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Cage: Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT

Page 8

by Devlin, Delilah

  His warm breath brushed over her buttocks as he withdrew his fingers. His tongue lapped between her folds, once, twice, then delved deeply, lapping at her inner walls.

  Warmth suffused her body, and she rubbed her nipples on the sheet. Her hands reached out and fisted in the thin cotton as she waited to see what he’d do next.

  He moved away, and then suddenly, his hands were cupping her knees. He forced them apart, the move so quick she released a nervous giggle.

  Then he smoothed his palms from her shoulders, down to her waist, then to her bottom. Again, fingers teased her, moving through her folds, scraping her hooded clit.

  “I wanted to take my damn time,” he said, his voice a deep rumble filled with irritation.

  She smiled to herself. He’d always wanted to take his time, but arousal always made that impossible. “Next time…” she suggested.

  “We don’t have time for many next times, babe.”

  “Don’t,” she said. “I don’t want to think about later.”

  A kiss dropped in the center of her spine then his tongue lapped at the dimples at the tops of her buttocks then over the fleshy mounds. When his tongue slipped through her folds again, she felt a release of moisture. “Please,” she said, wiggling her hips. “Come inside me.”

  A moment later, the pillows were stripped from beneath her. She heard their soft thuds on the floor beside the bed. Then Cage rolled her to her back and lowered himself over her body.

  His cock was trapped between them, rigid and large…pulsing.

  Elaine slowly slid her feet upward, raising her knees, opening her body, inviting him inside.

  Cage rose, bracing his weight on his hands, and glanced down her body. “My favorite view in the world,” he murmured.

  She dropped her gaze to his cock which now pointed at her pussy. Reaching down, she gripped his shaft and gave it a slow stroke with her fist. Then placing it at her entrance, she did the one thing she knew would prod him into sinking deep, no more teasing, no more holding back. She pinched her nipples and shook them, letting them shiver and bounce as she let them go.

  “Fuck,” he ground out at the same time as he flexed his hips and entered her, thrusting upward swiftly until he was all the way inside her.

  “This is my favorite view,” she said, smoothing her hands over his chest and belly. “I’ve always liked how powerful you are, how thick and fat your cock is,” she continued as she raised her head and bit his lower lip, pulling it then letting it go. “And best of all, I like watching it sink then come out, wet because of me.”

  “Put your legs around me. Not too tight,” he said, a muscle rippling at the side of his jaw.

  She did so, then reached between her legs, slipping past his dick to fondle his balls. “Glad I didn’t do any damage here,” she said with a coy smile.

  He grunted. “If you want to keep that hand, you better move it out of the way. Now.”

  Elaine took her time, letting go then scratching her fingernails up his belly.

  Cage closed his eyes and began to move, slowly at first, seeming to enjoy the long glides in and out. She did, too, watching as his cock pressed on her vulva then pulled, like they were lips trying to hold him inside.

  Heat built; moisture spilled. His movements quickened, sharpened.

  When he was pounding against her sex, her breaths gusted, chopped apart by his movements. He went down on his elbows and kissed her, all the while thrusting and circling, driving her crazy with his quick thrusts. Goose bumps rose on her belly; her thighs quivered. She reached for his ass and clung to him, digging in her fingernails to encourage him. “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  Cage bit her lip then sank his tongue into her mouth. Connected, penetrated above and below, she was surrounded by his heat. Sweat slicked his back and chest, and she rubbed her nipples in his hair, the tight tips raking against his skin.

  When he ground against her, raking her clit, she arched her back and cupped her breasts, her mouth widening as her body rocked up and down the bed.

  He tucked his head into the corner of her neck. “Now, baby. Come with me, now, now…”

  Her pussy clenched hard, and the tension in her core unraveled, exploding outward. She flung her legs outward, undulating her hips to fuck his cock, get one more grind, one more thrust. She flew over the edge, crying out. She heard his shout and smiled.

