Book Read Free

Lucky Seven

Page 28

by Elle M Thomas

  “I don’t want you to be touched by anyone else, ever. Juan is someone else who does as they are told, unlike you and Philip. Although, I am glad you didn’t get drunk, but I thought after your outburst this afternoon about my Amanda lie of omission we’d reached an understanding. I know you won’t tell me every little thing that happens in your life on a day to day basis, no matter how much I would like you to. But if you come home bruised in torn clothes I need to know what’s happened, even if it is because of a drunken jackass. Okay?”

  She nodded and stretched up to kiss him gently on the lips. “I love how much you care, but you’re still a control freak.”

  “I care because I love you and I make no apologies for my control freak tendencies.” He pulled her closer. “How are you feeling?”

  “Very, very frustrated.”

  “Good. I would like to keep you that way for a while longer,” he said grinning.

  She pouted at him which made him laugh.

  “If you keep pouting I may keep you frustrated until I come to London.”

  “Even if I agree to Vegas?” She was stunned when she heard the words out loud.

  “Oh, my God, Tasha. You are that frustrated and that horny?” He laughed loudly. “You have no guarantee I wouldn’t keep you frustrated as my wife. So, are you prepared to take the gamble by agreeing to Vegas?”

  She considered her words carefully. “Possibly not, especially as the last time I gambled with you and my frustration I won.”

  He laughed again. “The house always wins, baby, and I am the house, but we both know you will be coming to Vegas with me. Now go to sleep. I have to get through a meeting in the morning before I can think about you and your frustration and possibly resolving it.”

  Chapter 22

  Tasha sat up, looked at the clock, sighed and slumped back into her pillow while the alarm sounded around her.

  “Oh no you don’t. Come on, sleepy head.” Jim appeared from the bathroom.

  “It’s half six. If breakfast isn’t until half seven I can have at least another half an hour,” she protested.

  “No, you can’t. Come on. Shower and dressed, please.” He offered her a warm smile from his position next to the bed where he wore just a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Come back to bed. You look very sexy.”

  “No way, baby. We need to get to breakfast and I need you frustrated for a while yet.”

  “Oh. James, please.” She hoped her pleaded James might be enough to tease and tempt him.

  He laughed as he unashamedly removed the towel. “Tasha, Tasha, Tasha. That James is going to come back and sting you in the ass, but still not yet.”

  He disappeared into the walk-in wardrobe laughing, leaving her to drag herself into the shower and by the time she’d brushed her teeth he’d gone.

  She dressed in grey cropped sweatpants and a white vest top, complete with trainers. With her hair scraped back in a ponytail, Tasha headed downstairs where Jim was in his office and Sandra was in the kitchen.

  “Morning,” called Sandra.

  “Morning,” replied Tasha. “Has Jim mentioned Juan and Philip are joining us for breakfast?”

  “Yes, he text me last night, and Lizzie, so I’d planned on laying the table in the dining room,” explained Sandra. “Would you like tea?”

  “Yes, but let me make it. Would you like one?”

  “Thank you.” Sandra seemed to be genuinely warming to Tasha with each passing day.

  When Jim appeared he frowned at them both as they chatted about the things they missed about home, such as real tea, sausages, chocolate, even the weather.

  “I hope I am not keeping either of you from the good old U.K.” He was voice was laced with sarcasm, but Tasha actually thought he sounded odd, grumpy, sad even.

  “Not me.” Sandra’s words reminded Tasha of a previous reference to Mike being the one who became misty eyed at memories of home. “I have stuff shipped out to me and it was Tasha missing the weather, not me.”

  Tasha laughed. “Your lack of support is duly noted, Sandra. I will send for Mike and see whether he misses a bit of rain with me.”

  “He may shed a tear for a rainy day if it’s you asking,” said Sandra with another smile.

  “Anyway.” Jim used the single word as some kind of interruption. He addressed his housekeeper now, “Are we in the dining room?”

