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Deputy's Dilemma (Big Rock Romance Book 3)

Page 10

by Nora Nolan

  He returned with two wet cloths, one of which he was already using to wipe the blood-tinged traces of their union that still clung to him. "Here, baby, spread those legs for me again. This cool cloth will help. Let me clean you up some."

  He did and threw the soiled cloths in the corner as he crawled back up beside her and pulled her to him, her head on his chest, his arm encircling her. "Are you very sore?"

  She smiled and wiggled her hips. "Not too bad. I thought it would be worse than it was. Thank you for doing it quickly."

  He laughed. "Oh sweetie, believe me, quick was not a problem. It'll be better next time."

  "Really? Better than that?"

  He hugged her tight to him again. "Yes, ma'am."

  "How soon?"

  He gave a deep belly laugh. "Have I created a little monster?"

  "Maybe, how soon can we do that again?"

  "Well, it'll probably take me about half an hour. You can probably do it again right now."

  "Really?" Her head popped up, eyes wide and bright, making him laugh even more.

  "Whoa! Have mercy, woman! I've got to recover a little bit. Give me five minutes, and I'll show you."

  "No! Now," she said playfully.

  "Are you disobeying me?"

  "Could be," she play-pouted. "I don't want to wait to feel that again. It was incredible. I want it now."

  "Woman, woman." He pulled her over onto him enough for his other hand to deliver a play swat to her backside.


  He grinned at her. "Consequences, sweetie pie." He rolled her onto her back again, and turned on his side, facing her. With his right hand, he began manipulating her bud again. "Remember how it felt when I did this earlier?"

  It was still sensitive and she was already moaning and beginning to undulate some. Her answer was a whisper, "Yes."

  "Good. I want you to take your own hand and do it while I watch."


  "You heard me. Do it like I did it. Or better yet, do what feels best to you, and maybe I'll do it better next time. See? I can learn what you like while I watch you."

  "But it would be embarrassing to do that to myself."

  "Why would you think that's embarrassing? Was it embarrassing when I did it?"

  "No, it felt fantastic. But you're my husband."

  "I am that." He gave her a wicked grin. "And I'm telling you to play with yourself while I watch."

  "Please, no."

  "Do it. Here." He took her right hand and put it in place. "Now, get to it. You may need to dip your fingers into your slit to get them wet. Makes it slicker."

  "I'm so embarrassed."

  "Then we'll have to work on that. Nothing between us should be embarrassing. Sex isn't embarrassing, any part of it, and we've barely started exploring all the ways we can enjoy it. Now move your fingers faster." With his right hand, he began rubbing her breast then gently pulling and pinching her nipple. "Now take your other hand and put it on your other tit. Do the same thing to it that I'm doing to this one."

  "Oh, Aaron, no."

  "Better mind me, girl. You'll be very glad you did." He continued that wicked grin.

  He watched her begin moving her fingers faster on her nub and rolling her nipple with her other hand. She was too inhibited to keep her eyes open, but he let that pass. He was already sporting a full erection again, just watching his new wife touch herself. He let himself enjoy the sights for two or three more minutes.

  Then, he leaned over to her face and kissed her. "Good girl, Evie, you did great. Now it's time for your reward." He moved quickly down the bed and spread her legs apart again. Since she was already so close, he didn't bother warming her up. She was already clearly sopping wet again. He put his stiffened tongue on her bud and worked it all around it then flicked it a few times. With his hands, he pulled the hood back then covered it with the flat of his tongue. She began gasping and begging almost incoherently. When he suddenly sucked it in, she screamed her climax, goose bumps breaking out on her flesh. She shook and quivered a little bit as her breath and heartbeat calmed down again, satisfied sighs replacing the screams and cries.

  "How was that, darlin'?" he asked as he came back up to lie beside her.

  She languidly turned to him. "Embarrassing but worth it. I think I'm going to like this being married thing."

  "That's what I was hoping for. We've got to work on that embarrassing thing, though, and get you over that. I mean, you were naked when we first met, and you didn't seem particularly shy about your body then."

