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Heroes Ever After Boxset: Books 1-3

Page 35

by Alana Albertson

  Ryan briefly smiled, revealing his deep dimples. “Hi. My wife and I have a reservation. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton.” He squeezed me in his arms in a complete embrace, our chests flush together. I could feel his heart beating strongly. I resisted the voice in my head that told me to pull away, especially since he smelled incredible. Not of expensive cologne and aged cognac, no. Woodsy, earthy. Like he had just chopped wood in a forest and bathed in a babbling brook.

  Naked. What would he look like naked? I forced that image out of my head.

  “Bienvenue à Bayeux. Is this your honeymoon?”

  Ryan’s hands dropped from my shoulders and gripped my waist possessively while I forced a smile, my body melting from his touch. “Sure is. I can’t wait to get her alone.”

  I stepped on his foot, but he didn’t even flinch.

  Ugh, I was doomed.

  “Oh, we love newlyweds.” She handed us a large metal key, and we followed her up the stairs where she showed us to our room. “I’ll be sure to give you lovebirds plenty of privacy. Breakfast is served every morning at nine, or I can prepare a tray for your room. And there is a computer in the lobby with free internet.”

  Ryan moved our luggage into the room and then thanked her, and she left.

  Before I could say a word, Ryan lifted me up and carried me over the threshold.

  Like a bride.

  I laughed. Would my fiancé even be able to pick me up?

  Ryan placed me on the bed, and I looked around the room. It was small but cozy, with a tiny fireplace and a large bay window. Soft mauve wallpaper adorned the walls, and a queen-size bed made of cherry wood stood in the center.

  A quick scan revealed there was no sofa for me to sleep on. Would he keep his promise to sleep on the floor? Or would we share the bed?

  He shut the door and gave me that cocky smirk I was starting to look forward to seeing. Damn him.

  “That was lovely. You didn’t have to put on a show for her sake, though. You could’ve just said we were married.”

  Ryan let out a laugh. He flopped down onto the bed and relaxed next to me, and I couldn’t help studying his chiseled body. A black T-shirt clung to his massive chest, and I had to look away from the tight denim fabric covering his crotch. I’d never been alone with a man who was not related to me, not even my fiancé. Nerves made me involuntarily shiver.

  His gaze burned into me, and I could feel his eyes staring at my chest. “I still can’t believe you thought it was a good idea to travel alone. Not too smart, Princess. You know there are terrorists everywhere working on blowing places up.”

  I shook my head. “You Americans are always so paranoid. I believe in enjoying my life and not living in fear.”

  That sounded good in theory . . .

  But what would it be like if I was left alone? If I had no one?

  If I was stuck in a loveless marriage?

  “A fucking princess. What a trip. I’ve never met a princess, though I’ve met the president’s daughter.”

  I didn’t know whether or not to believe him, but since I was stuck in this room with this stranger, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Well, then we do have something in common. I’ve met Ava as well. She’s a cool girl.” I felt a twinge of jealousy. Ava was both beautiful and accomplished. Had he kissed her too?

  I shook my head. None of my business.

  I decided to change the subject. “So, why are you traveling alone?”

  “Because I’ve been stuck in hell with a platoon of sixteen men for the last seven months. I need some downtime. Alone.”

  I couldn’t even fathom what being at war was like. I wanted to ask him questions, but it would be rude. He’d already admitted to me that he’d killed men—he probably didn’t want to talk about it. A big part of being a princess was knowing when to be diplomatic. I changed the subject, hoping to gain some insight into Ryan’s personality. “What made you choose Bayeux?”

  “I wanted to see the Normandy beaches.”

  That was surprising. Most Americans would choose to visit my country and watch the drag races or head into Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. “Are you a history buff?”

  “War history.”

  “Interesting choice. It seems to me that if you spent all your life engaged in combat, you wouldn’t want to spend your free time visiting battle sites. But you will love Normandy. I’d be happy to give you a tour.”

