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Happily Ever After: A Romance Collection

Page 251

by Amelia Wilde

  Aiden nods in agreement.

  Neither of us say anything for a few moments and then another thought pops into my head.

  “So, what about your marriage?” I ask.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What was it like? To get married so young, I mean?” I ask.

  “I don’t know what came over me. I guess I was just in love. She was my first real girlfriend and I remember really wanting to marry her. Her parents were not pleased over the city hall wedding and things went awry after that. She said we rushed into it and she couldn’t really live with herself over it.”

  “Did you know her from high school?” I ask.

  “No.” Aiden shakes his head. “She was from an old family from Ohio.”

  “Well, you know all families are basically the same age. There’s no such thing as an old family. Some just keep better records,” I joke. He forces a smile.

  “Unlike my family, hers was very prominent in the community. They owned one of the biggest houses in the state. And back then, I never had much money.”

  I know a little bit about old money.

  No matter how much money you have now, they are not the types to welcome new money with open arms.

  “I think what I’m trying to say is that we were from two different worlds and her family never accepted me. I guess she lost her mind momentarily by marrying me, but then regained it when we got a divorce.”

  Suddenly, I feel a pang in my chest.

  “It sounds like you still have feelings for her,” I say.

  “No, I don’t, not at all,” he says quickly. “We were just very good friends and very close, and I guess a part of me still misses that friendship.”

  I nod, feeling a bit relieved.

  Actually, I know exactly what he means.

  That’s pretty much how I feel toward Tom.

  “And after her?” I ask.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Any significant relationships?”

  “No, after my marriage, I’ve been pretty settled into the life of a bachelor.”

  “Yes, I saw that online. Lots of models and actresses,” I say.

  I try not to sound jealous, but I can’t really.

  I am jealous.

  Even if they are in his past. Of course, I have no way of knowing that for sure. I mean, are they really in his past?

  “But no one special?”

  “Not until you,” Aiden says, moving a strand of hair out of my eyes.

  “What?” I sit up in bed.

  “I just feel different toward you, Ellie. Different than I ever felt before. And I’m not the type to tell women that. In fact, most of the time I feel absolutely nothing for the women I spend time with. And then you came along…and changed all that.”

  I can’t help but blush. I turn my face away from him to hide my red cheeks.

  “You’re just so beautiful, Ellie.” He pulls me closer to him and kisses me on the lips.

  “Now, it’s your turn,” he says. “Tell me something you never told anyone before.”

  I try to think of something that I’ve never shared with anyone. The thing is that I’m not a girl with too many secrets. I wish I were more mysterious, but I’m not.

  “I like the games you play,” I say after a moment. “I’ve never been tied up before, but it felt really good. It just made me feel so free, in a way.”

  “Really?” Aiden smiles. “That’s exciting.”

  “Yes. Exciting and scary. I mean, I’m completely immobile and yet there’s something very liberating about it. I don't know what.”

  “I don’t know either,” he says. “But I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

  “How about you?” I ask.

  “You mean you want me to tell you something I’ve never told anyone?”

  I nod.

  “I’m afraid that if I ever stop working I’m going to be poor again. Poor like I was growing up. I mean my parents had a two bedroom house but then they lost it, and that’s when we started going back and forth between various rental houses. I was always worried about where we would live next. Angry landlords were always knocking on our door because my parents weren’t paying the rent, threatening to kick us out. My mom said they were idle threats, but they weren't all the time. We got evicted a few times and had to live on people’s couches.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “I never told anyone that before, Ellie.”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  “And despite all of my money, I’m still afraid that I’ll be back there again. Not having enough money to eat or pay for the roof over my head.”

  “Well, the roof that you have over your head now does cost a pretty penny,” I joke. He smiles.

  “But, seriously, I’m sorry about that,” I add. “I mean, you went through a lot as a kid and it must’ve been really scary to get evicted.”

  “One day we had this truck pull up to our apartment building and they came in and repossessed all of our furniture and the television. Apparently, my mom didn’t pay the rental people so they just took it all back. I had to sleep on the floor with my pillow and blanket.”

  I shake my head.

  I don't know what to say.

  I wrap my arms around him and tell him that it’s all going to be okay.

  That I’m here for him, and still that doesn’t seem like enough.

  We fall asleep in each other’s arms and only awake when the sun is streaming in through the window.

  When I open my eyes, I see Aiden standing dressed in his impeccable suit in front of me.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to go to work,” he says, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

  “Oh, okay,” I mumble sleepily.

  “I was just wondering. Would you like to be mine for a week again?” Aiden asks. “I promise no sex clubs this time.”

  A smile forms on my lips before I even have the chance to reply.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Black.”



  When I’m surprised twice...

  I spend the morning wandering around Central Park.

  It’s a beautiful crisp fall day and the leaves are just turning shades of gold.

