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Indentured Page 7

by Jeanie P Johnson

  Rand waved down a cab, and doffed his hat to Monica, and then helped Leatrisha up into the cab.

  “Darling,” he said, as he leaned in and kissed her once they were seated, as Monica watched on. “You have performed your duties beyond my wildest expectations.”

  “I will do what ever is in my power to keep a smile on your face,” she smiled, repeating his earlier words.

  Rand took her hand as the cab lurched forward, but she pulled it away, and looked out the opposite window, as she hugged herself to the other side of the cab. Just having Rand kissing her in pretence that way, was almost more than she could endure, because it just made her long for him to be genuine when performing an affectionate act. Pretending he liked her in front of Monica was part of the agreement, but pretending he liked her while they rode in the carriage, was almost an insult. After what he had said to her, the day she had kissed James, he could not expect to have it both ways.

  “Let’s not go to the Grand,” she said, turning to him. “That way we will not bump into Monica at all, and we can get separate rooms.”

  “Probably a wise choice,” he murmured, realizing that Leatrisha had not gotten over her anger at him.

  But she was doing just as he had instructed, so he only had himself to blame, even if he had given her those instructions in a moment of anger.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to remain in New York longer?” he offered.

  “At first, I thought I did. But considering I am a mere servant, it was presumptuous of me to even suggest it. For a moment, I forgot my place. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Lettie…” Rand frowned. “You know I would allow you to stay longer, if you wished.”

  “Why should you? You already told me your plan was to go to Ravenswood in the morning. You have been away so long, I am sure you are anxious to get back. I can always come to New York, once I am released by you. I can wait. I’d rather see it alone, anyway.”

  Rand took in his breath, and then let out a sigh. He wondered how long it would take for Leatrisha to forgive him of his angry words, and actions. He was just afraid if he relented, she would take it as permission to do what ever she pleased, and then they would be right back where they had started when he got angry at her in the first place. Better she remain a little subdued, than allow her to run wild with too much abandon.

  As Leatrisha lay in the huge bed at the hotel Rand had brought her to, she missed the feel of Rand’s warm back against hers. She thought she would be happy to have all the space she wanted, but found herself only hugging one side of the bed, as she had done when she was sleeping with Rand. She missed his heavy breathing, knowing he was right beside her, if she needed anything. She tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and finally she got up and knocked on that adjoining door of the room where Rand was sleeping. She was surprised when he almost immediately opened the door.

  His tall frame stood before her, with a robe covering his nudity. She thought he would be sleeping.

  “What do you need?” he asked, when he saw her there with her wrapper pulled around her, staring up at him with those innocent eyes of her.

  “It seems strange. I am so used to the rocking of the ship, I can’t sleep. And the bed is so big, I can’t get comfortable. I’m cold, and I’m…well I’m used to having your back against mine. I don’t think I can get a wink of sleep, if I have to remain there all alone.”

  Rand merely smiled at her. This was no time to turn her away, he knew that. But if he let that barrier down too far, he would have hell to pay.

  “Come in,” he said at last. “Perhaps we should call a truce,” he murmured, as he took her hand and led her to his bed.

  “What sort of truce?” she asked.

  “Why don’t we try to be friends? I’m sorry for what I said and did to you on the ship. I want to be your friend. But that is all I can be. I fear you are not suited to be my wife, and we both know that. But I do need you to give that illusion to all others, and having even innocent contact with other men, such as kissing them, or holding hands, will detract from that illusion. Then I would have to release you publicly, and what excuse could I give for you remaining at my plantation? You do see the dilemma, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “I was being honest when I told you, I wanted to see a smile on your face. You captivated me with that smile, and it was the only reason I relented and agreed to bring you to America, even though I had my doubts about how it was going to work out. You are young and inexperienced. You need to listen to me when I give you advice. I would only do it to protect you, and in protecting you, I am also protecting my interest. I am used to owning slaves who obey without question. It may take time to get used to the idea that you are a servant, and not a slave.”

  Rand pulled back the covers. “Come to bed with me, Lettie, if you are so cold and lonely.”

  He watched as she let her wrapper fall to the ground and then crawl under the covers.

  Rand removed his robe, and climbed in the bed with her, pulling her against him, in spite of the fact that he was nude. He had missed her too, he realized, but he knew when he took her to Ravenswood, she would have to sleep separately from him. Six years of having the girl in his bed, he wouldn’t last a week.

  “I need to inform you of something,” Rand said softly against her hair, as he held her back snuggly against him. “You will not be able to share my bed at Ravenswood, except when Monica is in residence, which won’t be that often. I have my own quadroon who takes care of my needs,” he explained.

  “A quadroon? What is that?” she questioned.

  “She is a partially black slave. Very beautiful, and her only duty is to please me in bed.”

  “You…you…take her to your bed? Do you love her?”

  “I could never marry a slave. I am fond of her, but she is a slave, and she keeps me contented when I need a woman like that. It is too far into town to frequent the brothels, so I have my own woman to pleasure me.”

  Leatrisha pulled herself out of Rand’s arms.