  Cage’s motions slowed, and he fell against her. Rising on one elbow, he gave her another kiss. This one soft, a circling rub of lips before he pulled back and stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  Tears pricked at the backs of her eyes, but she refused to shed them. “I am, too. So much wasted time.”

  “And for what?” he said, shaking his head. “I was stubborn. Maybe even a bit jealous of your loyalty to your brother.”

  She placed her palm against his cheek. “I should have followed your advice and given him space to fail. I should have…cleaved…to my husband.”

  His mouth twitched. “Cleaved? Sounds so biblical.”

  “And we both know how often I go to church.” She wrinkled her nose. “I made a vow. We both did.”

  “It’s the only promise I ever broke,” he said. “It ate at me.”

  She nodded, her throat tightening, because she’d felt the same. She looked downward at his chin, to protect her vulnerable inner self from his knowing gaze. “Next time around…” she said, with a small quirking smile.

  Cage sighed and pushed up, dragging his cock out of her then rolling to his back beside her. He stretched out his arm and waited until she came closer and rested her cheek against his chest; his arm enfolded her. “About that…” He cleared his throat. “I’ll wait for you.”

  Her breath caught and held. “That’s ridiculous,” she whispered, even as her heart began to thud. “You don’t know how much time I’ll do.”

  “Maybe you won’t do any.”

  She snorted.

  “I’d vouch for you. I’m a SEAL, a war hero. I’ll ask the judge to give you an ankle bracelet so you can do your time at home. It’s not like you have a long rap sheet.”

  The tears proved stubborn, filling her eyes. She even gave a little sniff. “I wish that could happen, but I’m ready for the worst. I’ve made my peace.”

  He pulled her over him, arranging her so that her body aligned with his. Again, his cock was trapped between them.

  Cupping both sides of her face, he stared up at her. “I’m not giving up. But I think we should get married again. It’d look better to the judge if this SEAL was your legal husband.”

  She laughed, but the sound stuck in her throat and sounded more like a sob. “You’d make that sacrifice for me?”

  “It’s no sacrifice, babe. I’ll admit, I thought I hated you. Until I saw you again. Then I realized that I’d never…that I still have feelings…for you. It was all still there.”

  “The sex is pretty awesome, isn’t it?”

  He dropped a hand from her face and swatted her ass. “The sex is great, but I’m not gonna let you tell me I’m being led by my dick. I know what I feel, Lainey. I love you.”

  Elaine looked down at him, her heart bursting. She couldn’t let him do this. He had a right to get on with his life. She’d have to make a clean break. Be cruel to be kind. “I…like this,” she said, grinding against his hip. “But…I don’t feel the same way as you. When you left, I closed my heart. I’m okay with it staying that way. I mean, I’m glad we’re not bitter anymore, but Cage…honey…I don’t love you.”

  She saw doubt in his green eyes. His eyebrows drew together in a fierce frown.

  And although she wanted nothing more than to slide down his body to coax his cock into another round of sex, she knew it was better this way. She slid off his body and rolled to her side, facing away. “We better get some sleep. We only have a few hours left.”

  Cage walked with leaden feet toward the large table inside the Dead Horse Walk-in Diner. He’d woken with a ferocious headache and a lump
the size of a golf ball in his throat. He didn’t want to be here. Didn’t know if he could look at the woman striding beside him again without grabbing her and shaking her until she admitted that she loved him, too. He knew she did, but she was being stubborn. Doing the same shit she’d done for Brent all those years ago—sacrificing her happiness to protect him.

  Well, he was a grown-ass man and didn’t fucking need protecting. He’d opened his mouth a dozen times in the past few hours to tell her that, but had kept silent because he was so damn mad he’d known he wouldn’t stop there.

  So, she wanted to go to jail. He’d make it happen. She wanted to give her brother the ultimate break. He’d let her do it. Stubborn idiot.

  His hands curled at his sides as faces turned their way.

  Lacey appeared to be the first to notice that something was amiss. Her eyebrows rose, and her gaze went from him to Elaine then stayed there.

