Khadijah James, 98–101
Khouri, Callie, 226
Kickstarter, 172
Kidman, Nicole, 29
Kids (movie), 33
Kimberly Shaw, 22–23
kinderslut, 196–97
kinderwhore, 196–97
King, Deborah, 68
King, Larry, 17
King, Rodney, 89
Kissinger, Henry, 163
KitKat, 185
Klein, Calvin, 213
Klein, Jessica, 36
Kohen, Yael, 82, 154, 162
Koop, C. Everett, 44
Koppel, Ted, 146, 258–59
Kopple, Madelynn, 90
Koresh, David, 156–57
Kosovo War, 167–68
Kroft, Steve, 143–44
Kuko, 165–66
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (documentary), 196, 199
Kurt & Courtney (documentary), 205
Kuttner, Robert, 129
Ladd, Diane, 225–26
Lahr, John, 203
Lake, Ricki, 259
Lamb, Sharon, 278
Lange, Jessica, 292
Lauer, Matt, 105, 309
Laumann, Edward, 40
Lauzen, Martha, 3, 118–19
Law and Human Behavior, 193–94
Leahy, Patrick, 61, 309
“learned helplessness,” 245
Lee, Tommy, 16–17
Lennon, John, 198
Leno, Jay, 43, 75, 93, 159, 160, 172, 207
lesbianism, 160, 279
Letterman, David, 43, 159, 232
Levenkron, Steven, 210–11
Levy, Ariel, 300–301
Lewinsky, Monica, xvi, 45, 70–80
ambitions of, 110–11
bitchification of, 51–52, 73–74
body image of, 74–76
cautionary tale of singleness, 87–88
erotomaniac label, 65, 78, 99
flirtation ante, 70–71
Mistress vs. Wife smackdown, 151–53
Pentagon demotion, 71, 110–11
the scandal breaks, 72–73
slut-shaming of, 76–80
stigmatization of, 74–76, 85–86
thong incident, 14–15
Tripp’s entrapment of, 71–72, 76
Walters interview, 14–15, 51, 78, 79–80, 110–11, 152
Lewis & Clark College, 87–88
Lieb, Kristin, 213, 214–15
Lieberman, Evelyn, 71
Lilith Fair, 174, 175, 176
Limited Too, 278, 289
lingerie, 10–15
thongs, 14–15
Victoria’s Secret, 11–13
lingerie catalogues, 12
lingerie models, 12–13
Lisa Frank Inc., 295–96
Lisa Loeb Eyewear, 285–86
Live Through This (album), 205–6
Living Single (TV series), 97–101, 116, 181
“locker room talk,” 309
Locklear, Heather, 21–24, 95
Loder, Kurt, 35, 204
Loeb, Lisa, 280–86
Lollapalooza, 199
London School of Economics, 132
Long Dong Silver, 53–54, 61, 66, 67, 82
Lopes, Lisa “Left Eye,” 171, 181–90, 241
Lopez, Rosa, 124
Los Angeles County District Attorney, 89–92
Los Angeles riots, 89
Los Angeles Times, 6, 17, 22, 25–26, 28, 82, 101, 117, 118, 121, 139, 183, 188, 234, 235, 263, 279, 282, 290, 292
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 96, 97
Love, Courtney, 65, 173, 196–200, 204–7, 283, 289, 292
Love Child (band), 177
Love Song of Tonya Harding, The (play), 268
Luckiest Girl in the World, The (Levenkron), 210–11
Luckow, Sandra, 252–53, 262, 269
Lund, Mark, 263
McCain, John, 160
McCarthy, Jenny, 292
McCarthy, Joseph, 65
McCarthy, Mandy, 9
McClure, Amy, 297
McDowell, Tracy, 266–67
McFadden, Cynthia, 91, 114–15
McGrath, Mark, 296
MacKinnon, Catharine, 55
McKinnon, Kate, 155
McKinsey & Company, 309
McNamara, Robert, 167
Madonna, xi, xv, 10, 207, 283
Maher, Bill, 159
mail-order catalogue businesses, 12
Make Love Not Porn, 48–49
male entitlement to sex, 49–50, 309–10
male sexuality, 45–49, 104–5
blow jobs, 46–49
Gray’s Mars/Venus, 102, 105–6
Viagra, 44–45
mandatory minimum sentences, 160
Mandel, Ruth, 151
Mandela, Nelson, 263
Mankiewicz, Josh, 104
manly, 193–207
Courtney Love, 196–200, 204–7
Roseanne Barr, 194–95, 201–3
Marcus, Sara, 178, 179–80, 288
Marie Claire (magazine), 75
