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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 87

by Amelia Wilde

  She flags the papers. “We’re rich, why sell?”

  “I want to visit Scarlett, and then Mom. Can you come with?” I hear noise coming from her phone and point at it. “Did you leave someone on the phone?”

  She shrugs. “We are waiting for you to have a meltdown.”


  She nods, smiling. “She’s part of us.”

  I take the phone, putting her on speaker. “Hey, you.”

  “What is it?” Scarlett is on speaker. “Bitch, I’m not there to see. What did you win?”

  “Hundreds of millions of dollars.”

  Brynn’s mouth remains agape.

  “We are fucking millionaires!” Scarlett celebrates. Knowing my friend, she’s dancing all over the place. “What’s the plan? Maybe an island in the Pacific with entertainment…if you catch my drift.”

  “Focus, Scarlett.” I snatch the papers from Brynn to get her attention. “It’s not that easy. The money is tainted.” I fold it putting everything together.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “There’s no plan, yet. Brynn and I want to start a practice. Maybe this can pay for it. I have to talk to Mom…wanna drive with us?”

  “Just drive to the Keys?” Scarlett questions, Brynn is rolling her eyes. “We should celebrate, make it big and better.”

  “Well, if we have to be on the road, why not have an adventure?” I blurt out of the blue. “Like Wild.”

  Brynn tilts her head moving her lips from side to side. “Right. Like Into the Wild where the guy dies in Alaska?”

  “We could do the one where that woman left everything behind,” Scarlett adds.

  Brynn searches around her room and hugs herself tight shivering. “Around nature? Are you insane?”

  “We can do Thelma and Louis,” I counteract.

  “Thelma, Scarlett, and Louis,” Scarlett corrects.

  “A walk across America?” Brynn continues.

  “Paper Towns?” I disregard her walk. It’d take forever.

  “I refuse to read John Green. Not after he made me cry in that movie.” Brynn mimes clearing a fake tear. “Why did he kill him?”

  “Move on, Brooklyn,” Scarlett and I protest.

  “No ladies, we have to do some grown up adventure—but not extreme.” I raise my eyebrow waiting for Brynn to finish her statement. “Well, most books are written for teenagers. We aren’t teenagers. What kind of teenager can afford a road trip? In all honesty, we can provide for ourselves while driving around the country. We can stay wherever we want and do whatever we want. No matter the movie or the book, we are doing what we never did because we were too busy studying and being responsible.”

  “I like where Brynn is going.” Scarlett claps. “Let me talk to my uncle and Dad. We have new farm hands on the ranch. How long do you think this will take?”

  “Weeks?” I suggest. “We need to map a route; find hotels that’ll accept Hugo.”

  “It’s set, ladies. You two strategize,” Scarlett says. “I’ll find a way to escape and be with my girls.”



  The thing about best friends is that you don’t have to say much to fix your shit. But you must grovel all the way to Texas, and bring offerings along the way—like a big box filled with Sriracha flavored jerky.

  “Now, fess up,” Scarlett says, snatching the box away from me.

  “Hello, how are you? I missed you, bitch,” I initiate the conversation.

  “Nope, I want to know the fucking reason you distanced yourself from me.” She places the case on the floor and takes out a bag, opening it while munching on it and staring at me. “Then, I can forgive you for abandoning me.”

  “Those are bad for your esophagus,” I remind her as she masticates with enthusiasm.

  “Talk,” she shoves an entire piece of jerky inside her mouth, licking her lips with smug satisfaction.

  “Anderson,” I whisper.

  “I wasn’t going to fuck him. If I flirted, it was because I wanted to taunt you. Also, I wanted you to tell me you were finally open to falling for someone else. Plus, you have these uptight rules. Don’t sleep with our friends—boyfriends and ex-boyfriends are included,” she mocks me.

  Then, she looks from Brynn to me. “It was one fucking time, and I had no idea that Doctor McCheater was married.”

  There were several others guys she slept with. McCheater takes most of the list of offenses. It was an ongoing affair. Even after we told her that he was married, she continued fucking him.