  "I can't explain why it felt safe with you, but it did. And just being naked isn't the same as touching myself like that while you watch."

  "I don't think I've ever seen anything hotter. I've never even thought about anything hotter, and believe me, I've thought of a lot."

  "Aaron, you did that for me, but look at you. Why didn't you put it inside me again? You're still hard."

  "I'm afraid it'll hurt you too much. You're going to be sore later and probably tomorrow. I worked you over pretty hard earlier."

  She put her hand around his hardness and clumsily moved her hand to the base of it. "Is there anything else I can do if you can't put it inside me?"

  "Fuck. Putting it in you—what we just did—is fucking."

  "Isn't that a bad word?"

  "Not in here, it's not. With anyone else, it is."

  "Well, if you can't fuck me, can't I do something to help?"

  "Yes, ma'am, there is something you can do, and you're doing it. Take your hand and rub it up and down, top to bottom. Yes, that's it, like that."

  "You used your mouth on me. Can I do that?'

  "Holy fuck. Yes, ma'am, you surely can."

  "You'll have to tell me what to do," she said as she leaned down and took the head into her mouth.

  He shuddered a little at the intensity of her unskilled attentions. "Oh, baby, that's unbelievable." Although her hair was short, he pulled it out of the way so he could see her. He took her hand and put it on his sack, showing her how to he liked to be stroked. "Oh, oh, not quite so hard. That's it. Roll them around. That's perfect."

  She licked and sucked the length of him, taking her cues from his moans and sighs. He reached under her and began playing with her nipples as she flicked the tip of her tongue all around the mushroom head. His moans grew more urgent as she sucked the head. "Baby, I'm about to come. If you don't want to swallow it, better let go." She didn't let go and swallowed it all, watching how his face looked and how his body reacted and moved when he came. She was fairly certain she had done it right.


  T he next morning, they woke tired and very happy. "Do you have to work today?"

  "No, Jim won't be expecting me for a couple of days. Think of it as our honeymoon."

  "Does that mean we can do more of what we did last night?"

  "Sweet Lord, I hope so. How sore do you feel this morning?"

  She moved, trying to assess her level of discomfort. "You were right, a little achy. But not too bad."

  "Tell you what, let's get up and fix a hot bath. I feel sticky and you probably do, too. It'll help soothe the ache. When we get done, we can dress and go to Mama Mary's Restaurant."

  "I haven't been to a restaurant since Ma was alive."

  He just held her closer for a few minutes then got up and built a fire in the stove and put on three big pots of water to boil. He put on a pot of coffee, too.

  While he was doing that, she tidied the bed and picked up the soiled toweling and cloths that held the evidence of her virginity and brought them into the kitchen to apply soap and let them soak. While the water boiled, he sat down and pulled her onto his lap, stroking her face and hair lovingly. "Evie, I love you. I can't even tell you how glad I am that things worked out the way they did. Last night was the best night of my life, and it's all because of you. I promise you, I'm going to take care of you. I'll help you find your aunt. I'll make sure you don't have to worry about your family or that Walters gu
y anymore, ever. Lady, I'm going to love you as long as I live."

  She kissed him and lay against his chest, grateful that her life had taken this turn. And just a little amused that he'd called her 'lady'.

  WHEN AARON INTRODUCED Evie as his wife to Mary Smith, the owner of the restaurant, Mary was beyond excited to hear the news. "Oh, Evie, I'm so happy to meet you! I tell you, I've wanted to see this young man married since he moved to town. He's a fine man, he is. I'm just tickled pink for you two!" Her tight hugs bore out her enthusiasm.

  Even as they were speaking, sounds of discord came from two tables over, where another couple was eating breakfast. Mary rolled her eyes and leaned down to whisper that the couple was staying at the hotel and the woman had been disagreeable the last few times they had come in. "She thinks she's better than everyone in this town, and she wants to go back to Philadelphia where people are civilized. I swear, Henry would've had my hide if I'd even thought about acting like that." Aaron's and Evie's eyes met, remembering when he'd taken her over his knee.

