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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 6

by Amelia Wilde

  Did he really not want me there? Or was I imagining it? He looked away only when he reached us. “Come on, party people,” he said.

  I followed the three of them to the elevators, knees weak.

  Zeus punched the button for the top floor and we rode the elevator to our room, like normal business travelers and not three bandits and their hostage about to have a wild ménage. Or maybe this was how bandits about to have a wild ménage rode an elevator, all stern and silent before the event.

  How would I know? I was raised on a sheep farm.

  Odin caught my eye and smiled knowingly. I looked away from him, just stared ahead at the button panel with probably a dorky expression. I felt like I was trapped in a state of suspended erotic animation. None of us were fucking or even touching, but I was so aware of these men, wound so tight with horniness, even the elevator bell tweaked my nerves.

  Then the doors slid open.

  Thor set a hand on the small of my back and guided me out the elevator and down the hall to our room.

  Zeus shoved the key card in and out of the slot and yanked the door open.

  My pulse raced as we walked into our room—Zeus, Odin, and me, followed by Thor.

  Or make that, walked into our rooms. We had a mammoth suite really, with two wings of rooms— bedrooms, presumably—and in the center, a posh and rambling living area with velvet and marble furnishings, velvet curtains, and a massive hot tub.

  Zeus went immediately into one of the side rooms and slammed the door.

  “Is he okay?” I asked.

  “You have to leave him to himself. He needs to exercise and be in his cave a while.” Thor dropped his bags and came to me. “Zeus has his own timetable.” He slid his hands over my shoulders.

  “Okay,” I said.

  A knock at the door. Thor broke away from our kiss. A room service waiter pushed in a cart laden with booze, glasses, snacks, flowers, and linens. “Would you like me to set you up?”

  “No, just park the cart. Leave the table clear. Just in case.”

  The waiter parked the cart next to a marble table.

  Odin took off his glasses and gave me an amused look that had 99% pure devil in it. “Don’t you think?” he asked me.


  “That we should leave the table clear?”

  “I guess,” I said.


  Odin gave the waiter a couple of fifties. As soon as the door closed, Odin unscrewed the cap from the bottle and poured three shots. He handed one to me and one to Thor. He downed his and loosened his tie, eyeing me lewdly.

  My nerves skittered. Would we just start now? Usually I changed clothes after I traveled. I supposed I would now. Or at least take them off. I gulped down my scotch. It burned warm in my throat, roasting my chest from the inside.

  “Frightened?” Odin asked.

  “A bank heist followed by group sex isn’t my normal schedule, that’s all,” I said bravely.

  “Oh, one of the best things about you is your pretend confidence,” Odin said.

  “It’s not pretend,” I protested.

  “Thor likes your embarrassment, but I like your pretend confidence.” Odin gestured for me to hold out my glass and he poured me another shot. “We’ll enjoy stripping them both away.”

  I laughed nervously, heart pounding out of my chest. “Umm…”

  Odin didn’t laugh.

  Thor didn’t either. He just watched me with that butterfly-pinning gaze of his.

  I had nothing to say, so I drank my shot.

  My heartbeat fluttered in my throat as he strolled over and took my glass from my hand. “That’s enough of the talk. Come on.” He led me over to the main seating arrangement, velvet couches and a couple of giant chairs, then threw himself into a couch. “Strip.”

  Odin sauntered over with his glass, leaned his elbows on the back of the couch, looming behind Thor.

  I felt so nervous, just standing there in front of the two of them. “Just like that?”

  “It’s typically how this thing starts,” Odin said.

  I unbuttoned my jacket, hands trembling, face hot. Would Zeus come out soon? Would he be angry we’d started without him, or did he not care?

  “I love this already,” Thor said. “I love how nervous you are.”

  “I’m not nervous.”

  Odin got a stern expression. “Lie about how you feel again and it’ll be trouble. A punishment, Isis. We let the feng shui bit go, but don’t think we’re easy.”