  I love the crunchy sound they make under my feet as I walk. It’s still warm, in the low 60’s, so I take the opportunity to sit down on the bench and people watch for a bit.

  It’s amazing how much time there is in the day when you don't have to go to work.

  Now, there seems to be time for almost anything.

  Day dreaming.


  Walking around in the park.

  Just grabbing a cup of coffee without rushing somewhere.

  My job didn’t feel particularly stressful, but now that I’m no longer working there, it definitely feels like a weight has dropped off my shoulders.

  “Ellie?” a familiar voice asks, tapping me on my shoulder. I turn around and come face-to-face with Tom.

  “Hey.” I smile.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Um, nothing really. Just relaxing. Enjoying the day. And you?”

  “Same.” He shrugs. “I took a day off. I need some time.”

  He slouches a bit and looks down at the ground.

  I know Tom well enough to know that he’s waiting for me to ask him why.

  But I don't want to indulge. I don't want to see him actually, and I’m a bit peeved that he’s here interrupting my alone time.

  Without an invitation, he sits down next to me on the bench. I decide not to indulge him.

  Instead, I turn my attention to the Kindle app on my phone.

  “What are you reading?” he asks after a few moments of silence.

  “You wouldn’t like it,” I say.

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Because you think romance novels are trashy.”

  “No, c’mon tell me,” he insists.

  “It’s a
billionaire romance with steamy sex scenes,” I say.

  “Hmm. Is the girl the billionaire or the guy?”

  “The guy.”

  “How original,” Tom says sarcastically.

  “Listen, I didn’t ask for your opinion, did I? The sex is hot and the writing is fast paced. It’s a nice way to unwind.”

  Tom nods without really agreeing.

  I’m about to ask him to leave when my phone rings. It’s Aiden.

  “Hey.” I pick up the phone.

  “Hey, stranger,” Aiden says. “I have a surprise for you. Tonight.”


  “I’m sending a package over to your place now with a courier.”

  “A present?” I ask. “For me?”

  “Yes. Hope to see you in it tonight.”

  “Will you pick me up?”

  “No, the directions where I want you to meet me will be in the package,” he says.

  “Can’t wait.”

  When I hang up, my heart is still fluttering a bit, but then I look over at Tom. The sour expression on his face tells me everything I want to know.

  “Who was that?”



  “It’s just a guy I’m seeing. It’s none of your business,” I say, standing up. “Listen, I have to get back home. I have some work to do.”

  “What work? You’re unemployed.” He chuckles.

  “You know, I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before. You can be such an asshole sometimes.”

  When I get home, the package from Aiden is waiting for me with the doorman.

  It’s a big white box with a pink bow around it.

  I take it up to our apartment and unwrap it as soon as I enter the foyer. Inside, I find an exquisite short black sleeveless dress. I don't know what it’s made of it, but the material definitely feels luxurious and very expensive.

  When I put it on, I feel like a princess.

  I twirl around the living room and watch as the fabric rises and falls with me.

  Since it’s a little black dress, almost any shoe goes with it. So I reach for my $100 DSW pair of black pumps.

  Unlike Caroline, I do not have an expensive shoe habit.

  I arrive at the bar in mid-town promptly at eight. It’s an upscale bar where everyone is dressed in suits and ties and dresses.

  I’ve never been here before and, at first, I’m a bit apprehensive about grabbing a seat at the bar by myself.

  I’ve never really sat at the bar by myself before because it’s the prime location for all sorts of creeps to hit on you.

  But this time, I decide to be brave.

  Besides, Aiden is going to be here soon, right?

  I take a seat at the far end of the bar and order a mojito. While I’m waiting, Aiden comes up to me and kisses me behind the ear.

  “Hey there, stranger.”

  “Oh, hey!” I say and give him a brief hug. He takes the seat next to me and orders an Old Fashioned.

  “Thank you so much for the dress.”

  “No, thank you for wearing it. You look gorgeous in it.”

  “How is it that you can pick out clothes for me so easily? I mean, when I find a dress I like at the store, I have to try on a few different sizes before I find the one that fits right. And yet, you’re two for two.”

  “Ah, it’s a skill, I guess,” he says, nodding to the bartender when his drink is ready.

  “No, seriously, I want to know.”

  “Seriously? Seriously, I have a buyer. She saw what you look like, and she has an expert eye for these things.”

  I take a sip of my mojito when it arrives. It’s incredibly fresh and the combination of acid and sugar on my tongue makes me salivate and crave it more and more.

  For a few minutes, we lose ourselves in our conversation and in each other’s eyes. Everything he says makes perfect sense to me and I agree with it wholeheartedly.

  And everything I say resonates with him as well. There’s no other way to describe this moment other than that we are completely in-sync.

  “Well, hello there.” I hear an unfamiliar female voice behind me.