marriage age, xi–xii
marriage decline, 101–1
Marshall, Thurgood, 58
Martin (TV series), 98
Massachusetts General Hospital, 306
masturbation, 42–43, 44
maternal mortality rate, 308
Mattel, 277–78
Maxim (magazine), 300–301
MC Hammer, 183
Meadows, Tim, 112–13
Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development (Gilligan and Brown), 272, 275
Meet the Press (TV series), 132
Melrose Place (TV series), 21–24, 95
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (Gray), 102, 105–6
Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 55
Merkin, Daphne, 206
Merrill, Robert, 201
#MeToo movement, 84, 306–7
Miami Herald, 26
Midler, Bette, 197
Mikulski, Barbara, 142
Milano, Alyssa, 28–29
Miller, Jennie, 36
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 213
misandry, 179
misogyny, xvi–xvii, 4, 115, 308, 309, 311
Miss Representation (documentary), 86
Mobley, Jennifer-Scott, 75–76
Monica Geller, 6–7
Monica in Black and White (documentary), 47
Monica’s Story (Morton), 70–71, 76, 111
Monroe, Marilyn, 18, 206
Moore, Demi, 64
Moral Majority, 104
Morataya, Kerin, 189
Morgen, Brett, 199
Morissette, Alanis, 173, 174, 180, 181, 298
Morning After, The (Roiphe), 41
Morrison, Jim, 197
Morrison, Tony, xi
Morton, Andrew, 70–71, 76, 111, 218
Moss, Kate, 9, 213
Mother Jones, 235–36
mothers. See bad mothers
Mötley Crüe, 16–17
Mountain Dew, 290
Mrs. Doubtfire (movie), 126–27
MTV, x, 24–25, 197, 299
Real World, 25–27
STDs, 25, 35–36
MTV News, 35, 46, 69, 144, 199, 204, 205–6
MTV Video Music Awards (1997), 215
Mundy, Liza, 154, 160–61
Murphy, Gregory, 235, 242
Murphy, Kylie, 204–5
Murphy Brown (TV series), 95–97, 99, 116, 136–40, 194–95
Murray, Patty, 142
Muskie, Edmund, 164
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 58
Nannygate, and Zoë Baird, 128–33
National Center for Education Statistics, xi
National Commission on Adolescent Sexual Health, 33–34
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 244–45
National Football League (NFL), 245–46
National Institute of Justice, 242
nal Institutes of Health (NIH), 43–44
National Lampoon, 234
National Organization for Women (NOW), 109, 131–32, 233
National Review, 134
“Natural Woman” (song), 136–37
nerd girls, 283–86
New Conservatism, 103–4
New Kids on the Block, x
“new man,” 200
Newman, Lesléa, 229
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 34
New Republic, 167
Newsday, 59, 132–33, 227
Newsom, Jennifer Siebel, 86
Newsweek, 11, 73–74, 78, 97, 99, 101, 127, 133, 174, 176, 178, 221, 224, 225, 226, 232, 233, 251, 255, 256
New York (magazine), 133, 204, 283, 285
New York City Human Rights Commission, 55
New York Daily News, 125
New Yorker, 46, 75, 90, 134, 147, 158, 203, 204, 206, 213
New York Observer, 153, 197
New York Post, 75, 198, 227, 228–29
New York Times, 10, 11–12, 22, 44, 47, 58, 67, 68, 71, 75, 76–77, 90, 113, 117, 134, 138, 140, 147, 148, 149, 152, 164, 169, 173, 174, 195, 211, 219, 220, 229, 230, 250, 253, 274, 283, 285, 289, 301
New York Times Magazine, 13, 158
Nickelodeon, x
90s Fest (Brooklyn), ix–x, xi, xiii, 280, 285, 286
90s Nights, x
Nirvana, x, 197, 199–200
No Doubt (band), 291–92, 293–94
North Carolina State University, 297
“No Scrubs” (song), 182
nostalgia for 90s, ix–xi
Noxzema, 6
Nugent, Ted, 198
N.W.A., xiv–xv
