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Patty's Success

Page 14

by Carolyn Wells



  It was about a week later. Nothing further had been said or done in thematter of Patty's "occupation," and Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield wondered whatplan was slowly brewing under the mop of golden curls.

  Mr. Hepworth began to hope his words had had an effect after all, and wasabout to lay the case of Miss Farley before some other true and triedfriends.

  But he had practically promised Patty to give her time for three moreattempts; so he waited.

  One day Patty came into the house just in time for luncheon.

  "Nan," she said, as they sat down at the table, "I've struck it rightthis time!"

  "_In_-deed!" said Nan, raising her eyebrows, quizzically.

  "Yes, I have! You needn't laugh like that."

  "I didn't laugh."

  "Yes, you did,--behind your eyes, but I saw you! Now, as I tell you, thistime conquers!"

  "Good for you, Patsy! Let me congratulate you. Let me do it now, lest Ishouldn't be able to do it later."

  "Huh! I thought you had faith in me."

  "And so I have, Patty girl," said Nan, growing serious all at once. "Itruly have. Also, I'll help you, if I can."

  "That's just it, Nan. You can help me this time, and I'm going to tellyou all about it, before I start in."

  "Going to tell me now?"

  "Yes, because I go this afternoon."

  "Go where?"

  "That's just it. I go to take a position as a companion to an elderlylady. And I shall stay a week. I'll take some clothes in a suitcase, orsmall trunk, and after I'm gone, you must tell father, and make it allright with him."

  "But, Patty, he said at the outset, you must be home by five o'clockevery day, whatever you were doing."

  "Yes; but that referred to occupations by the day. Now, that I've decidedto take this sort of a position, which is really more appropriate to alady of my 'social standing,' you must explain to him that I can't comehome at five o'clock, because I have to stay all the time, nights andall."

  "Patty, you're crazy!"

  "No, I'm not. I'm determined; I'm even stubborn, if you like; but I'm_going_! So, that's settled. Now, you said you'd help me. Are you goingto back out?"

  "No; I'm not. But I can't approve of it."

  "Oh, you can, if you try hard enough. Just think how much properer it isfor me to be companion to a lovely lady in her own house, than to beracing around lower Broadway for patchwork!"

  "That's so," said Nan, and then she realised that if she knew where Pattywas going, they could go and bring her home at any time, if Mr. Fairfieldwished.

  "Well," she went on, "who's your lovely lady?"

  "Mrs. Van Reypen."

  "Patty Fairfield! Not _the_ Mrs. Van Reypen?"

  "Yes, the very one! Isn't it gay? She's a bit eccentric, and sheadvertised for a companion, saying the application must be a written one.So I pranced up to her house this morning, and secured the position."

  "But she said to apply by letter."

  "Yes; that's why I went myself! I sent up my card, and a message that Ihad come in answer to her advertisement. She sent back word that I couldgo home and write to her. I said I'd write then and there. So I helpedmyself to her library desk, and wrote out a regular application. In lessthan five minutes, I was summoned to her august presence, and afterlooking me over, she engaged me at once. How's that for quick action?"

  "But does she know who you are?"

  "Why, she knows my name, and that's all."

  "But she's a,--why, she's sort of an institution."

  "Yes; I know she's a public benefactor, and all that. But, really, she'svery interesting; though, I fancy she has a quick temper. However, we'vemade the agreement for a week. Then if either of us wants to back out,we're at liberty to do so."

  "She was willing to arrange it that way?"

  "She insisted on it. She never takes anybody until after a week's trial."

  "What are your duties?"

  "Oh, almost nothing. I'm not a social secretary, or anything like that.Merely a companion, to be with her, and read to her occasionally, orperhaps sing to her, and go to drive with her,--and that's about all."

  "No one else in the family?"

  "I don't think so. She didn't speak of any one, except her secretary andservants. She's rather old-fashioned, and the house is dear. All crystalchandeliers, and old frescoed walls and ceilings, and elaboratedoor-frames. Why, Nan, it'll be fun to be there a week, and it'sso,--well, so safe and pleasant, you know, and so correct and seemly.Why, if I really had to earn my own living, I couldn't do better than tobe companion to Mrs. Van Reypen."

  "No; I suppose not. What is the salary?"

  "Ah, that's the beauty of it! It's just fifteen dollars a week. And as Iget 'board and lodging' beside, I'm really doing better than I agreedto."

