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Lucky Seven

Page 3

by Elle M Thomas

  Gulping hard, Tasha knew if he dared move his hand higher he would feel how turned on she was, how much she wanted this, and him. The warmth and wetness emanating from between her thighs would betray exactly how she was feeling. Suddenly, she reconsidered whether he would send her away and humiliate her further by rejecting her in spite of the obvious desire and want, hers and his.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Sorry Jame—Jim, sorry.” She corrected her use of his name while his hand moved higher, gripping her thigh firmly, but the sting of the pinching flesh excited her further still.

  “Sorry for what?” His eyes burned into hers, daring her to drop her glance again.

  “I am sorry for my smart mouth.” She almost whispered the words as his hand moved higher still. He couldn’t actually get any higher, there was nowhere else to go. She moaned when his hand paused.

  “Good girl.”

  He offered her a smile, one she returned, but then felt her pants moving under his fingers and instantly, almost instinctively she spread her legs and was rewarded with the sensation of fingers moving along her length. With a gasp, she felt them easily slide inside her.

  “Oh, honey, so welcoming.” His whispered words danced against her ear causing her to whine and mewl. His fingers rewarded her response by moving, gently stroking her.

  “Fuck,” she groaned, immediately feeling the effects of his fingers inside her, effects she never wanted to stop.

  As quickly as he’d entered her, he removed his hand. Tracing his fingers back down her leg, he frowned.

  “There’s that mouth again. I really will have to think of something to do with it.” He grinned, a broad, wolfish grin. Both of them knew exactly what he had in mind for her mouth, for all of her. He raised his hand to his face and to her absolute horror he inhaled the aroma that coated his fingers and smiled at her again. “You smell real good, honey.”

  Tasha pushed her back firmly back against the wall, almost needing it to keep her upright. She’d never felt attraction like this, attraction to a stranger and although he could wield all kinds of influence over her life professionally, that really was the last thing on her mind. All thoughts she had were of the personal and intimate kind and he was the only thing she could think about; James, Jim, whichever. His name was almost irrelevant.

  She watched on in disbelief, thankful for the presence of the wall holding her up as he inserted one finger into his mouth and sucked its length, long and hard.

  “Oh my, you taste even better than you smell.” His eyes remained fixed on hers as his lips curved further into a dark smile that suggested he was preparing to push her boundaries with a challenge. “Open your smart mouth, honey.”

  She obliged immediately, rising to the challenge, knowing exactly what it was likely to be so was in no way surprised when he inserted another finger into her mouth.

  “Suck it, Tasha.”

  She did as she was told and was shocked that this was such a turn on, tasting herself from his fingers. She’d definitely been right about him earlier, shit husband but a great shag.

  Pulling his fingers from her mouth, he examined his own digits. “That’s better.” He moved his mouth to her ear where he began to whisper again, turning up the heat of her arousal. “You want me, don’t you? Here? Now?”

  “Yes.” Her response was croaked hoarsely while she pressed herself against him eagerly.

  “Me too, but not yet.”

  Tasha had no idea why he was doing this, delaying what they’d both acknowledged they wanted but he continued by allowing his lips to barely skirt across hers. He scarcely grazed the pout of her lips, simply allowing his to hover over hers like the lightest of breezes whispering across a blade of grass.

  She desperately tried to capture them. Her attempts were futile as he moved them down her jaw, neck and chest. He teased and taunted her with the promise of what he might do next. Through her dress he nibbled at her breasts. Her hard aching nipples made her moan and then he stopped. Panic rose in Tasha as she wondered if he might be about to open the door and make her go through it. Relief replaced panic when she observed him fall to his knees. She gazed down, clenching every muscle in her body as she watched him. He slowly traced a path up her legs until his fingers were entwined with her wet pants.

  “Still very welcoming, honey.” He unleashed his fingers once more.

  She was about to swear again, the curse already on the very tip of her tongue. Remembering at the last minute that he’d stopped last time she’d sworn she bit down on her lip, hard, an attempt to muffle her expletive filled cries. Tasha had no real desire to be subservient and controlled and yet here, with Jim, she thought it might just be the most fulfilling experience of her life if she did just that.

  “Good girl.” She’d clearly read the situation correctly and just maybe if she was really lucky she was going to reap her reward. “Lift your skirt up.”

  She complied immediately and looked down at him as he removed his fingers and sucked them again.

  “I could do this all night.”

  The horrified expression that was contorting her face at the idea of him doing anything other than pouncing on her in the next ten minutes wasn’t lost on him. His small, wry grin along with a strange wiggle of his eyebrows confirmed that. However, all night did hold its own attraction and appealed, as long as she got some release, and soon.

  “Lift your leg over me.”

  When his words didn’t break through her thoughts immediately he followed them up with a slap to her left thigh that was a little sharper than was probably necessary to gain her attention, but the burn felt good.

  Again, she did as she was told and waited for long tense seconds, finally breathing a sigh of relief when he moved her pants over and replaced his fingers with his face. His tongue delivered one long lick along her whole length before setting out to torment and tease in the best way possible. No wonder he’d been married six times, he was a genius, or at least his tongue was.

