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Lord of a Thousand Steps: An Age-gap, Sexy Babysitter, Single-dad MM Romance (Love in Laguna Book 4)

Page 13

by Tara Lain

  “Actually, I’d never assume that about you. I’ve watched you being very faithful to a guy who didn’t appear to be appreciating the effort, so if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m good. I’ll assume he’s gone and that’s all I need to know.” He flashed some teeth. “In fact, I’m not going to complain too loud if you haven’t blown him off yet, since I’m the one who got the world-class blowjob.”

  “Thanks for assuming I’m the one who did the blowing off.” He stared in his glass. “Actually, I heard he was in California, and I went to his apartment to tell him, you know, what you said. That I understood he might not be out in Mexico, but how I’d be okay with being his closet boyfriend.”

  “Okay.” So much sadness was pouring off Ian, he could practically see it.

  “Instead, I found him packing up—with his fiancé, Karl. Apparently, most everything he told me about his trip to Mexico was a lie. I’m not even sure how sick his father is. I mean sick, yeah, but probably not life-threatening. Anyway, I got pretty pissed and ended up getting tossed on my ass by a giant fiancé.”

  “What?” Braden put his wine on the table and leaned in to Ian. “Are you okay?”

  “Pretty much. I landed on my butt, which is good. If it had been some other part, I might be more bruised.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “This morning.”

  “Jesus, Ian. And you spent the day playing babysitter for the whole fucking office? I would have crawled in a bed and not come out for a week.” His hands clenched. “Are these assholes gone? Maybe together we can take him?”

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.”

  Braden picked up his glass and turned it in his hands. He’d been the recipient of a rebound blowjob. He slowly released his breath. Better than no blowjob at all, I guess. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  “Yeah. Well, maybe it’ll help me grow up and stop looking for romance on every street corner, you know? Just about the time I moved in with my brother, he fell for Ken, and I think that warped my perspective. They’re so happy. But I guess I haven’t kissed enough frogs yet.”

  Braden sucked wine up his nose and gargled. “Mmft, I shall cherish my new amphibian category.” Although it kind of stung.

  “Oh, hell no. That’s not what I meant.” He shook his head wildly. “Actually, you’re the antiamphibian.”

  Braden laughed. “Okay, explain.”

  “I mean, you’re the shoot-for-the-moon guy. The prince’s prince. But you’re so far out of my league, you won’t tempt me to hope.” He grinned. “I can be your secret blowjob guy, your fuck buddy, while you’re getting yourself out of your marriage. You won’t have to worry about some random spy photographer catching you in the throes with me. Hell, if they see us together, you have a perfect reason to be with me. Combination design mentee and babysitter.”

  Braden’s head spun. This made weird sense—and gave him a bellyache. “What do you get out of it?”

  “Are you kidding? Sex with the hottest dude on two feet—and a break from fairy-tale romance.”

  His mouth opened—and closed. Try again. “Uh, are you sure about this?”

  Ian’s grin faded. “Okay, I’m more beat-up than I’m letting on. But I really like you. If we go into this with eyes open and solemnly promise that when one of us finds a realistic boyfriend we can still work together, then I’m in. But seriously, I don’t want to jeopardize my job. I love working for Lord and Kendrick. If you think I’m kidding myself, say so.”

  Kidding? Fuck, they’d both lost their minds. “Uh, are you, uh, we actively looking for—” He made quote marks in the air. “—realistic boyfriends throughout this, uh, fuck buddy-hood?”

  Ian blew out a stream of air. “Speaking for myself, not in the immediate future. One lying prince charming is all I can take at the moment.”

  Braden didn’t smile nearly as wide as he wanted to. “I understand. Dating is more than I’m up for in the midst of all this divorce bullshit.”

  “Well, good. Sounds like fuck buddyhood is the perfect arrangement.”

  He smiled. “Yes. I guess it does.”

  Silence slipped in on little awkward feet. Ian sipped wine, and Braden stared at his.

  Oh hell. “Does that—”

  Ian raised his head. “So, that—”

  They both laughed. Braden said, “You first.”