  The second those words left my lips, my belly knotted with regret. How foolish I must’ve sounded—agreeing to stay in this man’s room, offering to travel to Normandy with him. I was acting like a desperate teenager.

  Of course he wouldn’t want some pathetic virgin princess hanging around him on his European adventure. I’d heard about these American men traveling alone in my country. Sleeping with a different girl every night, partying at the clubs, getting drunk. What a wild life.

  What would it be like to live my life on my own terms? Indulge in my fantasies of freedom without fearing any repercussions?

  He moved closer to me. “I’d like that.”

  Oh, God—he really wanted to?

  No, I couldn’t. This arrangement was only for one night. After tomorrow, it would be best for both of us if we never saw each other again.

  I needed a good night’s sleep. Hopefully, I would behave more appropriately and be able to think more rationally tomorrow.

  “I’m sure you’re tired from traveling all day. We should get some rest.”

  “Yeah, I’m beat. I’m going to take a shower.”

  A shower? He would be naked with only a thin wall separating us. The water spraying his incredible chest. Maybe he would leave the door open, and I could steal a peek.

  I tried not to think about how much I was dying to know what he looked like naked.

  I had to get out of this room before I did something ridiculous.

  “Okay, I’ll just wait in the lobby until you are done. There’s a library downstairs; I’ll choose a book and read by the fire.”

  He grabbed my wrist. “No, you won’t. You’re a princess. Don’t you realize you could get kidnapped and held for ransom? I’m not letting you out of this room until you get copies of your identification, some money, and I return you safely to your hotel. And you should travel with protection.”

  I was regretting my decision to stay with him. He was treating me like a helpless child. Just like my father did. “Are you offering your services, Mr. SEAL? Who do you think you are, anyway? My father? I’ll be fine downstairs. I’m an adult.”

  “An adult who was mugged. Not to mention, you’re gorgeous. You’ll stand out too much. I don’t know who else is in this place. End of discussion.”

  Did he really think I was gorgeous? Over the years, I’d almost come to believe all the nasty tabloid comments about me. Princesses should be lithe, elegant, flawless. I was none of those things.

  He grabbed some clothes and a little black bag out of his pack, then winked at me. “I’ll only be a few minutes. Don’t move, unless,” he leaned close and whispered in my ear, “you want to join me.”

  Yes, I do!

  “I most certainly do not.”

  He grinned and then went into the bathroom and shut the door. The pipes rattled as the water turned on, and I imagined him getting in, his naked body glistening under the water.

  I couldn’t wait to tell my cousin Lucia about this night. Lucia was a wild one. If she knew I was in a room with a hot Navy SEAL, she’d be horribly disappointed if I didn’t hook up with him.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. Ever.

  I glanced down at the phone in the room. I should call my father just in case he contacted the hotel after not being able to reach me on my cell. Ugh, I didn’t want to alarm him. But if I didn’t call him to check in, he would be even more worried.

  What to do, what to do . . .

  The water was still running, so I decided to make a break for it. I grabbed the key, snuck out of the room, raced down the stairs, and found the comp
uter desk. I logged in to my email and sent a quick message to my father.


  I have arrived safely in Bayeux but have unfortunately lost my phone. Luckily, I ran into an old friend from university, and she graciously allowed me to stay with her at a bed-and-breakfast in town. Could you please overnight copies of my identification and my credit cards to my hotel? I’ll pick them up tomorrow. Please don’t worry about me—I’m safe. I’ll call you tomorrow.




  Ugh, I hated to lie to him, but if I told him the truth, he would freak out. Tomorrow, when I said goodbye to Ryan, I would go to my hotel and call my father.

  And try to forget this night ever happened.

  I ran back up the stairs, and luckily for me, Ryan was still in the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, he emerged.

  My mouth gaped.

  Good Lord, he was hot. His huge chest tapered down to a narrow waist above the visible line of his boxers, peeking out of his pajama pants. The scent of cologne filled the air.

