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Daughter of a Hood Legend

Page 8

by Latoya Nicole

  “Baby, what happened. Oh my God. It’s because of your past isn’t it. I can’t do this shit. You are a fucking liar.” Before I could think about my actions, I had slammed her against the wall by her neck. Vicious was out and she was poking the beast.

  “Shut the fuck up unless I ask you a fucking question. I don’t want to hear you talk, sniffle, or moan. You wanted to know about Vicious, well you got him. I don’t know what the fuck just happened but I do know your ass gone be with them if you say another fucking word. Look at my friend.” She closed her eyes and I tightened my hands around her neck. “LOOK AT HIM.” Opening her eyes, she cried as she looked at his body. “You are going to act like the bitch of a boss and man the fuck up. I need you right now and I’m not with that girly shit. Call 911 and get yourself together. The next time I look at you, your eyes better be singing Oh Happy Day. Are we clear?” Nodding her head, she did what I told her.

  I wasn’t lying when I said I needed her. Walking in the house, it felt like my legs were gone from under me, but I had to put my gun up. Somehow, I made it to the safe and I put my shit away. As soon as I was done, I fell to the ground. It felt like twenty two years ago, when I lost Kelly. Outside of Kalina, he was all that I had and now he was gone.

  “They took my nigga man. What the fuck.” I had no idea who they was, but I was going to find out. I’m pretty sure it had to do with whoever the fuck Roulette was. Vicious was back and I was back with a vengeance. Feeling Lisa hands wrap around me, she pulled me from the ground.

  “Baby, the ambulance and police are on the way. Come on, you can do this. We have to get Boo to the hospital. She is hanging on and she is going to need you.” Knowing I had to be there for Boo, I got up and tried to gather my thoughts. I haven’t cried in twenty two years, now I couldn’t get them bitches to stop.



  I was out here in Columbia living my best life. Capone was showing me what it was like to have a real man. I’ve never seen this because my daddy was sneaking, Fat Back was a hoe, and Glitch was tired of Breezy’s shit. This was all new to me and I thought it only happened with the famous couples. I didn’t think this shit really existed.

  Right now, we were out horseback riding and I was all smiles. We tried parasailing but the straps was hurting Cap’s balls. His ass was like hell naw, let me off this shit. I couldn’t stop laughing, because his shit was smashed in when they finally took the shit off. He was mad as hell, but it was his idea to go. Nigga walked around mad at me like I set the shit up.

  Even though the horse was bouncing him around, the shit was going perfect. His balls seemed to be intact, and I was loving it. I had the silly high school grin going on, staring at my bae looking all sexy. Out of nowhere, my damn horse bucked and threw my ass off. I’m happy we weren’t going fast or this bitch would have killed me. My damn horse took off and left me and now my ass was lying here looking like a life alert patient. Cap didn’t make it any better how hard he was laughing.

  “I’m sorry, come on. Get up here with me. I got you.” In between each sentence, he had to catch his breath from laughing so hard. Grabbing his hand, I let him pull me on his horse because it was the only way I could get back. You better believe I rolled my eyes every step though. “Shorty, you were smiling like a predator and shit when your ass went flying. Your face expression was priceless like Chris Hansen jumped out and said, ‘Today on to catch a predator.’ I’m so fucking dead.” His ass continued to laugh as he pulled leaves and branches out of my hair. I should have pushed his ass off the horse but was too scared to ride by myself.

  “You don’t have to laugh this damn hard. Shit ain’t that funny.” Watching the tears roll down his face, I couldn’t do shit but laugh with him. He was an asshole for this shit, but it was funny.

  We finally made it back to the resort and it seemed like it took forever. The sun was setting and looked pretty as fuck on the ocean. Grabbing my hand, we headed towards the beach. Even though my damn leg was hurting, it was a beautiful scene. When he turned to kiss me right there under the setting sun on that white sandy beach, my insides shivered. He was the one and I was going to sit down and talk with my daddy. I know he didn’t want me with a street nigga, but he was the one.