  Ian squinched up his nose. Damned cute. “Will I get the adolescent award if I say, ‘No. You first’?”

  “Okay. I was just going to say, if we’re entering into fuck buddyhood—does that mean we get to fuck?” He chuckled.

  Ian fell back against the couch cushions and laughed. “Hell, it better.”

  “Uh—” Braden cleared his throat. “—is anyone expecting you somewhere? I mean, the kids are gone all night.”

  “I figure this should take about that long.” His green eyes gleamed with evil intent. Braden shivered.

  “Now you’re just bragging. Even after you lengthened my fuse a bit today, I’m not sure how much staying power I’ve got. It’s been a long, dry summer.”

  Ian set down his wineglass and crossed his arms. “Who says you only get to come once?”

  “Hey, I’m the old guy around here, remember?”

  Ian chuckled. “That’s okay. I’m going to remind you what it’s like to be twenty-one.”

  Jesus, he wanted to fall on his back and kick his legs like a little kid. “That sounds good.” So much breath rushed out, he could barely hear the words.

  “Shall we adjourn to the bedroom, or would you like to warm up here?”

  “Bedroom is fine.” Gulp.

  “Just let me send a quick text.”


  “To tell my brother to take the chicken off the kitchen counter.”


  “Don’t worry. It’s all good.” Ian stood, walked slowly past Braden, and sashayed his butt toward the bedroom.

  Braden swallowed hard. Shit, this might be the worst mistake ever. His cock couldn’t care less.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ian knew which bedroom was Braden’s from the four or five times he’d chased or carried Anderson down the hall—but this was the first time he’d been in it. Wow. Beyond the tall glass windows, the moon left a pathway on the midnight black water showing sparkles of white foam. Somewhere below, the surf crashed against the cliff, not only rumbling, but setting up a light vibration that shivered through Ian’s feet straight into his balls.

  Man, if anything revealed their stark differences, this room did it. Grown-up with a capital G. Here he was living off the charity of his brother and Ken, while Braden got to sleep in a room like this. Think of all he’d accomplished in his thirty-six years. Of course, when it came to sex—gay sex—Ian came out on top in the experience department by a lot—pardon the pun. That makes me feel a little better. Still, he wouldn’t be topping tonight. Sticking it in took a lot less practice than receiving it. Whew. That cock in his ass? Just the thought sent his dick into heat-seeking mode.

  “Admiring the view?”

  Ian looked over his shoulder at Braden, who stood framed in the doorway. Ian smiled softly. “I am now.”

  “Me too.”

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  “You make it easy.”


  Braden grinned and leaned against the doorframe. Impossibly sexy. “What’s the old saying? Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs?”

  “As a whore in church?” Ian took two steps toward Braden.

  Braden pushed away from the door and moved forward a step. “As a prize turkey in November.”

  “As a cat at a dog show.” Two more steps.

  “As a pig in a bacon factory.” They were only a couple of feet apart.

  “As the owner of a ceiling-fan store with a comb-over.”

  Braden barked a laugh. “I give up. You win.”

  Ian slid his hand across Braden’s cheek. A
day’s growth of beard. Nice. “What do I get for a prize?”

  Braden sighed and the words slid out like butter. “Anything you want.”

  “Want to fuck me?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Have you done this much?”

  He shrugged. “Some.”

  “Got supplies?”

  “Yeah, although the condoms may have been used by the Neanderthals.”

  “Now who’s bragging?”

  He flushed and stared at his shoes. “I meant the age.”

  “I know, but then I’ve already met Mr. Neanderthal down there, so don’t be downplaying his stats.” He grinned. “Let’s remove some of the unnecessary layers.”

  “Can I watch?”

  “Ah yes, a visual learner.”

  “Always.” Braden flashed the pearlies, but the pushed-out front of his jeans betrayed a certain need for speed.

  Ian swept an arm toward the bed. “Please take your seat.”

  Braden chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed, his erection pointing the crotch of his jeans toward the ceiling.

  Ian walked away from him, kicked his flip-flops toward the wall, then wrapped his arms around his own torso and pulled his T-shirt slowly over his head.

  Braden’s breathing was audible across the room. “You’re so lean, but such great shoulders.”

