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The Severed City

Page 42

by Christopher Mitchell

  Kylon lifted his head and yawned. ‘What?’

  ‘Benel,’ she said. ‘They’ve fucking taken him. And listen, Killop’s outside the city, and he has a fire mage.’

  Kylon got to his feet. ‘Slow down. One thing at a time. Killop fought in the battle?’

  ‘I don’t know the details,’ she said, ‘but his new fire mage burnt all the lizard’s catapults, and won the battle for the alliance.’

  Keira glanced around. The rest of her squad lay or crouched, listening.

  She sat in the room’s only chair. ‘You all know who I am.’

  Leah smirked, and poured herself a cup of stale water.

  ‘We have a pretty good idea,’ Niall said.

  Fang gazed around. His grasp of the Holdings language was limited to basic orders, like eat, run, stop, and duck.

  ‘Do you give a fuck who I am?’ she said to him in Sanangka.

  He shrugged. ‘Keilyn fire woman.’

  ‘Keira ae Caela ae Kell,’ she said.

  Fang grinned. ‘Keira kill-kill.’


  ‘Did you say something about Benel?’ Flora asked, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

  Keira turned to her. ‘He’s been arrested for disobeying orders.’

  ‘Then we need to get the fuck out of here,’ Kylon said, his face grim. ‘Benel would drop your name to save his skin, of that there‘s no doubt.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘He’s had plenty chance to betray me before.’

  ‘But now his career, maybe his life is in danger. Disobeying an order in the middle of a war? It could have been a complete disaster, he was lucky it turned out well for him.’

  ‘It wasn’t fucking luck, it was me.’

  ‘Two thirds of the Leftovers are dead,’ he frowned. ‘It wasn’t just you.’

  ‘Aye, I know,’ she said.

  She sat and watched as Leah and Kylon gathered their possessions, rolling up blankets, and shoving clothes into their packs.

  ‘Are you leaving us?’ Niall said. ‘Are you deserting the army?’

  Kylon stopped. He turned to face Niall and Flora.

  ‘Do you think we should be here when the military police show up?’ he said. ‘It wouldn’t end well, believe me.’

  ‘The battalion won’t let them arrest you,’ Flora said. ‘Keilyn saved us in the gatehouse.’

  ‘The soldiers out there just stood and watched as Benel was taken away,’ Keira said.

  ‘But this time we’ll be prepared,’ Flora said. ‘We’ll rouse them all, and barricade the cavern.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Keira smiled.

  ‘And how many would die?’ Kylon scowled. ‘No. We’ll slip away before everyone else is awake, and you three can pretend you knew nothing when the police arrive.’

  Flora and Niall shared an angry look, while Fang looked on oblivious.

  Kylon handed Keira her packed bag, and she rose to her feet.

  ‘I’m still not sure about this,’ she said. ‘I don’t think Benel will tell them anything.’

  ‘Are you willing to bet your life on that?’ Kylon said.

  ‘Stop fucking about, Keira,’ Leah said. ‘It’s time to get out of these caves.’

  ‘I’m coming with you,’ Flora said, rising to her feet and grabbing her things.

  ‘The squad stays together,’ Niall nodded. ‘What’s left of it anyway.’

  Kylon shook his head, then paused. ‘Actually,’ he said. ‘It might look better with two Holdings and a Sanang alongside us.’

  Leah made a face, while the others gazed up at Keira.

  ‘All right,’ she said. ‘We all go.’

  ‘What the fuck’s happening?’ Fang asked in his own tongue.

  ‘We’re making a run for it,’ Keira answered him. ‘You coming?’

  ‘Fucking right Keira kill-kill,’ he said, getting up. ‘Wherever you’re going, there’s bound to be blood.’

  Kylon nodded as he watched the squad get ready.

  ‘If anyone asks,’ he said, ‘we were told to go out on patrol by Benel.’

  Keira pulled on her chain mail and grinned.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Niall said.

  ‘Up,’ Kylon said. ‘Up until we can get our bearings. Then out.’

  ‘Are we going to find your brother, ma’am?’ Flora asked.

  Keira opened her mouth to reply.

  ‘No,’ said Kylon. ‘Killop still has a job to do, and we would only risk everything he’s built.’

