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The Severed City

Page 46

by Christopher Mitchell

  ‘How would they find out from a hedgewitch?’ Chane asked. ‘If it’s such a secret, couldn’t you trust them to keep their mouths shut?’

  Hodang shook his head. ‘We cannot take the risk.’ He sighed. ‘No, all we can do is continue what we have been doing for a hundred years, seeking out and destroying anyone we find who possesses those dark powers.’

  ‘There might be a way we can get round this,’ Agang said. ‘The clause calls for volunteers. If we agree, then we can’t be held at fault if none are forthcoming. When we get back to Sanang, we can delay, and delay, until the clause is forgotten.’

  His advisors fell into silence.

  ‘Will the Holdings forget, my lord?’ Hodang said after a while.

  ‘I’m not sure it matters,’ Chane said. ‘This invasion has spread Sanang all over the Plateau and Rahain. And when peace comes, there will be free movement between the nations. Even if you delay, I think it likely that this Institute of Mages will find their volunteers one way or another.’

  Agang nodded. ‘I agree. Hodang?’

  ‘I still don’t like it, my lord,’ he said. ‘Even agreeing in principle sends a message.’

  ‘I will not forego the crown over a message,’ Agang said.

  ‘Very well, my lord,’ his chief minister said. ‘We’ll have to play very cleverly with this though, to avoid offending the Holdings and their new emperor. Just as I intend to be diplomatic about requesting extensions to the time limit on the emancipation of slaves.’

  ‘You cannot go back on that,’ Chane said.

  Hodang shook his head. ‘It displeases me, but this clause we will have to go along with.’ He looked at Chane. ‘We will not go back on our word. Slavery is over, we just need time to mitigate the effects.’

  ‘Not to mention the money to pay off the owners,’ Agang said. ‘A good part of the treasure from this expedition will have to be assigned to cover it all.’

  He glanced at his advisors.

  ‘Are we agreed then? I will sign this treaty?’

  They nodded.

  ‘Send the priest back in.’

  Echtang opened the door and the three Holdings entered.

  ‘My lord?’ Ghorley said as he approached. ‘Have you come to a conclusion?’

  ‘I have,’ he said. ‘We accede to the clauses within the treaty.’

  ‘Most excellent,’ Ghorley said. Bates came forward and turned around, facing away from Agang. Ghorley laid out the treaty on the priest’s back, and produced a quill from a sleeve.

  ‘My lord,’ he said, handing Agang the pen.

  He gazed at the treaty, noticing it was written in Sanangka as well as the Holdings script. He paused, unable to shake that feeling that he was being tricked somehow, and that the Holdings were laughing at him behind their polite smiles.

  He knew this treaty would seal the alliance, and begin the reign of the Holdings Emperor. It was open knowledge that the Rakanese and Clackdomyn went along with everything Guilliam said, and were securely in his grasp. He also realised that Laodoc had probably been presented with a similar document before his inauguration, and for the first time he felt a twinge of sympathy for the old man.

  Eyes from every direction were staring at him, and he reached down and signed his name.

  Agang Garo.

  Ghorley took the treaty, and bowed, while Bates went back to his previous position.

  ‘Thank you, my lord,’ Ghorley said. ‘In ten minutes your coronation will begin, may your gods show you favour.’

  The Holdings left the room.

  ‘This is it, then,’ Drechtan said, patting down his robes.

  ‘Sanang will be recognised,’ Agang said, ‘and I shall be king.’

  His mind swirled, and his heart rate increased.

  ‘You are the greatest Sanang who has ever lived,’ said Hodang. ‘You have done everything you set out to do, and more. The glory of your reign will be spoken of through the ages.’

  There was a knock at the door, and a Sanang officer entered.

  ‘My lords,’ he said, ‘the execution of Lomecht Ra has been carried out in the cells under the council chambers. I was told to bring the news directly to you.’

  ‘Thank you, Captain,’ Agang said, keeping his face blank as the officer left.

  ‘Mandalecht, Drechtan,’ he said, ‘as soon as the coronation’s over, summon the warriors. We’re leaving.’

  Drechtan beamed. ‘When, my lord?’

  ‘As quickly as we can get ready. Within a few days if we can.’