  “No, I wasn’t afraid you’d sleep with him. It was…” I sigh. “The attraction I felt for him was—is strong. I love him. We fell hard and fast for each other.”

  Scarlett sighs exasperated, as if she knew already. Maybe she did. We’ve known each other for so long. However, she lets me explain my feelings for Anderson. In fact, she encourages me to tell her everything that transpired between us from the first moment we laid eyes on each other until the end, including the ugly part. All this time I ignored her because admitting my feelings to her felt like a betrayal to Michael.

  “I knew him too, and I doubt he would feel that way. Come with me.” Scarlett picks up the box, tilting her head so we can follow her.

  Brynn arches a brow as I send her an inquisitive look. We both shrug, better follow her. The ranch sits on acres of land. The house where they live is long and narrow, like a two-story shoebox. The inside though is…busy. The living room has so much stuff and it’s so bright. The walls are all burnt orange and reds. The furniture is rustic and dark, sprinkled liberally with vibrant cushions. The walls are more photographs than paint. There are family pictures from the late eighteen hundred to now.

  We climb the stairs, heading to Scarlett’s room. I stop by Mike’s, which remains the same as when we started dating. The room is blue with posters of old rock bands. His bed is neatly made with the same old bedding. I walk inside, studying it all. The collectible baseball cards piled where he liked them; his autographed balls guarded in crystal cases and the picture of us at Yankee Stadium hanging on top of the baseball shrine he created.

  “You stole that picture,” I call out to Scarlett. “I want it back.”

  “Borrowed. I made a copy for Mother. The original is with the pile of things I took from you.”

  Mrs. Reynolds is trapped, waiting for him to come back. I understand her. For years, I waited for him to call me and say, “baby, I’m home.” He was unique. I was fortunate enough to have met him, to have been his. We spent four wonderful years together.

  “Here.” Scarlett hands me a letter. “Mom finally went through the boxes they sent and found this.”

  A yellowish envelope with my name on it.

  Shaking, I open it, carefully afraid to damage it or the content.


  If you’re reading this is because I didn’t make it. There’s no other explanation.

  Let me start with an apology. I’m sorry that I didn’t keep my promise, to come back home to you. I’m sorry for leaving you before we became Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, for leaving before we started our lives. We left so much unfinished, so many unfulfilled promises. But I leave a happy man because you trusted me with your heart. I leave thinking of you, treasuring our memories, taking them all with me. For the next eternity, I will have something good to hold onto.

  I assure you that you were my last thought before I died, that I’ll be in Heaven watching over you and by your side walking along with you. Carrying you when you feel like the world is too loud, pretentious and overwhelming. I’ll pray every day that you find someone who will understand how your mind works and will crack the combination to your heart. Who loves the amazing woman I fell in love with.

  My vision blurs, my heart squeezes tight. I can’t continue reading this, but I know I have to do it. Was this meant to be read now when I was ready or was it a letter that could’ve helped me moved on faster? Wiping away my tears with the sleeve of my sweatshirt, I continue.

  Yes, baby. You’re going to have to let me go and open that beautiful heart of yours again. I trust you to do that and follow my last wish. Fall in love.

  This isn’t me asking you to forget us, just that you continue living and forge a future. Please hold onto our memories as a reminder of a great love affair, but keep walking. Keep going, you never know what the future will bring, or what you can lose if you don’t live fully. I know today it hurts. I’m hurting along with you.

  To the guy who steals your heart, please tell him to care for you and make you happy.

  Please, take care of Scaredy. She’s going to need you. I won’t be there to protect her from Mom’s craziness. If you can, get her out of there for good.

  I love you forever,


  P.S. If you have a boy, name him Michael. That would be spectacular—and I’ll know. I’m watching you.

  “Miss Scarlett,” her communicator sounds. “The same men from the other day are here—armed.”

  My heart beats fast as Scarlett goes to her dresser, opens her drawer and pulls out the safe where her gun is. Terror is running through me, I know what kind of men visit sometimes. Anderson is off the grid, who can I call to help and how fast can they come?

