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The Ultimate Community

Page 7

by J Meverington

  Just then a text came through on her phone, interrupting her thoughts. As she opened it, her heart palpitated. It was from an unknown number.

  I know where you are.

  What the heck? How had Charles got her number again? She told Damion about it when he got home and he called Doofy, his old school friend who lived in San Diego.

  ‘Bonjour Damion, comment allez-vous dans la terre de grenouille,’ Doofy replied, loving to practise his French.

  ‘Good thanks, loving France. Hey, are you still dabbling in the private detective business?’

  ‘That depends, what’s up?’

  ‘Allie’s been receiving text messages from Charles again.’

  ‘The douchebag. What’s he said?’

  ‘Well, only one message so far. Said he knows where she is. She’s in France with me at the moment.’

  ‘Okay, he might be bluffing, but we don’t want to take any chances. I’ll send Allie some settings to check on her phone. Meanwhile I’ll investigate from this end. Are you guys safe there?’

  ‘As safe as we can be. My property’s fully fenced and there’s a security gate and cameras. If anyone tries to enter, it reports to a security firm.’

  ‘Good. Let the security guys know so they can be more vigilant.’

  ‘Will do, thanks Doofy.’

  Chapter 15

  Alice adjusted the settings on her phone as recommended by Doofy, and two weeks on, she’d had no suspicious messages. Doofy had suggested that Charles might have been tracking her phone rather than her. She bought a French phone and used that most of the time, only occasionally checking her UK one. She still received text messages from Katie, and the odd one from Ethan, asking how she was doing.

  Although Alice enjoyed living in France, she felt something was missing from her life. Was she wasting it working in hospitality? She was amazed how good she felt on the diet Katie had prepared for her and wondered whether she should study to become a naturopath. She liked the idea of helping people and if she could improve the life of one person, surely that had to be worthwhile. But she’d have to move back to London; her French wasn’t good enough to study in France.

  She loved the relationship that had developed between herself and Damion. They got on well together, enjoying good banter, and she liked working for him. She had also grown attached to her younger half-siblings. Alice had never had any interest in children, her maternal instinct non-existent. Kids were grizzly, sticky beings that made a lot of noise. Molly and Ben were different though. She wondered if it was because they were of her own flesh and blood, or whether it was because they were so cool.

  Even though Ben was only nine, he was smart. He had one of those freaky photographic memories, and he soaked up knowledge like a sponge, only having to read something once to remember it. As a result, he was a walking, talking encyclopedia. He always beat her at chess too, which annoyed her. But Alice was the scrabble champion.

  Molly was different to Ben. Although she was also smart, she was less into facts and figures, and more into fashion. At only eleven years old, she designed her own clothes, preferring to source them from vintage shops and altering them to suit her own needs. She had a great voice too and often sang songs butchered with her own lyrics.

  Alice loved her new family, having spent years without one. This got her thinking about her birth mother, the one who gave her away. She’d never been interested before, but lately couldn’t stop thinking about her, and had an overwhelming urge to meet her.

  Alice found some information on the internet. Her name was Camilla Jones, and she’d been a heart surgeon. In her photos she looked glamourous. Why would someone would leave a job saving lives, to live in a commune in the middle of nowhere? Was her addiction that bad she had to escape life?

  Alice asked Damion about it.


  ‘Okay, what do you want?’ he replied knowing she only called him ‘daddy’ when she wanted something.

  ‘I’ve been thinking...’

  ‘Oh no, that’s always a dangerous thing with you!’

  ‘I know, but this time it’s kind of important. I’d like to meet Camilla.’

  ‘What’s brought this on? I thought you wanted nothing to do with her?’

  ‘I don’t know. It’s just that me and you have such a good relationship, I kinda hoped I might try and establish the same with her.’

  ‘It won’t be possible I’m afraid, she’s not contactable.’

  ‘How can someone just disappear without a trace? Especially a heart surgeon. Damion, I know you’re hiding something from me, why can’t you tell me what it is?’

