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Spice Box: Sixteen Steamy Stories

Page 227

by Raine Miller

  “With any luck,” Faith said, “there might be a press conference this afternoon with some good news.”

  Melissa wondered if Faith was turned on by her participation, her Domme outfit, the complete scene or the potential outcome from it. Or even by the knowledge that the video would turn her husband on later. Men of power got a sexual rush when placed in a position of power. They couldn’t deny it. And women from all walks of life were drawn to powerful men. This was why the FLC worked so well. This was why Faith had said she was able to persuade President Bryson to allow her to initiate the FLC.

  “May I ask a question, ma’am?”

  “Of course.”

  She lowered her voice. “How does President Bryson feel about the FLC’s attempts to influence the delegates’ signatures?” Melissa wasn’t sure if she stepped over her bounds but figured Faith would tell her.

  “If he has an opinion, he doesn’t tell me. The FLC was designed so that the president knows very little and limits his participation for one very good reason.” She paused for a moment. “Plausible deniability.”

  “I see.”

  The first lady frowned. “I anticipate after the reception we’ll be quite busy for a few weeks. We’ll need to stay in touch and plan very unique scenes. Some may be difficult for you and Alana, but you know what’s at stake.”

  The first lady couldn’t have gotten more than three or four hours of sleep, but Melissa couldn’t tell. “We can handle it. When I worked as a professional, I catered to a number of well-known men and women who had very distinct tastes. And the ones who requested the most intense scenes were politicians, CEOs, and pilots. Those who are in a constant state of control desire giving up control completely and get a sexual rush from it.”

  “And what about Alana? How is she doing?” Faith asked.

  Melissa didn’t say what she really thought. Alana liked her job a little too much. “She’s well-versed in a variety of fetishes and kinks. I’m sure we won’t have a problem meeting the target’s needs.”

  “Good.” Faith picked up a china plate. “Help yourself to another scone or tea sandwich. The scones were made by our chef.”

  “No, thank you.” Melissa had lost her appetite. After the reception, they’d be running a marathon in the Red Tape Room. “So many countries are opposed to the treaty. I hope this works.”

  Faith gave Melissa a sharp look. “Don’t doubt the effectiveness of the FLC. Powerful men have excessive sex drives. Our targets have been thoroughly researched for their specific needs.”

  Melissa put her teacup down and picked up a napkin, crumpling it in a ball. “I’m sure we’ll all do our best, ma’am.”

  Faith laughed and leaned back in her chair, munching on a crab tea sandwich. “My dear, haven’t you realized the power of the FLC yet? Many of the countries on our target list are religiously structured, male-oriented societies. Over the years, some have made great strides for their people and their cultures. Then a new president steps in with a conflicting agenda and threatens the stability of the country and its people. Terrorists take advantage of the instability. Many times, these leaders feel making deals with the devil is their only or preferred option.”

  Melissa nodded politely. Obviously, the world’s situation was much more complicated than that, but Faith was explaining it in terms that a fifth-grader might understand.

  The first lady took a breath. “It could take months for the United Nations and members of the Security Council to explain the dynamics. The point is, we’re not going to get this treaty signed without a little push.”

  “I understand that.”

  “When I showed the president from Afghanistan the taped session with Alana, the man was terrified. I had to call in medical personnel because I feared he’d have a heart attack. Not only did he agree to sign the peace treaty, he got on his knees and begged to sign and pleaded to have the tape destroyed. If his country’s officials saw that tape, a swift divorce or losing his position would have been the least of his worries. Keeping a few precious body parts was his main concern. He asked to sign right away.”

  Melissa folded her hands on her lap, hiding the crumpled napkin. “I hadn’t realized how effective the tapes are. Sex scandals happen all the time in this country. It causes bad press, occasionally people lose their jobs and/or get divorced, but for the most part, the public doesn’t care.”

  “A sex scandal with a foreign official with particular cultural and religious beliefs could be devastating. That’s a powerful secret weapon.”