  “How convenient! I cannot touch a man or kiss him, because it is supposed to look like we are engaged, and yet you can bring a slave to your bed?” she shrieked.

  “Even if I was married, it would be permissible,” he informed her.

  “Oh…oh!” she cried. “I pity the woman who ever marries you!” She threw the covers back from the bed. “I think I should get used to sleeping by myself,” she said, grabbing up her wrapper, and pushing her arms through it. “Good night, Mr. Huntington!”

  “Lettie!” he cried, jumping out of bed and grabbing her before she could get to the door. “Don’t go,” he pleaded. “Why are you so upset?”

  “I don’t want to pretend to be in love with you, Rand. Find something else for me to do to pay my indenture,” she whimpered, as she tried to free herself from his grasp.

  “I’ve already told Monica I am going to marry you,” he told her. “We can’t change it now.”

  “It is humiliating. I am supposed to pretend my affections are captured by you, while you are going to some slave, yet if I found someone I wanted to share a bed with…”

  “Virgin women, do not share beds with men, unless they are loose women, and you are not a loose woman yet,” he informed her.

  “So accommodating for the man, isn’t it? He can have all the woman he can get away with, while poor little wife, or even pretend wife to be, must sit twiddling her thumbs, remaining at his beck and call. I cannot share your bed, even for warmth and companionship, but your slave is free to have you touching her in any way you please.”

  “It would be disastrous to share a bed with you, for mere warmth and companionship, Lettie, or I would end up touching you anyway I please. You need to save yourself for your future husband, and I won’t be a party in destroying that for you.”

  “I don’t think I ever want to get married, if my husband is free to have slaves in his bed, or anyone else he pleases behind my back. I would rather b
ecome a loose woman than look forward to that!”

  “It is the way life is,” he commented.

  “Because men want it that way! They have no morals or ethics, yet women must act prim and proper, and do just as the man tells her to. Well, I am not going to fall into that mold,” she threatened. “And you or no body else will make me! You and every man on the planet is a hypocrite!”

  “Stop being unreasonable, Lettie,” Rand laughed, hugging her against him as she continued to squirm.

  “Let go of me!” she insisted. “There is no one here for me to pretend that I like you.”

  “A few minutes ago, you wanted to be here with me,” he pointed out.

  “That was before I found out what a…a…despicable person you were!”

  “Despicable, huh?” he chuckled, as he held her tighter. “I try to protect your innocence, and you call me despicable? If that is what you believe me to be, then perhaps that is what I should actually be,” he whispered, grabbing her head with his hands, and placing his mouth over hers, as she continued to squirm.

  Leatrisha fought against the urge to kiss Rand back, but the more she pushed against his chest, the tighter he held her, as his mouth ravaged hers, and then one hand was slipping under her nightgown, seeking out her throbbing breast, and her breath caught as his fingers caressed her.

  “You think you need touching, you little devil?” he whispered against her lips. “Then you shall have your wish.”

  She could feel him sweeping her up in his arms and placing her back on the bed. “But this is the only time I will do it, and then you sleep in a room of your own.”

  Rand pulled her nightgown up over her head, as she gazed up at him, then she glanced down at that part of him that she knew, like James, wanted the feel of her, and it made her shiver.

  Rand was very careful only to touch Leatrisha, in all the ways he knew would give her pleasure, without going beyond that point. Several times she had reached out to touch him, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “I told you, Lettie, I was the one to touch you, unless I required you to touch me,” he whispered, pushing her hand aside each time, she attempted touching him.

  Once he let her touch him in return, he was afraid there would be no turning back. He had his quadroon to satisfy his needs. Lettie need have no part of it, but as she purred and whimpered beneath his touch, it did something to his soul that he could not ignore, and he knew he was treading on thin ice.

  When she finally fell asleep in his arms, he kissed her gently, and vowed he could never get this close to losing his resolve again. The imp had already managed to find a way to work her way into his heart, and he had six years to fight against her charming attraction. It would take every fiber of his will power to keep from taking her completely, and he knew it.


  “Ravenswood,” Rand announced, as the carriage paused at the rise of the hill over looking his plantation.

  Leatrisha put her head out of the window and gazed down on the sight below. Rolling hills of cotton plants, sprawled in every direction, almost as far as the eye could see. The only trees within the plantation, were along the road, and around the large plantation house. The house standing out against all the surrounding buildings. Tall and square, painted green with white trim. Tall round pillars held up the veranda of the second story, which served as the porch roof, for the lower story.

  The plantation house, itself, was protected and shaded by a variety of trees, some weeping willows, along with spruce, oak, and maple. Other shrubby hugged the walls of the house, and climbing roses wandered up a trellis along side the porch up to the veranda, winding it’s thorny vine along the veranda railing, as cascades of yellow flowers hung over the porch.

  Beyond the house were the slave buildings, some strung together, and others separate, where families lived together, Rand explained. There were the stables and barns, some for hay and others for cotton bales. Beyond the cotton fields, a wooded area boarded the land, and it was like the woods were hugging against Ravenswood, protecting it in its embrace. A raven that was perched in one of the trees along the road, swooped out on ebony black wings, flying overhead. The sound of its wings beating against the air, caught Leatrisha’s attention, and she understood why the Plantation was called Ravenswood.

