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Lucas: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance

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by Fel Fern


  Grizzly Mountain Lodge 3

  Fel Fern

  Lucas © 2020 by Fel Fern

  Book cover design by Sinfully Sweet Designs

  All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  One reluctant Omega recovering from a bad breakup and one Alpha determined to win his heart…

  Milo desperately needs a vacation. He takes a road trip to Grizzly Mountain Lodge to forget his recent heartbreak. But a single Omega on the open road is a magnet for trouble. When his car breaks down and a predator starts hunting him, Milo doesn’t know what to do.

  Luck’s on his side when a cocky and gorgeous Alpha stops to offer his help. Lucas is different from his ex. The Alpha’s fierce, protective, and unexpectedly sweet. Milo can’t help but fall for him but after his recent experience with his ex, Milo isn’t sure he’s ready for a relationship.

  Lucas is the last unmated Griffin brother. He keeps telling his brothers he doesn’t need a mate. Deep down, Lucas wants it all—his very own Omega, a brood of kids, and a home to call his one. He knows Milo is the one, but the Omega still has scars on his heart from his recent break-up. Lucas won’t take defeat lying down. He’s determined to win Milo’s heart, and claim him as his own, no matter the cost.

  Lucas is the third book in the MM omegaverse mpreg shifter romance Grizzly Mountain Lodge series. Each book features a different couple and ends with a HEA.


  1. Milo

  2. Lucas

  3. Milo

  4. Lucas

  5. Milo

  6. Lucas/ Milo

  7. Lucas

  8. Milo

  9. Lucas

  10. Milo

  11. Lucas

  12. Milo

  13. Lucas


  A sneak preview of Logan

  About the Author

  Also by Fel Fern



  I don’t his permission anymore. I can take a vacation whenever I want.

  There was nothing quite like a solo road trip to forget all his troubles. The mountain road seemed to go on forever. There was nothing but miles and miles of dirt road ahead of him.

  The afternoon sky was a blue so bright, Milo couldn’t see a single gray cloud in sight. According to his weather app, it was supposed to rain today. Thunderstorms and showers. Milo scoffed. Maybe his luck was finally changing.

  Recognizing a familiar country song on the radio, Milo hummed along. Harvey wasn’t there to remind him he couldn’t carry a tune. Milo was on his lonesome and he loved it. The air-conditioning in his old green Toyota was broken, but he lowered all the windows.

  The scent of pine hit his nose. Milo inhaled a lungful of fresh air. It really was different out here compared to the big and congested city. Harvey would’ve never agreed to come on an impromptu trip like this. The Alpha was all about rigid schedules. Harvey never took well to changes.

  Good thing Harvey and he were broken up.

  Milo’s mood soured as the afternoon wore on. Rain clouds had gathered on the horizon. He thought he spotted a flash of lightning in the distance. Milo had also taken several wrong turns. The engine of his trusty Toyota let out a bone-chilling screech.

  “Don’t you dare die on me, Betty,” he whispered.

  God but Milo loved this car. Maybe too much. Harvey kept insisting he should stop driving this embarrassing junk bucket but Betty was his. Milo bought her with his own money, not from the allowance Harvey gave him. She let out a wheeze and finally came to a halt. Milo stared at the unchanging scenery in front of him.

  Nothing but ash and pine trees.

  He had to finally admit defeat. He was lost and had no clue where he was. His app told him he was only twenty minutes away from the Grizzly Mountain Lodge. His phone lied because he didn’t see any structures nearby. Milo took deep breaths. When he realized he was holding the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white, he let go.

  He had a spare tire in the back and some tools but those belonged to Betty’s first owner. Milo knew next to nothing about cars. The front of his car began to emit a cloud of smoke.

  The wasn’t a good sign. Rather than playing mechanic, Milo decided he’d just call for a one. Sure, he might be in the middle of nowhere but he passed by a town on his way here.

  Milo grabbed his phone from the stand. He exited the GPS app and searched for the nearest car repair shop. No connection. The reception was spotty. He got out of the car. Maybe the reception would improve. The bar jumped from one to three, then settled on two. Milo tried to do another search but he only ended up with a blank webpage. He eyed his phone battery.

  Shit. It was going to die soon.

  He was screwed. Milo breathed in and out before his nerves got the better of him. He always accused Harvey of being so uptight and inflexible but Milo was the same. Milo could pretend that he was a free spirit but in the end? He was no better than controlling Harvey who easily lost his shit when things didn’t go his way.

  “I’m not my ex,” Milo whispered vehemently.

  He could flag down another vehicle. The problem was, he hadn’t seen any cars for the last hour. He changed spots. After several failed attempts, Milo’s phone finally died.

  He remembered to charge it on his way here but he never thought he’d ever get lost. Milo returned the device to his pocket. Despite looking calm on the surface, deep down he was panicking. A dozen questions raced through his head.

  Why did he go on this stupid trip in the first place?

