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Hitching the Cowboy

Page 10

by Kennedy Fox

  Mila lets out a small laugh. “It’s almost funny in a way. You know, Riley’s Uncle Evan and Aunt Emily are doctors too. I’ve heard it was a big deal that Evan wanted to go to med school instead of working on the ranch. All the other brothers stayed here, which is what makes this family so special. They’ll accept you how you are and only want you to be happy.”

  I look at her and feel tears well in my eyes. Acceptance is everything to me, considering my own family appears to have lost that ability. The fact that they’ve known me for two days and have already made me feel at home is almost too much to handle. My emotions threaten to bubble over at the thought of what reaction my parents will have when I’m forced to tell them.

  When I came to the ranch, I never expected to fall in love with Riley’s family too, yet I am.

  Chapter Eleven


  Yesterday went better than I could’ve ever imagined. Since Zoey’s arrived, I haven’t been able to think about doing anything other than spending all my free time with her. Knowing she’s here to give us a real shot means everything to me. Not that I’m trying to convince her to stay, because it’s a choice she’ll have to make, but I want to show her what she’d be missing if she left for good.

  I know my family’s shocked, but they’re the most supportive people I know. Zoey going to church with us yesterday meant a lot to my grandparents. It shows she’s trying, and that her reason for being here is legit.

  When she’s the first thing on my mind when I wake up each morning, I know I have it bad. Hell, I won’t even deny it. I just wish she were in my bed with me so I could see her before work, but I don’t want to rush this either. Instead, I opt to text her.

  Riley: I’ll be at the B&B at 9. Eat breakfast with me?

  Zoey: That depends. Which cowboy is this?

  I smirk, knowing damn well she’s messing with me.

  Riley: The sexy one. The one you kissed last night. The one you’re married to.

  Zoey: Hmm…not ringing any bells. Oh wait, do you wear a cowboy hat? And have a sexy swagger going on?

  Riley: Everyone on this ranch wears a cowboy hat, sweetheart. But I’m the only one with swagger.

  Zoey: Oh good, I picked right. Whew. Then yes, I’ll be there at 9. Look for the one who looks completely out of place with shorts and a tank top that says What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

  I snort to myself. Zoey makes me smile like a damn fool, but I don’t even care. She’s beautiful, funny, and I love being around her. She’s cute without even having to try.

  Riley: Oh, the irony.

  Zoey: I bought it before the dare. But I kinda like it. Plus, it’s pink. My favorite color.

  Riley: Duly noted. Look for the gorgeous lady in pink.

  I hold back a groan as I imagine her perfect pink nipples I sucked on.

  Zoey: What’s your favorite color?

  Riley: Blue.

  Zoey: Good to know.

  I shoot her a winky emoji before sending another message.

  Riley: Save me a spot. See you soon, wife!

  I’m cheesing all the way to the shop. She was already up early, which is surprising, but maybe that means she fits in more than she realizes.

  “Jesus, it looks like you have a hanger in your mouth.” Diesel rolls his eyes as we walk inside the office. Nothing could bring me down from this high. Not even his morning grumpiness.

  “Better get used to it,” I singsong.

  Fisher narrows his eyes the moment he sees me. “Are you still drunk from last night or something?”

  Diesel chuckles, shaking his head.

  “Nope. Sober as can be. What’s on the agenda today?” I ask before taking a sip of coffee.

  “Your dad wants you in the shop to help him cut wood for the horse corral,” he says.

  “What? Jackson’s building another one?” I ask because this is news to me.

  “Yep. Kiera talked him into adding on.”

  I smirk. Of course she did. Aunt Kiera could talk Jackson into almost anything.

  “And what about me?” Diesel asks, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Regular duties, then I need you to run into town for a pickup,” Fisher explains, looking down at his planner instead of at Diesel.

  “Great. Bye.” He’s out the door before I’ve even moved my feet, mainly because he hates being around my cousin.

  “You two ever gonna kiss and make up?” I ask Fisher.

