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The Ultimate Community

Page 10

by J Meverington

  The woman looked confused. ‘No, like I said, you’ve got the wrong house. I’ve lived here for over thirty years.’

  ‘So, you don’t know Kevin and Tash?’

  ‘No, sorry, have you tried next door?’

  ‘It was definitely this house. I remember the wallpaper, and that old vase on the table.’ Alice proceeded to describe the house and the back garden in detail.

  ‘That is odd.’ The elderly lady looked into the distance for a moment as if trying to conjure up a memory.

  A dog barked from inside the house.

  ‘And they had a dog called Casper, a Bichon Frise!’ Alice said, and Casper trotted up to the door at the sound of his name. ‘That’s him, that’s Kevin and Tash’s dog.’

  ‘Well, this is a mystery, his name is indeed Casper, but he’s my dog.’

  ‘Has anyone else stayed here in the past,’ Doofy asked.

  She tapped her fingers on her chin and squinted her eyes.

  ‘Oh yes, of course, I remember now. Silly me.’

  ‘So, you know them?’

  ‘No, not exactly. When I travelled to Australia and New Zealand for six weeks, I had house sitters in to look after Casper. I don’t know their names as I didn’t meet them. My son organised it all for me.’

  ‘Do you have their details? It’s urgent that I get in touch with them.’

  ‘No, you’ll need to speak to my son. One moment, I’ll get you his number.’

  ‘How weird,’ Alice said. ‘I thought they lived here. They’d made it sound like they owned the place. I could be wrong though, I’d just assumed it.’

  ‘Something’s not right,’ Doofy said. ‘With Jason’s disappearance and now this...’

  The lady came back with a name and phone number scribbled on a scrap of paper and handed it to them.

  ‘I hope everything’s okay,’ she said.

  ‘Yes, no problem, we just need to speak with the house sitters. Thanks so much for your help,’ Doofy said, and they headed back to Damion and Alice’s apartment.

  Chapter 27

  Alice slumped down on the sofa, feeling defeated. Doofy had rung the elderly lady’s son, and he’d been no help. He’d gotten their names from a house sitting website, but they were no longer listed, and the phone number disconnected.

  Everything now pointed to Jason as the culprit, but Alice didn’t believe it possible; he’d been so nice.

  She wracked her brain trying to figure out who else might be sending her these messages. She had lots of friends and never upset anybody as far as she was aware. But somehow she seemed to attract the wrong people.

  Peaches Campbell had teased her at school because she was different. But what could she have done to change things? They had mimicked her Californian accent, so she had disguised it by talking like the locals, and had ended up with a mixed up accent all of her own.

  At school, the other children made fun of her hand-down threads which were too big for her. Her foster parents refused to buy clothes for her, so she got a part-time job to pay for her own. But then her foster mother took all her earnings for food and rent. Once that had happened, her priority was getting out of Kentucky, away from her horrible family, clothes being the least of her problems.

  Then, when she’d started a new life in New York, she fell for Charles Montgomery. He’d deceived her as part of his job. How could she have been so blind to have fallen for him? But as she’d just found out, Charles had somehow brainwashed her.

  Why did people treat her this way?

  Alice thought back to the start of her life. Damion had gotten her mother pregnant at a high-school party. Camilla didn’t want a baby, so had shipped her to America and adopted her out to a gangster family. The parents who had adopted her, faked their deaths in a car accident then went into hiding, in the same place her real mother lives. There’s something fishy about the entire thing. Too many coincidences, and like her father, she doesn’t believe in coincidences.

  Another thing that annoyed Alice was her laid back attitude. Everyone was running around doing things for her, and she let them. It was time to stop and take charge of her own life.

  Alice needed to visit the commune where her birth mother lived, and as much as it would hurt her, she needed to see the people who had adopted her. For her own sanity, she’d blocked out the fact they were still alive. For twenty years she’d thought they were dead, and it was easy enough to keep thinking that way.

  But Damion wouldn’t tell her where The Community was, but she knew who might. Ethan Smith. She needed to sneak out of the apartment with no one knowing.