  He searched for relaxing places to unwind and Grizzly Mountain Lodge popped up. After seeing the wholesome pictures of families laughing together with the charming little lodge in the background, he instantly made a booking.

  That was a first, especially for him. Milo didn’t like surprises. He did background checks and research on everything. If Harvey and he were going on a trip, which they seldom did, Milo would make sure everything was perfect.

  Didn’t Milo recently talk to his therapist Brenda about this?

  During their last session, she reminded him that he couldn’t control everything. Sometimes, bad shit happened to good people. Take Harvey for example. That cocky Alpha left him after five years without an explanation. Maybe Harvey got bored. Perhaps Milo didn’t try hard enough. Whatever.

  Brenda taught him that sometimes, he should learn to let go. To relax. Milo imagined himself being inside a peaceful bubble of calm. Sure, his car broke down and there was no way to call for help.

  Heck, Milo didn’t even know if anyone lived here for miles. None of that mattered. Things would eventually work out. The universe would send him a sign. Help was on the way.

  Yeah right. Milo was being too optimistic.

  He tilted his head upwards. The sky looked ready to weep. He thought he heard rustling in the nearby bushes. Narrowing his eyes, Milo spun. His bubble of calm fractured. What was he doing, trying to meditate in the middle of the woods?
Some wild animals might creep up on him and decide he was lunch.

  “Is anyone out there?” He called out.

  Milo sensed he was being watched by phantom eyes. The chilly wind made him wrap his arms around his body. There was no answer. Seeing movement through the trees, he let out a shriek. A squirrel darted from one branch to the other.

  Jesus. That little guy gave him quite the scare.

  “Keep it together,” he muttered to himself.

  It started to drizzle. In minutes, it turned to a downpour. Milo was getting drenched. He ran back inside the car and slammed the door shut. Since water was getting on his seats, he raised the windows back up.

  He still couldn’t shake off the feeling that some kind of predator was watching him. His heart started on a rapid rhythm. His breathing hitched. Milo dug his nails against his palms until he drew blood. He refused to have a panic attack here of all places.

  Milo shut his eyes and tried to think of relaxing things. His craft room with all his yarn, knitting needles and crochet hooks. The same room back in the gigantic and expensive apartment Harvey and he chose with care. The place they were supposed to call home. Milo shook his head. Thinking about his ex only heightened his anxiety.

  “I’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about,” Milo whispered to himself.

  His mind raced. That was right. He’d wait for this rain to stop. Milo could follow the path back down the mountain. He’d make his way to town. Find help there. In no time at all, he’d be able to find a mechanic who would happily tow Betty.

  Milo would have to leave her in a shop. In the meantime, Milo would find his way to Grizzly Mountain Lodge. Milo could already picture himself sitting in front of a warm fire, crocheting. He might even go for a hike, although the closest to nature he’d ever been was jogging through the park near his apartment building.

  “How did it ever cross my mind that I can do this on my own?” He whispered to himself.

  Milo always thought of himself as one of those independent Omegas who didn’t need to rely on an Alpha to protect them. He’d put his foot down with Harvey when Harvey insisted he didn’t need to work.

  Milo persisted, even though he hated his soul-sucking job at the accounting firm. After Harvey left him, Milo knew he needed a break. A vacation. He’d never taken one in all the years he’d worked at the firm.

  The plan was to unwind, enjoy himself and forget about the last five years he wasted on a cold and heartless Alpha who didn’t give two shits about him.

  A knock on his window made him jump.

  Through the wet window, he could make out a big and blurry figure and a pair of golden lights. Not lights, he realized, but eyes. His heart was in his throat. He shrieked, moving away only to realize he still had his seatbelt on.

  Why the hell did he put it back on when he clearly couldn’t drive was beyond him? He remembered the unsettling sensation of being watched moments ago. Oh no. Whatever was out there watching him, was probably closing in his prey. Milo let out another scream as the figure knocked on the window again.

  “Hello? You need help?” Asked a gruff but amused voice.

  Milo relaxed. What was he thinking? Of course, he wasn’t being attacked by a monster. He was being ridiculous like always. Harvey always said he was a drama queen. Milo lowered his window only to see a big and drenched Alpha looking at him with concern.

  For a second, he stilled. What if this Alpha had bad intentions? He knew an Omega traveling on his own might attract unwanted attention but Milo risked it anyway. Milo went on this trip to prove something. To Harvey and mostly to himself that he could step out of the shadow of his past.

  He studied the Alpha closer. The stranger was built like a fighter. Rough and wild were the two adjectives Milo would use to describe him. He was cut, had short dark brown hair and piercing eyes that changed from dark chocolate brown to amber.

  “I’m Lucas,” the Alpha introduced. “I’m the co-owner of a nearby mountain lodge. Are you lost?”

