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Tragic (Cherry Grove Book 1)

Page 4

by Cole Lepley

  I glance over at Oliver and he really looks like he wants to say something. “Come out with it, Ollie. I know there’s something super important swirling around in that brain of yours.”

  He folds his hands in lap and sighs. “I don’t want you with Hunter.”

  I lean back and give him a stunned look. “Whoa. Where’s this coming from?”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m not stupid. I see how you two are together.” He pauses and looks over at me. “I know you, Elle. You’ll break his heart and I won’t have a best friend anymore.”

  “That’s awfully judgmental of you.”

  “Really? I’ve seen you bring a six-foot-tall quarterback to his knees and not even flinch.” I narrow my eyes at him, and he holds his hands up in defense. “Hey, I have no right to say anything. I’m the same way when it comes to relationships. I just don’t want you to do it to him, okay?”

  I shake my head. “Ollie, I would never—Hunter is important to me. I genuinely like him, and there are very few people I can say that about.”

  Oliver laughs. “Just make sure that like you feel doesn’t lead to anything more.” He pauses for a moment as if he doesn’t want to say anymore—but then he does. “It will destroy him.”

  I laugh again. “Hunter? He’s pretty much a carbon copy of you. He barely has feelings himself.”

  Oliver lowers his voice. “You don’t know everything about him, Elle. And he would kill me for talking to you about this.”

  A part of me wants to immediately call bullshit. I knew Ollie would have a problem with me dating any of his friends, especially Hunter. The look on his face, however, gives me pause.

  “Why? What’s his deal?”

  Oliver closes his eyes and tents his hands around his mouth, blowing out a breath through his nose. “Elle, the games you and Judah play—he would never go for that shit.”

  My face scrunches up in disgust. “Games? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  He turns to me on the bleachers and gives me a look like I’m an idiot. That makes me angrier. “The back and forth, making each other jealous with other people when you don’t get your way. Hunter doesn’t play games and he’s too old for you.”

  I cross my arms indignantly. “Four years is not a big deal. Are you saying I’m immature?”

  He laughs. “You’re barely eighteen, and he’s a teacher. You’re on two totally different playing fields. He may only be a couple years older than you, but trust me—it would end in disaster.”

  I stand up from the bleachers. “Well, good thing Hunter and I are just friends. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Elle,” Oliver says in warning.

  I cross my fingers over my heart. “Promise. Just friends, okay?”

  He nods once. I’m not sure he believes me, and more importantly, I’m not sure I believe myself.

  The steam from the shower is still clouding the mirror as I pull on a pair of black lacy panties and matching bra. Not that I have anyone to impress with them, I just always like to look cute. I have the door open slightly so the steam can escape while I do my make-up.

  I prop one leg up on the counter and begin to apply floral scented lotion from my upper thigh down to my calf when the door opens wider.

  Hunter does a double take and immediately covers his eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was looking for towels.”

  This causes me to smile. “What are you so embarrassed for?”

  “Um, you’re practically naked.”

  I pull my leg down and pry his hand from his eyes. “I’m wearing more than a bikini would cover.”

  He looks me up and down and visibly swallows. “Nope. This is much different.”

  My smile morphs into something more sinister. “Then maybe you should take your shirt off and we’d be even.”

  He laughs once. “Elliot, what are you trying to do?”

  I cross my arms. “It’s only fair. You get to see me. I should get the same in return.”

  “You’ve seen me without a shirt on a million times.”

  Feeling suddenly bold, I stand my ground. “It shouldn’t be a problem then.”

  Amusement flashes in his eyes before he reaches back and pulls his T-shirt over his head. He squares his shoulders in front of me, and I take in his perfectly toned six-pack. I bite my lip, and he lets out some sort of strangled grunt like the one from earlier.

  “There,” he says, holding his hands out to his sides. “You happy?”

  The muscles in his abdomen flex and cause my stomach to clench. I cock my head to the side. “Take off your pants too.”

  His pale, blue eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

  I shrug. “Do you see me wearing pants?”

  He runs his hand roughly down his face and speaks through his hands. “Elle, I’m not sure we should be doing this.”

  I step closer. “Why not?”

  His gaze meets mine, and my insides instantly turn liquid. “It’s a bad idea.”

  My hands travel to the buckle of his belt. I slowly release it from the loops and let it fall to the floor with a clang. I lean in close to his ear. “The best ones always are.”

  My hands are still hovering over the top button of his pants when I feel him harden beneath them. I reach my hand inside and run it along the length of him and he hisses through his teeth.


  I ignore him and then bring my hand back up to release the button, causing his jeans to fall to his knees. He quickly kicks them aside, and I smile. “There, now we’re even.”

  His eyes turn darker as we stand close together, half-naked in my bathroom. He tilts his head to me. “Is this what you wanted, Elle? Are you satisfied now?”

  The rough tone to his voice makes my stomach flip. Am I satisfied? —absolutely not, but I literally just promised Ollie I wouldn’t do this. No matter how tempting it is to push things further with Hunter, I respect his wishes. Surely, he has a good reason for wanting to keep us apart.