  “Baby, let’s race. If I win, you have to suck my dick. If you win, I’ll take you shopping.”

  “That shit don’t equate. If I win, you gone eat the booty like groceries. Wait though, your legs longer than mine and I need to know the rules.”

  “Ain’t no rules. Since I’m taller, I’ll give you a head start. First person back to the room wins. Sweet and simple. You down?” Nodding my head, I took off running. My ass took flight down that bitch, I was not trying to suck no dick and I heard when a guy eat your booty it feels better than regular head. My ass didn’t look back and I ran like a bat out of hell. There was no way I was letting him beat me. Seeing the building ahead of me, I almost broke out and did a victory dance when I went soaring across the sand. This nigga tripped me and flew right by. Not even checking to see if I was okay, he kept right on going. My shit was really fucked up now and I wanted to kill his ass.

  Limping all the way to our room, I couldn’t do shit but laugh. He was the pettiest nigga I ever came across. Who the fuck would do that shit to somebody? I had to be careful with what I agree to with his ass, because I see he don’t give a fuck about pulling out his petty card on a bitch. Not only that, now I had to suck some fucking dick. I had no problem with the sexual act, I hated losing and I didn’t know what I was doing. This nigga wasn’t about to talk about me and tell everybody my head trash.

  My ass walked in the room slow and irritated trying my best to take my time. This nigga was lying in the bed ass naked smiling like he won the lottery. His damn dick was sticking to his thigh and he didn’t give two fucks.

  “Nigga, if you don’t go wash your dick and balls. I’m not sucking no horse dick. Your ass been bumping against a horse’s ass all damn day. Don’t play with me.” Laughing, he jumped up and ran towards the shower. Nigga almost slipped and fell he was trying to get in there so fast. When he came out, I pissed him off by going in. He was gone fuck me after, he had me fucked up. Once I was done, I walked out looking stupid. I had no idea what to do or where to start. My ass was damn near about to cry.

  “Come here shorty.” I guess you could see the nervousness pouring off of me. Lying down next to him, he grabbed my hand and had me stroke his dick gently. His shit was brick until my phone started ringing back to back. It was my daddy. “Turn that shit off, we’ll deal with his questions later.” Doing as I was told, I went back to massaging his dick.

  “Kiss the tip softly.” Licking my lips, I kissed him gently all over the head of his dick. “Release some spit on it. Yeah, just like that.” His dick jumped when I let the spit slide off my lip onto his dick. Putting it in my mouth, I sucked on the head and he hissed. If nothing else, I knew I did that part right. “Keep going down slow taking breaths until you get it all in.” My ass did that shit, but I kept gagging. I was embarrassed at first until I noticed he liked that shit. Finally, I got it all in. “Go up and down on it baby sucking and licking each time.” That shit wasn’t easy, but I finally got the hang of it and I got wet from the power I had over him. He was clinching the sheets and I could hear his toes popping.

  “Fuck, suck my balls baby.” When I went down to his balls, I stopped and looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Why are they so hairy? What the fuck. I’m not putting them hairy ass things in my mouth. I thought you had good hair, them shits nappy. How you got waves up top, but nappy ass balls?”

  “So is your lip, but you know somebody that like it. Now suck this dick girl, I’m ready to bust.” Frowning my face up, I hurried up and put them in my mouth. Shit felt weird and I kept choking thinking I had a hair ball in my shit. “Fuck it, just suck my dick you so damn extra.” Laughing, I went back up and kept doing what he taught me. His dick started jumping and his nut went down my thr
oat. “Damn baby, you swallowed that shit.”

  “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to. I’m sorry.”

  “Naw girl, that’s how grown women suck did. You did that shit, now come here and let me teach you how to ride this dick without my help. I’m tired as hell.” Laughing, I did just that.

  Our trip ended abruptly and I was walking into the hospital. After we were done fucking, I cut my phone on to check my messages and my heart broke. My daddy said it was a shooting at our house. Breezy and her daddy got hit. I had no idea if they were okay and I couldn’t stop shaking. Capone dropped me off and I went inside to meet with my daddy. He was sitting in the waiting room crying and Lisa was holding him like a baby.

