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Destiny Rising

Page 6

by Siobhan Davis

  “You’re not making any sense,” he says softly, speaking like he’s talking to a child.

  “I can’t make sense of what I saw.” My breath comes out harsh and ragged. “He was on a table, not moving, and two men were hovering over him, and one of them cut him and … oh God, I think he’s dead.” I bury my face in my hands and all the emotion I’ve been trying to smother bursts free. I cry loudly and consistently, and I know it’s not flattering, but Cal is there to console me; holding me on his lap, smoothing my hair, pressing his lips to my cheek, and whispering soothing words.

  When I’m all cried out, I slant against his chest, and the smell of sleep and sweat is oddly comforting.

  When Ben comes back, thrusting a bottle into my hand, Cal quickly and quietly updates him. A look of anguished pain darts across Ben’s face as he hugs me. I’d forgotten that Ben has access to his memories again so his thoughts of Zane now span the breadth of their full history. While Ben and Zane only became reacquainted in Clementia, they’d once been close as kids, united in their mutual love of technology.

  Another thought crosses my mind. Has Cal regained his memories? If so, what things does he remember? He hasn’t mentioned anything to me, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him when I stop myself. I can’t open up that particular topic, as it’ll only come full circle again. There’s no way in hell I want to talk to him about that. Thankfully, Cal hasn’t inquired into my memory recall since that first day we arrived here, and a room full of flesh-eating zombies couldn’t pry the words from my mouth.

  Cal and Ben are my metaphorical crutches over the next couple of days, and I lean on them as if I physically need them to keep me vertical. Cal never leaves my side, and though he still has to have that talk with his dad, I’m too selfish to push the agenda. Dad is beside himself too, and concern for Zane overshadows everything else we have going on.

  But not for long.

  I’m in our apartment getting dressed—preparing to head to the group meeting where our assignments are being announced—when Cal comes storming into the room. Having woken to an empty bed, I’d puzzled over where he was. One look at his face now tells me all I need to know. “Your dad told you?”

  He nods and collapses spread-eagled on the bed. “This has got to be the most messed-up shit yet. And we’ve dealt with a lot of crappy stuff recently.”

  “I know,” I agree. Fastening the top button on my shirt, I sit down beside him.

  “You should’ve told me. I can’t believe you sat on this for a few days and said nothing.” There’s an edge of condemnation to his voice that I don’t like.

  “I was trying to wrap my head around it, and then the stuff with Zane happened.” It hurts to even say his name. I’m relentlessly reaching out to his mind but I’m still sensing nothing. Unable to accept the possibility that he’s gone, I’m fully aware that I’m clutching at straws. Surely, a piece of my heart would be missing if he were no longer a part of this world? I’d have to feel that. “Anyway, you needed to hear that from your dad, not me,” I continue.

  His gaze softens ever so slightly, replaced quickly by a perplexed look. “I can’t believe it. It’s…” He hooks his hands behind his head, and I can feel the confusion spinning inside him. Twisting sideways, he turns to face me. “Your brother is my brother. How weird is that?”

  I shrug. “I know. Can you imagine how weird it’ll be for Deacon when he eventually finds out? It’ll send him into a tailspin.”

  “At least he seems to like my dad … his dad.” His voice falters. Rubbing a hand over his buzz-cut, he falls back on the bed.

  I scowl. “It takes more than shared genes to be a dad,” I snap. “My dad is still his dad. He’s the one who has raised him and cared for him. Learning the truth isn’t going to change that.” I make a disgruntled sound.

  “I’m not disputing that, Ariana,” he says, propping up on his elbows. “But my dad is his biological father, and Deacon has a right to know that, a right to form a relationship with him. He’s a part of our family too.” I try to rein in my anger, remembering that he’s only just discovered this. And, to give credit where it’s due, he’s handling this really well.

  I decide to cut him some slack. “I never realized before how much he looks like you.”

  “That’s funny,” Cal says, his lips curving slightly. I arch a brow. I can’t think of anything about this situation that’s funny. “That’s exactly what I thought when Dad told me. The first thing that popped into my head was how it was under our noses the entire time and neither of us noticed it.”