  Later that day, Damion headed out to work in his bars in Soho. While Doofy was in his office, Alice put two pillows in her bed and covered them with the duvet to make it look like she was sleeping, then knocked on Doofy’s door. ‘I’m just going to have an afternoon nap.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll try not to have any raving parties.’

  She pulled his office door closed, then stepped out of the apartment, shutting the front door quietly behind her.

  Outside, Alice inhaled a deep breath of freedom. Not wanting to waste any time, she caught a cab to the offices of BanAddiction. She strode in and demanded to see Dr Smith.

  ‘I’m sorry, he’s fully booked today,’ the receptionist said.

  ‘I’m a patient, and I need to see him urgently. Can you tell him Allie Parker is here?’

  ‘What’s the problem?’

  ‘I’ve been having terrible migraines since my last visit, they’re unbearable,’ she lied.

  ‘Okay, take a seat.’

  While she waited, a large man with greasy hair entered, spoke to the receptionist, then sat down. Ten minutes later, an attractive lady in her mid-thirties paid up and exited. Dr Smith came out and addressed the grease-ball. ‘Gerald, I’ll be with you shortly.’

  He turned to her, ‘Allie, come on through.’

  Alice followed him through to his office, the music calming her mood. Was this part of the brainwashing process?

  ‘Hi Allie, I hear you’ve been having migraines, can you tell me when they first came on?’

  ‘Since I’ve found out you’ve been brainwashing me,’ she blurted, unintentionally.

  He looked taken aback. ‘Allie, what are you talking about?’

  ‘I know who you are and how you’ve had Martin Bickford-Smith’s brain downloaded into yours.’

  A look of pity came over his face. What she’d said sounded crazy. But why would Damion lie to her? No, he wouldn’t.

  ‘Allie, I don’t understand why you’re saying these things, but I’m sure it’s nothing to do with the treatment. It’s perfectly safe.’

  ‘Damion told me all about it. How you grew up in a small commune and how a famous surgeon downloaded his brain into yours.’

  Ethan wrote something in his notebook.

  ‘What are you doing? What are you writing?’

  ‘Just taking a few notes.’

  A hot flush rose through Alice. Dr Smith thought she was mad. Was he going to have her sectioned? Could he do that? A sudden urge to flee overcame her. What was she thinking coming here alone? Nobody knew she was here.

  She got up out of her chair, ‘I’d better be going. Obviously, I’ve made a mistake.’

  ‘Hold on a moment, Allie. I’m concerned someone’s been soiling my name. Who’s Damion and why would he tell you such lies?’

  Alice wondered the same thing. Her entire life had been based on a lie. Damion had lied by omission, not telling her that her adopted parents were still alive. What other secrets were out there? Who could she trust?

  ‘I’ve said enough.’ Alice stepped towards the door.

  A warm hand landed on her shoulder. ‘Not so fast.’

  She stopped and turned the door knob. It was locked.

  ‘Allie, look at me.’

  She turned, fear swarming through her bones.

  ‘I’m worried about you. The things you’re saying are impossible. Brains can’t be transferred
from one person to another. These allegations could have a huge impact on my business; they could destroy my practice. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I’m helping people. I’m doing a good thing.’

  Alice nodded, feeling embarrassed.

  ‘Ask your father to come in and see me, so we can clear this up. He’s got the wrong end of the stick somewhere.’

  Father? Had Alice mentioned Damion was her father? No, she didn’t think so.

  ‘I need to go,’ she said, her voice shaky.

  ‘Of course, thanks for coming in, and my door is always open for you.’

  She stood, waiting. ‘But the door’s locked.’

  He gave her an odd look. ‘No it isn’t.’ He walked over and opened it for her. Had she imagined it had been locked? Was she going mad?

  ‘See you later Allie, and please call me if you have any more questions.’

  Alice left his office feeling more confused than ever, and what’s worse, she’d never asked about Camilla.