  “Daddy, are they okay? What happened?” It’s like he couldn’t even look at me. My heart was racing waiting for him to answer. He tried, but only tears fell. I’ve never seen my daddy cry, so I knew it was bad.

  “Fat Back died instantly and your friend Boo is recovering. She lost the baby though. Right now she is okay, but the doctors said they wanted to monitor her just in case.” Lisa just told me my God daddy was dead and I have no idea why. Breaking down, I grabbed my daddy and we cried together. I know what he meant to him, I would feel the same had Breezy died on me. Shit was fucked up and I didn’t know what to say.

  “We will get through this together. I’m so sorry about Fat Back, I’m so sorry.” That only made him worse. Leaning back, I looked in his eyes and I was scared at what stared back at me. I knew that Vicious was back because I had that same look when it was war time. What I was afraid of, was if the war was going to come to me. I had to figure out what the fuck happened. “I’m going to go check on Breezy, what room she in?”

  “305 hunny.” I thanked Lisa and made my way to the back. I know she had to be taking this hard. Both of her parents were now gone and all she had was us. If I lost my daddy, I would lose my mind. They were some good ass fathers. When I walked in, she was staring at the wall. My heart broke for her. You could tell she was going through it. She lost her father and baby in the same day.

  “Hey best friend. I’m here. I’m not going to ask you how you are, because I could only imagine. Just know I am here.” When she didn’t respond, I climbed in the bed next to her and rubbed her head. After about thirty minutes, she finally spoke.

  “He died thinking I didn’t appreciate him. All my life, I blamed him for my mother. When the truth is, she didn’t want me. I used him kicking her out to get away with a lot of shit, but now he’s gone and he doesn’t know how I felt. We weren’t even talking when he died. Friend, they killed him like he wasn’t shit and I couldn’t even tell him he was my everything.”

  “He knew best friend. A parent always know. Don’t you walk around carrying that guilt. My God daddy wouldn’t want that. Now, I need you to get strong, so we can find out who did that shit. I think my daddy trying to get back in the game and you know that shit a conflict of interest.” That finally got a small laugh out of her. Even though I was serious, I was glad that I was able to bring a smile to her face.

  “Yeah as crazy as you are, there is no way I’m going to war with your daddy. I’ve heard the stories. If he find out it’s us he going to war with, he really gone kill us.” That’s exactly what I was afraid of.

  “We have to figure this shit out.”

  “I need you to help me plan the funeral. I’m not sure I can do that shit on my own and call glitch please. He needs to know about the baby.”

  “I got you best friend.” We laid the rest of the night in silence.



  My body was still sore, but here I was in my all black climbing in the family car. We were burying my father today and I didn’t know if I could take it. This was the hardest thing I ever had to do and I didn’t know if I could. Sitting next to Kalina, I looked at Vicious and he was taking it harder than me. We headed to the church in silence and I sat there rubbing my stomach.

  I’ve been blowing Glitch up, but he didn’t answer his phone. Kalina said he was out of town with a chick and he wasn’t answering for her as well. In my darkest time, that nigga left me on the side of the fucking road. He’s never taken me nowhere, but he was out there living while my world was falling apart. I know I fucked up, but there was no way I would have left him like this. When the Wraith stopped, we all gave each other a look trying to say be strong, but none of us looked it.

  Getting out, I prayed for strength and guidance as we made our way down the aisle. The choir sung Amazing Grace softly as the pastor read a scripture. All I could hear were the tears silently falling down my face. The closer we got to his body, the harder it became to walk. We did a closed casket, but his pictures were everywhere. Sitting down, we were the only family present for him, but the church was packed. I know Roulette was silently thanking God that Vicious chose to sit with their friends from the hood.