  He glanced over one “great” shoulder and fluttered his lashes. “Thank you, kind sir, but you’ve turned leanness into an art form.”

  “I think of it as scrawny.”

  His laugh popped out. “Then we’ll be scrawny together. Let’s hear it for the Scarecrow.”

  “If he only had a brain?”

  Ian sucked a little breath, their eyes locked, and he shivered. Okay, forget the serious shit. We’ll worry about that tomorrow. He unfastened his jeans and slid them a few inches down his hips while waggling his butt.

  “Woot. Take it off.” Braden clapped and whistled.

  Ian took to the rhythm and swung his hips side to side as he dropped the pants lower.

  “Are you commando?”

  He grinned. “I had on my board shorts earlier. I took those off, and that left me with zero underwear.”

  “Oh, poor baby.”

  “Yeah. My loss is your gain.” He dropped the pants to his ankles, spun around, and thrust his hips forward, which resulted in a very satisfying dick bump.

  Braden stared and slowly licked his lips. “Wow.”

  “As nothing compared to the king of penises. Penii?”

  “You’re just beautiful.”

  Heat flashed behind Ian’s eyes and he swallowed hard. “I’m so glad you think so.” With a deep breath, he smiled. “But you’re far too clothed.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am.” Braden stood, toed off his deck shoes, pulled his tissue-thin sweater over his head, and paused at the waistband of his jeans.


  He pulled slowly, and the waistband of his blue boxer briefs showed up, with a very large pink cockhead peeking over the top of it.

  Ian laughed. “Escaped prisoner.” He walked to Braden and grasped the elastic. “Let’s give him his freedom, shall we?” When Ian tugged on the briefs, Braden’s cock popped out and slapped his belly above his navel. Mouthwatering. Ian slid down Braden’s body until his knees hit the thick Persian rug. He framed the cockhead with his hands. “Hello, my pretty.” He leaned forward and licked the fat mushroom like his own lollypop. Oh man, musky, salty, and something spicy. Cinnamon lollypop.

  “Don’t do that too much if you want him to last long enough to fuck.”

  He snapped his tongue back in. “No worries. I wouldn’t deprive myself of this treat for anything.” He stood and pulled Braden toward the bed. “Is the lube in the bedside table?”

  “Umm-hm.” Braden crawled on the bed. Ian watched him from the corner of his eye while he stared at the lube cap. Cute. Braden couldn’t decide whether to lie on his back or belly. He wound up kind of halfway on his side, cock sticking up but balls falling sideways. Wish I had my camera.

  Ian sat on the mattress. “Any preference? Doggy? Face-to-face?” He nodded at Braden’s position. “We can try sideways another time. This early in the game, you need a straight shot.”

  He swallowed noisily, then laughed. “Which, uh, what do you recommend?”

  “Doggy’s more impersonal.”

  “Then face-to-face.”

  That gave Ian a warm shot to the heart. “Deal. Let’s take off the bedspread so we don’t mess it up.”

  “Are you always so practical?” Braden grinned.

  “Definitely not. But first times together need thinking through.”

  “Too much thinking.”

  “Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow, then rolled back and plopped a leg beside each ear. He waved toward his wildly exposed butt. “Be my guest.”


  “Condom on you, lube on top, lube in me, and go.”

  The lovely sounds of wrappers ripping and tubes squirting filled the air. The bed bounced a few times, and Braden grunted.

  Ian wagged. “Uh, I’m smelling my own balls here.”

  “Sorry.” A cool, slick finger circled his pucker and very, very slowly pushed in.

  “It’s okay. Go for it. You won’t hurt me.”

  Braden took an audible breath and then pop, in went the finger.

  “Oh yeah. Add another puppy to the litter. I’ve done this before.”

  Braden’s second finger slid in, and his lips nuzzled Ian’s ear. “You’re so warm inside. Can’t wait to get in there.”

  “You just said the magic words. Put that Tyrannosaurus rex in me. Now.”

  “You’re mixing your eras. Tyrannosaurus and Neanderthal did not coexist.”

  “History lessons? Really?”