  Lacey shook her head. “Girlfriend, we need to make a trip to the ladies’ room. A girl needs a little blush on her cheeks.” She stood and headed straight for Elaine, grabbing her hand and dragging her toward the back of the restaurant.

  “Why do I need blush? Nothing goes with orange…”

  Reaper’s mouth twisted as the women walked away. His gaze flew to Brent who was staring at a menu.

  “Judge might not grant her bail again,” Dagger said, his voice soft.

  Cage sat heavily on an empty chair. “I hate the thought of her being inside a jail.”

  “Does she have a lawyer?” Reaper said, turning to Brent.

  Brent slowly lifted his head. “A public defender.” His shoulders drooped. “He carries around a huge briefcase. I think he has too many clients.”

  “I’ll get her a lawyer,” Cage said.

  “I’ll ask Fetch for a recommendation,” Reaper said. “He knows people.”

  Cage nodded. “Thanks.” He couldn’t help staring at Brent. Finally, he’d had enough. “Are you really going to let your sister take the rap for bringing that kid in to fight?”

  The blush on Brent’s cheeks warred with the purple and green bruises. “She wanted to do this.”

  “And you’ll just let her?”

  “She’s still gonna face illegal gambling charges,” Brent said, lifting his head, a glint of defiance in his eyes.

  “Putting a minor in danger is what’s going to give her serious time,” Cage said, frowning.

  Brent’s glance slid away, and his mouth tightened.

  Frustrated, Cage grabbed a menu just to give him something to hold other than Brent’s scrawny neck.

  The women returned. Elaine did look a little more chipper. The gloss on her mouth felt like a dare. He wanted to wipe it off with his lips. She glanced around the table for a seat, ignoring the empty one beside his. He scraped the seat back and gave her a pointed glare.

  Her chin shot up, but she came around the table and flopped down in the chair, which he shoved toward the table. He rested his arm on the back of it. Leaning closer, he said, “You don’t look like you’re about to puke anymore.”

  She turned her head to glare at him. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “Children!” Lacey scolded them. “Let’s eat. It’s going to be a long day.”

  That afternoon, Elaine made up her thin mattress with the white sheets she’d been issued then took a seat on the bed, her back against the wall. The woman on the bunk above her appeared to still be sleeping. She was lying on her side, facing the wall and hadn’t uttered a word.

  Elaine had never felt so alone. The white walls and highly buffed tile floors felt industrial and cold. The smells—of strong cleaners and urine—tickled her nose.

  Glancing down at her orange jumpsuit, she nearly smiled remembering Lacey earlier in the bathroom as she’d stroked some high-end blush across her cheeks. “I would’ve thought you’d be looking worn-out but smiling this morning the way your man is always looking at you.”

  Elaine’s private business wasn’t something she ever shared, but that morning, she’d needed someone to talk to—a sounding board, perhaps. “He’s mad at me.”

  “Yes, I kind of got that impression,” the other woman said, pulling out a tube of concealer and dabbing it beneath Elaine’s eyes.

  “He said he loved me. That he really never stopped.”

  Lacey paused and met her glance. “So, why are the two of you so grumpy?”

  “Because I told him I didn’t love him anymore.”

  Lacey’s blue eyes were filled with compassion. “Oh, honey, you didn’t.” Then she frowned. “Don’t you dare cry, or I’ll have to start all over again.”

  “He said he’d wait for me. But what if I’m sentenced to serve for years? I just can’t do that to him.”

  “He’ll do it whether you say you love him or not,” she said. “You know that, right? He’s head-over-heels in love with you.”

  Elaine sighed. “I know.” While Lacey applied lip gloss to her mouth, she fought to keep her mouth from trembling.

  “There,” Lacey said, smiling at her. “Much better. That gloss is guaranteed to get you a kiss.”

  Elaine swallowed. “Would I be a horrible person to ask him to wait?”

  “If you love him like he loves you, you have to tell him. Give him some hope. You won’t be in jail forever, and you’ll need him when you get out. Besides, he’d going to be running the Dead Horse office of the Montana Bounty Hunters. He’ll have plenty to do to keep him busy so he won’t be pining away; we’ll make sure of it.”