  I give a small shrug and step past him. “For now.”

  I catch a look of pleasure on his face before he’s completely out of view. The confidence in my voice surprises even me. I hurry into my bedroom and lock the door behind me. I’m not sure what would happen if he followed me in here, but I know it would also be a bad idea.

  The screen of my phone lights up from my dresser, and I walk over to see who called. Five new texts from Judah. I skim them briefly, but don’t respond. It really pisses me off he’s this attentive now that we’re no longer exclusive. I can’t see wasting my entire senior year on someone who will probably cheat on me at the next sorority mixer.

  With a sigh, I toss my phone to my bed and go in search of some clothes. I pull on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top before stepping out onto my balcony. It goes a few minutes before I see Hunter walk across the patio to the guest house.

  He put his clothes back on, but there is something hesitant about the way he moves. It’s almost as if he wants to turn around—and then he does. He stops just before the door and turns back to the main house. Our eyes lock in the moonlit darkness, and I’m paralyzed. A part of me wants to run down there and tackle him into the guest house, ripping off all of his clothes in the process. The more rational part of my brain knows that will only lead to more trouble, and I want a fresh start this year.

  Slowly, the corners of his lips turn up, and he shakes his head. Neither one of us says anything as he turns back around and steps inside the door. I stand there motionless and alone, holding onto a promise I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep.



  I couldn’t sleep last night. Thoughts of Elliot standing on her balcony clouded my mind. Even from a distance, I could see it in her eyes. The dynamic between us has shifted, and I’m not sure what to do. On one hand, Elliot is incredibly beautiful, and smart, and basically perfect—but she’s also Ollie’s little sister. Although we’ve never had that conversation, I’m pretty sure he would have a problem with
me dating her. He flipped his shit when he found out we were running together. I can only imagine what his reaction would be if we fucked around.

  Despite my reservations, I promised Elliot I would take her shopping for new shoes today. I think it’s just an excuse to have a chauffeur take her shopping. I’ve seen how many pairs of tennis shoes she has.

  I’m currently seated outside an obnoxious store, next to a mannequin dressed in a pair of swim trunks, while music blasts in my ear. The things I do for this girl. Twenty long minutes later she emerges with a smile while toting two more bags.

  “Find anything good?” I ask, standing to stretch out my legs.

  She scoffs. “Of course. I just need to make one last quick stop and then we can get lunch.”

  I internally cringe. She says this after every store we go into.

  As we begin to make our way toward the escalator, I take the new set of bags from her hand and add them to the others I’m already carrying. She smiles up at me.

  “I’m so happy I brought you. You’re a very useful shopping partner.”

  Adjusting my grip on the over-stuffed paper bags, I smile back. “You know how you could show your appreciation?”

  “How’s that?” she asks while staring into the window of another store.

  I laugh, nudging her arm. “You could feed me. We’ve been at this for hours. I’m starving.” When she turns to finally give me her attention, I give her a pathetic face back and she laughs too.

  Elliot pinches my cheek. “Aw, you poor baby. It’s so exhausting walking around a mall all day.” She pulls her hand back and runs it through her hair, a smirk playing on her lips. “No wonder I always run faster than you.”

  Throwing my head back, I let out a chuckle. “Yeah right. I let you win because I feel bad for you. Losing all the time wouldn’t be good for your self-esteem.”

  Her eyebrow arches. “Is that so?” She moves in front of me, looking directly into my eyes. “Care to make a friendly wager?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  The smile on her face turns almost sinister. “When we go for our run later, if I win, you have to sit with me and watch a Gossip Girl marathon on Netflix tonight.”

  “What about if I win?”

  She purses her lips for a moment and then shrugs. “Then we can just watch whatever dumb show you want to.”

  Although watching that show kind of sounds like torture, I’m stuck on the fact that she’s already planning on hanging out with me tonight. Ever since I moved into the guest house, she’s been finding more and more reasons to spend time with me. Not that I’m complaining, but the more time alone I have with Elliot, the more I feel like we’re about to cross a line we shouldn’t be.

  Again, against my better judgment, I smile back at her. “Okay, you’re on.”

  She claps her hands together excitedly. “You’re so gonna lose.” With a wink she practically skips into another store, and this time, I can’t hide my smile. She’s too fucking cute.

  The real reason I let Elliot win is because I get to run behind her. It’s not as fun right now though because she has us running up some sort of mountain. She claims it’s to get a better incline. I’m about to pass out.

  Her long ponytail whips back and she shuffles on her feet and runs backwards, facing me. “Come on, we’re almost to the top.”

  She’s barely winded, and my lungs feel like they’re on fire. This girl may literally kill me.

  “What do I get if I make it to the top?”

  She smirks as her only response and then turns back around. I push through the cramp forming in my leg and pass her just before we crest the peak.

  I raise my hands in victory. “Ah, that feels good. Can’t win them all, Elle.”

  She bends at the waist and rests her hands on her knees. “You’re savage.”

  I walk around the top of the clearing and take in the view. It’s mostly obscured by towering pine trees, but there are several large rocks lining a very steep cliff. “This is cool.”

