Destiny Rising

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Destiny Rising Page 30

by Siobhan Davis

  The sounds of renewed arguing outside my door tickle my eardrums and natural curiosity gets the better of me. Slipping my feet into flip-flops, I march toward the door and fling it open.

  Sparkling blue eyes lock on mine before tracing the length of my body. I think I’ve lost the ability to speak. He steps toward me, eyes blazing with hunger, and a crazy surge of desire floods every inch of my body.

  I sway unsteadily on my feet, and he slings an arm around my waist, reeling me into him. “Happy Birthday, baby,” Cal says.


  A messy ball of emotion works its way up my throat. I’ve worked tirelessly these last two weeks to keep an ironclad lock on my feelings. The dam breaks explosively. Unrestrained sobbing shatters the silence as I break down uncontrollably. It’s far from pretty; in fact, it’s downright ugly.

  The two guys standing behind Cal back away as if I’ve just pointed a loaded gun at their heads. They trade petrified looks as they retreat. Nothing like a bout of hysterical female crying to clear a room.

  “We need a minute,” Cal says.

  “Sheesh, man, take all the time you need,” a clearly terrorized T says.

  Cal flattens a hand over my hair and maneuvers me into the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Pulling me onto his lap, he wraps his arms around me, continuing to hold me while I cry it all out of my system. His fingers weave in and out of my hair and his hand trails delicately down my face as he whispers soothing words in my ear. Each caress reaches deep into my heart and soul, fortifying me with the strength of his tender love.

  When the sobbing dies off, I pull back and look at him from under a fan of tear-drenched lashes. “We better get out there,” I sniffle, “T muttered something about impatience.”

  “Actually, I think he was referring to me,” Cal says, scooping my hair up and moving it across one shoulder. He presses a light kiss to my clavicle, and I feel the pleasurable shiver from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. “I was waiting out there for thirty minutes and it almost frigging killed me. I was ready to go all Rambo on you,” he says, in between planting soft kisses on my skin in a scorching hot trail from my neck to my collarbone and back up again.

  Air hitches in my throat and it’s a wonder I can force any words out of my mouth. “You’re here,” I rasp. Yeah, not my most original or intelligent statement. But honestly? The feel of his hot, wet mouth worshipping my skin has rendered my brain the equivalent of jello.

  He chuckles and his warm breath skates over my skin causing an intense shiver to take hold of my entire body. I jerk in his lap and he stares up at me smugly. “The one and only,” he says, lifting my hand to his lips, “In the flesh.”

  “Why?” I blurt out. Stupid brain. Stupid mouth.

  “I love you,” he says, all hint of playfulness gone from his tone. He cups my face and his eyes draw me to him. “I forgive you.” Three more perfect words could not have been spoken.

  “Seriously?” I whisper, wondering if I’ve somehow conjured my dream into reality.

  “Yes.” He kisses me sweetly and my heart does little somersaults in my chest. “We have lots to talk about, but I think we should eat first. Come on,” he says, lifting me off his lap. “By the way,” he adds, looking me up and down, “You look good enough to eat.” He pinches my butt and winks. Heat instantly floods my cheeks. His lips tug my earlobe as he whispers, “Sign me up for the tasting menu later.” There isn’t a part of my body that doesn’t quake with excitement, and I have to mentally caution myself to calm it. I’ll give Aggie a coronary with the emotions I’m emitting tonight.

  “You brought me this?” I ask, awareness speedily joining the dots in my brain.

  “Yes,” he says, nuzzling my neck. “You said you didn’t have many clothes that fit so I got some items made for you. Um,” he says, looking at me strangely, “Erin made them for you.”

  Wait? What? “Erin? As in Zane’s mom?” He nods. “She’s alive?” Eh, duh, Ariana, of course, she’s alive, unless she can whip out her sewing machine in ghostly form.

  “Yeah. She’s been at the compound with Eli for a few weeks now. She was working in the textiles factory in New York, and she managed to pilfer some supplies before she left. I have other stuff for you in my bag. She says hi and she can’t wait to see you.”