  “As soon as he pulls that stick out of his ass,” he remarks. “He’s the one with the problem. Not me.”

  I roll my eyes. Easy for him to say, I suppose. “Well, you have a few more months here. Might want to find a way to get over your beef.”

  “Tell that to your boy.”

  “I bet punching you in the face would make him feel better, but hey, that’s just me,” I taunt, walking toward the shop. “See ya.”

  Pulling out the cutter and sawhorses, I set up what we’ll need to measure and cut the large pieces for the posts. My dad arrives minutes later with my mom on his heels talking a hundred miles an hour.

  Before I can announce I’m here, my dad grabs my mom, cups her face, and kisses her hard. He tilts his head so his hat doesn’t smack her as she wraps her arms around his waist. It’s adorable how they’re still so in love after all these years, and it gives me hope for a long and happy marriage too. However, the second my mother moans, I’m done.

  “Excuse me,” I say, clearing my throat obnoxiously loud. “This is how childhood traumatic stories are born.”

  They break apart, not in the least embarrassed as they scowl at me. “You’re not a child anymore,” my mother retorts.

  My dad shamelessly slides his hand down and cups her ass. “How do you think babies are born? Need a demo?” He waggles his brows, which has my mom laughing.

  “Oh God. Y’all are too damn much.” I groan. “You can do this project alone.” I make a big show of ripping off my gloves, but my dad just rolls his eyes.

  “And if you do need to know how babies are born, I can give you some pamphlets,” my mom adds.

  “I went to fifth grade health class. I’m good.” I put my gloves back on and walk away. “When you two lovebirds are done making me sick, let’s get to work.”

  “Hey, I’m your boss. Not the other way around,” my dad quips.

  I wave him off over my shoulder. Perhaps I should be happy they’re still together, considering how many of my friends grew up in split households, but I could do without the over-the-top PDA.

  My father finally joins me, and we start working. He blasts the radio and starts singing along to the ridiculous country songs. I don’t even have it in me to give him shit for it because Diesel does the same thing.

  At five until nine, I tell him I’m taking a break to grab a bite to eat at the B&B. He smirks, knowing I’ll be meeting Zoey. I know he’s still surprised about the marriage, but he understands my situation more than anyone.

  I walk into the B&B after cleaning the sawdust off my shirt and jeans, trying not to look like a mess. Zoey’s in one of the lounge chairs reading, so I walk up behind her and press my lips to her ear.

  “I just found the prettiest woman here. Care to join me for breakfast?”

  The woman jumps, nearly smacking me in the face with her book. I stumble back just as she turns and scowls at me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Oh my God. It’s not Zoey. Though she has the same hair color and build as her.

  “Ma’am, I’m so sorry.” I press a hand to my chest, mortified. “I thought you were someone else.”

  She continues shooting daggers at me, and when I look up, Zoey is standing across the room with an arched brow and a knowing smirk.

  “You lost, cowboy?” Zoey saunters toward me as the other woman walks away. I try to apologize to her again before she’s out of sight, but she ignores me. No doubt, Uncle John will hear about it.

  “I swear, from the back…” I extend my arm to prove that
from the angle and the chair, it really looked like her. Defeated, I give up and slump my shoulders. “Fuck it. She was obviously not you.”

  Zoey chuckles, closing the gap between us and wrapping a hand around my neck. “Well, now that you have the right one, what are you gonna do about it?”

  Popping a brow, I grab her waist and pull her lips to mine.

  “Excuse me?” The sound of my father’s voice has us breaking away. Fucking great.

  Zoey pinches her lips together, bringing both of her arms behind her as if she’s innocent. It makes me chuckle because we’re not kids, but to anyone outside the family, my dad looks intimidating as hell. He’s stacked like Diesel, but deep down, he’s a softy.

  “Weren’t you just complainin’ about me and your mom, and now you’re making out in front of the entire place?” He grins at me when Zoey’s eyes widen, and she blushes.