  Their old crew was together, minus Draino. Me and Roulette sat on the other side. If the hood had seen them together, they may have put two and two together. Capone sat behind Kalina making sure she knew he was there, but not close enough for Vicious to find out. I was so happy for my friend and I was glad that he was here for her. The funeral started and I broke down again. I couldn’t believe my daddy was in a fucking box about to be buried.

  I’ve had enough heartaches and enough headaches

  I’ve had so many ups and downs don’t know how

  Much more I can take, but I decided that I cried my

  Last tears, yesterday.

  The soloist sung Mary Mary’s Yesterday and me and Kalina broke down together. Seeing somebody standing in front of me, I looked up. It was Glitch and he was trying to tell me how sorry he was for not being there. All I saw was a bitch ass nigga that left me to pick up the pieces by myself. I was hurting and looking at him only made me hurt more. Since his ass was in my face looking like Big Red talking about Elenore, I slapped his ass just like she did.

  “Get out or I will have you dragged out.” Not wanting to draw any more attention to us, he walked off. Kalina hugged me as I cried for my father and the baby I lost. The services were finally over and we walked behind Vicious and their crew carrying him out. I noticed Glitch was still there, but I continued to walk. When I stepped outside, my heart sank. It had to be at least three hundred people out there in Fat Back shirts. They couldn’t get in, but they celebrated his life right outside.

  Getting back in the car, we headed to the burial. It was hard watching them put my daddy in the ground and that was my breaking point. I could no longer remain calm.

  “Please don’t leave me daddy. Please. I’m so sorry, I love you so much and I need you. Don’t leave me please. I need you.” Some strong arms wrapped around me and I turned face to face with Glitch.

  “I got you ma. I got you.” Leaning in his shoulder, I cried like I have never cried before. Long after everyone else had left, I was still standing there with my face buried in his chest crying. The rain drops is the only thing that brought me out of his embrace. “Let me take you home.” Nodding my head, I noticed Kalina and Vicious was still there. Walking towards him, I hugged him trying to give him some of the little strength I had. I know how he felt about my dad.

  “You will never be without a father. You’re my daughter now. Don’t you forget that.” Kalina mouthed to me run bitch run and I tried not to laugh. Hugging him again, I allowed Glitch to take me home. I forgot how creepy it was in the house now and I hated to be there by myself.

  “You want me to come in?” Nodding again, we walked inside. I don’t know where the gentle side of him came from, but he carried me up the stairs and laid me on the bed. Undressing me, he got me in my pajamas and tucked me under the covers. “You hungry?” Shaking my head no, I stared at him.

  “Why did you leave me to deal with this alone?”

  “I didn’t know ma. I was out here trying to fuck anything moving to get over you and your bullshit. I thought you were calling me about the fake b
aby. I didn’t think you was pregnant for real. When I got in town I found out what happened and I felt like shit. I will never leave you again and I’m sorry about the baby. You hurt me and I wanted to hurt you back, but I’m sorry. I should have handled that shit differently. I’m here now and I got you.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt him getting up to leave but I stopped him. Seeing the fear in my eyes, he took his shoes off and climbed in bed beside me. Sleep came easy that night and I prayed it would be this easy each day forward. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anybody.

  When I woke up, Glitch was gone and I got sad again until I smelled bacon. Getting up, I went downstairs to see what was going on. He was in the kitchen cooking and I mustered up half a smile.

  “You didn’t have to cook, I don’t have an appetite.”

  “Your ass gone eat something. I can’t have you losing that ass then I’m gone have to find me another girl.”

  “Stop playing, you don’t want me and you know I’m flat as that damn bacon.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m here ain’t I? I’ll stop playing games with you, if you stop playing them shits with me. Deal?” Knowing I needed him, I agreed.

  “Deal.” My hurt healed a little in that moment.



  Me and Roulette haven’t talked since the funeral and the shit was bothering me. I don’t know if she was going through it because of the death, if she was trying to be there for her friend, or if she just called herself not fucking with me. I didn’t say much to her because her dad was there, I just wanted her to know I had her back. Since I couldn’t get her off my mind, I went in my office and got out the trimmers. The next time she see me, this dick was gone be hard and ready.


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