  I sucked in a breath. His stern tone made my pussy quiver. His cool gaze felt like metal on my skin. I could barely work my fingers on my jacket buttons.

  Odin didn’t smile. He just watched me with that smoldering, ultra-male attitude. I took off my jacket and tossed it.

  His expression didn’t change even a little bit.

  I watched Thor for the next part. I touched my breasts the way I imagined a stripper would, wanting to show I wasn’t some nervous girl from a sheep farm, even though that's what I was. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it behind me.

  “Your skirt next,” Thor whispered.

  I pulled my skirt down and stepped out of it, so that I was wearing only a bra and panties and my high-heeled shoes.

  I felt everything on my bare skin—the men’s gazes, cool air currents from vents unseen. Even the light from a neon sign somewhere out there in the dark night beyond the window had a sensation to it.

  I ached to be touched.

  “Pull your bra down under your tits,” Thor said.

  I sucked in a breath and pulled down the lace. It made my breasts stick out way more than they normally would. Like my breasts were offered up on two little trays for the pleasure of these dangerous strangers.

  My pulse sped. My cheeks burned, and the flush spread all the way down to my breasts.

  “Oh, this is good,” Thor said. “Now come here.”

  I went to him on trembling legs. Thor put down his drink and pulled me to his lap, making me straddle him, one knee on either side of him.

  Gently he brushed a hand over my breast, over my nipple. Electricity cascaded through me, right down to my pussy.

  “You’re blushing,” he said, “and it makes me want to devour you like a cupcake.”

  He leaned in and sucked my nipple with harsh, jolting force. Just when it was almost too much, he stopped and blew cool air on it. He started twirling the other, gently between his fingers.

  “Oh my God,” I panted.

  Five seconds in, and my mind was melting. And they knew it—I was sure of it. These were two very sexually devious bandits.

  Suddenly Thor rubbed the flat of his tongue over my diamond-hard nipple.

  “I think I might come,” I hissed, grabbing his hair.

  “Not yet.” Odin came around and pushed his hand down the back of my panties. He squeezed my ass cheek. Then he brought his other hand around to cup my sex, sending ripples of pleasure through my pelvis. “No coming. Not until we say so.”

  Oh, so it was going to be one of those deals.

  Odin squeezed and massaged, making me writhe. His touch was brutal and tender, both at the same time.

  Thor caressed my stomach, nibbling and sucking my breast.

  Odin kissed my neck as he pushed his hand down the front of my panties—inside now—touching the slickness between my legs. He grabbed my hand and put it over the bulge in his pants. I reached down to touch Thor, too. He growled into my nipple as I squeezed his shaft through the fabric of his gray slacks.

  I know there were only four hands on me, but it felt like a dozen, touching and exploring me, pinching and teasing, sending me into bliss overdrive.

  Pleasure thrummed through me in waves.

  If anything, Thor had undersold their skills. I never knew where their fingers would roam next, and eventually I gave up tracking any of it. I moved in a rhythm against somebody’s hand. I rubbed two cocks through two pairs of pants. It was like I was in a sex kaleidoscope.

pants needed to come off.

  Would they want to have anal sex? I never had, but Isis would go for it. I wanted to give these men everything they demanded. New pleasure swelled in my belly at the thought of them bossing me more, and demanding things.

  “Christ, I could come right now,” Thor said. “I want to take you so hard. But I just don’t know if I can decide how. I want to fuck you all night.”

  Please do, I thought.

  “Come here.” Odin pulled me backward and I stepped back off the couch, off Thor. “Take off his pants and suck him,” Odin whispered in my ear.

  I kneeled in front of Thor and started to undo his belt.

  “No, not like that.” With his hands on my hips, Odin pulled me up to stand again, and then kissed my ear, warm and breathy, and he whispered softly, so that only I could hear, “Don’t kneel—bend. I want you bent over and totally open to me. I need full access to your incredibly wet pussy for what I have in mind right now.”

