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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 51

by Amelia Wilde

  “When Rowan is in the Grand Prix, it’s the best place for watching the race. Otherwise the traffic is prohibitive.”

  The elevator is all mirrors and gleaming, dark wood. Once we’re inside, he slides his card before hitting the button for the top floor. The doors close, and he pulls my arm, positioning me between his body and the mirrored wall.

  “Feeling better?” Hazel eyes hold mine a moment.

  I trace a finger along the line of his jaw, thinking how this might be the last time we’re together. It’s a sad thought, I decide to put out of my head.

  “Yes,” I say softly, and in that moment, the space between us disappears.

  His mouth is on mine, pushing my lips apart. A little whimper squeaks from my throat as our tongues curl against each other’s. I have to hold the lapels of his coat to keep from sliding down the cool wall in a puddle. Warm hands are again on the bare skin of my waist, but this time, his thumbs slide to the front of my dress, teasing the skin on my stomach. I groan as the bell rings, and the elevator stops.

  “I’m ready to get you out of that dress,” he says, taking my hand and pulling me out of the shiny, mirrored box to the gleaming entrance of the suite.

  “Dom Pérignon?” I read on the plaque above the numbers 3-2-1!

  “I told you,” he slides the card and the door opens. “Lots of champagne.”

  We stop just inside the door for another kiss, and as it closes, I feel his fingers working behind my neck, sliding the zipper down the back of my dress. His lips chase mine, and my top falls to my waist, revealing the pink satin demi-bra that only covers the lower half of my breasts. My nipples play peek-a-boo over the tops of the lace edges.

  “Jesus, it just gets better,” he groans deeply, leaning down to cup the bottom of one and pull my beaded nipple between his lips, soaking the lace.

  The sensation registers directly between my thighs, and I let out a little moan, threading my fingers into the sides of his hair.

  “Cal,” I gasp. “You’re getting my bra all wet.”

  “To match those panties… Oh, right,” he teases, with a wink.

  With a flick of his wrist, his bow tie is undone. Coat off, he unbuttons his top two buttons followed by his cuffs, never taking his eyes off me. I shiver at the darkness brimming there.

  “Take off that dress,” he says in a low voice, as he pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his lined torso.

  I reach down to unfasten my heels, and he stops me. “No, leave those on. Just the dress.”

  Straightening, my back is still against the wall, I hook my thumbs in the sides of my skirt and shimmy it over my hips. It lands on the floor in a soft thump around my heels, and I step out. Cal stops moving, and I’m sure I’ll burst into flames at his expression. His gaze moves from my breasts, down the line of my stomach to my bare pussy, down my legs to the gold, strappy heels. I see his Adam’s apple move once before he steps forward, catching my face roughly in his grip and pulling my mouth to his.

  Once our lips collide, his other hand moves straight between my legs, cupping me, plunging two fingers deep inside. My gasp of shock and passion disappears in his mouth. I’m grasping at his arms, his shoulders, my nails scratching his skin.

  “Come with me,” he says, his voice low and thick.

  He takes my hand and pulls me through the suite to the small bedroom. Windows are all around overlooking the lights of the night, but I don’t see them. All I see is him. I’m on the bed in a toss, and his hands move along the waist of his black pants. They’re off, and he’s with me, holding my shoulder as he finds my mouth. He lies back on the bed, and I know what he wants. I’m across him in a straddle, reaching around for his hard length, positioning it before I drop down, taking him all the way, balls deep.

  “Fuck me,” he hisses, as I sit up straight. He’s lying back against the pillows, eyes sparkling, and I roll my hips, rocking him into me.

  I pull the band out of my hair, and it falls around my shoulders. Reaching behind me, I unfasten my bra and toss it aside so the curling tips of my hair tickle just beneath my hardened nipples. I rise up on my knees and drop down, rotating my hips again.

  “Fuck—it’s so much better than my fantasy,” he gasps.

  I feel powerful. I’ve never felt this way before. Leaning forward, I put my hands on either side of his head and kiss him deeply. He’s thrusting, still moving inside me, stretching and massaging me in the most erotic way. In this position, my clit is pressed against his skin, and the friction of our bodies sends waves of pleasure snaking down my legs.