  “Wow. I’m so glad that they are both okay.” My heart skips a beat. That Zane’s mom has come back into this life at just the right time is more than amazing. I’m so happy she’s there to look after him. It helps ease the gnarling guilt that churns in the pit of my stomach whenever I think of Zane.

  I gasp as we walk outside and I survey the twinkling lights hanging off the awning and innumerable lit candles lining the perimeter of the floor. Notes of lavender and apple blossom waft in the air from the small vase of flowers perched in the center of the table. Cal holds out a chair and I slide into it as gracefully as I can. Not an easy feat when you have a baby bump the size of a small planet.

  T places a plate of fish and salad in front of me and hands the same to Cal. Conversation is minimal as everyone wolfs it down. After our figs and yogurt dessert, Xander produces a small white-iced cake and a bottle of bubbles. T ignores my concerns, permitting me a small half-measure, and I chink glasses with my friends and accept their heartfelt congratulations. “Where did you rustle up the cake at such short notice?” I ask, in between mouthfuls of delicious, soft, lemony sponge.

  “I baked it for you,” Xander says.

  I drop my fork. “You did?” My voice comes out shaky, and Xander and T both look nervously at me. I half-choke on a laugh before composing myself. No sense in scaring the guys twice in one night. Pushing back my chair, I get up and hug him. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, where’s my hug?” T says, puffing indignantly. “I made your dinner!” I scoot around to his side and hug him too. Strong emotion drips off T in waves and my heart melts. There’s no doubt that we’ve grown close these last few months, and he has opened up to me in the same way I’ve confided in him. Layers of emotional depth hide behind that pretty-boy charisma and cheeky charm. This is one friendship I suspect will last the test of time.

  “Okaaaay,” Cal says, “I think you got a lifetime of hugs there. Time to let go, buddy.”

  “See you haven’t lost that jealous streak, Remus,” T teases, patting my butt as I walk away. I jump and throw a filthy look over my shoulder.

  “And I haven’t lost my mean left hook either,” Cal retorts.

  “Behave, boys,” I say, pulling out my chair. Cal hooks an arm across my back and flips me onto his lap, pushing his chair out to the side.

  “Tsk, tsk,” Aggie says, in her strange accented voice. “Here, Γλυκιά μία, open your present.”

  I unfold the small white bundle and stretch it out lengthways in front of me. It’s a beautiful long hand-made lace shawl. “It’s exquisite. I love it. Thank you so much, Aggie.” Swiping the solitary tear away before Xander and T run screaming into the night, I hug her gently.

  “You will wear it tomorrow,” she commands, leaning on her walking stick and attempting to rise. Um, okay, I think I’ll be a little overdressed but anything to keep her happy. All three guys move to stand but I wave them away dismissively. After she has bid them goodnight, I help her into her room and quietly close the door on my way out.

  Cal snags me onto his lap again, and I happily sink back against his warm, solid chest, my happy place buzzing with contentment. “Thanks for tonight, guys. All this,” I say, gesturing toward the table, “and the presents. It means so much to me.” A pink flush blooms in my cheeks as I lift my drink to my lips.

  “I’ll give you your present in private,” Cal says, in a rich seductive tone. I almost choke on my glass of water. “Taylor?” Cal asks, shooting a look his way. “What’s the lowdown on sex during pregnancy?” I spit my water all over the table and the three guys guffaw loudly.

  I twist around in his lap and glare at him. “I’ll give you the lowdown,” I say, dab
bing a napkin against my wet face. “There won’t be any!” I stab my finger into his chest, meeting a solid wall of muscular resistance. My eyes transfix on his lick-able chest and abs. So not helping. Stop looking.

  “Ah, baby. You’ve got a bun in the oven,” he says, gently patting my stomach. “I think the guys know you’re no longer a virgin.” I swat his hand away and glare at him. “And,” he says, tickling me under the arms—I squirm in his lap—“you know I love a good challenge.” His hand rubs up and down my arm and tiny goose bumps spring alive on my bare flesh.

  “Ew, Cal. Audience?” Dragging my gaze away from his delectable bod, I look back at T and Xander who stare at me amusedly. “I think I might actually die from embarrassment,” I admit.