  When I turn around, I see a tall woman with razor sharp cheekbones and a razor-sharp aggressive haircut. Don’t get me wrong.

  She’s gorgeous. But the way her eyes flicker when she speaks makes my stomach turn in fear.

  “Alexis, what are you doing here?” Aiden asks. The shocked expression on his face convinces me that this is not a planned surprise.

  “Your secretary said you would be here.”

  “Why are you even asking her about me?” He demands to know. “Can’t you see that I’m on a date?”

  “I’m asking about you because you’re my husband.”

  “Ex-husband. Of many years mind you. Why don’t you talk to your present-day husband about whatever it is you’re bothering me with?”

  Suddenly, the expression on Alexis’s face changes. The hardness vanishes as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

  “Aiden, I’m so, so sorry. I just didn’t know who else to turn to. You know that I don't have any friends except for you. And I really needed to talk to you.”

  Aiden shakes his head like he has heard this before, but doesn’t ask her to leave.

  “The thing is that he left. He just took off on Rory and me. Can you believe that? I mean, I haven't heard from him in a week. And I haven’t been sleeping again. And I really need a sleeping pill again.”

  “No, Alexis! No. Absolutely not. You cannot not take any pills. You're an addict. Do you want to go to rehab again?”

  “No,” Alexis sobs, wiping her eyes with my napkin. When the spot next to Aiden opens up, she gladly takes the seat.

  “No, you’re not sitting down, Alexis,” Aiden says sternly. “I’m on a date.”

  “I know. But I don't know where Tyler is; do you know what that’s like? I mean he might be dead.”

  “Tyler’s not dead, Alexis. He’s probably in Vegas gambling away Rory’s college fund.”

  Alexis drops her head and continues to sob. Suddenly, I feel like a third wheel.

  “I’m going to go,” I whisper to Aiden and get up.

  He tries to stop me, but I brush him off and walk away. Whatever is going on in there is none of my business.

  She clearly needs him and I don't want to feel like an uninvited guest on my own date.

  But Aiden doesn’t let me get away that easily. He catches up with me halfway down the street.

  “No, you’re not leaving,” he says defiantly. “She has taken up enough of my life already.”

  “But she’s your ex and your friend.”

  “I don’t care. You don't know her, Ellie. Alexis is the type of woman to have drama piled on drama. Her life is always in ruins and ready for someone else to save. Well, I can’t be that person anymore. Please, just wait for a second. I’m going to put her in a cab and send her home. I’m not dealing with her tonight.”



  When she finally leaves…

  I can’t lie, a big part of me was curious about what Alexis was like when Aiden first told me about her. But now that I’ve seen her…I was not expecting her to be quite that drop dead gorgeous.

  Standing outside the bar, I still can’t believe that she actually crashed our date.

  And what about that assistant of Aiden’s?

  Did she really tell her where we were?

  It has been years since they were married and yet…the relationship between the two of them seems way too close. I want to leave and go home, but Aiden urges me to stay.

  He convinces me with his ’please’. I wait as Aiden cuts his conversation with Alexis short and puts her into a cab.

  When he comes back to me, he invites me back inside. But that place has been soured. Now, all I can think about is his ex-wife and how long her legs are in comparison to mine.

  “I’m so, so sorry about that,” Aiden says. “You have to believe me. W
e are completely through.”

  “So, why does she still come around? I thought she lived in Ohio. Why is she acting like you’re not?”

  A cold gust of wind blows and I regret the fact that I didn’t bring a coat. These warm summer nights are quickly fading into autumn.

  “No, she lives in New York now with her husband and kid. Her parents are paying for their apartment. The thing is that Alexis has a lot of issues. After we broke up, she got pregnant right away with her high school boyfriend’s baby. They got married because her parents insisted on it and their marriage hasn’t been good for anyone involved, including the baby. She was in a bad car accident a few years back and got hooked on pain pills and has been in and out of rehab ever since.”

  “But what does any of this have to do with you?” I ask. Aiden takes off his jacket and puts it around my shoulders. It’s hot from his body heat and I revel in its warmth.

  “Frankly, I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Except that somehow we became friends again over the years and I was always there for her through her rehabs and her issues. I was the one person who she could turn to.”

  “Did you two…ever get back together?” I ask, carefully choosing my words. First loves are difficult to get over and tend to stick with people for life. And that doesn’t even count those who have been married.

  “No.” Aiden shakes his head. “Absolutely not. I was over her even before we officially got divorced, Ellie. She’s just this complicated aspect of my life who is still there. I’m a friend. I care about her daughter. I want her to get better and find a better man. But I do not, and I mean it, I do not want that man to be me.”

  Aiden looks straight into my eyes as he says that. There’s certainty in the tone of his voice and in the conviction with which he speaks and that makes me feel relieved. He is telling the truth. I know it.

  “If you don't want to go back to the bar, will you come over for a nightcap?” Aiden asks.


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