  "Enough, woman!" the man said loudly enough for almost everyone in the room to hear him. He stood and took his wife by the upper arm. They walked the few steps to where Mary stood at Aaron's table. "Miz Mary, may we borrow your kitchen?"

  "Yes, sir. Be my guest. Take as long as you need."

  The woman's eyes widened, mortified as realization dawned on her. She tried unsuccessfully to wrangle out of her husband's grasp.

  "Harriet, you've been asking for this, and there's no getting out of it now," he said as he pulled her back into the kitchen.

  The other restaurant patrons smirked at each other, giving their collective tacit approval for the husband's actions. General opinion seemed to be that the woman deserved whatever she got. A hush came over them as they all listened to hear what sounds came from the kitchen.

  Although there was no door to close, it was difficult to hear the words the man spoke. But they all clearly heard the woman cry out, "No, Arthur, please not here!" to which he responded, "Then, you should have behaved better here."

  Heads nodded in the affirmative among the listeners. Then they heard more muffled words spoken by the man, followed by silence.

  Suddenly, a loud whack sounded like a clap of thunder, followed by the sound of the woman screaming, "Ow!"

  The restaurant patrons all began to applaud.

  Mary sat down at the Glovers' table and said, "That doesn't sound like his hand. I think he's borrowed one of my big wooden spoons. What does it sound like to you, Aaron?"

  As if on cue, several more smacks landed quickly, each one every bit as loud as the first one. "I think you're right. Sounds a lot more like a paddle-style implement than a hand or a belt."

  Mary agreed, "I think he had on suspenders instead of a belt. That's probably why."

  They all heard an onslaught of whacks being delivered. Most were punctuated by breathless and sob-ridden cries of "ow" and "stop" and "it hurts," but they didn't seem to be having any effect on the husband who was delivering the punishment. Every few blows, one would be especially loud and produce a keening wail from the woman, drawing appreciative nods from some of the men in the restaurant if they happened to catch another's eye. When they heard no more loud cracks from the kitchen, they knew the worst was over. There were nods of what might have been satisfaction, thinking the woman finally got her due comeuppance. They heard the muffled voice of the man again but still couldn't make out the words.

  Followed by her husband, the woman walked back into the dining area with an erratic gait, headed back to their table. In her hands was a large wooden spoon. The man stopped her in front of the Glovers' table where Mary still sat. "Harriet?"

  Harriet's face crumpled as though she would break out in an ugly cry again, but she gained enough composure to speak through her tears as she addressed Mary, "I'm very sorry for my poor behavior in your restaurant. Please forgive me."

  "Well, Harriet," Mary replied, "I think you've paid the penalty for that. Yes, I forgive you."

  "Thank you."

  Her husband asked Mary a question, and his words brought a whole new shade of red to Harriet's face. "Miz Mary, if you will, I have a favor to ask. Please add the cost of the spoon to our bill. I think it would behoove my wife to keep it handy in her possession for the duration of our travels." Harriet's eyes closed in shame.

  "Oh, please take it with my blessing. It's my gift to you, on behalf of the town." A few of the people, including Aaron, struggled to hide their amusement.

  Her husband prodded, "Harriet, what do you say to the lady?"

  "Thank you for the spoon."

  He gently guided her by the shoulder to their table. "Now I plan to sit and enjoy my meal, and by Jove, you're going to provide pleasant conversation. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, sir." It was barely more than a whisper.

  Aaron gave Evie a wry grin and shook his head, as if shaking off that experience. Her eyes belied her amusement at the situation, too. "Evie, I think we need to talk about what we need to get done this morning. I want to go to the general store and see if Clint has any wedding rings in stock. Then we need to stop by the jailhouse and grab a marriage license and take it to the parsonage to get the pastor to sign it with us. This part might not be as pleasant for you, but we need to explain to Jim everything about your father and brothers and let him know that we suspect they may be planning to rob the stage with the fort's payroll."

  "If rings are expensive, I don't have to have one. I don't think my ma had one. I can get by without a ring."