  Chane and Echtang both broke out in wide grins.

  Badolecht entered the room.

  ‘My lord,’ he smiled, ‘the senate chamber awaits your presence. Your crowning is about to begin.’

  Agang got to his feet, and his advisors placed themselves behind him, with his chief minister standing behind his right shoulder.

  ‘My lord,’ Hodang said as they walked towards the door. ‘I was under the impression that the alliance is planning to mount an expedition against the rebel cities to the south in the next third or so. Won’t they be expecting us to join them?’’

  They entered a great round hall, with ornate and decorated benches, and the standards of all five nations hanging from the walls. The room was full, and people from every corner of the world were present. In the centre of the marble floor a raised podium had been constructed, and upon it was a throne.

  The priest Ghorley was there, dressed in elaborate and flowing robes, while Laodoc and Field Marshal Howie stood close by in attendance. A young priest by Ghorley’s side held a crown in his hands, glistening gold in the dazzling light of a hundred lamps.

  ‘My lord?’ whispered Hodang.

  ‘They’ll have to do it without us,’ Agang said, his eyes fixed on the crown. ‘It’s time to go home.’

  Chapter 34

  At the Threshold

  Sanang Frontier – New Year’s Day 506

  ‘Happy New Year, bawbags,’ Keira said, smirking at her squad as they awoke on the hillside. Their cloaks were coated in morning dew, glistening in the dawn rays. Around them, trees spread up the valley, covering the foothills that marked the frontier of Sanang.

  ‘Are we there yet?’ Flora mumbled.

  ‘Try it in Sanangka,’ Keira said. ‘You need the fucking practice.’

  Flora sighed. ‘We here? We here now?’

  Keira snorted and laughed.

  ‘No one will expect her to speak, boss,’ Fang said. ‘Might be better if she keeps her mouth shut.’

  ‘And why the fuck’s that?’ Keira said. ‘Is it because she’s got tits?’

  She shook her head as Fang frowned.

  ‘I’ll tell you, Fang,’ she said, ‘the first monkey-man to order me to be quiet because I’m a woman is getting their teeth rammed down their fucking throat.’

  ‘You’re different, boss,’ Fang said. ‘You’re a killer. You’ll be alright, and so will Leah. Flora though, she doesn’t look like a warrior. She’s soft.’

  ‘We both saw her fight in the gatehouse, and back at the tunnel,’ Keira said. ‘I expect you to stand up for the folk in the squad, Fang. You mess with one, you mess with us all. Are you going to stick up for Flora if she gets hassled?’

  ‘You guys are my family, boss,’ Fang said. ‘I fight and die for you all. But the men in Sanang, they… It might not be safe for her.’

  ‘We all stick together,’ Keira said. ‘We’ll be alright.’

  She noticed Flora was looking at her.

  ‘Did you understand that?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Flora said. ‘Most of it. I’ve heard about the treatment of women in Sanang, but it’s like what Fang said. We’re family. I’m not afraid.’

  They cleared up the camp, and broke out a ration of their supplies.

  ‘I’ll see if I can shoot something today,’ Leah said, grimacing at the dried-up rind of salted meat in her hand. ‘Anything would be better than this shit.’

  ‘Just think,’ Niall
said, ‘there will be parties all over the Holdings today, and anywhere else they celebrate the New Year. We used to have the best feasts in Hold Clear, dozens of fine cattle roasted, enough beer for everyone, and singing and dancing, the entire square done up in bunting and flowers.’

  ‘We just used to get pissed,’ Keira said.

  She looked over at Kylon, who was staring off into the distance.

  ‘What’s up with your pus?’

  He glanced at her, his dark eyes piercing her soul.

  ‘He’s always moody in the morning,’ Leah said.

  ‘Aye,’ Keira said, ‘tell me about it.’

  ‘There’s something I need to say,’ he said.

  ‘Oh aye?’

  ‘Something I’ve been keeping from you,’ he said. ‘Do you remember when Kalayne put the images of Shella and Daphne into my head, back in Kell?’

  ‘Aye,’ she said, ‘before you all fucked off and left me.’

  Kylon nodded. ‘Since then, Kalayne has appeared in my dreams. Not often, three times in fact. In the first dream he gave me a vision of Killop leading a slave army, and in the second he showed me you near the great tunnel through the mountains.’