  “Yes. It will be all set for half seven.”

  “Thanks.” Jim smiled then turned to Sandra again, “What do you think of the floor in here?”

  “I don’t know, it’s just a floor.” She was clearly confused by the question.

  Tasha blushed as she stared at Jim, unsure if she should say something or just ignore his obvious torment of her.

  “I’m not sure, I may change it. Bet the floors aren’t like this in England, are they, Tasha?” He grinned at her, his grumpy demeanour having lifted.

  Tasha resisted the temptation to laugh so simply smiled with a shake of her head. “No. I’ve never seen a floor quite like this one.”

  Jim’s expression changed with the sudden knock of the door and it was definitely annoyed rather than amused.

  “That will be Juan and wonder boy.” Jim strode off to the door.

  “Is Philip in trouble? Should I make myself scarce?” Sandra asked, wary, having seen or at least heard people on the receiving end of Jim’s telling offs.

  Tasha shrugged. “I think Philip and I are jointly in trouble for our partying last night, but Juan appears to be in the clear. I have been put in my place already, but Philip hasn’t seen him since we went out.”

  “Oh dear. I’ll go and lay the table in the dining room then.”

  “I’ll watch the bacon while you’re gone.”

  Jim appeared with Juan while a very ill looking Philip followed.

  “Morning,” called a relieved looking Sandra as she left.

  “Morning, Tasha,” said Juan as he kissed her on the cheek.

  “Will you two give us a moment?” Jim was curt as he looked at Tasha and Juan.

  “I said I’d watch the bacon,” explained Tasha.

  “Fine. You two stay here. Philip. Office. Now.”

  Philip headed towards the office but not before delicately saying, “Morning, Tash.”

  Tasha called to Jim as he walked past her. “Jim, don’t be mad with Philip. It’s not his fault and I am fine.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not discussing this. Juan was in the bathroom and by your own admission he had already spent most of the night with you. I assume Philip was supposed to be watching you in his absence.”

  Juan looked at him, nodding and shrugging at the same time.

  “As I thought. Natasha this doesn’t concern you.”

  “I think it probably concerns me more than anyone, James.” She blanched as soon as the James was out.

  “You really do like things doing the hard way, don’t you?” He left to follow Philip to the office, slamming the door behind him.

  “Oh dear,” said Juan, understating the situation. “Jim knows about Alex then?”

  “He knows a guy accidentally ripped my dress. I didn’t say names, but Alex, the idiot left a bruise on my leg when he grabbed at me, so he was far from happy and because I didn’t tell him until I had no choice he was really pissed with me.”

  “Are you okay? He seems really mad with Philip. Am I next?”

  “I’m fine.” She giggled slightly. “I’m getting used to Jim being pissed with me.” She turned more serious, “However, he does seem very mad with Philip, but you are safe.”

  Juan looked relieved and reassured but then laughed. “Do you think your James might have been misplaced?”

  “Most definitely. Did you see his face?” She giggled again as she turned the bacon. “Go and see if you can hear what Jim’s saying.”

  “No way. If he catches me, he will be pissed with me too and if I am safe I would like to stay that way.” Juan’s seriousness made Tasha laugh at h

  They looked at each other and flinched as they heard Jim’s raised voice.

  “Watch the bacon.” She tiptoed towards the office and stood at the door to listen.

  “I told you to look after her and you didn’t,” Jim shouted.

  “She’s an adult and was dancing, no more,” said Philip, his voice ever so slightly raised.

  “She may have been dancing, but some fucking idiot was trying to stick his hand up her dress.” Jim sounded very angry.

  “I didn’t know, sorry, but I was pretty wasted.”

  Tasha winced at his father’s likely reaction to that if not at his words themselves.

  “Oh well, that’s okay then. My son was too wasted to stop some dick feeling my girlfriend up and ripping her dress.”

