Campbell’s Soup, 250, 264
Campos, Paul, 86
Candie’s, 296–97
Capitol Games (Phelps), 59, 60
Capitol Hill Blue, 153
Carey, Mariah, 292
Carll, Elizabeth K., 233
Carlson, Gretchen, 84–85
Carpenter, Laura, 48
castration anxiety, 231–36
“Cat Daddies,” 34
Catfight: Rivalries among Women (Tanenbaum), 259–60
Harding and Kerrigan, 248–49, 259, 262, 263
on Real World, 26
as societal construct, 259–60
witches and, 29–30
catfight stereotype, 248–49
Catholic League, 137
Cattrall, Kim, 34
celebrity sex tapes, 16–17
celebrity thinness, 9–10
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 8, 34
Charles, Prince of Wales, 217–18, 220–21
Charlie’s Angels (TV series), 3
Charlotte Observer, 86
Charmed (TV series), 28–29, 192
Chicago Sun-Times, 96, 125, 293
Chicago Tribune, 17, 29, 117, 119, 138, 194, 195, 260
childcare, 126, 128, 140
Zoë Baird and Nannygate, 128–33
child custody, and fathers’ rights, 125–28
Children Now, 24
Chisholm, Melanie “Sporty Spice,” 286–89, 297–98
chlamydia, 33–36
Christopher, Warren, 131, 163
Chung, Connie, 258–59
Clackamas Town Center, 251
Clark, Gordon, 123–25, 127–28
Clark, Marcia, xvi, 89–95
appearance issues and Skirtgate, 92–95, 106–10
background of, 91–92
domestic violence and Simspon, 239–41, 242
erotomaniac label, 65, 113
false accusation of using sex in courtroom, 111–12
feminist redemption of, 113–16
image makeover of, 106–9
mistreatment in courtroom, 108–10
obsession with love life of, 111–13
questioning of mothering skills, 123–25, 127–28
Clinic-30 Program, 8
Clinton, Bill, 70–80, 85–86, 87–88, 261
Albright nomination, 164
Baird nomination, 128–29, 132
the blow job, 46–49
flirtation ante, 70–71
presidency and legislation, 31, 32, 133, 142–43, 244–45
the scandal breaks, 72–73
sex drive of, 45–46
60 Minutes interview, 143–44, 147
Clinton, Chelsea, 149, 160
Clinton, Hillary, 82, 141, 142–53
Albright and, 162–63
alleged domination of Bill by, 147–50
alleged power behind the throne, 150–51
as alleged power behind the throne, 150–51
health care plan of 1993, 149–50
image makeover of, 108
influence in the White House, 133, 147–50
“Lady Macbeth framing” of, 144–47
Mistress vs. Wife smackdown, 151–53
presidential election of 2016, 88, 168–69, 305–6, 307–8
SNL depiction, 155
women’s rights and, 243–44
“Clinton bimbo,” 74
Clooney, George, 203
Close, Glenn, 64
Clueless (movie), x
CNN, 1–2, 165, 166, 295
Cobain, Frances Bean, 198
Cobain, Kurt, 196–97, 199–200, 204–6
Cochran, Johnnie, 107, 109–12, 124, 242
coercive sex, 40–42, 49
Cohen, Richard, 85
cojones, 146, 166
Cole, Neil, 296–97
Cole, Paula, 171–76, 179, 283, 292, 297
Collins, Patricia Hill, 135
Columbus Dispatch, 225
Combs, Holly Marie, 28–29
commodification of female body, 8–9
Conair, 6
condoms, 42–44, 182
Confirmation (movie), 84
Connors, Claire, 288
American Girl dolls, 276–78
“bitch” and, xv–xvi
bubblegum unicorns, 294–97
Cuddle Core, 289–91
90210-branded products, 5–6
contraception. See birth control; condoms
Coolio, xiii–xiv
Corgan, Billy, 198
Cornell University, 55
Cosby, Bill, 97, 99–100
Cosby Show, The (TV series), 97
Cosmogirl, 210–11
Cosmopolitan, 56
“Cosmopolitan Girl,” 13
Coughlin, Paula, 41
Council on Foreign Relations, 166