  ‘You sneaky wee toerag,’ Keira said. ‘So that old bastard’s been pulling yer strings?’

  ‘Guiding me,’ Kylon said. ‘Showing me what I have to do.’

  ‘When was the third time?’ asked Leah.

  ‘Last night,’ he replied. ‘He showed me Killop’s baby. A girl.’

  ‘My wee brother’s a da’?’ Keira laughed.

  ‘Aye. Then he showed me a glimpse of the future. Our fight’s not over yet.’

  Keira shrugged. ‘I hadn’t thought for one fucking moment that it was.’

  Kylon looked away, his face grim. ‘We have a lot to do. On this day, an empire is being proclaimed, with the ruler of the world sitting on his throne in Plateau City. All five nations have sworn fealty to him, and the reach of his church spreads.’

  ‘His church?’ Keira said. ‘Who gives a fuck about their stupid religion?’

  She caught the glance of Niall and Flora.

  ‘No offence.’

  ‘There’s only one problem,’ Kylon said. ‘The Holdings religion happens to be true.’

  ‘Yer arse.’

  ‘Kalayne is convinced. He sees the mind of their god. Do you not remember what he told us in Kell, the night we met him?’

  ‘I was too drunk to pay attention,’ she lied, recalling the words of the prophecies as if they had been spoken the day before.

  ‘Our church is peaceful,’ Niall said. ‘There’s no reason to fear it.’

  ‘You think?’ Flora said. ‘My folks always told me that the priests used to control everything, back when they were young before the queen ruled. I don’t want to go back to that.’

  ‘The king wouldn’t let them,’ Niall said.

  ‘Emperor now,’ Kylon said. ‘Emperor Guilliam the First, Holder of the World.’

  ‘Holder?’ Keira said. ‘He’s not getting his fucking hands on me.’

  ‘Kalayne fears the church, and what they intend to do. The lord vicar and his priests are planning something that involves gathering mages from every part of the world. His message was a warning to us, to be on our guard, as the emperor’s reach now includes the Sanang forest.’

  ‘We’ll just have to get lost somewhere,’ Keira said. ‘Was that all the old freak said?’

  ‘He told us to prepare,’ he said, ‘for the day when we might have to return to Plateau City.’

  After breakfast, the squad trooped through the woods, heading further into the long valley where the Plateau met the new realm of Sanang. There was no clear border, no flags or fortresses, but after a few hours Keira knew they had crossed a threshold.

  The feeling of being watched crept up on her. She saw no one except her companions, walking on the track through the trees, but she couldn’t shake it.

  Thick thorny undergrowth bordered the path. The dense trees behind were budding, the ground below covered in a tangled mat of the previous year’s growth. The path wound its way round enormous boulders that littered the landscape, blocking the view ahead.

  Her anxiety started to grow. She led them on for another hour, across a stream and into a stretch of pine forest. The air was still and warm, and the branches were cutting out most of the daylight.

  ‘Right,’ she said. ‘Everyone stop. I can’t take this shit.’

  ‘What’s up?’ said Kylon.

  ‘Do you not feel it?’ she said. ‘Fuckers are everywhere, watching us.’

  The squad glanced around in alarm.

  ‘You’re just paranoid,’ Leah said.

  ‘Really?’ Keira said. ‘Fang?’

  The Sanang shrugged.

  ‘Fucksake,’ Keira said. ‘Flora, get over here. Niall, do you still have that Rahain lamp?’

  ‘Somewhere, ma’am,’ he said, slinging his pack from his back.

  ‘Any oil you have for it as well,’ Keira said.

  Flora came over as Niall found the small lamp, and started rooting about for fuel.

  ‘I have a job for you, Flora,’ Keira said.

  ‘Yes, ma’am?’

  ‘Sit yourself down,’ Keira said, handing her Niall’s lamp. ‘This is now yours. I want you to light it as fast as you can. Come on. Now.’

  Flora sat cross-legged, with the lamp on her lap, and fumbled with the flint.

  ‘Looking for a new Lacey?’ Kylon said.


  They watched as Flora caught a spark, and lit the wick of the lamp.