  He stared at the floor in contemplation, then sighed. ‘Look Allie, Camilla isn’t like the rest of us. She’s a complex personality and also an addict as you know. Even if I could get in touch with her, meeting you could well push her over the edge. It’s as much for her sanity as your own.’

  Frustration bristled inside of her. How could Damion not trust her enough to explain properly? There was only one thing for it. She’d ask Terri and Josh who were arriving on the weekend.

  Chapter 16

  Terri and Josh arrived, stripped off and jumped in the pool with Molly and Ben, while Alice and Damion sat on the terrace, enjoying a glass of beer. Alice had completed the two month diet from Katie, so she could relax now and have a drink.

  She wanted to talk to Terri about her mother but would have to wait until they were alone. The urge to meet Camilla became stronger by the day, and it occupied her entire thoughts. She’d spent hours poring over the internet trying to find any snippets about her.

  She’d discovered Camilla’s ex-husband, Martin Bickford-Smith, had died in a car accident ten years earlier. He had two children, Rupert and Claudia, and an ex-wife called Barbara, but she had no idea how to find their details.

  She didn’t know whether Camilla’s parents were still alive or even if she had any siblings. Doofy might do some investigation if she asked him, but she’d wait and talk to Terri first.

  The six of them enjoyed a warm evening outside on the patio. Damion fired up the barbecue and cooked steak sourced from one of the nearby farms. Josh and Terri whipped up a salad, and Alice cut up a baguette and set the table. She loved the French way, where the family sat down to a meal together, no mobile phones in sight.

  ‘Got any plans for the weekend?’ Damion asked.

  ‘No, I’m happy to relax by the pool, perhaps read a book or two,’ Terri said.

  ‘I’m keen to do something,’ Josh said. ‘Shall we take a trip to the beach?’

  ‘Not for me, thanks,’ Terri replied.

  Molly became animated. ‘Yay, can I come, please, please?’

  ‘Of course you can my little Molly monster.’ Josh grinned at her.

  ‘And me?’ Ben piped up.

  ‘You’d both better ask your Dad first.’

  ‘Pleeeease.’ The two children pleaded.

  ‘Sure, let’s make it a family outing. Allie you up for it?’

  ‘I’m not a big fan of the beach; too many people and too much sand. I’ll stay here with Terri.’

  The next day Damion, Josh, and the two kids piled into the Range Rover and headed for the coast.

  Alice joined Terri by the pool. ‘It’s nice to have some peace and quiet. I love them to bits, but those kids can be full on sometimes.’

  Terri laughed. ‘I totally get that.’

  ‘Can I ask you something?’


  ‘Can you tell me about Camilla?’

  ‘What do you want to know?’

  ‘Where is she? I’d like to meet her.’

  Terri blushed bright red and fidgeted.

  ‘Allie, I can’t say.’

  ‘Do you know where she is?’

  Terri looked down at her feet, her one flaw being unable to lie.

  ‘Don’t, Allie, please don’t make me answer that.’

  ‘Sorry, but you just did. Why can’t you tell me where she is?’r />
  ‘Damion, swore us to secrecy, for your own good, and hers.’

  ‘Terri, this is my mother we’re talking about.’

  Terri glanced at Alice’s locket then burst into tears, and Alice felt bad about grilling her.

  ‘Hey, I’m sorry, let’s forget I asked.’

  Terri dried her eyes. ‘Allie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it like that. It’s a sensitive subject because... well... because I lost my mother, and I’d hate to have never met her. If I could, I’d tell you, but this is a conversation to have with Damion.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll ask him when he comes home. Sorry again Terri, I didn’t mean to upset you.’

  ‘Hey, don’t worry about me. I’m too sensitive for my own good.’

  Alice hadn’t noticed Terri’s sensitivity before. In fact, she’d hardly spent any time with her at all, preferring Josh’s company because he always joined her in a drink. Was she that shallow? Only choosing friends who were party animals like herself? Terri was her father’s step-daughter, which made them sisters. She should make more of an effort.