  “I didn’t know,” repeated Philip sheepishly. “But no harm came to Tasha and if you will date a young and beautiful girl then you know that other guys will want to be with her and touch her.”

  Tasha recoiled at the reference to two of Jim’s biggest concerns; people wanting her and touching her.

  “You think some smart ass comment is due?” Jim continued before a reply was possible. “Thank God Juan was there to look after her, and you. They carried you home when you got back because you were so incapable, Philip.”

  “Sorry.” Philip sounded sad. “But Tasha’s alright? And when she goes home—”

  Tasha jumped and squealed as Sandra tapped her on the shoulder. “You’ll never hear any good of yourself eavesdropping.”

  Tasha laughed as she clung to her chest that contained her pounding heart before jumping again as the office door flew open.

  “You two, again. Can I do something for you?” Jim stared at them.

  “I was just telling Tasha the dining room is ready for breakfast,” said Sandra thinking quickly, but not as quick as the other woman.

  “And I was going to ask what time Lizzie was due,” Tasha said as Jim and Philip looked at her.

  “Most convenient,” snapped Jim but answered her question. “Lizzie is due anytime now.” He looked at his watch before the doorbell rang.

  “Saved by the bell,” whispered Philip as Sandra opened the door.

  “Don’t you believe it,” muttered Jim, sauntering back to the kitchen with a scowl.

  Lizzie flew through like a whirlwind and quickly kissed them all before looking for her father.

  “Are you alright?” Tasha asked Philip, concerned. “I am so sorry. I told him I’m not your responsibility, or anyone’s.”

  Philip smiled. “Don’t worry, he really cares for you, that’s all. You’re okay though?”

  Tasha nodded. “I’m fine, really. Alex was very drunk and a dick, but I’m fine.”

  “It was Alex?”

  Tasha nodded.

  “He is such a douche bag and if Donny found out he would kick his ass. Does Dad know it was Alex?”

  Tasha shook her head firmly. “Juan threatened him with Donny and explained why and no, your dad does not know it was Alex. I didn’t think he needed to know. I am really, really sorry you’ve got caught up in it, though.”

  “He’s right. He asked us to look after you and to keep you safe, but I didn’t, so I should be saying sorry to you. Sorry.” Philip reached forward and hugged her as Jim appeared behind them.

  “As lovely as this is, some of us have to get to work and everyone is waiting to start breakfast.” Jim was still irritated as they followed him to breakfast.

  Lizzie was bombarding them all with questions about the previous night and seemed oblivious to Jim’s annoyance, which was heightened when she asked, “Where are the photos? Have you uploaded them to Facebook yet?”

  Tasha looked at Juan who joined her in staring at Philip optimistically.

  “Erm, I don’t remember, Lizzie. I’ll check later.” Philip looked increasingly uncomfortable.

  Tasha was crying expletive after expletive, if only in her head at the realisation he had. He really had uploaded stuff to Facebook, but what? Was Jim on Facebook? Would he have access to whatever had been put on there?

  “I could check on my phone, if Tasha doesn’t mind.” Lizzie was flashing her best, persuasive smile.

  “Well, Tasha does mind, so shall we all leave our phones where they are,” she said firmly, hoping she wasn’t being too forceful in her objection.

  Jim said nothing, but she knew he was taking it all in; the expressions, the palpable tension and the lack of breakfast being eaten.

  As if reading her mind, he spoke, backing her up. “Can we just eat breakfast? Lizzie has come over especially to have breakfast with us before Tasha goes home tomorrow.”

  Everyone complied, then Lizzie changed tack. “Do you have Facebook, Tasha?”

  She nodded.

  “Can I add you?”

  “Yeah. Course, or I will send you a friend request.”

  “Cool. I can tag you in stuff.”

  “Great.” Tasha wanted to stay in touch once she returned home.