  She stands upright and smooths out her ponytail. “Yeah, it’s quiet. Not a lot of people come up this trail.”

  My eyes travel down her fitted black track pants and cropped tank top. “Is that so?”

  The look she gives me in return takes the air right out of my lungs again. There’s something casually seductive about her eyes. She can smolder you with her stare without even trying. It must be something she was born with, because a look like that can’t be taught.

  She steps around me and crosses her arms, looking out over the edge. “I love coming up here. Sometimes when I run, I feel like I’m never getting anywhere. No matter how far I go, it’s an empty victory.” She takes a breath. “But up here, I can breathe.”

  I know the feeling all too well. Until I got out of my relationship with Regan, I never realized how mundane my life was becoming. I was turning into a person I never thought I would be. It’s like I was settling for something easy and comfortable so I wouldn’t have the urge to lose control. The fear of losing something you can’t live without is what drives most people to madness. I can attest to that.

  I move to stand beside her. “Is Judah still giving you shit?”

  She sighs, glancing over at me briefly. “It seems like he’s trying, but I don’t know. We’ve been together for such a long time, but something feels off about us. Having him gone is really bringing a lot of clarity.”

  “So, maybe you made the right decision then?”

  Her shoulders shrug slightly, but she doesn’t look at me this time. “Do you think you did?” When I don’t answer right away, she looks over at me. “With Regan, I mean. Do you miss her?”

  I shove my hands in the pockets of my track pants. “Um, sure I guess I do a little. I knew she wasn’t the one for me though.” I meet her eyes again. “It would be cruel of me to hold on to something I knew I didn’t want to have.”

  She smiles, dipping her head slightly. “Well, I think the next girl will be lucky to have you. Any girl would be.”

  The emotion her words stir inside of me is startling. Every moment I spend with her builds onto the next until I have a series of memories stacked up to play in my head on repeat. How this girl can’t see that she’s worth so much more than she lets herself have is beyond me.

  I throw my arm over her shoulder, hugging her. She wraps her arms around my waist in return. “Same goes for you, Elle.”

  Placing a kiss in her hair, I rest my chin on the top of her head. I already feel lucky, and she’s the reason.

  We make it back to the house a little after dark, and Oliver is seated at the breakfast bar eyeing us with suspicion. “Where were you two all day?”

  Elliot walks past him and grabs a water from the fridge. “We went shopping and then went for a run.” She pauses and leans back against the counter. “The better question is, where are you going? You smell like you just stepped out of an Armani ad.”

  Oliver smirks. “Just dinner. With Jill.”

  Elliot arches an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean Molly?”

  Now Oliver looks confused. He scratches his head. “Who’s Molly?”

  I almost laugh. The revolving door of girls he has around must be hard to keep track of. Poor, Ollie.

  Elliot rolls her eyes. “Never mind. Have fun on your date.”

  Oliver scoffs. “Not a date, just dinner.” He fumbles with the buttons on his shirt and Elliot bursts into laughter.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” She pats him on the back as she walks down the hall. Before she’s out of view she turns back and shoots me a wink before disappearing up the stairs.

  Oliver returns his attention back to me. “Don’t be stupid,” he says in a low voice.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He narrows his eyes at me, and I flinch.

  “Okay, you need to elaborate a little further.”

  Oliver rolls his eyes. “I’m not an idiot. You’ve been spending an awful lot of time together.”
r />   I shake my head. “No, Elle and I are just friends. She’s having a rough time right now, and I’m just trying to make her feel better.”

  “That better be all it is,” he grits out.

  I hold my hands up in defense. “Ollie, I swear to you. Nothing is going on.”

  “Don’t lie to me motherfucker, I mean it.” His typically calm expression is replaced by one bordering on menacing. It surprises me.

  I work to keep my voice even. “I promise.”

  He gives me a stiff nod and grabs his keys off the counter. “I probably won’t be back until late, but let’s meet up tomorrow after your interview. I want to hear all about it while I kick your ass at racquetball.”

  “Sounds good, man. Have fun.”

  He laughs as he makes his way out of the door. I wait until his taillights are no longer visible before taking the stairs to Elliot’s room. She’s seated on her bed with her damp curls flowing around her. I knock on the open door, and lean against the frame.

  “You still up for hanging out or are you too tired?”

  She smiles at me, standing up. “No, I was just sitting here wondering what boring, guy show you’re going to make me watch.”

  It’s my turn to give her a wicked grin. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

  Two hours later, I throw my hands up in disgust. “How can you be in love with this? Their relationship is total bullshit.”

  Elliot scoffs from her spot beside me on the couch. Her hair is wild in a messy bun, and her face is free of make-up. I’ve never seen her look so beautiful.

  She motions dramatically to the screen. “Seriously? Chuck and Blair are the greatest couple that ever lived. Their love will carry through to generations.”

  I can’t help myself, tilting my head back and laughing loudly. When I stop to look over at her, her expression remains serious. “Oh my God, you actually mean that. They do terrible things to each other all the while claiming everlasting devotion.” I lean back into the cushion and laugh again. “It’s the most toxic thing I’ve ever seen.”


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