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Spice Box: Sixteen Steamy Stories

Page 109

by Raine Miller

  “Have you opened it?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Well, go ahead.” He sounded like he was amused by her reserve. Bruno would have been annoyed if she had opened it. Doms—can’t always get it right with them.

  She ripped open the envelope. It was a simple notice, “all test results were within normal parameters.” She read that out loud to him.

  “And here’s mine.” Cal reached behind him and showed her a letter from the same medical practice.

  Sara could feel the pulse in her clit growing thicker and more insistent. What time was it? The clock was behind her. She’d just have to trust Cal to know how much time they had.

  “I think it’s time, don’t you?”

  It startled her to hear him phrase it like that. She glanced up at his face. “Yes, Sir. Past time.”

  “Well, then.” He uncrossed his ankles and widened his stance. Good thing he was leaning against something. He was so tall. If he’d been standing straight, Sara would have had a tough time reaching his cock, let alone sucking it.

  She knelt up as tall as she could, and shuffled her knees closer to Cal’s legs. She unzipped his trousers, reached into his boxers and held his cock with both hands, as though trying to heat her hands on its length. Lord knew it was warm enough.

  He made a noise, appreciative and wordless. She took that as the signal to maneuver his length—and it was a nice-sized cock—out of the nest of boxer fabric.

  God, it was pretty. And pretty huge. She’d only done this—well, recently—for Bruno, who’d been smaller.

  Sara kissed the tip, then licked it, running the flat of her tongue around the head. She took it into her mouth, using her tongue to massage the first couple of inches. Her hands rubbed the shaft, brushing against the hair at the base.

  She could take most of it in, but she’d never been able to control her gag reflexes.

  “Breathe, Sara. Breathe through your nose.” Cal’s hands were smoothing her hair, petting her, reassuring her. Encouraging her to relax.

  She hummed her appreciation and he groaned.

  Good thing her hands were occupied because Cal’s pleasure made her want to touch herself. That had sometimes been her reward if she did something Bruno approved of—she’d get to rub her clit while sucking him off. On one special occasion, he let her use the vibrator as well.

  This time, if felt like she was rewarding Cal, thanking him for all the orgasms he’d given her. She needed the control and limits, but he was so much more fun and generous than Bruno had been. The least she could do is give him a great blow job.

  His hands, threaded through her hair, tightened, bringing her back to his cock. She started to move her head back and forth, letting his cock slide over her tongue and against her lips. He joined in, thrusting his hips in time with her motions. Then he took over, using his grasp on her scalp to guide her at the pace he preferred.

  He came, hot and salty, against the back of her throat. She didn’t pull away, letting his cock soften a bit before carefully licking it clean.

  “That was wonderful. Thank you,” he said.

  “My pleasure.” She let him see that she really meant that.

  “I sense you’d like to come. Is that right, Sara?”

  What was the right answer to that? “Only if it would please you.”

  He laughed. “It always pleases me to see your orgasms.”

  She smiled up at him.

  “Widen your legs.”

  She had to move away from him, farther into the middle of the dressing room. She pushed her knees apart, as far as she could, and leaned back a little.

  “Excellent. Show me your clit.”

  That shouldn’t be hard to see, it felt so large.

  “So pretty. Why don’t you touch it, then?”

  Sara didn’t need a second invitation. She flicked it with her middle and ring fingers, smearing the moisture around until everything felt really slippery.

  “Keep going. I’m learning a lot here.”

  Cal’s voice—halfway between his Dom voice and his normal demeanor—urged her on. It felt incredible to do this for him, like she was performing and satisfying him as well as herself.

  “Can you come for me, darling? I’d like to see that.”

  His voice might not be barking orders at her, but that was clearly a command.

  Her orgasm rolled over her from her knees up to her breasts and arms and through her head. When it was done, she stopped her fingers but she could still feel their pressure on the side of her clit.

  “You’re gorgeous, Sara. Stand for me.”