  They spent the day lazing beside the pool. It was a balmy 37 degrees and now and then they’d take a dip to cool off. They both had their heads stuck in a novel and didn’t talk much for the rest of the day.

  In the evening, the others came back from the beach and Molly and Ben collapsed into bed from exhaustion.

  Once Damion had settled down with a glass of wine, Alice and Terri both approached him.

  ‘This looks serious,’ he said, half-smiling.

  ‘Damion, we need to tell Allie about her mother. She deserves the truth.’

  ‘Terri, no, we’ve discussed this.’

  ‘I can’t keep hiding it from her, it’s unfair. To her and me. I hate keeping secrets.’

  Damion sighed. ‘Terri, your entire life is based on one big secret.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Alice asked.

  He looked out the window.

  ‘Tell her, Damion,’ Terri said.

  He paused, as if trying to decide what to say.

  ‘Please tell me, the secrecy is driving me crazy.’

  Damion sat there looking perplexed. ‘What’s brought all this on? I shouldn’t have left you two alone.’

  ‘I want to meet Camilla.’

  Damion took a sip of his wine and looked at them as if they were mad.

  ‘Tell her Damion, it’s important.’

  After a long pause he spoke. ‘Terri and Josh come from the same commune where Camilla lives.’

  ‘Can I go there?’

  ‘It’s a secret location, Allie. Top secret. Only a few people know about it.’

  ‘But why? Please tell me where my mother is.’

  Damion took a deep breath and filled Alice in about The Community, omitting its original purpose for existing. Then he told her something she would never have expected in a million years.

  ‘What I’m about to tell you will be an awful shock.’

  Alice braced herself. ‘Tell me.’

  ‘Your adopted parents are alive and they live in The Community.’

  ‘You can’t be serious.’

  ‘Yes, I am.’

  ‘How can they be alive? They died in a car accident.’

  ‘No they didn’t Allie, they were involved in something very sinister.’

  ‘No, you’re lying.’

  ‘I’m not. They had to fake their deaths due to unfortunate circumstances.’

  ‘So, they disappeared and ditched me with their weird cousin?’

  He nodded again.

  ‘And you didn’t think to tell me about it?’

  ‘Alice, I’d only just met you, and then Leonora died. I couldn’t tell you about them. Like I said, I was sworn to secrecy. I shouldn’t have told you at all.’

  Alice turned to Terri, and Josh who had now joined them. ‘And you knew this as well?’

  They both nodded, looking embarrassed with themselves.

  ‘This is unbelievable. My own family, my own flesh and blood,’ she glared at Damion. ‘You guys make me sick!’ Alice stormed upstairs to her bedroom, packed a bag, then bundled it into her little Peugeot.

  ‘Allie, please don’t go. Let me explain?’

  ‘You should have done your explaining five years ago,’ she said, then hopped into her car, slammed the door and sped off with a screech of tyres.

  Chapter 17

  Alice drove to the Bordeaux airport and booked a flight to London, thankful to get on one that evening. She’d already called Katie about her falling out with Damion and asked if she could stay with her. She didn’t want to go back to Damion’s apartment or anywhere that would remind her of him.

  Alice arrived back in London and caught the train to Putney. Katie, like the good friend she was, had bottles of wine chilling in the fridge. As Alice entered the front door, Katie shoved a full glass in her hand.

  She took a large gulp, relishing the fruity flavour as it danced around her tongue before sliding down her throat. ‘Ah, I needed that.’

  ‘Great to have you back Allie, I’ve missed you.’

  ‘Hey, it’s great to be back. I’ve missed you too.’

  ‘Tell me what happened in France. What’s Damion done now?’

  ‘Sorry, I don’t want to talk about it. Can’t we just get drunk?’

  ‘For sure.’ Katie topped up both of their glasses and put the empty bottle in the bin. ‘Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from.’