  “Exactly. Which brings me to why I brought you here today.” Faith put her teacup down and crossed her arms, giving Melissa a serious first lady’s expression. “There are horrible things the American public doesn’t know. The violence is even worse than is shown in the news. In Iran, especially, atrocious things are being done to our soldiers. Their bodies, or what’s left of them, are being hung along the borders as a warning.”

  Melissa covered her mouth with her hands. She knew the fighting was violent, but she’d had no idea how violent. The taste of bile reached her throat. “That’s awful.”

  “I have a list of potential candidates. It’s time we get our new member on board. I’ll notify Julia. The president is calling a final meeting of foreign advisers in a matter of weeks. This is the last effort to push the treaty through. My sources tell me we have a few possibilities who can be swayed through the FLC. We must finish before that meeting. How is Zoe doing with her training? We need to have her ready as soon as possible.”

  Melissa kept her expression neutral. “I’ll check with Jason, see if he needs any help. Since she’s not been involved in that lifestyle, training her to be a Domme could take awhile,” she warned.

  “We don’t have the luxury of time. A number of these foreign advisers prefer blondes.” Faith smiled.

  “Not Asian women?” Melissa feigned insult.

  “They adore Asian women, but some don’t have many blondes in their countries. They usually want what they can’t have.” Faith leaned back in her beautifully upholstered wingback chair. “Zoe has been selected for our prime delegate, newly elected President Majeed Kadir from Iran. He’ll be arriving earlier than expected. I understand he’ll want a submissive player.”

  Of all the delegates on their target list, he was expected to be the most difficult, with a reputation of violence. She put her sandwich down. “What if she’s not ready?” Melissa didn’t want to bring up the possibility that Zoe might not agree to do it at all.

  “She has to be ready. She was hired for this position specifically. The volatile situation is about to send the world into a complex war system. The US can’t continue to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts. Ten thousand more US troops have been sent over to work with NATO forces, adding to the thousands already stationed there for months.” Faith tossed her dainty lace-trimmed napkin onto the silver tray. “Help Jason. But have Zoe ready. She must be able to take on the role of a Domme or a submissive.”

  When Melissa didn’t comment right away, Faith narrowed her eyes. “What is it? A problem?”

  “I am concerned about Jason,” Melissa said. “Will he let her do this if they get involved again, knowing what she’ll have to do?”

  Faith took a deep breath and stood, signaling the end of their meeting. “He’s a professional. He knows what’s at stake.”

  Melissa nodded. “I’ll tell him.”

  “In the meantime, plan to attend the welcoming reception. Of course, wear something classy and seductive. I’ll arrange the rest. It’s time to play black widow again and invite a few mates into my lair.”


  When Jason reached the stairs to walk Zoe to her office in the lower sub-basement, his phone vibrated a message from Melissa.

  Must meet you today about FLC. Urgent. Can you come to W.H.?

  “Hold up a second,” he said to Zoe. He texted back: Yes, I’m here now. Where?

  Press Briefing Room in 5.

  K. “I’m sorry, Zoe
. I’m being summoned for a meeting. I shouldn’t be long. Can I meet you in your office?”

  “Sure.” She didn’t even ask who the meeting was with. So like an ex-agent. “Hope you don’t have to work this weekend.”

  “I’ll text if I’m going to be long.” He turned around and ran up the stairs.

  Jason entered the Press Briefing Room to find Melissa in a daring low-cut business dress, sitting in the middle of the front row of seats.

  Jason didn’t know how a sexy outfit could be alluring enough to persuade an ambassador or prime minister or president to agree to a night of dangerous sex games. Apparently, Melissa knew how to pull it off. The woman was a professional in many ways. Subtly seductive, with an air of intelligence and sophistication. She was known to have been successful with her targets on a number of occasions. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Have a seat.” She pointed to a chair next to hers, her face lacking emotion. The large meeting room was completely empty.