  ‘Blow it out,’ Keira said to her. ‘Don’t waste the oil. That was too fucking slow, by the way, you’ll need to practise. Try again.’

  Niall placed a full flask of oil by Flora’s feet, and the squad stood around and watched as Keira made Flora light and blow out the lamp several times.

  ‘Better,’ Keira said, ‘but still too slow. You’re in charge of the lamp now, Flora, and the oil. Carry them everywhere we go, and stay close to me at all times. If I tell you to light it, you drop everything and get it done. Understood?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Flora said, sweat on her forehead from concentrating.

  ‘Right, my wee fire-starter, up you get,’ Keira said. ‘Everyone else, start gathering firewood along the way. Anything old and dry, nothing green.’

  Flora got to her feet, and hung the oil and lamp off her belt pouch.

  ‘Niall,’ Keira said, ‘you watch my fire-starter’s back, alright?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  ‘Let’s go, then,’ she said, ‘and remember to pick up wood. I’ve a feeling we might need it later.’

  They walked until it began to get dark, then found a wide clearing to camp for the night, tall pine and spruce trees towering round them. The squad dumped their collected firewood onto the ground, forming a pile near the middle of the clearing.

  ‘Make a fire, Flora,’ Keira said. ‘Keep it as small as you can, but have the rest of the wood close by.’

  She gazed out into the forest as the squad laid their blankets on the soft needles. As Flora worked, Niall and Kylon took mugs and supplies from their packs. Leah sat on a boulder and unwrapped her bow.

  ‘You sense them Fang?’ Keira asked the Sanang.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘They’re out there.’


  ‘Fuck knows, boss. I’ve never been this far south in Sanang before.’

  She heard the sound of flint striking stone, and saw flames rise out of the corner of her eye.

  ‘Backs to the fire, everyone,’ she said. ‘Keep your eyes on the trees.’

  They sat, and Kylon shared out the evening’s rations. The water was from the stream they had passed, and it tasted earthy but good.

  ‘No booze, and fuck all to smoke,’ Keira said. ‘Some fucking holiday this is.’

  The squad nodded in the growing darkness, and they settled to sleep.

  ‘I’ll take first watch,’ Ke
ira said. ‘Flora, I hope you’re a light sleeper.’

  The squad lay down on their blankets in the still air of the clearing, and she heard their gentle snores within a few minutes. The fire burned lower, and she fed it just enough to keep it going, shielding her eyes whenever she had to turn to it. Flora’s face was glowing in the red light of the embers as she slept.

  The noise from the forest increased the darker it got. Birds called and screeched, insects buzzed and clicked, and a hundred other sounds she didn’t recognise competed for her attention. She saw eyes appear in the gaps between the trees, small green eyes or yellow, attracted by the campfire.

  Her eyes drooped a little, and she wished she had some keenweed, or even a cigarette. No one had told her that it would be hard to stop smoking, and she had been experiencing pangs ever since their supply had run out several days before.

  She thought about Kylon, and that crazy old bastard Kalayne. So he had been feeding him information all this time? So like Kylon not to tell her, he always had that ‘I know important shit that you don’t’ look about him. She glanced down at him. Fuck, what she wouldn’t give to have ten minutes alone with him, but the squad were always around, ruining any opportunity for fun.

  An arrow struck her right leg, under the knee, and she clenched her teeth, slipping off the boulder where she had been sitting.

  ‘Flora!’ she cried, grasping her leg as more arrows flew into the clearing, and a roar of voices grew from the forest.

  Keira reached over and slapped the young Holdings woman.

  ‘Now, Flora!’

  She heard Niall grunt in pain, as Flora started heaping wood onto the fire.

  Keira got to one knee, raised her arm, and swept it across the face of the forest, in the direction the arrows and voices were coming from. The fire responded to her will, and rose up into a great roiling ball of flames, before fanning out across the trees, sending them ablaze in seconds.

  Keira grinned. ‘Save the rest of the fuel,’ she shouted to Flora, before raising her hands.

  She clapped, and a great stream of flame spread out from the burning trees, rushing back in a arc, incinerating anything within a twenty yard radius. She moved her arms a few inches to the right, clapped again, and another section of the forest burst into flames.


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