  She got to her feet.

  He pulled a small brown glass vial from his pants pocket, then put on a vinyl glove. He held his gloved fingertip against the mouth of the vial to get some of the liquid. Sara shivered when she thought what it might be.

  “All natural, I promise. Just a little peppery, so don’t rub your eyes.”

  He painted the liquid lightly on her nipples. It felt warm and nice for a moment, then hotter and hotter until she was dying to scratch it. He put a bit more on his finger and rubbed that on the head of her clit.

  “Okay. That should ensure you have an interesting evening.” He capped the vial, ripped off the glove, and kissed the end of her nose.

  “Remember, Sara. A thong—that’s all the underwear you need.” He pulled the dress on its special padded hanger from the rack to his left and placed it on the brass hook between the two sections of closet.

  He walked past where Sara was standing stock still, trying to control the burning desire to pinch her nipples and rub her clit.

  “Oh, and two things I’m sure you already guessed. No shower, and no touching yourself. You just had a lovely orgasm, so there should be no need.”


  Every step was achingly arousing, as Sara quickly discovered when they walked into the glittering hotel and found the right ballroom. She actually welcomed the tiny pinch of her strappy stiletto sandals—a pleasant counter-irritant under the circumstances.

  They paused on the way into the room, looking at the seating chart to see where Yvonne and Harvey’s seats were, Cal leaned down to whisper in her ear. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  She couldn’t have described it if she’d tried. Her nipples itched like mad and her clit was on fire. “Fine, honey.” Her voice was strained.

  Another couple had joined them at the gold bamboo easel. Cal smiled at the other man. “Her feet hurt,” he confided.

  “Tell me about it,” the woman said. “We so rarely go out, and every time it’s like I’ve never worn these shoes before.”

  Sara laughed. There was only a little bit of hysteria in her chuckle.

  “There we are,” Cal said, pointing to a circle with Yvonne’s name inside it. “Number six. Can you hobble over there, dear?”

  “I’m sure I can manage, darling.”

  Cal had the best laugh. He curved an arm around her waist, his fingertips fondling the narrow ridge of her thong.

  The fundraiser had a silent auction, so they walked around the outer walls of the hotel ballroom looking at the listings.

  “Ooh, a day sailing in Chesapeake Bay. That would be fun.” Sara nudged Cal’s arm to get his attention.

  “Okay.” He scribbled a bid on the card dangling beside the item.

  Sara peeked. Two thousand dollars? She wasn’t even sure what charity this fundraiser benefited. She just prayed it wasn’t “The Council to Wipe Out Sexual Deviancy.”

  “It supports arts in the schools,” Cal murmured into her ear.

  “That’s a relief. I was afraid it might be some decency brigade.”

  “Don’t worry, I did my due diligence.”

  They were alone along a stretch of wall that had posters painted by school kids. Sara did a quick check but no one was paying them any attention. “I’ve never been so desperate to touch myself.”

  He looked concerned. “Too much? We could probably find someplace to wash it off.

  “And end this divine torment? Not on your life. You wanted me to suffer. I’m just confirming that I’m suffering.”

  He grinned. “So happy to hear it. Tell me what you would do if this room were suddenly empty of everyone but us.”

  She peeped up at him. “I’d strip this dress off, beg you to play with my nipples while I rubbed desperately at my clit.”

  “Do you think it would help if I fucked you?”

  “Yes, as long as it wasn’t from behind.”

  Cal nuzzled her hair. “No, I was thinking of pressing you against these padded walls, lining you up just so and impaling you on my cock. That should put pressure on your clit, don’t you think.”

  Sara started to hyperventilate. “I want that so much. I want you inside me, fucking me.”

  He rubbed her shoulders and down her arms. She fantasized about his hands coming around to pluck at her flaming nipples, but of course he couldn’t do that.

  Someone tapped at the microphone on the dais.

  “Looks like they want us at our tables.” Cal kissed her nape tenderly. “Once more into the breach.”