  “Is there a problem?” Jason sensed he wasn’t going to hear good news.

  “What makes you think there’s a problem?” she asked with a sweet smile he didn’t trust.

  He rolled his eyes. “Cut to it.”

  “Actually, everything with the FLC is going very well. Look for an announcement for another signing sometime on Monday. We have to complete Zoe’s training immediately. First lady’s orders. President Majeed Kadir from Iran will arrive earlier than expected. I know you’re not crazy about her being assigned to him, but she’s his perfect type. Celia would’ve been ideal, and now that she’s gone, it has to be Zoe.”

  He bit his tongue and resisted the urge to say, No. Find someone else. But he’d known this time would come. They were desperate for a tall, attractive blonde with a high-level security clearance. That’s why Zoe had come to mind in the first place. “How soon?”

  “Now. The president is organizing a reception of foreign diplomats in a couple of weeks and—”

  “Weeks?” Jason jumped up and stood over her. “Are you crazy? She can’t possibly be trained as a Domme in a couple of weeks. She’s vanilla. Mostly.”

  Melissa raised an eyebrow at his outburst, but didn’t look concerned. Nothing flustered her. “I thought you said she has a kinky side.”

  “We role-played with bondage a bit, experimented with rough sex, but nothing like this.” There had been more to the kink, but he didn’t want to go into details. He planted his hands on his head, interlocked his fingers and groaned.

  “You’ve watched enough scenes to understand the power exchange between a Dom and a submissive. You can train her.” She raised her hand when she saw he was about to object. “If you need help or have questions, I’ll be available. And she won’t be a Domme with Kadir. She’ll be a submissive.”

  “Submissive? Great. I don’t know if she’ll be ready in two weeks.” He shook his head. “When I was asked about her qualifications for this position, I thought it was for gathering information overseas on potentials, working undercover, not this.” He knew how much Zoe wanted to do something to help stop the brutality overseas. Her brother was stationed there.

  “It’s too late to worry about that now. She’s a professional. When she knows what’s at stake—”

  “I’ll handle it,” he snapped, holding up his hand.

  “If you can’t, I will,” Melissa stated with the authority of the first lady. “One way or another, she will be a member of this team.”

  “What if she refuses?”

  Melissa crossed her arms, looking angry. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to convince her. National security depends on it.”

  He nodded, scowling at her. “Fine. I’ll handle it. My way. Two weeks.” And after two weeks, when she realized he’d set her up for this, she probably wouldn’t speak to him again.


  Zoe digitized one file then casually flipped through the folders. On several pages she read the acronym FLC. Federal Something Commission? But it didn’t seem to fit in the context. Some of the documents included notations about certain events, such as a foreign ambassador having tea with the FLC and a prime minister reviewing tapes and files from a Saturday evening then providing the desired response. Other documents mentioned acceleration in communications and final international agreements that were signed promptly as anticipated. All appeared to have some significance, but Zoe wasn’t sure what.

  The knock at the door was a welcomed intrusion. She opened the door. Jason stood there. “Let’s take a walk. Need to fill you in on some details.” She followed him.

  As Jason opened the door to the Red Tape Room, Zoe peeled a piece of red tape from the doorframe. “What’s this?” she asked.

  “I’ll explain that in a minute.”

  Jason flipped on the lights and closed the door behind him. The antique sconces along the gray walls gave the room a dungeon-like glow. Add the Spanish Inquisition furnishings, and the effect was complete. Hard to believe what they’d watched in here the other night, what they’d done in here.

  “Consider this room, and what I’m about to tell you, black ops,” he said.

  Nodding, she clenched her hands around the belt of her pants. She’d been involved with black ops missions before. Those programs, if leaked or discussed with anyone, could threaten national security. A quivering inside her gut reminded her to calm and sharpen her focus, the way she did just before a dangerous mission. There was no danger here, only anticipation of something of great importance.