  “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” I grab Zoey’s hand and squeeze. “We were just about to eat. Bye, Old Man.”

  “You be careful with that one,” my dad warns when Zoey looks over her shoulder.

  She smirks and nods. “Don’t worry. I’ve been fully warned by basically everyone.”

  My dad laughs, and I hear him call out, “I like this one!”

  “Your parents are so cute,” Zoey says once we sit down with our plates full of food. “I wish my parents were more easygoing like yours. I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt relaxed around them.”

  “Maybe they need a trip to the ranch,” I tell her, only half-joking. “Everyone who comes here has a good time.”

  Zoey grins, cutting into her pancakes. “I can see why.”

  I eat slowly so I can spend as much time with her as possible. My dad will want me back shortly, but I’m not rushing even though I know I’ll see her tonight.

  “What do you plan to do today? Want to come watch me in the shop while my dad sings off-key?” I ask before shoving more eggs into my mouth.

  “As exciting as that sounds, Mackenzie and El asked me to hang out, so I think I’m going to do that. Hopefully get back to the greenhouse too.” I love how excited she sounds, and the way it promises she’ll be staying.

  “Whatever you do, don’t listen to a word they say about me. It’s not true,” I say pointedly. “They’re all liars.”

  Zoey nods with her lips tilted to one side. “Right. I’m sure they are.”

  “I’m glad they’re being so welcoming, though, and I’m sure Aunt Mila loves your help with the gardens.”

  “She’ll probably be sick of me soon.”

  “Doubtful. She’s too nice to get sick of anyone.”

  “I love the idea of growing your own food, and the way you all use it for the B&B and sell the extras to the locals in town. Everyone knows it was grown with care,” Zoey says.

  “It’s how small towns and ranches are around here.”

  “It’s refreshing. Phoenix is great, but there’s just something about this place…”

  “I’ve heard that all my life from my mama, who’s a Texas transplant. Aunt Mila lived in Georgia before she moved here. My dad’s friend, Dylan’s wife, moved from Florida. They met on the same trip as my mom and dad. They all moved here, so…”

  “So it’s a curse?” she teases.

  “It’s the Bishop genes,” my grandmother interrupts, taking a seat next to me. “They pretend to be all macho, but once they find their woman, they turn to mush. Trust me.” She winks at Zoey, who smiles in return.

  “I believe it. Something about the Southern drawl. I bet it’s caused a lot of hearts to break, too.”

  “Now that would be my son, Jackson. You wouldn’t believe what he put Kiera through before he finally got his stubborn ass in gear.”

  I always laugh when she swears.

  “I’m serious…” she continues. “Kiera was engaged to another man before Jackson finally confessed his feelings.”

  “Oh that’s right,” I say, remembering this story from years ago.

  “All his brothers got their crap together when their special ladies came into their lives, but Jackson? No, he’s always been my wild child,” Grandma continues, looking at me. “Glad you’ve decided to take after your father. From the moment your mother came to town, he was attached to her at the hip. Always so protective and caring and making sure she wasn’t doing anything strenuous when she was pregnant with you. Wasn’t exactly happy they were expecting you before marriage, but he made it right. So that’s what counts.”

  Grandma Bishop is very traditional, but she also knows shit happens.

  “And even twenty-three years later, he’s still a whipped pussy boy,” I blurt out, waiting for the moment my grandma scolds me for my language, but she just narrows her eyes.

  “And every Bishop man has been when he finds the one. They don’t always fall in love easily, but when they finally do, they fall hard and fast.”

  “Are you talkin’ about me again, Mama?” My dad strolls in and sits next to Zoey. Great, it’s a breakfast reunion.

  “The one and only.”

  “What is this?” Uncle John stands at the front of the table. “Y’all on breaks?”

  “I’m giving them marriage advice,” Grandma responds curtly, arching her brow at him, and he backs off. “And if you’d like some, sit down.”

  John groans and uncrosses his arms. “Nah, I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime.”

