk the edge but not letting her fall over. She wanted to fall over. “Get on with it then, just let me come.”

  She could almost hear him smile behind her. “Such a bossy woman.”

  “You love it,” she bit out, another kick of pleasure making her body clench around his fingers.

  “I do.” He angled the vibrator right against her G-spot, making her gasp. “That makes it more satisfying when I bring the great doctor to a whimpering, begging mess.”

  “I. Do. Not. Whimper.” But her panted breaths lied.

  “Don’t speak too soon, sweet thing.” His fingers slipped out of her, making her feel oddly empty, and the rustle of clothing sounded behind her.

  She closed her eyes, concentrating on the slow, steady pleasure the vibrator was offering and trying not to overthink about what the next step might feel like. But when the head of Lane’s cock pressed against her ass, instead of fe
ar rising, a bone-deep need shuddered through her. She wanted him. In all ways.

  He stroked her hip. “Just breathe easy, baby, and relax your muscles. Push out when I push in. I’m nice and slick. I’m going to make us both feel good.”

  She did as she was told, not wanting to question at this point, and felt the head of his cock stretch her. A brief dart of panic chased up her spine. Everything felt like too much, too big, but then he eased in and her tension gave way, accepting him into that most private space. Lane groaned as he seated deep, his fingers digging into her hips, and she let out a gritty moan as her nerve endings lit up.

  Everything felt alive and sensitive and oh-so-fucking good.

  “Hold the vibrator in place,” he said, his voice strained.

  She slipped her hand between her legs, doing as she was told, and Lane slowly pumped into her again.

  Her brain blinked off and everything became sensation. The heat of them skin to skin, the full feeling of his cock and the vibrator inside her, the slow, steady hum of the toy teasing her clit and converting everything into pure epic pleasure.

  “You okay, doc?” Lane asked between breaths.


  “Ready to beg yet?” he teased, though the words sounded labored, like he was waging his own battle to keep it together.


  He rocked back and slid deep again, groaning. “Fuck.”

  Her body trembled, the need for release nearly breaking her. “I lied. Please. I need you.”

  His grip tightened and he reached down to click the vibrator to a higher speed. “Come with me, gorgeous. Let me feel you fall apart.”

  He picked up the pace of his thrusts, but didn’t get too rough—just smooth, long, and deep—as if he sensed exactly how precarious the pleasure/pain balance was. But everything inside her hummed with the anticipation of oblivion. So close. So close. Then Lane whispered her name like it was the most sacred word in the English language, and the blackness behind her eyelids broke into a thousand fragments of light. Her orgasm swept over her, blurring all the sensations together and making her cry out in a pitch she didn’t even know she was capable of.


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