Cox, Courteney, 6–7
crab louse, 37
Craft, The (movie), 27, 28, 29–30
CrazySexyCool (album), 186–87
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 68–69
“Criminal” (song), 212–13, 215
Cross, Charles R., 205
Cross, Marcia, 22–23
Cuddle Core, 289–91
Cuddy, Amy, 92
cultural feminism, xiii
cunnilingus, 48
Current Affair, A (TV series), 227, 258
Cusack, John, 200
“Cutting through Race and Class: Women of Color and Self-Injury” (Sandoval), 212
Daily Oklahoman, 80–81
Dallas Morning News, 282, 284
damaged goods, 209–22
Diana, Princess of Wales, 211, 216–22
Fiona Apple, 212–16
self-mutilation, 209–11
use of term, 211–12
Dancing with the Stars (TV series), 270
Danforth, John, 63
Darden, Christopher, 112
Dateline (TV series), 45, 94, 104
date rape, 40–42, 49, 63–64, 188
dating self-help books, 102–6
Davis, Geena, 226
Dawson’s Creek (TV series), 171–72
Deadly Medicine (movie), 224
Dear Socks, Dear Buddy (Clinton), 151
de Beauvoir, Simone, 196
decade of women, xi–xiii
Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 243
dELiA*s, 289, 291
Dennis, Wendy, 102
Denver Post, 119, 120, 256
De Rosa, Peter, 227
de Rossi, Portia, 10
Dershowitz, Alan, 109, 111–12
Designing Women (TV series), 99
Detroit Free Press, 225
Dharma & Greg (TV series), 118
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 63
Diana (Morton), 218
Diana (movie), 221
Diana, Princess of Wales, 211, 216–22
Diehl, Adam, 207
diet pills, 20
diets (dieting), 8, 75–76
Dietz, Park, 63
Diggins, Bill, 183
Disclosure (movie), 64
Disney World, 265
Doggett, John N., III, 61–62
Doherty, Shannen, 4–5, 21–22, 28–29, 33, 171, 188–92, 265
domestic violence, 232–34
breaking the silence, 243–46
Lorena Bobbitt, 231–36
Nicole Brown, 236–41
Woman in Jeopardy movies, 223–26, 229
“Don’t Speak” (song), 294
“double bind,” 92
Douglas, Susan, 4, 136–37
Dowd, Maureen, 75–78, 152, 300
Downs, Hugh, 233–34
Drudge, Matt, 73
Drudge Report, 73
Duchovny, David, 30
Dukakis, Michael, 164
Dunleavy, Steve, 227–28
Dunn, Katherine, 235–36
Dunne, Dominick, 63
sp; Dylan McKay, 4–5, 33, 188–89
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 165
eating, and negative body image, 7–10
eating disorders, 9, 10, 119, 306
Fiona Apple and, 214
Princess Diana and, 218–19
Eckhardt, Shawn, 257–58
education, gender differences in, xi, 271–73, 306
Education Department, U.S., 53
Elders, Joycelyn, 42–44, 149
Elfman, Jenna, 118
Elser, Clara, 268
Emerson College, 213
Emmy Awards, 97
English, Diane, 95–97, 139–40
Ensler, Eve, 301
Entertainment Weekly, 22, 26, 35, 173, 175, 224, 281–82, 285, 292–93, 294
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 55, 56–58, 70, 83–84
equal pay, 140, 305, 306
erectile dysfunction, 44–46
erotomania, 62–65, 78, 113
“erotomania hypothesis,” 63
Essence (magazine), 69
Evian water, 189, 190
Exorcist, The (Blatty), 66
Factor, Dean Jay, 190–91
Families and Work Institute, 126
Family Circle (magazine), 147
family values, 137–40
Farley, Lin, 55
Fatal Attraction (movie), 62, 64, 78, 81, 83
fathers’ rights, 125–28
Fat: Culture and Materiality (Mobley), 75–76
fat jokes, 6–7
fatness, 6–7
fat-shaming, of Monica Lewinsky, 74–76, 86
Fayed, Dodi, 220, 221