  Braden chuckled. The fingers pulled out and then a big, warm, slick surface pressed on his asshole. “Will this really fit?” Braden’s breath came hard.

  “Trust me. Push.”

  He pushed.


  “Are you—”

  “Harder! Lean in.”

  Braden’s hot body arched over Ian, pressing down on his legs and ramming that cock past the ring of muscle—and home.

  “Ohhhhhhh.” Ian’s breath poured out as slow-flowing lava tubes of heat rolled through him. Sweet Jesus, he’d been so busy on logistics he hadn’t stopped to think about—this. That cock from that man inside him. After years of the R word, who’d been just average size, Braden’s dick edged on too much—stretching, burning, lighting fires in nerves long dormant. Oh shit, this is perfect.

  “Are you okay?”

  “So far beyond okay.”

  Braden scooched so his lips met Ian’s in a soft kiss. “What would you like?”

  “How about fucking me into next week?”

  Braden laughed and pulled out to the tip and wham! He shoved back in. A little laugh of amazement burst from him. He tried it again with another chortle. Then he leaned a hand on the bed above Ian’s head and started to thrust. Again and again, his hips hammering.

  His big cock rubbed all the right places, and Ian’s prostate woke up and smelled the coffee. “Oh shit! Oh man. This is so good. More. Yes, more.”

  “Ian, you’re amazing. Unh, oh.”

  Braden’s rhythm started to falter. He must be close. Ian adjusted his body so Braden’s belly rubbed hard against his cock. “Oh yes. Like that. Perfect.”

  “I’m, I’m—oh shit.”

  “It’s okay. I’m there. I’m so there. Oh God, Braden!”

  “Holy shiiiiit.” Braden’s hips hopped like a bunny and then froze as grunting sounds rumbled from his chest.

  For an instant, Ian enjoyed the look of ecstasy on Braden’s face. Then floods of fireworks burst in his balls and shot straight into his brain. Wads of sticky cum shot from his cock and got stuck between his chest and Braden’s. What a wonderful mess.

  Braden collapsed on top of him, gasping for breath mixed
with giggles. “Holy shit. Holy shit. I never knew.”

  Ian whispered against his ear, “I thought you said you’d done this before.”

  He laughed and the vibration tickled Ian’s heart. “Are you kidding? No one’s ever done this before.”

  They lay stuck together until normal respiration returned. Braden’s breathing slowed. Ian giggled. “Hey, my Neanderthal, don’t pin me down here.”

  “What? Oh, sorry.” He rolled to the side, flopped a hand over his eyes, and smiled.

  “You look debauched. And believe me, I’ve been waiting my whole life to use that word in a sentence.”

  “I feel marvelous.”

  “Good. That’s the plan behind this fuck buddy operation. It gives you a chance to have gay sex without having to advertise it to your ex-wife and everyone else you know.”

  “And you get—” He raised his arm from his eyes and looked over at Ian.

  “Great sex without fairy tales.”

  “Okay.” He flopped his arm back down. “I’ll try to hold up my end of the bargain.”

  Funny. Braden’s voice had a little edge. Kind of like the one scraping against Ian’s heart.

  “What?” Braden’s eyes fluttered open. What’s happening? The sound of a soft snore whispered in his left ear. Oh right. I remember. Everything. He smiled and inhaled deeply as sparks of electricity tingled outward from his morning wood. Amazing to think he might have a place to put that needy thing—and a whole Sunday morning to enjoy it in.

  He stretched a little. Just enough to iron out the kinks without waking Ian. Look at that pretty face. Asleep, he looked even younger. Kind of a scary thought. Also kind of scary to think Braden had a fuck buddy. He’d done a few one-night stands, but never anyone he really liked. Ian he liked. Is it fair to him to use him for sex? His idea. Braden stared at the ceiling. Is it fair to me?

  He turned back to Ian and laughed. Two bright green eyes stared at him, full of morning mischief. Braden leaned in and kissed his nearby nose. “Good morning.”

  “Umm, it is good too, because I think the Neanderthal is awake and ready to boogie.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Then let me pee before I get so hard I can’t pass water through it and return with haste. Do you happen to have an extra—”


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