  “What is that music?” Leatrisha asked, as the carriage got closer, and the sound of singing started to fill the air.

  “It’s the slaves, singing in the field as they pick the cotton. It distracts them from the hard work, and seems to make the day go faster.

  “How long do they have to work in the fields?” Leatrisha asked.

  “From dawn to dusk,” he told her.

  “Goodness, that seems to be excessive!” Leatrisha stated.

  “The work needs to be done. They are strong people. Their existence is to work. That is what they are born and bread to do. They work, and I furnish them with shelter and food. Otherwise, what would they do to survive?”

  “Don’t they ever get to have fun?” she asked.

  “They have Sunday’s off. Then they can do as they please. The house slaves are separate from the field slaves. They clean the house, and serve the owner, cook the meals, do what ever house chores that present themselves. They don’t get a day off, because their work is not as taxing as the field workers.”

  “Does your quadroon, get a day off?” Leatrisha asked snidely.

  Rand chuckled, it amazed him at how much Leatrisha seemed upset about his having the quadroon.

  “Her name is Mazy, and I don’t make her spend every night in my bed, if that is what you are worried about.”

  “I am not worried. I was just curious,” Leatrisha lied.

  “I must caution you, Leatrisha. Slaves are not people. They are objects of service. Don’t get attached to any of them. There are times that slaves must be sold, or new ones purchased. I have a slave overseer, who watches out for the slaves in the field to make sure they do their jobs. I am over the slaves in the house, unless I am gone and then I put someone else in charge. I treat my slaves fairly as long as they do what they are expected to do. You will not interfere in any way, do you understand?

  “You are a servant, not really my future wife, so while you conduct yourself as my future wife, to keep the illusion up, you have none of the liberties that my future wife would actually have if I were truly getting married. You are not my equal, even though you must appear to be for the sake of others. My slaves will believe you to be my future wife, but everything goes through me. You make no decisions what so ever, you understand? Perhaps you are probably wishing by now that you had remained a lady in London,” he smiled.

  “Apparently it is too late now to reverse my decision,“ Leatrisha, murmured.

  “I can always contact your father, and tell him our engagements is off, and you can return back to your old life, if you please,” he offered.

  “You don’t think I can live up to my agreement, do you?” she asked, as the carriage pulled up in the circular drive, and a black man came up to hold the horse’s head.

  “That is yet to be discovered,” Rand replied as he lifted his hand to Leatrisha, helping her down from the carriage. As he held her small hand in his, all Leatrisha could think about, was how that hand had caressed her body, the night in the hotel. She had not known how wonderful a man’s hands could make a woman feel, and she became jealous of the quadroon, that would receive those pleasures from Rand now that they had arrived at Ravenswood.

  She had longed to give Rand the same kind of pleasures he was giving her, but he never allowed her to, and she knew it was because he had no feelings for her. He had been touching her that way, so she would stop thinking about going to someone like James, or any other man, she realized.

  Her foot touched the gravel drive, and the crunch of it under her foot, brought her back to the present, and she blinked. The front door was opened, by another black slave, as they passed over the porch, where wicker chairs with plump cushions, and th
row pillows, separated by a swinging couch were situated, along with small tables, and potted plants. A grey cat, snuggling on the swinging couch, lifted its sleepy head, and squinted its yellow eyes at her, then returned to its previous position, stretching out its legs, and showing sharp claws, before tucking them under its body again.

  Rand ushered her into the entrance hall, where several black people were gathered to welcome Rand home.

  “I will introduce you to the house slaves,” Rand, said. “This is Mama Liz.”

  A heavy round black woman with a red bandana around her head, stepped forward. Her coal black eyes looked kindly at Leatrisha.

  “She is my cook, and is in charge of the kitchen. This girl beside her, is her kitchen help, Hattie.”

  The girl looked to be around fifteen years old, and was slim and lanky and even more stunted looking standing next to the cook.

  “Bessie, is the house maid, Max serves the meals and acts as footman. Henry is the butler, Tipsy can be your personal maid.”

  The girl stepped forward, smiling up at Leatrisha. It was shocking to Leatrisha that she had blue eyes, instead of black eyes. She was very pretty for a darkie, Leatrisha thought, glancing at her hair in tight wiry braids. She appeared to be close to Leatrisha’s own age.

  “Sam, takes care of chopping the wood, and filling the firebox, keeping all the fires lit and hearths clean.”

  Sam was a large muscular man.

  “And this is Mazy,” Rand said, as the beautiful quadroon stepped forward.

  Leatrisha thought she looked lovingly at Rand, before she lowered her eyes. She could see why Rand wanted the woman in his bed, and a strange sinking feeling settled over her, the moment she saw the woman. This woman had Rand, while Leatrisha only pretended to have him. She knew Rand would never touch her again, the way he had done at the hotel, because now he had his quadroon to take to his bed.

  “Everyone, this is my future bride, Lettie,” he said, and Leatrisha’s heart sank to its lowest region.

  You mean your pretend future bride, she mumbled to herself, as all the black faces smiled welcomingly at her.


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