  "I don't like it, Patty," said Nan, after a few moments' thought. "Butit's better, in some ways, than the other things you've done. Go on, andI'll truly do all I can to talk your father into letting you stay there aweek; but if he won't consent, I can't help it."

  "Why, of course he'll consent, Nan, if you put it to him right. You canmake him see anything as you see it, if you try. You know you can."

  "Well, go ahead. I suppose a week will pass; and anyway, you'll probablycome flying home after a couple of days."

  "No; I'm going to stay the week, if it finishes me. I'm tired of defeats;this time I conquer. You may help me pack, if you like."

  "You won't need many frocks, will you?" said Nan, as they went up toPatty's room.

  "No; just some light, dressy things for evening,--she's ratherformal,--and some plain morning gowns."

  Nan helped Patty with her selection, and a small trunk was filled withwhat they considered an appropriate wardrobe for a companion.

  At about four o'clock Patty started, in the motor-car.

  Mrs. Van Reypen received her pleasantly, and as they sat chatting over acup of tea, Patty felt more like an honoured guest than a subordinate.

  Then Mrs. Van Reypen dismissed her, saying:

  "Go to your room now, my dear, and occupy yourself as you choose untildinner-time. Dinner is at seven. There will be no guests, but you willwear a light, pretty gown, if you please. I am punctilious in suchmatters."

  Patty went to her room, greatly pleased with the turn events had taken.She wished she could telephone home how pleasantly she was getting along;but she thought wiser not to do that so soon.

  As it neared dinner-time, she put on one of her prettiest dresses, alight blue chiffon, with a touch of silver embroidery round the half-lowthroat and short sleeves.

  A few minutes before seven, she went slowly down the dark, old staircase,with its massive newels and balusters.

  As she reached the middle steps, she observed an attractive, butbored-looking young man in the hall.

  He had not noticed her light steps, and Patty paused a moment to look athim. As she stood, wondering who he might be, he chanced to turn, and sawher.

  The young man ran his eyes swiftly, from the cloud of blue chiffon, up tothe smiling face, with its crown of massed golden hair, which a saucy bowof blue ribbon did its best to hold in place.

  His face promptly lost its bored expression, and with his hands still inhis pockets, he involuntarily breathed a long, low whistle.

  The sound seemed to bring back his lost wits, and quickly drawing hishands into view, he stepped forward, saying:

  "I beg your pardon for that unconventional note of admiration, but Itrust you will accept it as the tribute for which it was meant."

  This was an easy opening, and Patty was quite ready to respond gaily,when she suddenly remembered her position in the house and wondered if acompanion ought to speak to a strange young man in the same language ayoung person in society might use.

  "Thank you," she said, uncertainly, and her shy hesitation completelycaptured the heart of Philip Van Reypen.

  "Come on down; I won't eat you," he said, reassuringly. "You are
, Iassume, a guest of my aunt's."

  "I am Mrs. Van Reypen's companion," said Patty, but though she made theannouncement demurely enough, the funny side of it all struck her soforcibly that she had difficulty to keep the corners of her mouth fromshowing her amusement.

  "By Jove!" exclaimed the young man, "Aunty Van always is lucky! Now, I'mher nephew."

  "Does that prove her good luck?" said Patty, unable to be prim in theface of this light gaiety.

  "Yes, indeed! Come on down, and get acquainted, and you'll agree withme."

  "I don't believe I ought to," said Patty, hesitatingly placing one littlesatin-slippered foot on the next step below, and then pausing again. "Yousee, I've never been a companion before, but I don't think it's right forme to precede Mrs. Van Reypen into the drawing-room."

  "Ah, well, perhaps not. Stay on the stairs, then, if you think that's theproper place. I daresay it is,--I never was a companion, either; so I'mnot sure. But sit down, won't you? I'll sit here, if I may."

  Young Van Reypen dropped onto a stair a few steps below Patty, who satdown, too, feeling decidedly at her ease, for, upon occasion, a staircasewas one of her favourite haunts.

  "It's like a party," she said, smiling. "I love to sit on a staircase ata party, don't you?"

  And so provocative of sociability did the staircase prove, that when Mrs.Van Reypen came down, in all the glory of her black velvet and old lace,she nearly tumbled over two chatting young people, who seemed to be verygood friends.

  "Philip! You here?" she exclaimed, and a casual observer would have saidshe was not too well pleased.