  As she walked home, she played things over in her head. Dr Smith had sounded sincere and surprised at her allegations. Damion must have gotten things wrong. It was insane to think they could transfer a brain between people. Surely more people would know about it for starters, and conspiracy theories would have popped up all over the place. There might already be stories, but she never took notice of such nonsense. She’d google it when she got home.

  Alice needed a bathroom, so she ducked into the Langham hotel, and found her way to the restrooms. On her way back out, a well-dressed man wearing a trilby hat glanced in her direction. Worried he might ask what she was doing in there, she scuttled out without making eye contact.

  Alice continued walking down Regent Street, and pondered whether to stop at The Community Bar to say ‘hello’, but decided against it. The urge to drink was still strong, and it was best to stay away from temptations.

  Alice bustled her way through Piccadilly Circus, wishing she’d taken the side streets. When she’d first moved to London, the crowds, and the billboards, and the double-decker buses had excited her. Now, they annoyed her as she herded along with people, like sheep to slaughter.

  She ducked down Waterloo Place, relieved to be away from the mad house. As she walked passed Lillywhites, she stopped and peered in the window when the man with the black trilby from the Langham hotel, walked her way. Alice waited for him to pass, in case he was following her, paranoia still playing a big role in her life.

  Once he had gone, she ducked into the shop, and continued to browse. After a few minutes, she headed outside, and continued walking.

  Big Ben appeared as she rounded the corner and she continued walking over Westminster Bridge. Up ahead, a familiar figure strode towards her. It was Bryan, her ex-workmate from The Community Bar.

  ‘Hey Allie, long time, no see. When are you coming back to work with us? I miss you.’

  ‘Probably not going to, I love France.’

  ‘Ah shame. How long you here for? We’re heading out Monday night for drinks, come join us.’

  ‘Hey, I’ll try, but I can’t promise...’ Alice stopped talking mid-sentence as the man in the trilby hat walked by.

  ‘Allie, what’s wrong?’

  ‘That man, I think he’s following me.’

  ‘He did look creepy. Hey, why don’t you walk with me to work, you can phone a cab from there.’

  Alice agreed, after all that’d been going on, she didn’t want to take any chances.

  Chapter 28

  They arrived at The Community Bar, and Alice heard Damion before she saw him, his deep booming laugh, unmistakable. He was sitting at the bar, drinking and chatting with the staff.

  ‘Allie, what are you doing here?’

  ‘It’s a long story, but I had to get out of the apartment. I’m sick of being cooped up in there. Hey, I need to talk to you alone.’

  Damion led her to The Cave, a private room which resembled a cave you’d find at the beach.

  ‘What’s up?’

  ‘I went to see Dr Ethan Smith.’

  ‘No! I warned you about seeing him.’

  ‘It’s worse than that.’ Alice filled him in on her meeting.

  ‘Well, you’re either very brave or very stupid and I haven’t figured out which one. The guy’s a con man Allie, and you should never have alerted him to the fact we’re onto him. We knew where he was. Now he’s likely to pack things up and disappear, set up elsewhere.’ He slammed his fist on the table. ‘Dammit Allie, how could you have been so stupid!’

  Alice had never seen Damion so mad. ‘Well, if you didn’t treat me like I was stupid, maybe I wouldn’t act it. You’ve been hiding so much from me; how do I know you’re not lying about Ethan? The whole thing is so far-fetched you’d have to be an idiot to believe what you’re saying. And I did believe you, but now I’m not so sure.’

  Alice stormed out of the bar, her anger overriding her fear of the guy who had been following her. Although she hadn’t kept up her karate training, she thought she could defend herself if required.

  She fell out onto the busy Soho pavement and started walking home. She’d only walked 200 metres, when someone pulled on her arm. Instinct kicked in and she grabbed their arm and wrenched it behind their back.

  ‘Oi, Allie, what are you doing?’

  Alice released her grip when she realised it was Damion.

  ‘Bryan said someone had been following you, so I didn’t want you to go off alone. Sorry I yelled at you. Please come and talk about it some more, I have a proposal for you.’