Obama, Barack, 83–84, 268
Obama, Michelle, 150–51
Obesity Myth, The (Campos), 86
objectification theory, xv, 38–40, 222, 231, 278
O’Brien, Conan, 43
O’Brien, Patricia, 149
Odes, Rebecca, 177
O’Hearn, Kathy, 216–17, 240
O’Keefe, Jodi Lyn, 296
Olen, Viviana, 267–68
Ooooooohhh . . . On the TLC Tip (album), 181–82
Oral Roberts University, 58
oral sex, 46–49, 71
Orenstein, Peggy, 40
Orlando Sentinel, 120
Oteri, Cheri, 112–13, 155, 230
“out-of-wedlock births,” 137
Packaging Girlhood: Rescuing Our Daughters from Marketers’ Schemes (Brown and Lamb), 278
Paglia, Camille, 232
Pagnozzi, Amy, 228–29
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 301–2
Panetta, Leon, 44
Panorama (TV series), 218–19
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 118, 121–22, 302
Parks and Recreation (TV series), 96
Patterson, Orlando, 68
Paulson, Sarah, 115–16
peer pressure, 40, 275
Penthouse (magazine), 45, 267
People (magazine), 9, 20, 81, 183, 184, 185, 190
People v. O. J. Simpson, The: American Crime Story (TV series), 115–16
People vs. Larry Flint, The (movie), 204
“perfect girl,” 216, 273, 275, 278–79
“performance of girlhood,” 283
performative sexuality, 15
period-shaming, 5, 37
Perry, Katy, 213
Persian Gulf War, 1
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 31, 32
Petraeus, David, 86
Pew Research Center, 85, 306
Phelps, Timothy, 59, 60
Philbin, Regis, 17
photo shoots, 175–76
pickup artist movement (PUA), 105
Pipher, Mary, 209–10, 273–75
plastic surgery, 17, 18, 103
Playboy, 12–13, 16, 18, 191
Playboy Bunny, 132, 300
Playboy Mansion, 16
political bitches. See First Bitch
political correctness, 11, 174
political gaffes, 146–47
political sex scandals, 51–88
Anita Hill, 52–70
Monica Lewinsky, 51–52, 70–80
Pop, Iggy, 197–98
pornography, 12, 47
blow job fixation, 48–49
Powers, John, 250, 253
Pozner, Jennifer, 27, 119
Practical Magic (movie), 29
Presidential Barbie, 277–78
Price of Gold (documentary), 248–49, 252, 260, 268–69
Prinze, Freddie, Jr., x
pubic hair, 301–2
“pubic hair on can of Coke,” 53, 61, 66, 67
Public Enemy, xiv
Pulitzer Prize, xi
punk rock, 176–77
purging, 218–19. See also eating disorders
Quayle, Dan, 137–40, 194
Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens), 98–101
“queer,” xv
racism, 25, 68–69, 99, 181, 307
welfare queens, 134–36
Raging Heart (Weller), 237, 239
Ransby, Barbara, 68
rape, 41, 197. See also date rape
Courtney Love on, 199
Fiona Apple’s disclosure, 214–15
rape culture, 309
raunch culture, 39, 300–303
Rawlinson, Diane, 252–53
Raymond, Gaye, 11
Raymond, Roy, 11, 13
React (magazine), 288
Reagan, Ronald, 44, 56, 135
Real Anita Hill, The (Brock), 81–82
Reality Bites (movie), x, 34–35, 200, 281
Reality Bites Back (Pozner), 27, 119
Real World (TV series), 25–27
Reebok, 250
Reich, Robert, 132
Reno, Janet, xii, 141, 154–62
background of, 155–56, 157
depiction on SNL, 154–55, 161–62
interest in sex life, 159–62
reputations for mannishness and weakness, 157–59
Waco siege, 154, 156–57
“resting face bitch,” viii
Reubens, Paul, 43
Reviving Ophelia (Pipher), 209–10, 273–75
Revlon, 290
Rezabek-Wright, Rozz, 205
Rice, Ray, 245–46
Richards, Keith, 198
Richardson, Terry, 214
Ride, Sally, xii
Rinna, Lisa, 21
Riot Grrrls, xiii, 8, 176–81, 278–79, 283, 288