  “A lodge?” He brightened. The Alpha’s friendly smile put him at ease. The small animal that shared his skin wasn’t afraid of this big grizzly. “‘I’m Milo. I got a little lost. I was on my way to Grizzly Mountain Lodge. You mentioned you’re one of the owners?”

  “That’s right. Follow my truck.”

  “I can’t.” He bit his lower lip. Milo thought he could trust Lucas. “Car troubles. My engine died. I think.”

  “You think? Well, lucky me then.”

  It took Milo a second to figure out what the hell was happening. Was this cocky Alpha trying to flirt with him now of all times? Seriously?

  When he didn’t say another word, Lucas spoke again, “Hop in my truck. We should leave before night falls.”

  Lucas stepped aside as Milo opened the door. The rain got worse if that was possible. After Milo grabbed his luggage from the backseat, Lucas and he ran towards Lucas’ truck.

  It was a white Ford whose wheels looked better equipped for the mountain road. Milo knew he was taking a risk, accepting a ride from a strange Alpha but what other choice did he have?

  Spending the night in his car didn’t sound all that fun. Which reminded him of something Lucas mentioned. Once he slid inside the seat next to the driver’s, Lucas joined him. Hearing a bark from the backseat, he jumped.

  “Sorry, that’s Chubby.”

  “What? Who’s Chubby?” He asked.

  He craned his next. Seeing the large German Shepard sitting there and eying him, he relaxed a little. He felt a little silly for being so jumpy around a dog.

  He almost said Chubby seemed like a mean name for a dog but Lucas’ German Shepard looked like it could lose a hundred pounds or so. Lucas looked like he could bench press several hundred pounds easily. How could let his pet get so huge?

  “I didn’t let him get that way if you’re wondering,” Lucas said.

  The Alpha gently pried his luggage from his hands and placed it in the backseat. Chubby didn’t seem mad he had to share the extra space. Lucas grabbed something else from the back, only for Chubby to lick at his cheek.

  The image of the affectionate dog and his owner put a smile on his face. Milo’s instincts when it came to people might be wrong most of the time, but he might’ve just hit the jackpot with Lucas. Lucas handed him a spare towel from the backseat.

  “Thanks,” he said, rubbing his face. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Oh. I just picked up Chubby from a high kill shelter. They were about to put him down. Once I saw his picture on their website, I knew I had to save him. The folks at the shelter called him Chubby and now he won’t respond to any other name.”

  Chubby seemed to know everyone was talking about him because he started barking and lolling his tongue. Lucas rubbed his ears. The Alpha opened a bag of treats. Milo watched Lucas feed the dog one bone-shaped biscuit.

  Another thought occurred to him. Something Lucas said earlier still bugged him.

  “You said it’s better if we don’t linger here until nightfall. Does something happen at night?” He asked.

  A dark expression crossed Lucas’ face. For a second, he was a little scared of the Alpha. Was accepting a ride from Lucas a mistake after all?



  “Are you going to answer my question?” Milo demanded.

  Lucas had a hard time focusing on Milo’s words because he was too distracted by the Omega’s scent. They both still smelled of rain and dirt but there was something special about this Omega Lucas couldn’t pinpoint.

  “The truth might scare you.”

  Lucas gave Chubby a stern look. The German Shepard grew behaved. Chubby curled comfortably in the back seat. He returned his attention to the fuming Omega.

  Milo crossed his arms. “You think I can’t handle it?”

  Lucas couldn’t help it. He laughed because Milo looked so adorable glaring at him like that. The Omega must be at least five-foot-seven but all of him was made of skin and bones. Milo’s short blac
k hair was currently sticking up in all directions but his fierce blue eyes were full of life. This Omega would be a challenge.

  “Yup,” he answered. Lucas started the engine.

  When he woke up earlier that morning in some stranger’s bed, he thought his day couldn’t get any worse. Lucas always told his brothers Liam and Logan that he’d never settle down. Seeing them act all lovey-dovey with their mates during weekly family dinners made him feel like an outsider looking in.

  He’d never admit it to anyone but fuck, Lucas was lonely. He was sick of hook-ups and one-night-stands. Lucas and his brothers had a reputation for being the sons of an infamous murderer. There were always Omegas willing to share his bed but they were only in it for the thrill. Maybe crossing paths with Milo had been destiny’s way of saying it was finally his turn.

  Oh, he wouldn’t be too arrogant to think Milo was his fated mate but Lucas was certainly intrigued. What brought Milo to South Pine Mountain? Was he running from someone or something?

  Perhaps Milo just wanted a break from his busy life in the city. One look and Lucas knew Milo wasn’t from around these parts. Judging by the the way Milo was dressed and how he talked, he could easily guess Milo was a city Omega.

  Omegas seldom traveled on their own. Those without an Alpha protector by their side usually ended up being prey to more dangerous Alphas. Predators with too much time on their hands. It was a good thing Lucas came along when he did. These roads weren’t safe at night.

  “Didn’t anyone tell you one-word answers are so annoying?” Milo grumbled.


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