  Now I’m pushing his lips apart, finding his tongue. His fingers cut into my ass as he grips me. I’m panting and gasping, chasing the orgasm just within my reach. We’re moving faster. He’s hitting me hard, rocking into me, when SLAP! I jump at the sting of his palm against my ass.

  “Oh!” I cry from the surprise, pleasure mixed with stinging pain.

  His hands rub and knead my flesh and again SLAP! another hard strike against my ass.

  “Oh, god…” I start to tremble. My thighs shake as I start to come.

  I’m rocking my hips against him faster, grinding out my orgasm, and he’s gripping me, moving me over him. The pleasure tightens in my pelvis. My teeth clench and my eyes squeeze shut as the most powerful orgasm rockets through my body. I make noises I don’t recognize, animalistic and wild. He groans deeply, holding me, riding out this explosion with me.

  We roll together so I’m on my back, and he finishes, thrusting hard and then tapering off, rocking in a rhythm that brings us down from a high I never imagined.

  Our lips meet, kissing softer, tasting each other gently. I reach up to cup his cheeks as our lips follow each other’s again and again while we slow to a long embrace.

  Cal’s large hand smooths my hair away before sliding down the length of my body. He’s over me, propped on his elbows, and our eyes meet. We hold each other in that gaze a few moments. I feel like I’m in a place I never knew existed.

  “We haven’t even gotten to the champagne yet,” he says with that trademark naughty grin.

  My eyes close, and I exhale a laugh. His hands are near my face, and I feel him touching my skin, sliding his thumb across my lips before he leans down and kisses me again, a little rougher this time. My mouth opens automatically, and our tongues embrace. I reach up to hold him, sliding my fingers over the lines of his neck and shoulders.

  “Shit, Zee,” he groans, dropping beside me on the mattress and pulling me to him without a moment’s hesitation. “You have to stay longer than a week. You have to stay through the race. I need you here for that.”

  Laughing, I trace my finger along the lines in his stomach, back and forth over the six-pack of his abs. “You need me here for a race?”

  “It’ll be boring without you. The same old crowd doing the same old shit.”

  I prop my head on my hand so our eyes can meet. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” he looks over his shoulder at the clock. “I’ll unplug the clock and order room service.”

  I laugh as he scoots off the bed, his perfectly chiseled muscles flexing as he moves around the room. He takes a black binder off the desk and returns to me in the bed, leaning against the headboard as he opens it to the food menu.

  “Give me that,” I say, taking it from him.

  “Order carbs.” He kisses my shoulder, sliding down to rest his head in my lap. “We’re going to be burning a lot of calories tonight.”

  Flipping the pages, I land on a Mediterranean pizza that sounds delicious. “I found it! Pizza and champagne.” Leaning forward, I reach for the room phone while he coils around my waist.

  I’m just pressing the buttons as he playfully bites my hip. The server thinks I’m insane, but I manage to say what we want between being bitten and Cal’s insistence on leaving a hickey on my breast.

  “She said twenty minutes.” I drop the phone on the base.

  “Just enough time for Round 2!” He tos
ses the binder on the floor and pulls my body back to his. I’m powerless to resist as he kisses his way down the length of my torso.




  The Garnier suite balcony overlooks the fountains and the gardens spreading out in front of the Royal Casino. I’ve opened a bottle of champagne, and I stand with Ava watching the glowing orange fountains and the tourists strolling in the moonlight.

  “No matter what happens, I can never forget this night,” she says softly, looking over the grounds below.

  “A rather ominous thought, yes?” I reach up and smooth a lock of dark hair off her shoulder.

  She blinks to me and smiles. “It’s only accurate. The last few weeks have been so unexpected. I can’t imagine what’s next.”

  “I agree with you on that.” I think about everything that’s happened since that ridiculous photo hit the tabloids. “I thought my life was torture enough, and then it got worse. Then I found you.”

  Setting her glass down, she places both hands on my shoulders. “I wasn’t supposed to meet you. None of this was supposed to happen.”