  Keira glared at him. ‘Then where the fuck do you suggest?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘We need to hide, somewhere far away.’

  ‘Fucksake,’ she muttered, hating him for being right.

  They gathered at the door.

  ‘Ready?’ Kylon said.

  They nodded.

  ‘Leave the talking to me,’ Keira said, and opened the door, striding out into the large circular chamber.

  It was busier than before. Warriors and troopers mingled in groups, many looking agitated and discussing Benel. They stopped and stared at Keira as she and her squad entered.

  ‘Hoi,’ Keira called out, spotting the officer. ‘Captain Tully.’

  He turned to face her as she approached.

  ‘Lieutenant,’ he nodded, ‘you’ve heard the news about the mage, I presume?’

  ‘Aye,’ she said. ‘He’ll be fine. He’s a fucking hero, the worst they’ll do is slap him on the wrist.’

  ‘I hope you’re right,’ he said, glancing at the squad in full battle kit. ‘Going somewhere?’

  ‘Aye,’ she said. ‘Benel wanted a plan of the vicinity, asked me to go out before he was picked up. Shouldn’t be away for more than a couple of hours. Won’t take long to scout out the main routes.’

  Tully said nothing, chewing his lip. Other fighters from the Leftovers were standing listening, their attention fixed.

  ‘Sir?’ Keira said.

  ‘Very well,’ he replied, his eyes troubled. ‘I shall accompany you to the tunnel, Lieutenant.’

  She nodded, and led the squad to the far end of the chamber, which opened into a long inclined passageway. On the threshold Tully halted, his back to the chamber, and discretely extended his hand to Keira.

  ‘Good luck,’ he whispered.

  ‘Thanks Tully,’ she said, grasping his hand.

  He winced.

  ‘Come on then ya ugly bastards,’ she said to the squad. ‘Let’s go.’

  She led them up the long straight passageway, resisting the impulse to look back.

  The corridor levelled out after two hundred yards, and joined a larger tunnel, dimly lit, with Rahain civilians warming their hands against small fires. The wall lamps were dark, and shadows from the flames in the street flickered up to the rounded ceiling. A squad of a dozen Holdings troopers were standing guard to their right at a crossroads, watching the Rahain.

  Keira walked up to them without hesitation.

  ‘Troopers,’ she said. ‘I’m Lieutenant Keilyn of the King’s Combined Battalion. I have a message for headquarters up top. Which way is quickest?’

  ‘You’re from the Leftovers?’ a corporal said, squinting at her. ‘Ma’am?’

  ‘Aye,’ Keira said. ‘Under Mage Benel.’

  The corporal smiled. ‘Is it true you held out in that gatehouse for a whole half-third?’

  ‘Aye,’ Keira nodded. ‘Anyway, no time to chat.’

  ‘Sorry, ma’am.’ He pointed to his right. ‘That way. Follow the main channel, then up the first set of stairs you see on your left.’

  ‘Thanks, corporal,’ she said, and the squad set off again, following the wide route he had pointed out. It started to incline upwards, and got darker, with a handful of torches lighting the way.

  ‘Was that wise?’ Kylon said to her. ‘Using Benel’s name?’

  ‘Took a guess they hadn’t heard anything yet.’

  ‘Maybe I was wrong,’ he said. ‘Maybe the mage will keep his mouth shut.’

  ‘Even if he does,’ she said. ‘I’m going to get discovered sooner or later. Best we scarper now.’

  After a thirty minute gentle climb, she heard movement ahead, the thud of boots.

  ‘Over here,’ she called to her squad, and they bundled into the deep shadows of a wide recess in the tunnel wall.

  They huddled together as a company of armoured troopers bounded down the passageway, heading the way Keira had come. They took a few moments to pass, their steel plates clanking, their heavy shields slung over their backs, but they kept their eyes forward in the dim light, and none turned towards the squad.

  Keira waited until the sound of boots had dwindled into the distance before she stepped back out into the tunnel.

  ‘All right,’ she said. ‘So the wee bastard talked. Guess you were right all along.’

  ‘They after you?’ Niall said.

  ‘Either that or they’re rushing down there to hand out medals to the Leftovers.’

  The squad moved out, and quickened their pace up the tunnel. They came to a grand set of marble steps, rising to their left, and kept moving. Further along they reached a smaller staircase, ascending almost as steeply as a ladder in the right wall of the passageway, and they ran to it.