  Heat built between my legs. I started to form a funny reply, like how full of helpful suggestions he was, but then he shoved my panties down off my hips and the quip melted away.

  “You’ve never been with two men before have you?” Odin asked. “Tell the truth.”

  “No,” I admitted, figuring that he already knew.

  “That’s perfectly fine,” he said.

  Thor groaned. “Better than fine. We’re gonna break you in so hard.”

  “Now bend over,” Odin whispered into my ear.

  It was harder to bend down to Thor than to kneel in front of him, but I planted my hands on the couch cushions on either side of him and supported myself that way. Odin held my hips, fingers pressing into my flesh.

  “Good girl,” Odin said. “Now spread for me.” He nudged the inside of my ankle with his foot, forcing me to spread my legs apart. I planted my feet wide, still balancing on those high heels.

  “Excellent, Ice.”

  A lone finger touched my sex and a bloom of heat spread out through my belly and my butt.

  The devious finger slid along my sensitive bud, down along my folds, and then slowly back. I hissed out my pleasure, sure I was going to orgasm.

  “Thor, take off your pants,” Odin commanded, sliding his finger along my seam again. I gripped the couch. The floor felt like it was dipping underneath me.

  Thor pulled off his pants.

  “Oh,” I said as his giant cock sprung free, golden like the rest of him, with a shining dot of liquid on the tip. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his dick and, one hand planted firmly next to his hip, I slowly, lustily, licked off the drop.

  “Yes,” Thor breathed. “Yeah. Put your lips over me. Take me, Isis. Take everything.”

  Odin continued to finger my seam as I lowered my lips over Thor, swirling my tongue around him. Thor teased my nipples with his fingers, and my heart stuttered as I felt a finger sneak into my cunt, then out, then two in.

  I took Thor halfway into my mouth as Odin touched and explored me. Heat ran thick through my veins.

  “You can’t stop,” Odin said. “You can’t stop until we tell you.”

  And I would ever want to why? I thought, but my tongue was busy on the underside of Thor’s cock, so I just made an mm-mm sound.

  In my experience with cartoon porn, I found it not that erotic when elfin girls had to blow guys while getting fucked, but I could see now that I’d been horribly wrong in my thinking, and I really wanted to try that now.

  But that thought broke apart as the three of us got into this amazing rhythm, and I didn’t really care if we were fucking or fingering or what.

  A door somewhere opened.


  I stilled.

  “Keep going,” Odin whispered. “Don’t stop.”

  But Zeus was right there at the side of the couch, speaking with Odin casually about going down to the workout room. I’d been excited for Zeus to come out and join in, or at least watch, but not this, acting like I was a lapdog, or a piece of furniture.

  I pulled my mouth off Thor, feeling embarrassed and flustered, and straightened my arm, so that, okay, I was still bent over, but not sucking on Thor’s cock.

  Zeus wore sweats and a tank top, and had a towel flung over his shoulder, clearly on his way to the hotel gym. He said something about dinner, even as Odin continued to drag a finger slowly up and down my moist seam.

  “Call me on the zero,” Zeus finally said. He glanced at me coldly and then left.

  The silence in the room was broken only by the click of the door being shut.

  “Awk-ward,” I said.

  My two swains said nothing.

  “What?” I said.

  Thor knit his brows together, as though something troubled him. “Did you disobey a direct order just now, Isis?”


  “Did you follow all Odin’s directions just now? Or did you disobey?”

  Odin had stopped his exquisite fondling. He rested his hands lazily on my hips, and I could feel his cock tipping at my ass crack.

  “Well, but—” I wrapped my fingers around the base of Thor’s cock.

  Thor shook his head sadly and dislodged my fingers. “Do you remember Odin’s command to keep going? But instead, you stopped while we had our discussion with Zeus? Do you think that was a good example of obedience?”

  My pulse raced. “I remember exactly where we left off.”

  Odin took hold of my arms and pulled me up. “Up.”