  “Not medically possible, Ari,” T says. “But you’ve a green light, bro,” he says, giving Cal a thumbs-up, “And I hear the pregnant chicks go wild for it.”

  “Oh my God!” I hop up, skin flaming. “I’m done with this conversation. Goodnight.” Covering my face with my hands, I head toward my room, their loud laughter following me as I walk.

  I’m struggling to pull my dress over my head when Cal steps into the room. There’s a low thud as his bag drops on the ground. Crossing the floor, he wordlessly helps untangle me from the dress, carefully draping it over the arm of the chair. Resisting the urge to cross my arms over my naked chest, I force my self-consciousness aside and grab the plain gray T-shirt from under my pillow, tugging it on in record time. Cal clears his throat behind me. “Whose shirt is that?”

  I look down at the oversized gray shirt. “It’s an old one of T’s.” Cal’s face contorts as if he’s just swallowed something bitter. “I didn’t have anything else to wear,” I explain quickly. “And I didn’t think it was a good idea to sleep semi-naked when there was a guy in the house.”

  He purses his lips. “That makes sense,” he says, schooling his features into a neutral line. “But you’re taking it off.” My mouth falls open as he turns and rummages in his bag. “Here,” he says, throwing me a large red T-shirt with “I don’t bite” written in black letters on the front. “You can wear this.” Smothering a nervous giggle, I pull T’s shirt up by the hem and whip it off. Stormy blue eyes lock on mine as he whistles low on his breath. “You’re so beautiful.”

  The look on his face causes the worst case of internal shivering. My body jerks as if it’s a mind of its own. I shimmy his shirt on over my head. Focus! “We need to talk first.”

  “I like my shirt on you,” he growls. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you, Ariana,” he adds, closing the gap between us. His hot mouth lands on mine, and I melt into him, feeling every touch of his lips brand me deep inside. My resolve flies out the window. My fingers clutch the silky strands at the nape of his neck, and I tug him closer, pressing into him as much as I can with a balloon-sized obstacle in the way. My need for him—all of him—builds in intensity, and I’m touching him everywhere, only short of crawling all over him like a little spider monkey. Talking’s overrated anyway.

  He breaks the embrace first. “You’re right. Talk first,” he says in a breathless voice.

  “Screw talking,” I rasp, planting my lips on his as my hands clamp down on his ass.

  His hands wrap around mine and he pulls them away, chuckling. “I think Taylor may be onto something with his ‘wild pregnant chick’ assessment.”

  Struggling to contain my erratic breathing, I shoot him my best death glare pout. It’s a feeble attempt at best considering the crazy surge of desire that’s swamping every facet of my being.

  “I’ll be out in a second,” Cal says, heading into the bathroom with his bag. I tug a comb through my hair and peel back the bedcovers, sliding into the comfy double bed.

  When he comes back into the room, he’s only wearing a pair of plain black boxers, and I have to avert my gaze before I assert the “wild pregnant chick” comment. The bed dips as he slides in beside me. “Come here,” he demands, laying his arm out flat. I nestle in close to his side as his arm fastens around my waist.

  “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to come to my senses, but I needed to work through it all, and it wasn’t something I could rush,” he explains.

  “I don’t care about that now,” I say, sitting up and twisting around so I’m facing him. “Have you really forgiven me? Can we truly put it in the past?”

  “Yes and yes,” he says, tugging on a lock of my hair. “You mean more to me than anything in this world. I was so hurt that I couldn’t see the glaring truth. Ironically, it was Zane who got through to me,” he admits, through hooded eyes.

  “You guys talked about it?” My eyes widen in surprise.

  “Yeah.” He kisses me softly and I inwardly swoon. “I know you didn’t intentionally set out to hurt me, and I understand that you’ve been dealing with a lot of heavy stuff. You’ve chosen to turn your back on your connection with him for me and that speaks volumes. That’s all that matters. That you’ve decided on your future and it’s with me. I’m all yours if you still want me.”

  Love lights up his eyes and my heart feels ready to fly out of my chest. I feel so blessed. I thought I’d mucked everything up, but I’ve been given another chance, and I’m not going to waste the opportunity to claim the future I want. One I couldn’t have predicted even this time a year ago. But I know my own mind and this is my destiny.