  Kylon went up first, then Keira, and Leah came up last, ushering the others. They emerged into a dark cavern, ringed with squat blocks of grey-stoned housing, piled against the walls. Groups of peasant Rahain were standing out in the streets, gathered around piles of burning debris.

  The squad moved down the main road, keeping their hands on their weapons as the Rahain stared at them.

  ‘Murderers!’ one shouted.

  Leah readied her bow.

  More Rahain were coming out from the houses, to see what was happening. Cries of anger rose from the crowd as they began to jostle forwards.

  Keira kept on, her squad close behind, the Rahain keeping a distance away. They were getting more agitated, and some were carrying improvised weapons, clubs and knives.

  ‘There’s only six of them!’ someone cried. ‘Kill them!’

  Keira turned.

  ‘I’m not in the fucking mood for this,’ she called out to the crowd, ‘but if you bastards take another step forward I’ll turn the fucking lot of you to ash.’

  She raised her arm, and sent bursts of flame from the nearby street fires soaring up into the cavern.

  There was a collective gasp from the crowd.

  ‘Well?’ Keira shouted.

  ‘Fire mage!’ a peasant screamed.

  ‘Aye,’ Keira said. ‘Well spotted you at the back. A fire mage who is currently trying to get the fuck away from the alliance army. You should be fucking helping me, ya radges. You’ve got it all backwards.’

  ‘We’ll never help invaders,’ said an older Rahain woman, standing at the head of the crowd.

  ‘No?’ Keira sneered. ‘You bastards owe me. All of you. It was you that got me into this great pile of shite in the first place.’

  Kylon tugged at her elbow.

  ‘We’re leaving now,’ Keira said. ‘You know what’ll happen if you come after me, or try to stop me.’ She pointed at the woman who had spoken, ‘And you’re coming with us.’

  ‘Why?’ she asked.

  ‘Easy,’ Keira said. ‘We need a guide and a hostage. Either you come willingly, or I’ll start torching the place, and take you anyway. Your choice, hen.’

  The Rahain women glanced at her companions.

  ‘You can’t trust her,’ said one, ‘she’s a savage.’

  ‘If you want,’ Keira smirked, ‘I can show you how savage I can be…’

  She raised her arm.

  ‘No,’ the woman said. ‘I’ll come.’ She stepped forward out of the crowd, and joined Keira and the squad.

  ‘Good,’ Keira said, looking down at her new hostage. ‘Now, there’s a whole company of Holdings troopers after us, and if they raise the alarm, then every alliance soldier in the city will be searching. Lead us out, by the back ways.’

  The woman nodded. She glanced back at the crowd of peasants.

  ‘Sit tight,’ she said to them. ‘I’ll be fine.’

  The squad moved off, half-running away from the mob, and out of the cavern by a low tunnel.

  ‘What’s your name?’ Keira asked her.

  ‘Ryaedic,’ she said.

  ‘How long will it take to get out of the city?’

  ‘A couple of hours by the main routes. Double that if you’re wanting to stay hidden from any soldiers.’

  Keira nodded.

  ‘Why are they chasing you?’

  Keira snorted. ‘You know what I fucking did.’

  ‘No,’ Ryaedic replied. ‘I’ve no idea.’

  ‘You know the Rahain army forced me to destroy the Rakanese camp last spring.’

  ‘What? That was you?’

  ‘Aye, and now the alliance want to arrest me for it,’ Keira said. ‘Fuck. So they didn’t tell you about me?’

  ‘They told us our army destroyed the camp, with an earthquake, and then a fire.’

  ‘All true, I suppose. Except I did the fire.’ She spat on the ground. ‘Your army told me they’d kill everyone I loved if I didn’t burn the camp. I still shouldn’t have done it, but.’

  She fell silent, realising that the squad were listening to every word as they hurried along the tunnel.

  ‘What the fuck are you all looking at? Keep yer eyes on the fucking road.’

  The Rahain woman led them onwards, rushing through deserted alleys, and up narrow flights of stairs. Every time they came to a junction, she would go ahead, and check the way was clear before leading them on.

  After hours of walking and climbing they reached a busier thoroughfare, where groups of poor Rahain were huddling around fires in the dim light. Ryaedic turned up a tight alleyway, and through a narrow opening, which led to a small cavern.