  “Those pieces of tape are part of a code. Long pieces of red tape will crisscross the outside door when this room is occupied. No one can enter the room until the first lady rips the tape down. It’s a signal to stop taping. Video recording.” He looked at her with a straight face.

  Her mouth dropped open. “That kinky sex scene we saw was being videotaped?”

  He nodded.

  She almost burst out laughing but stopped because he looked so serious. She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. She glanced around the room. “Where’s the camera?”

  “Behind the walls. Six of them.”

  “So many?” she asked, going along with the joke. He couldn’t be serious, could he? The dark tone to his words and deep crease across his brow told her he wasn’t teasing. Dozens of questions came to mind. She had no idea where to start. “Who was that guy Melissa was with? Did he know he was being taped?”

  “Have a seat.” Jason pointed to the bed, a leather-covered mattress equipped with straps and pulleys and a padded medieval rack.

  When she sat, the wooden frame creaked. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

  He sat beside her and looked at her squarely. “You’ve been hired to be a member of the First Lady’s Club, or the FLC.”

  She couldn’t tell if he was kidding. Had they been apart that long? “Terrific. Never heard of it. Do I get to make cupcakes, share gardening tips, save neighborhood parks?”

  “I’m being straight with you. Technically, your boss is the first lady. This operation has the highest level of secrecy and risk for national security. No cupcakes.”

  “Sorry. I’m used to working undercover with drug and arms dealers.” He was serious, even scared. The last time she saw him look that frightened was when they were in Egypt together on vacation. Jason had had a decent-size camera that had vanished when they stopped at a food vendor. He saw the guy who took it and called the police. They caught the guy and interrogated him in front of them. When the man finally admitted to stealing the camera and brought it back, he apologized to Jason, claiming his son was ill and needed the money. Jason felt bad for the man. Then the police grabbed the man’s left arm and, with a machete, cut off his left hand.

  Jason shrieked at the guards. The man had returned the camera. They looked at Jason and shrugged. The crime was done, and the man had been punished. Why was Jason complaining?

  Now, he had that pained look, not quite as horrified but as severe. “Jason, you’re worrying me.”

p; He pressed his lips together then finally spoke. “You must understand, once you’re in this program, any security breach—”

  “Would be considered treason, I know. And I could be imprisoned.” She patted his arm. His hands tightened into fists. “Don’t worry. Nothing new from our previous jobs.”

  “No, you don’t understand. If there’s a security breach, or they suspect you may consider one, they won’t bring you to trial for treason, because that would expose the existence of the FLC. We have an assassin who handles security leaks.”

  She leaned away and leveled a hard stare at him. “Awfully efficient and barbaric. Who is it?”

  “No idea.”

  She laughed bitterly. The mood in the room turned cool. “We’ll be working together in this secret club? Was that your idea?”

  He sighed. “Partly.”

  “Didn’t you leave Langley because you didn’t want me as your partner? Or you didn’t trust me.”

  He stood. “That’s not true. I’d trust you with my life. And that’s not why I left.”

  She glared at him. “You changed a plan during an operation and excluded me.”

  “Not because I didn’t trust you.” Jason rubbed the back of his neck. “When the missions were dangerous, I was concerned I wouldn’t stay focused if I was worried about your safety. And you were never excluded completely.” He touched her cheek. She saw the pain and regret in his expression.

  “I’m trained. I can do the jobs. You don’t need to protect me.” All the emotions she’d managed to bury since he left were coming back to the surface.

  “I know, I was wrong. But after Turkey, I didn’t know if I could work with you again.”

  Zoe’s chest tightened, and she didn’t trust herself to breathe too deeply or the tears would fall. She placed a hand on his arm. “Why?” she whispered. “Yes, I was nervous about that mission, but it went wrong before we got into it.”

  He shook his head. “It wasn’t you. You were amazing and kept your cool. They probably would’ve killed you if you hadn’t. What they did to you still rips me up inside.” His teeth clenched.


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