  It wasn’t until Reaper parked the car outside the jail that she summoned her courage and turned to Cage. “Just so you know, Cage,” she’d said. “I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean it—” He didn’t let her get any farther than that in her apology.

  His mouth claimed hers in hard kiss. When he drew back, he rested his forehead against hers. “Say you love me.”

  “I love you,” she said, her mouth stretching at seeing his fierce scowl.

  “Just know I’m still mad as hell. We could have fucked two more times before breakfast.”

  She’d smiled all the way through inprocessing, likely confusing the hell out of the guards.

  Chapter 11

  The following Tuesday, Cage was sitting inside the trailer at the building site, skimming through the database Fetch’s office in Kalispell kept updated and shared with the satellite offices in Bear Lodge, and now, Dead Horse. He was familiarizing himself with the system, after taking a break from the online criminal justice courses he’d enrolled in, following Reaper’s suggestion.

  The clang of machinery, the buzz of chainsaws, and the shouts of the workers were no longer jarring, he was so used to the sounds of activity. Fig and Felicity were busy outfitting his office in the room at the end of the trailer with a new computer and phones. Yesterday, they’d installed a security system that would send alarms to his phone and the local PD if there were any break-ins. Cage thought it was a bit excessive, all the technology that Reaper and Fetch insisted on for the trailer, when they’d have to do the same thing again once the office building was completed.

  The construction crew was set the following week to pour concrete, so wood frames were being constructed at that very moment. From the footprint of the cleared area, the office wouldn’t be some dinky shack. There would be his office, a large bullpen, a conference room, a kitchen area, two bathrooms—one of those a full bath—and a waiting room. Reaper was even leaving the interior decorating options up to him to choose. Very generous—and overly trusting—seeing as Cage’s preferences were for white walls and neutral flooring and carpet. Decorating was not his forte. How he wished he’d have Elaine to help him, because he’d seen what she’d done with her home in Bozeman. The woman had an eye for what “worked”.

  He stopped scanning the database and sat back in his chair. He couldn’t keep busy enough to stop thinking about her being stuck in the county lockup. Tomorrow, she’d appear in front of the judge, setting the arraign
ment date and requesting bail.

  If it was granted, he’d bring her back here. He really needed to think about getting someplace more permanent to live. The hotel was crappy. She deserved better. However, he hadn’t moved from his room because he could still smell her on the pillows, still imagine her in the center of the bed, looking up at him with so much love and trust in her eyes.

  Something she didn’t know had betrayed her when she’d said she didn’t love him anymore. He was just relieved she’d finally admitted that she did, minutes before he and Reaper had turned her over to the detention facility. Looking at her as she’d left, smiling as though she wasn’t worried, had just about killed him. He’d had a fleeting thought of grabbing her up and running for the border.

  Not that she would have allowed him to do that. She was ready for what was next, because at the end of everything, she’d have her life back.

  The kiss they’d shared in Reaper’s vehicle had shattered him. He thought it about every hour of every day—how she’d melted against him, her taste, her rasping breaths.

  A knock sounded at the door. “C’mon in,” he said.

  A worker in a hard hat opened the door and leaned into the opening. “You have to come see this.”

  Cage checked his watch. Reaper had said he was making a run for lunch for the crew. He’d be back any minute. If this was something important, something that might cause a delay, he needed to be here, too. But he pushed up from the folding table and followed the worker to the far end of the wooden frames.

  Workers had been digging at that end to level out the ground before the foundation was poured. As he drew nearer, he realized all the workers were crowded around, looking downward.

  The worker who’d come to fetch him, shouted out, “Make way.”

  They pushed through to the center of the ring. Cage glanced downward. His stomach dropped to his toes. At first, all he saw were bleached white bones, looking like white sticks littering the ground, and he thought someone had been buried there. That this was going to cause a huge delay while local law enforcement sent out a forensic team to gather evidence. Never mind that was someone’s body buried in the dirt, and what a fucking shame it was that someone had wound up here.


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