  “Does Mel know?”

  Cal nods. “Dad told the three of us just now. Mel’s just as shocked as I am.”

  “And Jaden?” I ask, picturing his extremely irritating older brother. That I haven’t been in his company much since we arrived here is no surprise. I consciously avoid contact with him as much as I can.

  “Jaden’s Jaden. Though he didn’t laugh at this.” Cal sits up fully, scrubbing a hand over his jaw.

  “Well, there isn’t anything even slightly humorous about this situation.”

  “I know,” Cal admits, staring off into space.

  Conversation ceases after that. We are both locked in our thoughts, quietly trying to grasp this latest curveball, until it’s time to leave.

  The amphitheater buzzes with excited chatter. I follow Cal as he descends toward the front. He stops at the second row and steps aside to allow me take a seat first. Dropping down beside Ben, I smile at him. He squeezes my arm. Ruby sits alongside him, flanked on the other side by Jaden of all people. A sneer automatically forms on my lips. Remembering that we’re connected now—in more ways than one—I suppose I’m going to have to make an effort with him. Just don’t expect me to like him. Noticing my eyes on him, he looks up and locks gazes. For once, he isn’t smirking as he stares at me wordlessly. Ruby looks between us quizzically, gesticulating with her hands. I subtly shake my head and she frowns.

  A loud booming noise floods the room, effectively diverting all attention toward the podium. A group of ten men and women stand in front of us. Some I recognize and some I don’t. Dad, Commander Remus, Commander De Luca, and Calista Corr are among them.

  Calista opens the session and quickly gets down to business. Assignments are announced in blocks. Medical assignments are first, and I smile when Lily’s name is included on the list of trainees. I give her a thumbs-up when her head twists in my direction. Others are stationed full-time in the compound while a large group will travel above ground to work on Vita removal.

  Technology posts are presented next, and Ben secures his rightful place.

  Agent Leena is announced as the Head of the Training Unit, and a group of Cadets is announced as part of her team. Some will be assigned above ground at a later stage to help prepare all new recruits for war. I hear Mel’s audible gasp and feel her anguished pain when she’s announced as Agent Leena’s assistant. Swiveling in her chair, she pins Cal with a dark glare. Peeking sideways at him, I spot the knowing smile on his face.

  He wouldn’t.

  He did.

  I shove my elbow into his stomach and he grimaces. Mel shoots me an appreciative look.

  Appointments are made to the Propaganda Cell next, and I join Ruby in her amazement when her name is announced. This team will work on marketing and communications, helping share information about the revolution and preparing regular information bulletins for citizens of Earth, and it’s hoped, Novo.

  Deacon is assigned with all the other younger children to the Educational Center, and I settle down in my seat. That’s both my siblings safe and out of harm’s way. Though I’ve chastised Cal for interfering in his sister’s fate, I have to acknowledge that I would’ve done the same thing if either Lily or Deacon had been assigned a dangerous mission.

  Military assignments are naturally introduced last. It’s the biggest group by far, and individually calling out names would take forever. Dad sweeps his hand across the holographic screen and
lists of names appear line by line under individual unit assignments. Dad introduces each unit one at a time and allows adequate time for the group congregated in front of him to check through the names.

  A team is permanently assigned to the Command Center to oversee operations and drive the war effort from here. When Dad and Cal’s dad are announced as the leaders of this effort, Cal and I exchange worried looks. Considering neither of them are fans of the other, and factoring in the personal war that’s brewing over Deacon’s parentage, I couldn’t be more surprised. This doesn’t bode well.

  Commander De Luca is in charge of the ground units, which make up the bulk of the teams. The majority will travel with medical teams on protective duty while they work above ground. Cal punches the air when his name displays on the screen, and I roll my eyes. I peer carefully as each name lists, anxiously looking for mine. But it doesn’t appear and I frown. Cal looks at me inquisitively, but I don’t miss the look of relief that flits across his face.