  Having calmed down, Alice followed him to The Community Bar, keen to hear what he had to say. They headed back into The Cave, and Damion ordered them two mocktails.

  ‘I don’t think it’s safe for you in London at the moment. And I know you’re having a hard time being cooped up in the apartment.’

  ‘That’s for sure!’

  ‘Doofy needs to head back to San Diego to sort out a problem with Chas.’

  ‘Why, what’s happened?’

  ‘While he’s been away, Chas has invited homeless people into their house to live. Doofy’s worried about him, so he’s going home to sort it out.’

  ‘That’s weird, I wonder why Chas would do that?’

  ‘No idea, just hope he’s okay for Doofy’s sake. But he’s taken your phone with him, and he’ll continue to track down your stalker.’

  ‘What a relief.’

  ‘And another thing. I need to go back to France as I’ve got a degustation weekend coming up and I need to prepare for it.’

  ‘Do you want me to help?’

  ‘I’m worried about your safety even in France. I won’t be able to keep an eye on you 24-7, so I have an idea.’

  Alice’s heart skipped a beat. She hoped he wasn’t going to send her to San Diego to stay with Doofy. As much as she liked him, and would love to meet Chas, the memories of living in America were still too raw.

  ‘Please don’t make me go back,’ she blurted, before he could finish speaking.

  ‘Go back where?’


  He laughed. ‘No, I’d never do that to you. But... I’ve talked to Terri and Josh, and if you’re up for it, they’ve agreed to take you to The Community.’

  Alice’s heart leapt with excitement. ‘Really? I get to meet my mother? And my dead parents?’

  ‘Yep. Now, I’m not sure Camilla will have the same excitement as you have. Please be prepared for that.’

  ‘But she knows I’m coming?’


  Alice was excited about the prospect of meeting her birth mother but had reservations about meeting her adoptive parents who had deserted her when she needed them the most. Nerves crackled under her skin. She could do with a drink right now, but knew that would be a bad idea.

  Chapter 29

  Excitement bubbled away in Alice’s tummy as the private jet soared between two mountain ranges before coming in to land on a grass runway. A tanned man with grey hair s
tood next to a battered old jeep waiting for them.

  ‘That’s Keith,’ Terri said. ‘He’s one of the Elders of The Community, and also Camilla’s partner.’

  ‘So... he’s my step-father?’ Alice said.

  ‘I guess you could say he is.’

  The door to the plane opened, and Alice felt a rush of humid air.

  ‘Wait here a moment,’ Terri said to her.

  Alice watched as Terri disembarked and walked towards Keith. After a long embrace with him, Terri grabbed some rags of leather from the jeep and brought them back onto the plane.

  ‘These are for us to change into.’ She handed Alice a short leather skirt and a vest. Alice already knew this was the attire, but it was still unbelievable. All of her personal items such as her wallet, phone, and jewellery had been left back in London.

  Alice donned her new clothes, leaving hers onboard the plane and hopped into the jeep for a frightening journey over the hill. The 4wd rattled and bumped over a rough track crawling up the side of a mountain. Alice gripped the seat in front of her until her knuckles turned white.

  At the top of the hill, a view of the ocean spread out across the horizon. Keith stopped the car, and the four of them got out to stretch their legs. Alice took in the scene, admiring its natural beauty. Terri had tears in her eyes.

  Alice wandered over and put her arm around her. ‘You okay, sis?’

  ‘Yes, I always get emotional when I come home, I forget how beautiful it is.’

  ‘Do you miss living there?’

  ‘I do, I miss the simplicity of the lifestyle, the camaraderie of The Community members. And I miss my mother. I think the nostalgia is the hardest thing to cope with. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I didn’t come back.’

  Alice knew what she meant, knowing how hard it would be to go back to America. But her reasons were different to Terri’s.

  ‘It’s your past that’s made you the person you are today. And you’re an amazing person Terri. You have a beautiful soul, and I’m proud to call you my sister.’


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