Feder, Abigail, 254
“Feelin’ Love” (song), 175
Fein, Ellen, 102–5, 106
Feinstein, Dianne, 142
fellatio, 46–49, 71
female anger, 171–94
Paula Cole, 171–76
Riot Grrrls, 176–81
sexuality and, 178–79
Shannon Doherty, 188–92
TLC, 181–83, 186–90
Female Chauvinist Pigs (Levy), 300–301
Female Perversions (movie), 210
female stereotypes, xvi–xvii, 25, 68, 99, 123, 135, 248–49
Feminism & Psychology, 222
Ferraro, Geraldine, xii, 164
Ferrell, Will, 154–55
Fey, Tina, 154–55
Field, Sally, 126–27
Filbin, Carly Ann, 286, 288
Finnerty, Amy, 196–97, 281, 283
Fiorina, Carly, xii, 140
First Bitch, 141–69
Hillary Clinton, 142–53
Janet Reno, 154–62
Madeleine Albright, 162–69
First Ladies, 150–51
Fisher, Amy, 226–30
Fleming, Peggy, 250
Flockhart, Calista, 10, 118–22
Flowers, Gennifer, 143
Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, and Life in a Half-Changed World (Orenstein), 40
Fonda, Jane, 158
forced sex, 40–42, 49
Fourth World Conference on Women (1995), 243–44
Fox News, 84–85
Fox TV, 3, 97, 99–100, 101
France, Kim, 198, 204, 291
Frazier, Kevin, 20
Frederick’s of Hollywood, 12, 13, 14
Fredrickson, Barbara, 38
Freud, Sigmund, 232
Friedan, Betty, 79, 120
Friends (TV series), 6–7, 100–101, 117
frigid bitch, 83, 95, 234
Frischmann, Justine, 204
Fuller, Simon, 286–87
Full House (TV series), 133–34
Gagnon, John, 40
Gallop, Cindy, 48–49
Game, The (Strauss), 105
Gandy, Kim, 233
Garofalo, Janeane, 34
Garth, Jennie, 190
Gawker, 20
Gelb, Leslie, 166
Gellar, Sarah Michelle, 27–28, 29
Gender, Branding and the Modern Music Industry (Lieb), 213, 214–15
gender differences
anger and, 193–94
education and, xi, 271–73
self-harm and, 209, 274
sexual attitudes and, 39–40
violence and, 230–31
gender parity, xv, 305–6, 307–8
gender pay gap, 308–9
gender-reassignment surgery, 193–94
General Electric, 128
George Washington University, 280
Gifford, Kathie Lee, 17
Gilens, Martin, 135
Gilligan, Carol, 272, 275
Gillooly, Jeff, 247–48, 256, 257–58, 267
Gingrich, Newt, 104
Ginsburg, William H., 77
Girl Power, xiii, 180–81, 279–80
Girl Power myth, 271–303
American Girl dolls, 276–78
Britney Spears, 298–300
bubblegum unicorns, 294–97
Cuddle Core, 289–91
Gwen Stefani, 291–94
Lisa Loeb, 280–86
raunch culture, 300–303
self-esteem and, 271–75
Spice Girls, 286–89
Girls Gone Wild (TV series), 300–301
Girls to the Front (Marcus), 178, 179–80, 288
Glamour (magazine), 189
Golden Globes, 204
Goldilocks conundrum, 51–88
Anita Hill, 52–70
Monica Lewinsky, 51–52, 70–80
Goldman, Ronald, 123–24
gonorrhea, 33–36. See also STDs
Goodall, Nataki, 181
Goodman, John, 195
Gordon, Kim, 297
Gore, Al, ix, 148
Gorelick, Jamie, 156, 158, 161, 162
Gotti, John, 228
Gray, John, 102, 105–6
Green, James, 296
Green, Jenna Leigh, 262
Green Party, 203
Gross, Terry, 116
Gruber, Susan, 91
G-strings, 15
Guccione, Bob, 45
Guess Jeans, 16, 18–19
gun violence, 182
Hall, Arsenio, 183
Halliwell, Geri “Scary Spice,” 279, 286–89, 297–98
Halloween costumes, 94, 155, 266
Halloween on Ice, 270
Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The (movie), 64
Hanna, Kathleen, 177, 199
Hanson (band), ix
Harding, Tonya, 247–70
background of, 251–52
black and white narrative of, 261–62