  He gave a slight smirk and asked, “Would you be more comfortable if I put on a shirt?”

  I shook my head no, unable to speak, afraid the only thing that would come out of my mouth would be drool.

  “Good. Normally I sleep naked, but since you’re a virgin and all, I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “How considerate of you.” I tried not to stare at all the tattoos covering his broad chest.

  “Your turn, Princess.”

  The way he said “Princess” sounded illicit. Usually, I hated the term, but from those lips, it evoked a sense of sex.

  I slowly removed my jewelry and placed it in the top drawer of the nightstand, next to a copy of the Bible. Guilt consumed me as if the good book could tell how much I wanted to sin. I quickly shut the drawer.

  I grabbed my nightgown and toiletries from my luggage and locked myself in the bathroom. As I jumped in the shower, and the water hit my bare body, I kept reminding myself that only a few minutes ago, Ryan had been naked right where I stood now. Had he fantasized about me while he was in here?

  What would it be like to lose my virginity to this warrior?

  I couldn’t help wondering if this night was the beginning of a love affair. An affair to remember.

  A love to forget.


  AS I WAITED FOR HER IN THE bedroom, I couldn’t stop picturing what she would look like naked. Imagining how she would taste. How her body would react to my touch. How incredibly tight she must be.

  I needed to be inside her.

  But I had to go slow with this girl, so slow it would hurt. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. I wasn’t that guy.

  She had to want me. She had to beg me to fuck her, to take her virginity, or I wouldn’t touch her.

  I had to force myself to not think about ravaging her, so I grabbed a book from my pack. Reading had been my refuge since I was little, much to the shock of everyone who just saw me as some dumb foster kid born to a drug-addicted mom always looking for her next fix. A woman who didn’t have the faintest clue which one of the men she’d screwed was her baby daddy.

  My mom had lost her parental rights long ago. She didn’t even know I was a SEAL. And I was certain that I would never learn the identity of my biological dad. I’d even registered on one of those genetic sites and still had no leads.

  Books took me away from my life. Over the years, my tastes changed from books about sharks to war novels. The first time I read The Red Badge of Courage, I knew I wanted to join the military. Then, after one of my many foster dads beat me to within an inch of my life, I vowed never to be helpless again. I’d become a Navy SEAL—the biggest, baddest motherfucker on this Earth. No one would ever hurt me or anyone I loved again.

  Giselle emerged from the bathroom wearing a silky white nightgown. Damn, she looked incredible. I’d never seen a body like hers. Her breasts were full but not fake, her waist was tiny, and she had extremely curvy hips. Voluptuous, real, a bombshell.

  I was dying to see her naked.

  Her shoulders dropped, and she covered her chest with her hands when she caught me ogling her. “Sorry, I realize this nightgown is a bit inappropriate. The other ones I brought are of a similar style. I’m not trying to tempt you.” Her tone was serious and not in the least bit flirty.

  I couldn’t wait to touch and explore her body. “Consider me tempted. But don’t worry, sweetheart, I have self-control.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” She flashed me a dazzling smile, then looked at my book. “What are you reading?”

  “Nothing.” I tossed my book aside, wanting to focus completely on her. “Come here.” I motioned her over to me. “What’s your plan for your vacation?”

  She sat on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t have anything concrete. See the Bayeux tapestry, visit some museums, travel around this part of the country. Just live life.”

  “And your fiancé didn’t offer to go with you so you could get to know each other? If you were my woman, I wouldn’t leave you alone for a minute.”

  She bit her lower lip. “No, he didn’t. I’m not sure that he’s fond of me. We’re very different. He’s more of a playboy prince. Instead of helping his country, he spends his days on his yacht sunbathing, and his nights in the clubs partying.”

  Her description made me hate him even more. “Sounds like a loser. I can’t stand rich motherfuckers who don’t work. Especially royalty.”

  She wrinkled her face. “We aren’t all lazy.”