  "Maybe you can, but I can't get by if you don't have a ring on your finger. I want to show the world you're mine. Especially the male half of the population." He winked at her.

  She leaned in to him across the table and he leaned over to get closer to better hear whatever she had to say. "Can we get home soon? After what just happened, I'm not sure why, but," her voice stopped but she continued to mouth the words, "I want to fuck."

  Her words took him by surprise, and they pleased him immensely. He leaned back in his chair. "Yes, ma'am. Let's finish eating quickly." It had affected him that way, too.

  At the general store, they chose a wedding band for each of them. While there, they walked around and picked up some groceries that Aaron knew they'd need. Evie hadn't been in the house long enough to even check out the larder. As they walked down the aisle, Aaron reached into a large crock of utensils and picked out a wooden spoon much like the one that had been used on the woman named Harriet. "Oh, yes, I believe we'll have to have one of these, definitely." He slapped his thigh with it.

  "We don't need that!" Her eyes got wide again.

  "You better watch it, girlie, I'll make you carry it with you like Harriet has to. Just think about that for a few minutes." His grin was suggestive and sexy, but the thought shook her somewhat.

  She knew he wouldn't make her do it, but she thought about it anyway. Imagine, having to hold that big spoon in my hands no matter where I go. Take the spoon to the restaurant. Take the spoon to the store. Take it outside with me when I do chores. Take the spoon when I go to the jailhouse to see Aaron. Take the spoon if I visit Derek and Molly. Oh, my, how embarrassing. Everyone would know what it's for! She began to feel some empathy for poor Harriet. And why is he buying it? Is he expecting to use it on me? Maybe it's just for cooking. Don't fool yourself, Evie. He's got plans for that spoon. Just don't give him a reason.

  They checked out, and Aaron winked at Evie when Clint put the spoon in a tow sack with their other purchases. Evie thought she might have blushed a little bit. Aaron slung the bag over his shoulder and they made their way across the street and up the block to the jailhouse.

  Jim stood when they entered, walking over to them. "Well, here's the lucky couple. How are the newlyweds this morning?" he asked as he shook Aaron's hand and bent to kiss Evie's cheek. "You know, I thought that turned out to be a real nice wedding."

  Evie agreed, "I never dreamed I could have a wedding that ni
ce. Aaron told me he had some good friends here in Big Rock, but I just didn't realize how nice people could be."

  "Jim, we need to fill out a marriage license, and we need to tell you some things about Evie's family that you need to know. They may be planning something."

  "I heard the name Goodacre last night. I remembered seeing it on these. I take it they're relatives?" He pulled out some wanted posters and spread them across the desk.

  Evie threw her hand to her mouth as she gasped. She didn't even know what wanted posters were, and here were likenesses of her father and three of her five brothers. Aaron sensed the effect the posters were having on her and quickly sat her in a chair at the sheriff's desk.

  After she'd gathered her wits, she asked, "Is there one for John Walters, too? He's with them a lot."

  Jim answered in the affirmative and reached into a small stack of papers and pulled out the one for Walters.

  "Jim," Aaron pointed to the poster for the senior Goodacre, "that's her father, and she has five older brothers. Her ma died when she was only twelve, and she was raised by them all out in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in the mountains above Separation. She hasn't left home or seen anyone but them and their cohorts in eight years, until she ran away from home three weeks ago while they were away."

  Evie took up the story there. "The day they left, it was the last time I saw them. I overheard them talking, but I didn't hear it all. Walters was with them. They mentioned Big Rock, the stagecoach, and Fort Bridger, but I didn't make out specific plans. I left the next morning. Aaron thinks it's possible they want to rob the stage when the fort's payroll is on it."

  Sheriff Larkin considered what she said, stroking his beard as he sometimes did when he was deep in thought. "That sounds exactly like what they might be planning. If that's the case, it'll probably be this Wednesday's stage. They probably mean to hit it somewhere between here and the fort, or they probably wouldn't have mentioned Big Rock. So that means the stage is probably safe between Rawlins and here."


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