  She lit a lamp.

  ‘We’ll rest here for a bit,’ she said. ‘My old legs.’

  The squad wheezed and panted as they fell to the floor.

  ‘Lugging full kit up those last stairs nearly ended me,’ Niall gasped.

  ‘We can’t rest for long,’ Kylon said. ‘Word must be out in the city by now. I’m surprised we haven’t seen more soldiers.’

  ‘I’ve taken you by all the back lanes to get here,’ Ryaedic said. ‘But you’re right, we must move soon, the caverns will get busier at dawn.

  ‘Is it nearly dawn?’ Flora said. ‘I thought it was evening.’

  ‘Being underground has fucked up yer sense of time,’ Keira said. She turned to Ryaedic. ‘Are we close to an exit?’

  ‘Yes,’ the Rahain woman said. ‘Do you promise to let me go once you’ve escaped?’


  Ryaedic nodded. ‘Just a few minutes more to walk. There’s a city gate down that wide tunnel we just saw.’

  ‘A gate?’ Kylon asked. ‘A big guarded gate?’

  She shrugged. ‘You said you wanted out of the city.’

  ‘But not to walk straight into the arms of the alliance army,’ Kylon frowned.

  ‘You’ll have to do better than that,’ Keira said. ‘Find a way out that doesn’t involve us getting chased by a thousand tin cans on horseback.’

  Ryaedic sat back, and took a drink of water from an offered canister.

  ‘There might be a way,’ she said. ‘It’ll be guarded, all exits are, but if you can get past the soldiers, no cavalry will be able to chase you.’

  ‘Aye?’ Keira said.

  ‘Do any of you know how to pilot a winged gaien?’

  After resting, they double-backed away from the wide boulevard, and instead ascended more long flights of stairs, climbing for another tiring hour, following the bobbing torch held by Ryaedic. Even Keira was starting to feel it in her legs as they mounted step after step. The two Holdings were exhausted.

  ‘Why is there no one else here?’ Kylon asked.

  ‘These are service shafts and tunnels,’ the Rahain woma
n said, looking the least affected by their climb. ‘I don’t think the Holdings have found them yet.’ She paused, allowing the others to catch up. ‘This one passes by a cavern with one end open to the sky where lots of gaien are stabled.’ She gazed at the squad, and her tongue flickered. ‘It’ll surely be guarded. You’ll have to fight. I will take you to an opening in the cavern wall, but no further. Agreed?’

  ‘Aye,’ Keira said.

  Ryaedic led them on for another ten minutes, along a level passageway that ended in a small, square door. She pointed at it, and stood to the side. Keira stepped forward, knelt, and pushed the door open an inch.


  She nearly laughed.

  Through the crack in the door she could see a large cavern ahead of her. Gaien were stabled to the left, in a long row of stalls. Some were being led forwards, Rahain in tunics handling them under the watchful gaze of Holdings troopers. The dark-skinned soldiers were in thick groups all over the cavern. To her right, the wall of the cavern opened up to a wide panoramic view of the mountains, where the sun was rising over the snow-capped horizon.

  Her eyes scanned the cavern for any sign of flame, and she pulled on her senses to search where her sight could not reach. There was a metal brazier alight on the far left, in the middle of the row of stables, where an archway marked an entrance to the cavern. Troopers were warming their hands against it. They were blocking her view of the fire, but she knew it was there.

  She closed her eyes. It was far, but she could feel it.

  ‘Get ready to run,’ she said.

  She pushed all her senses towards the flame, and uncurled her fingers, trying to grasp the flaming tendrils.

  The small flame was far away, further than she had ever reached before. She started to sweat, and felt nauseous, but kept on.

  It doesn’t have to be much, she thought, just nudge it towards the stables.

  She clenched her fingers, and the fire surged to the side, the flames reaching through the ring of soldiers, scorching two, and hitting the wall of the stables. It burst into flames, and she let her power go, falling back into the arms of Kylon.

  She grinned.

  ‘Come on,’ he grunted, as the first screams and shouts came from the cavern.

  Leah kicked the door open, crouched, and bolted through. Fang followed, his axe out. The two Holdings clambered through next, as Kylon pulled Keira to her feet.


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