  Alice laughed. In the past, they’d made many trips to the off-licence late at night because they had run out of wine. Now, when they got drunk, they made sure they had at least three bottles in the fridge. Between them, one bottle was never enough, two bottles should be enough, but never was, and they always ended up opening the third bottle.

  The next day, Alice woke up with a clear head. Perhaps months of abstaining had done her some good by allowing her liver to recover. But the work Ethan had done on her had failed and she wanted an excuse to talk to him. When Katie headed off to work, she pulled out her phone, ignored the many messages from Damion, and texted Ethan.

  ‘Hi Ethan, I’ve started drinking again. Any chance you can see me?’

  Alice waited for a reply, but her phone sat there silently. She read through the text messages from Damion and thought it only fair to reply to him, at least to tell him she was ok. ‘Back in London, staying with Katie. Don’t worry about me.’

  A text pinged back. She hoped it was from Ethan, but it was just Damion saying sorry for the millionth time. She ignored it and cooked up bacon and eggs and wondered what to do with her day.

  After her fry-up, she sat down and watched a Friends rerun on TV, then fell asleep. The shrilling of her phone woke her mid-morning. It was Ethan.


  ‘Hi Allie, I got your text. That’s not good news you’re drinking again. I’m busy all day but I can fit you in later. Would you be able to make it to my office at six this evening?’

  Alice agreed, thankful she’d get to see his handsome face again. Outside it looked like it might rain, so she lay about for the rest of the day, looking forward to her appointment.

  She arrived at his office fifteen minutes early and scrolled around her phone while she waited. He collected her from the waiting room, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She sat down in the same room as before, and he asked her what had triggered it.

  She told him about wanting to meet her birth mother, and that she’d found out that her adopted parents were still alive and living in a secret commune somewhere.

  As she talked, Ethan appeared to be deep in thought. Shouldn’t he be taking notes or something? When she had finished, he sat for a moment and typed up something on his computer. She fidgeted with her locket while she waited for him.

  ‘That’s a lot for you to have taken in Allie, I’m sorry to hear about that. I’ll treat you with the same technique as before, but I’d like you to come back again in a few days for a foll
ow up. It will do the same as before by stopping you drinking too much, but it will also help you cope with the news of your parents. Are you comfortable with that?’

  ‘Sure, that will be great.’

  She lay down on the sofa and relaxed while he put the headphones on her. She almost drifted off to sleep as the whirring seeped into her brain.

  Afterwards a slight headache developed, but she felt good. As she caught the tube back to Katie’s, drinking wine was the last thing on her mind.

  Chapter 18

  Alice spent the night at Katie’s house again, but neither of them drank. Instead, Katie cooked them both a vegan dinner.

  ‘How do you make non-meat stuff taste so good?’

  ‘Years of practice and healthy eating.’

  ‘The only times I ever catch up with you, we seem to get drunk, so I had you pegged as a party girl. But you’re not really are you?’

  ‘Nope, and you’re always so busy getting drunk, you probably didn’t notice that I don’t drink much at all.’

  ‘Can’t believe I’ve been so blind, and such a self-centred donkey. How have you put up with me over the years Katie?’

  ‘You’re good fun. What better reason?’

  ‘Anyway, I wanted to thank you for putting me on that diet, I feel so much better now. More energy, more alert, more grounded.’

  ‘That’s great, try to stay on it as much as you can, follow the basic principles. And that was naughty of me last night getting you drunk, when I know you’ve been trying to give up.’

  ‘Hey, I needed it, so I’m thanking you for that too.’

  ‘No problem, I’m pleased I could help.’

  ‘Hey, I thought about studying naturopathy, do what you’re doing. How would I go about it and how long does it take?’

  ‘The course I did took four years full-time. You can also do it online, but you’d learn so much more in a classroom.’

  Katie searched on her phone. ‘Good timing if you want to do it, the course starts in three weeks. You should apply.’

  ‘Wow, really?’ Alice browsed the details on her phone. It looked like a full-on syllabus, but it would get her out of her rut.


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