  “Okay, well I’m very busy today, and Zoey has plans, so we’re gonna get going.” I stand, and Zoey follows, realizing that I’m trying to get us out of this.

  “It was lovely talking with you all,” she says politely before we carry our plates to the kitchen.

  “So you were saying about there being something special about this place…?” I tease, pulling her back to me.

  “I spoke too soon.” Zoey tries to fight a smile but fails.

  Then I press my lips to hers before reluctantly pulling back. “Let me take you horseback riding tonight. Give you the VIP ranch tour.”

  Her eyes widen as her lips part. “I’ve never been riding before, but I’m always up to new adventures.”

  I smirk at how cute she looks. “And who better to teach you than your cowboy husband?”

  The rest of the workday drags on. I’m eager to see Zoey again and actually get some alone time with her. At least while riding, every single family member won’t be able to interrupt us.

  “What in the world…?” I smile the moment Zoey meets me outside. She’s in full getup from the cowboy hat to the plaid shirt tucked into her ripped jeans. As I glance down, I see she’s wearing Rowan’s cowboy boots too. “Look at you.”

  “Whatcha think?” She spins when she’s in front of me. “Mackenzie said if I was going riding, I needed to look the part.”

  “Well, she’s not wrong.” I grab her waist and pull her closer. “You look adorable,” I tell her, tugging on one of her pigtail braids. “However, these are giving me bad ideas…” I grin.

  “Mackenzie insisted on those too.”

  “Hmm…she’s quickly becoming my favorite cousin.”

  Zoey smacks my chest with a giggle. “Calm down, cowboy. You have some teaching to do.”

  We walk hand in hand to the horse barn. It’s close to the B&B, and Dad’s friend Colton works there mostly. He keeps them fed and groomed for the guests and guides all the riding lessons and tours. Luckily, he’s gone for the day by the time we walk in, so we’ll have this time to ourselves, completely uninterrupted.

  “This one is Sunshine,” I tell her. “She’ll take good care of you.”

  Then I show her how to put on the saddle, help her up, and give her a basic rundown. “Don’t squeeze your thighs too tight, or she’ll think it’s time to run.”

  “I definitely won’t.”

  “Don’t worry. She’s a good girl.” I pet her before getting my horse Gable ready, and soon, we’re both riding out to one of the trails behind the B&B.

  “It’s so
pretty out here,” she says as we ride farther onto the trail. “No wonder so many come to the B&B. I overheard quite a few people talking about how they visit every single summer.”

  “Oh yeah, we get a lot of repeat guests. Have for years. It’s what helps us stay in business too.”

  We continue riding, and Zoey stays quiet as I go on about the ranch and the different trails we have. Then I look at her and see her face is expressionless.

  “Are you okay?” I move Gable closer to her so I can grab her hand. “You haven’t said anything in a while.”

  Zoey clears her throat before looking at me, and I’m almost certain I see tears in her eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just taking it all in.”

  “Are you sure?” I squeeze her hand, hoping she’ll open up to me. “You can tell me.”

  She shrugs. “I’m just really glad I came. For days before getting in my car and making the twelve-hour drive, I worried I was making the wrong decision and fought with myself about the what-ifs and being a nervous wreck about your reaction. But you and your family have all brought me in with arms wide open. I guess it makes me a little emotional because I know if it were the other way around and you came to me, my family wouldn’t be so welcoming.”

  I nod, wanting to somehow reassure her that I couldn’t be happier that she’s here. It was a risk for both of our hearts.

  “Zoey, come here.” I manage to get the horses next to each other so I can cup her face. “If I had it my way, I’d never let you leave. I’m sorry your family isn’t very supportive, but you will always have mine, no matter what. Okay?”

  She pulls in her bottom lip and nods. Tilting her head up, I press my mouth to hers, and when she opens up for me, I slide my tongue between her lips. When Zoey moans against me, I deepen our kiss, and then she’s yelping in the next second.


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