  “I’m on my way,” Scarlett answers. “You two, stay here.”

  “Are you insane?” Brynn and I protest, following behind her.

  As we walk outside the house, my heart stops. I have never seen a high caliber rifle before, or men wearing big vests with tons of pockets and things inside them. What are they carrying? And this is not a drill or movie prompts. When the two men turn around, my heart stops. I look around because there’s the static again. That crackling in the air that always happens when Anderson is around.

  “Fuck, fuck!” I jump at the loud, angry voice of the man with blue eyes and long hair. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  I blink twice staring at the guy who sounds like Anderson but doesn’t look like him. He’s pulling a phone. “I need a helicopter, now!” He pauses, watching the ground.

  The guy beside him winks at Scarlett who glares at him while pointing a gun at him. What kind of bizarre world did we step into?

  He straightens up when he spots Brynn, turning pale and worried just the same way Anderson worried when he saw me.

  “Tiago?” I mouth, he puts a finger in his lips.

  “You know him?” Scarlett whispers, I nod. “Does he look like that?”

  “Shh.” I point at Anderson who is spitting angry words.

  “I don’t give a fuck. I need you to transport three females and a dog to safety.” Great, I’m only a female. “Yes, the plan is coming along except for the fucking detail that we have civilians on the ground.” He pauses, his eyes grow wide as Hugo charges toward him.

  Anderson gives me a ‘stop your dog’ glare. “No. I had no fucking idea.” He pauses, exhaling as Hugo runs to me and looks around with the same confusion I have. “How do you know, Bradley? Couldn’t you stalk her before I called? Well, then you know this has to be done—now.”

  He shoves the phone inside one of the multiple pockets of his vest and stares at Tiago, then at us. “Into the house, now,” he orders closing his eyes briefly.

  “How long?” Tiago asks.

  “They have ten minutes to gather their things.” Anderson huffs. What is going to happen here? The vein on the side of his neck throbs. Anger, maybe fear. “Have everyone on maximum alert. Call me if you need me, I have to—”

  “Go. We have the same time we had before you discovered the…issue.”

  “Why are you here?” he barks at Scarlett first. “Your mother is out of town with her sisters; your father and uncle went to buy the horses—you’re supposed to be with them.”

  Scarlett points at Brynn and me. “My besties were coming to see me.”

  Anderson closes the door, goes through every window closing the curtains. Once he’s done, he takes off his armor, leaving it on top of the table along with his gun. Then, he walks toward me. Long hair isn’t a good look for him, Scarlett is right. He finally stands in front of me and picks me up with his strong arms, holding me tight.

  “What happened to you? Why were you crying, love?”

  “Oh, now you know me?” I hug him back with my dear life.

  He kisses me hard, transmitting the fear he holds so close to his heart. “Two of my men will drive you to the point where the helicopter is picking you up; from there you’re going to Nebraska, then Seattle. Unless, the pilot feels safe to land the helicopter on the property.”

  “No, I’m going to see Mom,” I protest.

  “Nebraska, then the Keys. I just need you out of here.” He doesn’t let me go. “Where are your bags?”

  “The garage,” Scarlett says climbing down the stairs holding a duffle bag. “I know you think you know shit, but you have no idea how this ranch works. This isn’t the first time you people try to run us out of here.”

  She glares at me. “Michael would be disappointed in you.” Scarlett walks toward the basement door. “We have ways to disappear without your help.”

  “Stop!” Anderson’s powerful voice booms across the house, making my body vibrate. He grasps me tighter. I have no idea what’s going on outside, but I know he’s worried for me—for us.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” she challenges him. “My friends and I are leaving without your help.”

  “They’re using the tunnel that runs through the property to store their merchandise.” He kisses the top of my head.

  Scarlett freezes, and her eyes widen and she blanches. I have no idea what the tunnel does, but I have never seen her so scared.