  “What?” I stood. I couldn’t believe they wanted to cease and desist. “Come on.”

  Thor said, “You agreed to obey, yet you didn’t. We need to be a perfectly disciplined group of criminals, or we have nothing. Do you understand that? We have nothing without discipline. This is something you need to learn if you’re going to stay with us.”

  “But—” I laughed at the craziness of it all. “To be practically fucking while you have a discussion?”

  “You said that you would obey. And you didn’t,” Odin said. “Now thanks to you, all of our lighthearted fun is over.”

  Lighthearted fun? That was lighthearted fun? I didn’t even know what to say!

  Thor stood. Odin kept hold of my arms.

  I felt the breezes of the room on my belly and on my madly pebbling nipples, straining at the ends of my breasts, which pointed forward in a shamelessly bullet-like way, thanks to the pulled-down bra supporting them underneath.

  I felt almost giddy with excitement. “But after our day,” I said, “don’t we deserve some lighthearted fun?” I was getting into being Isis. Isis was a little bit disrespectful. Isis needed some structure.

  “We do deserve fun.” Odin came around the front of me and yanked his tie off his neck. “Don’t worry, we’ll enjoy this, too. Well, Thor and I will.” He tied the end of his tie to my right wrist.


  Was I going to allow this?

  Yes, I so was.


  “What are you going to do?”

  Odin held my gaze with his brown eyes and touched the tip of his finger to the bottom of my chin. “Nothing you can’t put a stop to. Just say…Mississippi.”


  “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No,” I said.

  Odin said, “Untie Thor’s tie for him, then.”

  I reached up and untied the knot in Thor’s tie and slowly pulled it free of his collar, heart racing like mad.

  “Thank you,” Odin said as Thor tied it to my left wrist.

  Then Odin yanked off his belt.

  Gulp. “What are you going to do with that?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “You’re not hitting me with that.”

  “Is that a Mississippi?” Odin asked. Thor, too, had his belt off.

  I thought about this. They’d said the rules were for our mutual pleasure. So far, they had been. In fact, I felt I was getting the most pleasure.

  Odin tied my wrists together—tight, but not to
o tight. I could probably get out. Maybe. Still, I didn’t like the belt aspect. “I’m not sure about this.”

  “Are we doing anything right now that you object to?” Odin asked.


  “At this very moment?” Odin asked.

  “I guess not at this very moment.”

  “Come here, then.” Odin led me to the table by the tie. I felt a little bit like a horse, but in a hot way.

  “Bend over the table,” Odin said from behind me. “On your elbows.”

  I could barely breathe as I bent over it, holding the edge of the table with my tied hands, breath ragged.

  If I don’t like it, I will say Mississippi, I said to myself. I waited, ass exposed, nipples nudging against the cool marble with every breath I took.

  Thor grabbed hold of my hair and turned my head to the side he stood on, and kneeled so we were face to face. “It always goes better for the fucking when you don’t disobey.” He ran a finger over my cheek, and then he stood and went around to the front of me. He took the ends of the ties binding my wrists and tied them somewhere underneath. Maybe to the table legs?

  Odin ran his hands over my totally displayed ass. “That’s right, we get to the fucking so much sooner when you’re disciplined.”

  “I guess so,” I whispered.

  Behind me, Odin continued to caress my ass, now with two hands. “Are you being funny? Was that a smart remark?”

  I turned my face down to the table, forehead pressed to smooth marble, adrenaline coursing through my veins. “Sort of,” I admitted. This was more intense than all the extreme sports I’d ever engaged in—all put together!

  Thor kneeled in front of me. “Hey.”

  I looked up at him.

  He was shaking his head sadly. “That merits a double punishment.” He looked above my head, up at Odin.


  “We need obedience, Isis,” Odin said. “You understand why we have to do this? When you delay our pleasure like this? One person can’t be allowed to mess things up and then mock our process.” He paused. “Say, ‘I understand and accept my punishment.’”

  The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I was really supposed to say it?


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