  A few units are assigned to guard Velo entry points around the world, and a couple of guys in the row behind us grumble loudly, clearly unhappy at missing out on the action. A couple of units are assigned to the remaining Clementia compounds, tasked with extracting genuine supporters before Clementia wipe out the rest of their operation. Dad explains that the plan is to take control of the government owned warehouses, which operate as temporary dwellings and rehouse rescued rebels and Saoirse soldiers there.

  I stifle a yawn as further lists of names roll across on the screen. This is becoming tiresome, and I’m edgy to see where I’ve been assigned. When two units are revealed under assignment to the stealth-craft hangar, I’m confident that this is my new home, until the list concludes and my name still hasn’t been announced.

  The screen blacks out and Dad confirms conclusion of the assignment announcement. I shunt forward in my seat and attempt to catch his attention. He purposely ignores me and steam practically flies out of my ears. I feel an urge to jump up and shout ‘Hey! What about me?’ but that would only draw unwelcome scrutiny. Instead, I seethe in my seat, my rage intensifying with each minute that passes.

  I tune out as Calista talks about the strategy for each team and outlines the plan for implementing the real revolution. A loud cheer reverberates around the room, the sound echoing abnormally against the high ceiling. “What’d I miss?” I whisper to Cal.

  “Ben has figured out how to disable the Vita chip en masse, and Calista just confirmed that all those with implants are safe.” Ben stands in his seat and awkwardly accepts acknowledgment. When he sits back down, his face is as red as the sneakers he’s wearing today. I start to grin until I remember that I’m still mad.

  “It’s a huge step forward,” Calista’s voice rings out loud and clear, successfully muting the room again. “But we still need to organize individual extraction of the chips to ensure everyone is safe from government control. That remains top priority, and everyone’s efforts should be focused on our central goal. Thank you for your attention. Meeting dismissed,” she concludes.

  I hop up instantly. Cal places a restraining hand on my arm. “Ariana.” His voice contains a clear warning in it.

  “Don’t Ariana me! Did you have a hand in this?” I tug on his wrist and pull free.

  “What? No!” I believe him but that doesn’t mean I’ve misread the blatant look of relief on his face.

  “You’re happy about it though.” My hands perch on my hips.

  “Hell, yeah,” he says, stepping out onto the stairs and lifting me by the waist. Motioning with his hand, he draws my attention to the impatient line forming behind me. I step aside and let everyone pass. Ruby shoots me a sorrowful look, but quickly flees hand in hand with Jaden when she spots the scowl on my face.

  “Ariana,” Calista says, appearing alongside Cal and me. “Your father and I would like a word with you please.”

  Nodding tersely, I follow her out by the side of the stage. We walk down a narrow corridor and into a formal meeting room. Dad sits around a small rectangular table, and Calista takes the chair next to him. Cal and I sit down across from them.

  The smell of betrayal is ripe in the air.

  “What have you done?” I demand, eyeballing him.

  “Calm down, Ari. Give me a chance to explain,” he replies in an infuriatingly calm voice.

  Cal laces his fingers through mine. Dad’s gaze lowers to our conjoined hands, and his face contorts like he’s just swallowed a whole chili. My inner devil plants a super childish idea in my mind, and I act on it immediately, knowing full well that this will really push Dad’s buttons.

  Twisting in the chair, I move toward Cal and meld my lips to his. Prying his lips open, I explore his mouth with my tongue and kiss him deeply. Most other guys would probably cringe and pull away, but Cal is more confident than most guys his age. And he’s not one to pass up the opportunity to indulge in some lip-syncing, whether we have an audience or not.

  “That’s enough, Ariana,” Dad says, his self-control rattled.

  I pull back from Cal and petulantly swipe my fingers across my lips. “What? You told me to calm down. He calms me down.” Though, that’s actually only partly true. Hormones run rampant inside me, feeding a steady stream of delicious warmth to every corner of my body. My attraction to Cal is off the charts. The slightest touch ignites my insides in seconds. But Cal also has the ability to soothe and comfort me in a way that no one else can. Wait up, my inner devil speaks up again. So did Zane. I mentally punt-kick the scheming devil into oblivion and instantly banish the thought.