foreknowledge of attack, 257–58
guilty until proven innocent, 260–61
lack of polish, 253–55
retelling the epic of, 266–70
skating as her ticket out of the gutter, 251–53
Hardnett, Sukari, 70
Harkins, Matt, 266–68
Harper’s Bazaar (magazine), 206
Harris, Lynn, 259, 266
Harris-Perry, Melissa, 69
Hart, Melissa Joan, 27–28
Harvard University, 68, 119, 222, 272
Hass, Nancy, 117
Hatch, Orrin, 60, 66, 125
Hating Brenda (album), 189
Hawke, Ethan, 200, 281–82
Health & Human Services, U.S., 290–91
Heathers (movie), 188
Heavens to Betsy, 177
Hecate (journal), 204
Heflin, Howell, 61–62
Heisman Trophy, 238
Helen Chapel, 6–7
Hello Kitty, 280, 290
Hepburn, Audrey, 250
Herbenick, Debby, 302
“heroin-chic,” 213
Hertz Rent a Car, 238
Hewlett-Packard, xii, 140
Hill, Anita, xvi, 52–70
background of, 52–53
coming forward, 58–60
crusade against sexual harassment, 83–85
erotomaniac label, 62–65, 81, 99
leaves EEOC, 56
the mud bath, 65–67
Senate testimony, 58–63, 65–68, 82, 131, 139, 141–42
shunning of, 80–83
Hill, Lauryn, x
Hilton, Paris, 17
hip-hop. See also TLC
use of “bitch” in, xiii–xv
Hirschberg, Lynn, 199
Hitchens, Christopher, 145
Hite, Shere, 140
HIV/AIDS, 25, 32, 33–35, 42, 102, 182, 187, 219
Hogan, Vickie Lynn. See Smith, Anna Nicole
Holbrooke, Richard, 167
Hole (band), 180, 197–98, 199, 205–6
Home Improvement (TV series), 16
Honey Nut Cheerios, 6
hooks, bell, 181
Hoover, J. Edgar, 159
horn dogs, 44–45
Hot and Bothered: Men and Women, Sex and Love in the 90s (Dennis), 102
Huffington Post, 233
human papilloma virus (HPV), 36
Hussein, Saddam, 168
I, Tonya (movie), 268, 269
Ice Queens (TV series), 268–69
“I Don’t Want to Wait” (song), 172
I Dream of Jeannie (TV series), 27
I Hate Brenda Newsletter, 189
“I Kissed a Girl” (video), 213
In a Child’s Name (movie), 224
In Living Color (TV series), 98, 229–30
International Conference on Population and Development (1994), 243–44
International Figure Skating, 263
Iraq, 1, 168
Ireland, Patricia, 131
Ito, Lance, 93, 109–10
Jackson, La Toya, 191
Jacobs, Laura, 254
Jagged Little Pill (album), 180
Jagger, Mick, 207
Jailbait (Newman), 229
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 92
“Janet Reno’s Dance Party” (SNL skit), 154–55, 161–62
Jarriel, Tom, 234, 235
Jeffries, Mike, 302–3
Jenga, ix
Jenner, Kris, 237
Jennings, Peter, 217, 219–22
Jenny Craig Diet, 75–76
Jewell, Sue, 99
Johnson, Betsey, 281
Johnson, Magic, 35
Jones, Paula, 73
Jong, Erica, 79
Jourdain, Rose, 70
Journal of Negro History, 181
J Sisters, 301–2
Jumbo’s Clown Room, 196
Jump (magazine), 38
“Just a Girl” (song), 291–92
“Just a Girl? Rock Music, Feminism, and the Cultural Construction of Female Youth” (Wald), 280, 283
Justice Department, U.S., 79, 156, 230, 239, 244
Kahn, James, 21, 22–23
Kaiser Family Foundation, 24
Kanal, Tony, 293–94
Kardashian, Kim, 17
Kattan, Chris, 155
Kennedy, John F., 63
Kerrigan, Nancy, 247–70
the attack on, 247–48, 255–58
background of, 249–50
black and white narrative of, 261–62
broad streak of bitchiness, 263–64
ice princess image of, 249–51
retelling the epic, 266–70
Winter Olympics (1994), 249, 257, 260–64
Kessler-Harris, Alice, 54
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