  I sit up and tuck my legs underneath me. “Sit up with me,” I implore, pulling on his arm. I have to be facing him as an equal when I say what I’m about to say. A swarm of nerves floods my belly, but I focus on leveling my emotions and keeping calm. He’s looking at me strangely. “Cal,” I say, cupping his jaw tenderly. “I love you more than life itself, and I want to connect with you in every way possible.” I gulp. Stop being such a chicken. Spit the words out! “More than anything I want to be your wife. Will you marry me?”

  He sucks in a sharp gasp and his eyes scan my face. “Do you mean it?” he whispers.

  Leaning forward, I press my lips to his. “I love you now and forever, and I can think of no better way to show you how much I mean that.”

  He pauses considerably and sheer terror flares in my eyes. When he looks at me, his pained expression pierces me straight through the heart. “You don’t want that anymore?”

  “That’s not it.” He pulls at his lower lip. “You know I have this dark side …”

  “What, like in Star Wars?” I joke.

  He looks at me as if I’ve just sprouted horns or something. Of course, he has no clue what I’m referring to, not sharing my love of all things classic. “Never mind,” I mutter. “Feeble joke.” I reach over and take his hand in mine. “Everyone’s got a dark side. And isn’t that what real love is? Accepting each other for our faults as much as our strengths? I know you Cal Remus and I love every bit of you. We’ll travel the dark paths together.”

  Wowzers. I’ve surprised even myself with the depth of that speech. When did I become so mature?

  Blatant emotion shines from Cal’s eyes as he kisses me softly. “When?”

  “I thought we could get married here before we leave? There’s this gorgeous little chapel up on the hill and—”

  His lips silence me as he grabs me down onto the bed, our legs and arms tangling as we cling to each other. “Oh my God,” he says, in between hot kisses, “I love you.”

  “You haven’t said yes yet,” I reply, when I find a gap to speak.

  “Jesus, woman, this is me saying yes!”

  My shirt comes off and I’m on fire with the intensity of my craving for him. This is only going one way. “Wait,” I say, pushing his chest firmly. “It’s bad luck to sleep together before our wedding.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?” I do my best to plaster a serious expression on my face. It’s rather difficult when my frantic breathing thrusts my inflated boobs up and down on my chest.

  “Ah, hell,” Cal says, rolling over onto his stomach and burying
his head in the pillow. “Where will I sleep? Xander’s on the couch, and there’s no way I’m offering to be his snuggle bunny for the night.”

  “You can take the other couch.”

  His head whips up, his hair mussed all over his face. “Damn, you are serious.”


  “Great,” he says, sliding his legs out of the bed, “Not how I imagined this reunion,” he mutters.

  I stand and wrap my arms around him from behind. “Once we’re married, we’ll have every night together after that.”

  He stretches around to kiss me. “I love the sound of that.”

  “So, you’ll sleep on the couch?”

  “Sure. Right after I take a cold shower.”

  I wake the next morning to a formidable little old lady hovering over my bed, a swatch of white material adorning her arm. Cal staggers in behind her, rubbing a hand through sleepy eyes.

  “Pants, then sit,” she instructs. He pulls on his black cargo pants and slinks over to the bed. Shunting over, I snuggle into his side, and he slings an arm around my back. “It’s all arranged. Here is your dress. Be at the chapel at five.”

  “What?” I jump up on my knees. “Wait!” I call out as her hand clamps on the door handle. “How did you …?” It gradually dawns on me.

  She taps a wizened finger to her temple and I grin. “Holy crap! You saw all this in a vision?” She smiles. “No fair, Aggie! You could have put me out of my misery.”

  “And where is the fun in that?” she says, giggling as she walks out of the room, leaving us both wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

  Cal and I go out for a run on the beach, and it almost feels like old times, except that the awe-inspiring ocean view replaces the fake, holographic woodland on Novo. Xander and T drag Cal off after breakfast, intent on sticking with tradition. I’m hardly in any position to complain considering I kicked my fiancé out of my bed last night. But I pout nonetheless.


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