  He paused. “Can I buy you some lingerie?”

  “What?” Tasha’s response was startled, confused and frustrated that he had stopped.

  “Lingerie, can I buy you some?”

  “What for?” She was even more confused. The truth was she was all but ready to let him buy her anything if it meant he resumed his tongue action.

  Smiling, he looked up at her. The sound of her pants being torn from her was the only explanation he offered. Looking down she saw what resembled a wet, lace rag in his hand that he was smelling before pushing into his trouser pocket.

  “Yes,” she cried, desperate for him to simply resume his tongue’s earlier assault on her. “Whatever you want.”

  He smiled again knowing she was all but ready to agree to just about anything so he returned his attention and tongue to its previous task.

  Tasha could feel the familiar tingling inside and out that was increasing as was her breathing as his tongue licked, flicked and lapped. Her breathing was becoming more and more erratic as the tight coiling sensation in her lower belly began to gather pace. The feel of his flat tongue as it licked her length again and then the point of it that circled her clit blinded her. She could barely see straight and thinking was a dim, distant memory. She was virtually panting now as the feel of the explosion in her was ready to ignite and her only real concern was how she would remain standing as she was essentially balanced on one leg.

  With no warning and with her literally one touch away from what she knew would be the climax of her life, he stopped and actually looked at his watch as he got to his feet.

  “No! Please, don’t stop,” she pleaded and tried to push him back to his knees.

  He laughed at her but was standing in front of her now, moving his mouth back to her ear. “What do you want honey? Tell me.”


  “You have me. I’m right here, feel.” He pulled her hand to his face, allowing her to touch him, stroking across his jaw. “Now tell me what you really want.”
  The penny suddenly dropped for her. He actually wanted her to tell him exactly what she craved and she would put money on the fact that he required her to do so in the crudest terms possible. If she did it she knew he’d punish her, her and her smart mouth.

  She’d done this with Gerry, the dirty talk thing and it had been a bit of a turn on, but she was never entirely comfortable afterwards, plus she knew Gerry, he knew her. But James? He was different. She wasn’t sure she could.

  “Come on, honey, tell me,” he whispered the words again, but this time nipped at her ear.

  The sensation of his breath against her ear and jaw caused a small gasp to escape her lips. She internally reasoned that he wouldn’t disappoint her so long as she played by the rules to whatever game they were playing, and it was definitely a game of some sort. It had to be because this was not real, it couldn’t be. So, what did she have to lose?

  “I want you to carry on.” She strung the words together with a huskiness to her voice that she’d rarely heard.

  “Why?” He wore an amused expression that said he wanted more details than she was currently giving him. An amused expression that Tasha decided could drive her wild with desire or fury.

  “Because I do.” As the words came out she knew they’d be wholly inadequate. Even she thought they were lame in the extreme.

  “Why?” he repeated, more firmly, lacing a hand through her hair, directing her head into a position that saw her gazing up at him.

  “I want to come.” She flushed at her own desperation until she was sure the crimson glow from her face was going to burn him if he looked at her much longer.

  His hand tightened in her hair, preventing any movement that might allow her to alleviate her mortification. “How?”

  She was beyond red now, but couldn’t stop. She needed him more than she’d ever needed anyone or anything. “I want you to do it, with your tongue,”

  “Then what?”

  Tasha knew for sure now he was playing again, playing her. He wanted her to use her foul mouth meaning it really might not bother him as much as he claimed.

  She smiled at him and gave him what he wanted, kind of. “Then I want you to...make love to me.”

  He raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “I don’t believe you, and then what?” he repeated with a grin.

  She sighed to herself and pulled his head to hers, slowly, seductively and licked the shell of his ear, nibbling gently as she whispered against it. “And then I want you to screw me.”

  Pulling back slightly it only took one look at his face to know she’d answered correctly. Those words were exactly what he’d wanted to hear. Before she could consider congratulating herself on a game well played, he charged forward again and found her mouth with his, battering her lips before engaging his tongue that was exploring every part of her mouth. When he finally released her she felt as though her mouth had been assaulted, but in the best way possible.

  “I could do this all night, Tasha.” His words seemed to be a pledge and a threat at the same time. “And I intend to do just that until you are screaming out my name, baby. Begging me to take you. And then? I will continue to drive you wild, but trust me when I say it will be worth it in the end, for us both.”

  She stared at him and thought she may actually cry. When he’d threatened all night torture earlier she’d been slightly disbelieving, thinking he was simply teasing or boasting. However, now, he sounded too serious and spoke with such conviction she was worried he might mean it, literally, all night. She was so unbelievably aroused and needed this, she needed him and couldn’t wait another hour, never mind all night.

  “Now. I want to do it now!” Hearing her own voice Tasha realised she sounded like a very petulant child in a sweet shop but didn’t care if it got her what she wanted.

  He pushed her back against the wall, pinning her there so he could stare into her eyes and quite possibly her soul as he spoke. “You want it now? But you’re going to wait.” He spoke with conviction and utter belief in what he was telling her as he held her head perfectly still between his hands that had laced through her hair.