“Riot Grrrl Manifesto,” 177–78
Rise of Enlightened Sexism, The (Douglas), 4, 136–37
Risky Behavior among Youths (report), 210
Rison, Andre, 184–86
Rivera, Geraldo, 259
Robbie, Margot, 268
Roberts, Tomi-Ann, 38
Robinson, Lisa, 197–98
Rock, Chris, 82–83
Rodger, Elliot, 309
Rodin, Judith, xii
Roe v. Wade, 58
Rogers, Mimi, 191
Roiphe, Katie, 41, 74
Rolling Stone (magazine), 21, 129, 174, 180, 181, 214, 215, 251–52, 264, 298, 299
Roman, Tami, 25–26
Rose, Axel, 207
Rose, Charlie, 309
Roseanne (TV series), 97, 133–34, 194–95, 202–3
Roseanne for President! (documentary), 203
Rotten, Johnny, 198
Rowland, Pleasant, 276–78
Rubenstein, Atoosa, 211
Ruby (band), 290
Rules, The (Schneider and Fein), 102–5, 106
Run of His Life, The (Toobin), 116
RuPaul’s Drag Race (TV series), 268
Russia, 167, 168
Ryder, Winona, 188
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV series), 27–28
sadomasochism (S&M), 11
safe sex, 42–44, 182, 183
Safire, William, 148–49
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 184, 255
Salon, 107, 153, 301
lt-N-Pepa, ix
San Diego Padres, 201
San Diego State University, 3, 118–19
Sandoval, Gabriela, 212
Sanford, Mark, 86
San Francisco Chronicle, 108, 257
San Jose Mercury News, 126, 244
Sapphire, 99, 135–36, 181
Sarandon, Susan, 226
Sassaby, 6
Sassy (magazine), xiii, 189, 200
Saturday Night Live (TV series)
Amy Fisher depiction, 230
Janet Reno depiction, 154–55, 161–62
Marcia Clark depiction, 112–13
Roseanne Barr as host, 202
sexism on series, 154–55
Thomas and Hill depiction, 52, 78, 82–83
Tonya Harding depiction, 248
Saved by the Bell (TV series), x
Savidge, Martin, 112
Say Anything (movie), 200
Scalia, Antonin, 84
schadenfreude, 151, 264
Schick, Vanessa, 302
Schiffer, Claudia, 18–19
Schiffren, Lisa, 138
Schneider, Sherrie, 102–5, 106
Sclafani, Christine, 26
scorned-woman theory, 52, 61–63, 64, 174
Scotvold, Evy, 251, 262
“scuttle” (game), 56
Search for Justice, The (Shapiro), 111
Searle, Elizabeth, 260
second-wave feminism, xi
Seinfeld, Jerry, 207
self-esteem, 20, 38, 39, 271–75
self-harm. See damaged goods
self-mutilation, 209–11
Senate Judiciary Committee, 58–63, 65–68, 83, 130–31
Seventeen (magazine), 7, 36–38, 48, 179, 282, 283, 288
Sevigny, Chloë, 33
Sex & Business (Hite), 140
Sex and the City (TV series), 34, 118, 121–22, 283–84, 302
sex education, 31–33, 42–43
sex in the 90s, 31–50
abstinence-only sex education, 31–33
coerced and forced sex, 40–42
Elders and condom use, 42–44
male entitlement to sex, 49–50
objectification theory, 38–40
STDs, 33–36
teen magazines, 36–38
Viagra, 44–46
Sex in the 90s (TV series), 35–36
sexism, xvii, 99, 109, 116, 133, 148, 154–55, 166–67, 181, 308–9, 310
Sex Pistols, 198
sex scandals, 51–88
Anita Hill, 52–70
Monica Lewinsky, 51–52, 70–80
sex tapes, 16–17
sexual attitudes, gender differences, 39–40
sexual consent, 40–42, 63–64
sexual harassment, 83–85, 309–10
of Anita Hill, 52–70, 83–85
brief history of, 54–56
#MeToo movement, 84, 306–7
use of term, 55
sexuality, and female anger, 178–79
sexy villainesses, 20–27
on Melrose Place, 21–24
on Real World, 25–27
Shalala, Donna, 161, 291
Shalit, Wendy, 121
Shannon, Molly, 78
Shapiro, Robert, 93, 111
Shaw, Sarah Naomi, 222
She’s All That (movie), 296
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