  I set my wine glass aside as well and cup her cheeks. “Who decides what’s supposed to happen? We did meet, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since.”

  Pulling her close, I capture her mouth in a passionate kiss. Her soft lips open to me, and as our tongues slide together, heat floods my pelvis. My erection strains against my zipper. I want to be inside her. I want to ease this prolonged tension in her warm body.

  She steps back, placing her palm against my cheek and sliding her thumb down my lips. She hesitates, and her eyes lock on mine as she nudges it into my mouth. I give it a firm suck, and I’m rewarded with a sharp gasp. Her lips part.

  “Ava,” I say in a voice just a notch above a groan. “I need to be inside you.”

  She nods, turning her back to me. In a sweep, her long hair is over her shoulder. “Help me with my top.”

  A small silver zipper is exposed, and I carefully slide it down, watching the fabric fall away until only her black bra is left. She turns to face me, and my breath skips at the unforgettable sight of her breasts covered in sheer black lace. Her dark nipples tease me through the thin fabric, and my body aches for her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whisper. “I want you so badly.”

  “I want you,” she whispers in response.

  I watch, mesmerized as she reaches behind her, and her bra falls away. Her breasts are bare, nipples tight. I reach up to grasp one, rolling the pink bud between my fingers as she moans. She’s still wearing her skirt, and I’m still in my tux.

  “Give me just a moment.” I swiftly undo my tie, shrug off my jacket, and unbutton my shirt enough so I can pull it over my head.

  She watches, biting her lip as I swiftly remove my clothes. Once my chest is bare, I pull her to me, pressing her gorgeous breasts against my chest. It feels so good.

  “Let me do the biting tonight,” I say, kissing the side of her jaw before giving it a little nip.

  She exhales a moan and pushes her arms around my neck, pulling us closer together. We’re still on the balcony, under the gorgeous moonlight with the beautiful view of the fountain and gardens below, the sea just behind them. The night air is cool, and I reach down to remove my pants quickly.

  My erection is pointed right at her, and her eyes darken as she leans down to remove her skirt. I imagine her taking me between those pillow lips, sucking me to ecstasy—but not before I’ve come between her thighs.

  I sit in the chair, and she moves to me. My hands are on her waist, and I pull her onto my lap in a straddle. She holds a square condom packet, and I wait as she tears it open, positioning it over my tip and rolling it down my length, leaving room for the massive orgasm that’s been building all night.

  Grasping her hips, I’m ready to plunge deep into her hot core, but she tenses. I hesitate a moment. “Is something wrong?”

  She blinks down and shakes her head. “I’m sorry.” Her voice is quiet. “I’m not a virgin, but…”

  Straightening, I pull her to me, smoothing her dark hair off her face. “What is it, Ava?”

  Her chin drops, and her cheeks flame red. My brow lines in confusion, and I lift her in my arms, carrying her inside to the enormous king-sized bed. I move the thick blankets aside and ease us to the center, her on her back and me beside her.

  “Tell me,” I say gently. “Why are you afraid?”

  “I’m embarrassed,” she whispers, her beautiful green eyes fixed on my shoulders.

  I touch her so lightly along her face, down her cheek. “You don’t have to be embarrassed with me. I want to know everything about you.”

  She clears her throat softly. “Just… please be gentle. I’ve never been with someone because I wanted to.”

  My brow lines as I try to understand. “Do you mean—?”

  “Don’t,” she whispers, reaching up to touch my lips. “I want this to be perfect.”

  The meaning of what she said twists in my stomach. That protectiveness I felt earlier roars to life in my chest, now along with a knot of anger. I pull her to me, burying my face in her sweet smelling hair and inhaling deeply as I hold her. Her small hands are around me, holding me just as close. She’s not fighting me; she’s not pulling away. She’s trusting me with knowledge I hate knowing.

  Lifting my head, I look deep into her eyes. “I will never hurt you, Ava,” I say, infusing the words with all the conviction I feel in my chest.

  She only studies my face a moment before she smiles. “I know. It’s why I’m here.”