  "Yes, Aunty Van; aren't you as glad to see me as I am to see you? I'vebeen making Miss Fairfield's acquaintance. You may introduce us if youlike, but it isn't really necessary."

  "So it seems," said the old lady, drily; "but as I have some regard forthe conventions, I will present to you, Miss Fairfield, my scape-graceand ne'er-do-well nephew, Philip Van Reypen."

  "What an awful reputation to live up to," said Patty, smiling at thedebonair Philip, who quite looked the part his aunt assigned to him.

  "Awful, but not at all difficult," he responded, gaily, and Pattyfollowed as he escorted his aunt to the dining-room.

  The little dinner-party was a gay one; Mrs. Van Reypen became mildlyamiable under the influence of the young people's merry chatter, andPatty felt that so far, at least, a companion's lot was not such a veryunhappy one.

  After dinner, however, the young man was sent peremptorily away. Hebegged to stay, but his aunt ordered him off, declaring that she had seenenough of him, and he was not to return for a week at least. Philip wentaway, sulkily, declaring that he would call the very next morning toinquire after his aunt's health.

  "I trust you are not flirtatiously inclined, Miss Fairfield," said Mrs.Van Reypen, as the two sat alone in the large and rather sombredrawing-room.

  "I am not," said Patty, honestly. "I like gay and merry conversation, butas your companion, I consider myself entirely at your orders, and have nomind to chatter if you do not wish me to do so."

  "That is right," said Mrs. Van Reypen, approvingly. "You cannot have manyfriends in your present position, of course. And you must not feelflattered at Mr. Philip's apparent admiration of you. He is a mostimpressionable youth, and is caught by every new face he sees."

  Patty smiled at the idea of her being unduly impressed by Mr. VanReypen's glances. She had given him no thought, save as a good-natured,well-bred young man.

  But she pleasantly assured Mrs. Van Reypen that she would give her nephewno further consideration, and though Mrs. Van Reypen looked sharply atPatty's face, she saw only an honest desire to please her employer.

  The evening was long and uninteresting.

  At Mrs. Van Reypen's request, Patty read to her, and then sang for her.

  But the lady was critical, and declared that the reading was too fast,and the singing too loud, so that when at last it was bedtime, Pattywondered whether she was giving satisfaction or not.

  But she was engaged for a week, anyway, and whether satisfactory or not,Mrs. Van Reypen must keep her for that length of time, and that was allPatty wanted.

  She woke next morning with a pang of homesickness. It was a bit forlorn,to wake up as a hired companion, instead of as a beloved daughter in herown father's house.

  But resolutely putting aside such thoughts, she forced herself to thinkof her good fortune in securing her present position.

  "I'm glad I'm here!" she assured herself, as she dashed cold water intoher suspiciously reddened eyes. "I know I shall have all sorts of odd andinteresting adventures here; and I'm determined to be happy whateverhappens. And, anyway, it will be over soon. A week isn't long."

  Putting on a trim morning dress, of soft old rose cashmere, with a fineembroidered white yoke, she went sedately down to the breakfast room. Shehad been told to come to breakfast at nine o'clock, and the clock struckthe hour just as she crossed the threshold.

  Instead of her employer, she was astounded to see Philip Van Reypencalmly seated at the table.

  "Jolly to see you again!" he cried, as he jumped up to greet her. "Justthought I'd run in for a bite of breakfast, and to inquire how AuntyVan's cold is."

  "I didn't know she had a cold," said Patty, primly, trying to act as shethought a companion ought to act.

  "Neither did I," said the irrepressible Philip. "But I didn't know butshe might have caught one in the night. A germ flying in at the window,or something."

  Mindful of Mrs. Van Reypen's admonitions, Patty tried not to appearinterested in the young man's remarks, but it was impossible to ignorethe fact that he was interested in her.

  She responded to his gay banter in monosyllables, and kept her dancingeyes veiled by their own long-fringed lids, but this only served to piquePhilip's curiosity.

  "I've a notion to spend the day here, with Aunty Van," he said, and thenPatty glanced up at him in positive alarm.

  "Don't!" she cried, and her face betokened a genuine distress.

  "Why not?" said the surprised young man; "have you learned to dislike meso cordially already?"

  Amiable Patty couldn't stand for this misinterpretation of her attitude,and her involuntary, smiling glance was a sufficient disclaimer.

  But she was saved the necessity of a verbal reply, for just at thatmoment Mrs. Van Reypen came into the room.


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