  They were served coffee and dessert while the live auction went on. Cal bid on several items but only worked hard to win one, a backstage pass for a concert at the Kennedy Center. “I know the conductor,” he whispered to Sara before increasing his bid.

  Sara tried crossing her legs to see if she could wedge her thong tighter against her clit, but it didn’t work.

  “Sara.” He used his Dom voice right into her ear. “Stop that.”

  She uncrossed her legs and sighed.

  After the live auction, everyone joined the organizers in the lobby for a champagne reception. When Cal helped her to her feet, Sara lifted her face to his. “Master, could we go home please?”

  She wasn’t sure who was more surprised by her use of the “M-word,” her or Cal.

  He recovered first. “Of course we can. I’ll call for the car to pick us up.”

  They collected Sara’s wrap and headed out to wait for the car.

  “Have you enjoyed yourself,” Cal asked as they stood on the sidewalk.

  “In a demented sort of way, I have. Bruno didn’t like to leave the house. He’d have enjoyed your little vial of liquid torture, though.”

  “Tell me about him. What was he like as a master?”

  Sara shifted a little. “Strict. No nonsense. I didn’t get the sense it was about the sex, although he enjoyed that well enough, I suppose.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  She shook her head. “That’s too long a story.”

  “Okay, how did you become a couple?”

  “I’d gotten in some trouble and Bruno bailed me out. He offered me a choice—a spanking or a month working as a maid in his house.”

  “You took the spanking?”

  Sara laughed. “Actually, I took the maid’s job. I don’t know, maybe I thought I could steal valuables from him. But he showed me how to work, and he kept me honest. At the end of the month, I asked if I could stay on as his maid.”

  “Did he accept that?”

  “No, he offered me the spanking as a reward.”

  Cal laughed. “Did you even know what he was talking about?”

  “I had a good idea. Remember, I’d been working in his house for a month. I’d seen the dungeon. Even with all the toys packed away, it’s pretty clear what furniture with straps dangling off it is used for.”

  The car pulled up.

  Cal helped Sara into the back. He raised the privacy panel.

  “Keep talking.” He pulled her into his arms so that they were lying back against the side of the car. “As long as you keep telling me stories, I’ll take care of your other problem.”

  He’d pulled her skirt up so he could rub her clit through the silk of her thong. He stopped when she didn’t resume her story.

  “Hunh?” She pulled herself back from her sexual reverie. “Oh, right. Bruno. Yeah, well, I asked if I could keep working for him. He said no and asked me if—oh, God, yes, right there, please don’t stop—asked if I had plans for college.”

  Cal unzipped her dress enough to get the top down so he could get his mouth on her nipples.

  “Oh oh oh. Uh, yes. College. So I told him—please please keep doing that—I didn’t have plans for college. He said he’d pay me to study for the SAT and if I got a high enough score, he’d pay for college.”

  Cal lifted his head. Sara whimpered, but he wouldn’t be sidetracked. “Then when did he first…you know.”

  She arched her back, struggling not to pull his head back to her tits. “Um, not until I’d returned from business school. Which I’d gotten scholarships for, by the way. Bruno took me out to lunch. Over coffee, he asked if I was ready for that spanking.” She realized she’d finished her story. “Oh, please don’t stop.”

  “Tell me about the spanking,” he commanded.

  She was mindless, like a dog craving a treat. As soon as his mouth was back on her nipple she started talking really fast. “I’d had sex in college but hated it. I knew I wasn’t gay, so I just figured I was undersexed or something. I knew Bruno liked me in that way, and I found him attractive enough, but—yes, that. That thing with your thumb, please keep doing that—it wasn’t until that lunch that I really knew what he was offering. I said yes. I couldn’t even have told you why.”

  Her orgasm flashed over her like lightning inside the car. She screamed and came, and came. And came.

  When she finally flopped back against Cal’s arm, all the pain was gone. “Thank you.” She smiled up at him.