  “Didn’t say you were. He should join the military like Prince Arthur and Prince Douglas. I like Prince Doug—man, that guy seems cool as shit. He held the Invincible Games for wounded vets. One of my buddies competed. Dude is blind, but he’s now a Paralympian swimmer.”

  “Oh, that’s amazing. What an inspiration your friend is. Yes, everyone loves Doug. He’s a good man. We’re quite close, actually.”

  “Really? I’d love to meet him one day.”

  “That could be arranged. I’m going hunting with him and Art next year. Maybe I can get you an invitation.”

  I stared at her. This woman was going hunting with the future King of England? And she just invited me—some American bastard? My own family wanted nothing to do with me, and now I was hanging out with royals.

  Look at me now, Mom.

  “That would be awesome.”

  She smiled and looked me in the eyes. “So, what is it like being a Navy SEAL? It must be terribly exciting.”

  “I love it. It’s not just a job, it’s my life. My calling. My Teammates are the best men in the world.”

  “Have you always wanted to be a SEAL?”

  “Yup.” I left it at that. I did not want to tell this girl about my past, have her pity me, and realize that no one had ever loved me. I had no desire to be emotionally intimate with her or anyone else. Ever. Giselle and I couldn’t be more different. She had a royal lineage that could be traced back centuries; I didn’t even know who my fucking father was.

  I’d spent my deployment planning every aspect of this trip, fantasizing about backpacking solo through Europe. The rest of my Teammates had returned home to their hot wives, adorable kids, and loving families.

  Every homecoming at the port, I rushed past the sexy women holding Welcome Home signs, dodged the newborns waiting to be held for the first time by their daddies, avoided the parents who were so grateful to greet their sons, and beelined straight for the solace of my truck.

  My brothers-in-arms invited me into their homes and encouraged me to learn to trust and love someone. But deep in my heart, I knew that my destiny was to be the best SEAL I could be. My buddies with families hesitated before they walked into the line of fire, worried about the loved ones they would leave behind if they died.

  I didn’t have that problem.

  As a SEAL, I never wavered. I was first to fight, last to leave, and always ready to deploy or attack the enemy at a
moment’s notice.

  Need a volunteer to take down a terrorist? I was the man.

  I knew that one day, I would die honorably in battle.

  And no one but my Teammates would miss me.

  It was better that way.

  Her eyes widened as she stared at my bare chest. “I’ve never seen so many tattoos. Did they hurt? Do they mean anything?”

  “No, they didn’t hurt. Well, not that I remember. I was blazed when I got them. This is a skeleton frog holding a trident, representing my buddy who died last year. And this one is my class number from SEAL training.”

  “I’m sorry about your friend.” She leaned in to get a closer look, but her feet remained planted on the floor.

  “Babe, come here. I won’t bite. You’re safe with me. There’s only one bed in here, but I can sleep on the floor if it makes you more comfortable.” I meant every word I said to her. I just hoped she believed me.

  “I’m sorry. You must think I’m so silly.”

  I took her hand and interlaced her fingers with mine. “No, I think you’re beautiful. And innocent. It’s refreshing. I like you.”

  She sat next to me, and her finger traced along my tattoos across my chest. Her delicate hand felt different to me than the touches I’d had from other women. Giselle seemed enchanted by me, something I had never really experienced.

  She’d claimed not only to be a virgin, but that she had never been alone with a man. Her sheltered life was the exact opposite of my hedonistic youth.

  But even though she was innocent, her situation was very complicated. I needed to ask more questions. “When’s your wedding?”

  Her face fell. “Next month. When I return from this trip, we will start the festivities.”

  When I was a little boy, I envied people like her, people who were rich and cultured. I’d always assumed that if only I had been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, my life would’ve been easy. But now I realized her world came with pressures I couldn’t even begin to understand.

  At least I was free to be with whomever I wanted.

  And I wanted her.

  “What would happen if you didn’t go through with it?”


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