  “If you want to be treated as an adult, then you need to behave like one,” Dad says, placing sturdy arms on the table.

  “And you need to stop treating me like a child. Why haven’t I been given a military assignment? You know I want to go above ground. I want to use the skills I’ve been taught.” My eyes flare with the intensity of my anger.

  “The middle of a warzone is no place for a pregnant girl,” Calista says, speaking up for the first time.

  “You have got to be kidding me?” I look at Cal. If I thought for a second that I’d get his support, I’m wrong. I can tell by the look on his face that he backs this wholeheartedly. “You agree with this?” My voice sounds artificially high, bordering on hysterical.

  “Your dad is right. It wouldn’t be safe. I know how much you want this, but there are other ways you can help.”

  He places a steadying hand on my arm but I shove it away. “Right. So there’s no point discussing this considering I’m outnumbered on all sides? This is damn ridiculous, and totally unwarranted.” I slam my hand down hard on the tabletop. “So I’m pregnant, it’s not that big of a deal.” Cal’s face pales and he sucks in a wince. I ignore that. “I can take additional precautions, and I know what to do and how to take care of myself. I would never do anything to put myself or my baby in harm’s way. I was one of the best Cadets in our year. This is just stupid.”

  “No one is saying you are incapable, Ari,” Dad says, leaning forward. “This is about protecting you, keeping you safe, and making the best use of your talents.” The way he says the word stalls me.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Your psychic abilities could prove very useful to the cause,” Calista says, crossing one elegant knee over another.

  “How?” I stare at her curiously, not grasping how my extra-sensory gifts can help in any way.

  “We need you to work on your visions,” she explains. “If you were able to predict what the government has planned before it actually happens, that will give us a much-needed edge. Think of how many lives you could save if you can predict their every move?” Her eyes gleam with excitement.

  “There’s just one problem with that plan. I have no idea how to control them and no way of conjuring them at will.” I slump in my chair.

  “That’s why we’d like to send you to someone who can teach you how to control your gift,” Dad says.

  My eyes flit betwe
en the two of them, and I’m conscious of Cal straightening in his chair. “Who?”

  “We want to send you to Greece to continue your training with Raina’s grandma,” Dad says.

  “What the what?” I hop up. “You’re sending me away? How the hell is that safe?” I twirl my hands in the air.

  “Taylor will go with you to monitor your pregnancy, and we’ll assign a protective detail as an escort,” Calista says.

  “Oh, hell to the no,” Cal inputs. “She is not going anywhere with that pervert.”

  “Cal,” I sit back down in my seat and face him. “He isn’t a pervert. The world’s biggest flirt? Yeah. But not a perv.”

  “Can we focus on the important thing here, please?” Dad says, shaking his head in frustration.

  “I’ll go with her. I’ll be her escort,” Cal offers, the words flying out of his mouth with underlying urgency.

  “You’ve received your assignment, Cal. Your father and I discussed this already. You are needed on the front line. Besides, your ability to safeguard my daughter is compromised by your feelings for her. You’re too close. She will be safer with someone else.”

  Cal jumps up so quickly that my eyes struggle to follow his motion as he darts around the table and yanks Dad up by his shirt. He lifts him off the ground easily. “How dare you! I am more than capable of keeping my fiancée and baby safe. How many others on this compound have been part of the Novo CSS program? I could throw you against that wall now and squash you like a fly. It’d be that easy.” Aggression zings through his veins, and the look on his face scares me half to death. I believe him. There’s no doubt in my mind that he would be more than capable of protecting me adequately, distracted or not by his feelings. I also don’t doubt that he could fling my dad across this room if he chose to. That thought propels me into action.

  I’m by his side instantaneously, my hand fisting in his shirt. “Cal, let him down. Please. He may not be in my good books right at this minute, but I still love him. Don’t hurt him.”


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