  “This isn’t part of the operation, Miss Reynolds.” He scans the area and looks at Brynn who squats next to Hugo with her eyes closed. “I have to add it as a courtesy to my girlfriend and my friend Brooklyn. We’re fumigating your property—in a manner of speaking.”

  “What’s going to happen?” Her voice is shaky.

  Anderson doesn’t explain, only assures her that by the time they leave there won’t be a tunnel or a drug cartel using their property. She runs upstairs, leaving her bags on the floor. He calls Mason again, asking to reroute us to the Keys and to add the necessary decoys. He adds a list of supplies for Hugo. I stare awestruck at the guy who oversees an entire operation with men outside getting ready to…what are they going to do?

  Angling my face, I find his eyes. They’re hiding behind the blue hue of contacts and an authoritarian attitude. He’s in charge and ready to strike. I think I’m falling more in love. His voice is cold, bossy and with purpose. There’s nothing sweet about this guy, except his touch—the caress of his fingers under my blouse. He winks at me, giving me that boyish grin I love so much.

  “We’ll return your car to the house,” he speaks. “What are your plans?”

  “It’s a rental,” I explain. “As long as you can ship our bags…wait, our medical bags are there. Anyway that you can send them to my mother’s?”

  He nods, then smiles. “Someone has been busy, why the early tears?”

  I shake my head, not wanting to share Mike’s letter with him—or anyone. Anderson glares at Scarlett who is coming downstairs holding a box.

  “Nothing is going to happen to the house,” he explains, releasing me and walking toward her. “You’re going to leave in a minute without anything but—”

  The loud sound of blades cutting through the air doesn’t allow me to hear whatever he’s telling Scarlett. Brynn stands up, I open my bag and pull the leash out handing it over to her. Hugo isn’t going to like this at all.

  “Are we good?” Anderson is holding Scarlett’s arms, his eyes holding hers. She nods. “Leave the gun. I’m sure you know how to use it, but for now, trust me and follow all my instructions.”

  Scarlett’s gaze is unreadable, but she pulls the gun out of the waistband of her jeans leaving it on top of the table. “I’m sure you can place it back where it belongs.”
r />   “Time to go, ladies.” He stops me, giving me a small peck on the lips. “Text your plans to Bradley, please. I love seeing you. I hate to think what could’ve happened to you.”

  “Come back to me, warrior.”

  “I’m not a warrior.” His voice is harsh, but he winks at me. “I’m your warrior.”

  We march outside the house where a gray aircraft is enveloped in a cloud of sandy dust. The blades beating the air have the effect of a small tornado, or a typhoon. Anderson takes the leash from me, carrying Hugo to the aircraft. I take Brynn and Scarlett’s hands, hold my breath and the three of us run to the craft.

  “Do you think they torched my house?” Scarlett squeals and my torso bows as she presses the break without notice. The car behind us honks. I want to take the wheel away from her. I hate coin tosses; I always lose. “When are they going to call us with the results?”

  “This isn’t some colonoscopy, Scarlett,” I clarify. “You won’t find out until you’re back home.” I’m assuming, because once I climbed into the helicopter, he shut the door and we took off.

  Brynn, who hasn’t talked much during the past eight hours glares at me from the front passenger seat.

  “What did I do?”

  “I don’t know if I want to kiss you or kick your ass, I’m still debating.” She looks at the back of the big SUV, Hugo’s kennel to be exact. Our dog is unhappy too. He’s been traveling inside the kennel and only taking a few breaks at a time.

  “First day of vacations and I almost peed my pants thinking I would die.”

  “Why is it my fault?” I point to Scarlett. “It’s her parent’s fault for having an infestation.”

  “Oh, I’m already planning her funeral,” Brynn replies, smirking. Her dark skin looking less ashy. “You okay?”

  I shrug and flinch. Shit, I left the letter at Scarlett’s house. Her mother, everyone is going to read it. Well, she can read how awful she is with Scaredy. Well, no. It just mentioned that their mother is crazy. She’s too judgmental and demanding with Scarlett. If he knew that Scarlett lives at home and works at the ranch…I wish I had read that letter years ago.


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