  She considered begging and pleading, but something stopped her. Not any sense of self-respect or dignity because she reasoned they’d left the room when desperation entered, but something in those eyes that appeared to have darkened to a shade of black. She nodded.

  “I should change,” he told her suddenly, his mood and aura calm as he walked off towards what she assumed was his bedroom.

  Following him, Tasha paused at the door he’d left open, presumably so she could watch him. Standing in the doorway she wondered how this man, a complete stranger, could get under her skin and into her head and know what she would do and what she wanted when she’d had no clue herself until that evening.

  She should leave. That would be the wise thing to do. He was messing with her head and this bossy, alpha male routine, as much of a turn on and attractive as she was finding it, it was also a huge red flag for her. She wasn’t a dog that needed a master nor a wayward child that required a lesson in discipline, but a young woman who should be respected and valued as an equal.

  He had his back to her as he threw off his jacket, then came his shirt and tie followed by his shoes and finally he undid his trousers that he allowed to fall to the floor. She looked at him again, all of him, in all his glory. Her mind and body were full of longing and desire and like that all thoughts of walking away were gone. He really was very well packaged, so well-toned. His attractive and muscular back caused her to sigh, loudly, alerting him to her presence, although she suspected he’d known she was there all along.

  He turned and stared at her intently. “So, is this what you want? You want me to fuck you? Or screw you if you like?” He sounded almost angry now.

  She nodded, some of her earlier concern rearing its head again.

  He lowered his boxers and she was suddenly speechless. He was big, bigger than she’d expected. She’d never had any complaints about the men she’d been with, except Liam, not that he counted, not really, but Jim was long and thick. Would she even be able to physically do this? Thank God he hadn’t been the one to break her in. She was still staring at him when he began to stroke himself.

  “You can choose whether you work for me or not, Natasha, but my dick, my rules.”

  “You really are big in Hollywood.” She was perplexed by her own joke when everything in her head was telling her to get the fuck out of there. To run. Run quickly and never look back. She ignored his reference to his dick and his rules, but did wonder what that meant.

  He looked genuinely amused at her joke as he continued to stroke his own length. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, off his hand and his dick. She was positively salivating, she could feel it. Her mind was awash with contradictory thoughts; run, stay, never look back, never leave, throw herself on the floor and beg, tell him the price of being with him was too high, for her sanity if nothing else.

  His eyes were trained on her, on her face, specifically her eyes that seemed to be conflicted, but in a really pained and torn way that bothered him. He really liked her and fancied the pants off her but he didn’t want to scare or harm her so he might just need to rethink, just a little.

  A final stroke revealed the sheen of pre-cum across his tip followed by Tasha licking her lips. He imagined that mouth and tongue around his dick that was lurching while his balls began to tighten. He pulled his shorts back up and felt reassured by the look of disappointment that covered Tasha’s face.

  “Let’s have a drink, maybe watch a movie and talk some more, after I put some clothes on, but you stay as you are, you look lovely, glowing.”

  She moaned out loud, preparing to protest as he pulled her to him and allowed his hands to brush across her chest as they traced their way down her body until they came to rest on her hips, unable to resist touching and teasing her, just a little “I can’t wait to see you naked.”

  “You don’t have to wait,” she told him as he
released her. Nervously, gasping between each word Tasha wondered how to convince him to give in to her desire.

  He said nothing. Maybe he was waiting to see just how far she was willing to go in order to entice him.

  She gulped hard as her frustration grew then smiled coyly as she realised just how far she was willing to go, farther than she’d ever gone before. Tasha lowered her own hand to the hem of her dress and began to pull it up, slowly revealing her legs to him. The legs he’d enjoyed looking at when he first saw her. When the hem rested at the top of her legs she lifted it a little more, smiling at him as she began to stroke the dark triangle of hair nestled between her thighs. His view was totally unobstructed courtesy of her underwear still being in his pocket.

  “I could do this for myself.”

  She had no desire to give herself satisfaction. She wanted him to give it to her, but somehow something had changed between them and he seemed more reluctant to give it to her. Briefly, she wondered if he had simply changed his mind, rethought his position, his professional position, but the desire she could see in his eyes as he watched her revealing herself to him, preparing to touch herself, disputed that theory.

  With her fingers dancing a path lower, Tasha grazed her lower lip with her teeth and closed her eyes on a breathless gasp. Her loss of sight meant Jim was over her before she realised what was happening. Pulling her hand away, he proceeded to drag her behind him so that she was virtually running to keep up with him.

  Throwing her down onto the huge four poster bed he looked down at the image of her; flustered and dishevelled, her breathing erratic, her hair a little wild and her dress still raised. Her wanton state and desperation was clear for him to see with his expression of studious admiration and arousal that suggested he might be coming around to her idea of not waiting.

  “Stay,” he ordered.

  She complied but did observe that he was giving her commands one usually used for a dog leaving her unsure whether that was better or worse than the horse reference.

  “I don’t want you to make yourself come,” he said calmly, but seriously.


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