  Cal stared at his computer screen. His head was devoid of music. Nothing. Not even a snippet of Bach or a bit of Verdi. He always had something playing in the background of his thoughts. Since last night—nothing.

  A silent world was Cal’s worst nightmare. He didn’t need people—well, he’d assumed he didn’t need people. Sara was making him rethink that.

  The point was, Cal had always imagined music would be his number one true love, the source of the greatest joy. He’d thought he was in love a couple of times, but when the relationship dried up or collapsed, he knew his heart wasn’t breaking.

  Now here he was, sitting with no music and all he could think about was Sara and whether she might ever love him back.

  When had she joined music as a thing he couldn’t live without? What would he do if it didn’t work out? Of course he’d deed the house to her, but how could he leave her? She was the melody in his head, the beautiful, bright, gleaming song of his soul.

  It was Sara’s apparent ease entering into a new D/s relationship that worried Cal. His fear was that Sara wasn’t grieving for her dead master because—well, either because it would be too painful, or because she was too damaged to love anyone. Either way, Cal would be screwed.

  He reached for his cell and dialed Mac’s number. Cal didn’t think he’d get through, but to his surprise, Mac took the call.

  “What’s up?”

  Cal thought fast. “I want to ask about Bruno.”

  “I may not be able to answer your questions because of attorney-client privilege,” Mac warned.

  “I understand.” Trouble was, Cal didn’t want to violate Sara’s privacy by telling Mac what she’d said in the car last night. “Why was Bruno single his whole life?”

  “I don’t know. We certainly never talked about it. He always struck me as a naturally single man.”

  “Before Sara, had he hooked up with a sub like that?”

  There was a pause. “I met Bruno when I first got to Washington. A mutual friend—a Dominatrix—introduced me to The Club and then to Bruno. I liked him immediately. He’d occasionally do a scene there, but I don’t believe I knew anything of his personal life until he asked me to negotiate the contract with Sara.”

  Cal wandered out to the living room. “So there could have been someone else, you just don’t know about it.”

  Mac spoke gently. �
��Tell me what’s on your mind, Cal.”

  “I think Bruno was in love with Sara. I don’t want to say how I know this, but I think he fell in love with her years and years before they hooked up.”

  “Even if that’s true, why’s that a problem?”

  “Because I want her to fall in love with me,” Cal blurted. “And I figure if she didn’t fall for Bruno, maybe it’s never going to happen for us.”

  Mac laughed, a kindly chuckle. “You and Bruno are very different people, starting with the fact that you and Sara are close to the same age. Also, Bruno wasn’t very—uh, what’s the word I want?”

  Cal frowned. Mac was the most articulate person he knew.

  “Let’s just say,” Mac continued, “that Bruno didn’t display much emotion. You tell me he was in love, and maybe you’re right. I’d be shocked, though, if he ever declared that love. So there’s a difference right there.”

  “You’re suggesting I tell Sara how I feel?” Cal sat on the piano bench, running his fingers along the edge of the keys.

  “What I’m saying is that Bruno never did.”


  “I have a thought.” Mac sounded breezy and happy, as though he was going to suggest Cal and Sara go to the Spring Fling as a couple. “Why don’t you bring Sara to The Club and show off your new skills with the riding crop.”

  “I’ll—” Cal paused. He’d been about to say he’d talk to Sara, but this fell squarely in Dom-land. Either he’d decide to go or not, but she wouldn’t appreciate getting a vote. That wasn’t the way their relationship worked—yet. “I’ll think about it.”

  “You do that.” Mac wished him a pleasant day and hung up.

  Cal put the cell down and started to play Percy Grainger’s Country Gardens. Maybe going to the Spring Fling together would be perfect for them.


  With Yvonne out of the office and work a bit slow, Sara allowed herself to take a long walk at lunch. She wanted to think about Cal.

  She stopped by Becky’s desk on her way out. “I’ve got my cell, if anything comes up.”


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