  Reaching for her neck, I gently pull her beautiful mouth to mine. Her hands are on my neck, my shoulders, and I take her lips gently, then with a little more force. She meets me with equal intensity, and it’s what I need to know.

  I push her lips apart with my mouth, and as our tongues connect and curl together, my erection surges back. She exhales a soft moan, and my kisses move to her chin, down to her beautiful breasts. I slide my palms over one, covering a nipple with my mouth and giving it a firm suck, a little bite.

  Her back arches, and she moans louder. I’m moving lower, to the strip of lace across her hips. Clasping both sides, I jerk them off her, and sigh at the sight of her bare pussy, a bit of cream hiding inside.

  She makes a little cry when I pull her to my mouth, tasting her, sliding my tongue up and down the length of her slit. Her hips jump, and she moans. Her flat stomach quivers, and I’m determined to make her come hard.

  “You want this,” I say, nipping the inside of her thigh, rising higher to kiss the crease in her leg.

  “Yes… oh, god, yes!” she gasps, gripping in the sheets.

  I’m back on her, running my tongue up and around her slick folds not stopping until I feel her break. I kiss her clit, pulling the tight little bud again and again until she’s no longer shaking, she’s crying out, trying to wriggle away.

  “Okay,” I say with a grin, releasing her thighs and kissing her stomach, sliding my tongue up the length of her body until I’m over her, looking deep into her sexy eyes, shining with satisfaction.

  “My turn,” I whisper, kissing her full lips.

  She holds my face, kissing me back hard as I plunge deep into her swollen depths. She’s hot and soft and so fucking tight.

  “Oh, god!” she gasps, her nails cutting into my skin.

  I instantly slow my pace, finding her eyes. “Are you okay?” I whisper, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

  “You’re so big,” she gasps. “I feel so… full.”

  “Am I hurting you?” My brow tightens. I’m so fucking gone, I don’t know what I’ll do if she says yes.

  She pauses a moment that feels like an eternity before shaking her head. “No, it-it feels… good.” Her cheeks flood with pink, and I kiss her again, holding her face as I begin to rock her. I couldn’t stop if I tried.

  Her body is so sexy, so hot and tight, and now she’s moving w
ith me, bucking her hips and working my dick like we’ve been here before. My ass tightens, and I feel my orgasm mounting. A bead of sweat rolls down my cheek, and I lean up to pull the soft skin of her jaw between my teeth.

  “Oh, Rowan,” she whispers, moving her hips faster. “Oh, god!” she gasps, and I reach down between us, searching for that place between her thighs.

  I fumble for her clit, covering the top of her mound and massaging the sides as my hips move faster. When I touch her center, she gasps, and her insides clench just before breaking into spasms. Tightness explodes through my pelvis. I’m pulsing, filling that fucking condom, blacking out from intense pleasure.

  “Oh fuck,” I gasp, holding her, my eyes squeezed shut. My dick pulses deep inside her, and her muscles continue working me, pulling and milking.

  “Ava.” It’s a ragged groan through the waves of orgasm.

  We’re holding each other. She holds my shoulders, clinging to me as much as I am to her. I lift my head and find her mouth, kissing her like she’s water in the desert. Our lips part, tongues collide, and we consume again and again.

  She’s sweet and innocent and sexy and intoxicating. I’m not sure how I’ll ever get enough of her passionate soul.

  “Ava,” I whisper her name, sliding my fingers up to her soft hair and down the side of her beautiful face.

  She reaches up and cups my cheeks, holding me as she kisses my face. I turn and kiss her palm.

  “Your majesty,” she whispers then exhales a small laugh. Her green eyes roll and she shakes her head.

  “What?” I can’t stand to think she’s second-guessing this.

  “A king,” she says, with another little laugh. “How can I have fallen for a king?”

  Satisfaction floods my chest. I lean up and prop my head on my hand. Running my other down the length of her body. I pause at her soft breast, circling my thumb over her nipple and watching it harden in response. I flatten my palm against her stomach then wrap it around to cup her gorgeous ass. Glancing up, I meet her eyes studying me, watching my reaction to her body’s responses.


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