  Jim checked his watch. “I need to go. Lizzie, Mike will take you to school in a while. Tasha meet me at the studio at about eleven and we’ll do something this afternoon. Mike will bring you down. Philip, just behave and don’t drink.”

  They all looked at him as he got to his feet then stood, holding their gazes until they all nodded their compliance.

  “Juan, do you want a lift?”

  “Thanks, Jim.”

  Jim bent down and kissed Lizzie, then Tasha before ruffling Philip’s hair and left followed by Juan.

  As the front door shut, they all breathed audible sighs of relief.

  “Are you two in trouble?” Lizzie had a wide-eyed stare, but clearly able to read her father’s less than subtle signals she didn’t need a response.

  They both laughed and Philip explained, “Me more than Tasha now, but yes. Our night out was a little wilder than Dad had hoped for.”

  “What did you do? Daddy looked real mad.”

  Tasha was inclined to agree. He had looked very annoyed with them. “Philip got drunk and a strange man danced with me.” Tasha stopped speaking as she suddenly remembered Philip’s social media sharing. “Philip, get on Facebook before your dad does.”

  He pulled out his phone immediately. “Ooh, I have a message from Juan. I’ll reply later. Let’s sort Facebook first because I really can’t remember what I’ve put on.”

  Tasha and Lizzie moved so they flanked him and as he clicked on his profile Tasha gasped. “Oh shit! I’m on a podium. And me and Juan and me and Alex, shit!” she repeated as

  Lizzie laughed at the images filling the screen. “How short is your dress? I think I can see your panties.” Lizzie gasped.

  “James is going to flip out big style. Delete them. Quick.” She hoped against all hopes they hadn’t been shared.

  Lizzie was on her own phone. “Philip, there’s a video of Tasha, dancing.”

  Tasha stretched over to look at Lizzie’s phone and covered her face with her fingers spread. Philip looked too and they all laughed nervously at the video of her dancing with Alex.

  “It’s embarrassing, but not incriminating.” Tasha looked at Philip who was nodding at the relatively innocent dancing they were doing.

  Then Lizzie screamed. “Oh my God, Tasha! You are in so much trouble.”

  She looked back at Lizzie who replayed the video that showed Alex moving up behind her and grinding.

  “Delete, delete, delete,” Tasha screamed as her own phone pinged a message alert.

  Lizzie laughed as Philip scrolled through his profile and deleted all posts, photos and videos before he slumped back in his seat. “All done. We have averted a major disaster there.”

  “And the moral of the story is...never upload to Facebook when drunk, ever,” Tasha shouted as she nudged him.

  They all giggled and breathed a huge, collective sigh of relief before Tasha turned to Lizzie. “I know you usually tell your dad everything but unless he asks about it would you not go out of
your way to tell him?”

  “But if he asks—” Lizzie sounded nervous.

  “I will tell him myself, eventually, but if he asks, you should tell him. I would never ask you to lie to your dad, either of you, ever.” She smiled thinking she might have been slightly unfair in even suggesting Lizzie not telling Jim, but she would never ask anyone to lie, not for her.

  “Unlike Maddie,” said Lizzie.

  “Who is Maddie?” asked Tasha as Mike appeared.

  “Lizzie, we need to go if we’re going to get you to school on time.”

  “Do I have to? I’m really going to miss you,” she cried dramatically as she hugged Tasha tightly.

  “Oh Lizzie, that’s really sweet and I will miss you too, so text and Facebook me, but you have to go to school or we’ll both be in trouble. More trouble for me,” she laughed and was rewarded with a huge grin breaking out across Lizzie’s face before she complied with Mike’s request and followed him out to the car.

  Tasha started piling the breakfast things up. “So, who is Maddie?”

  Her phone pinged again, but she ignored it as Philip answered. “Step-mother number two. She was an actress, but not like you. I rediscovered her when I was about fourteen and my friends were visiting online porno sites. That may have been the deciding factor in me being gay.”

  Tasha laughed at the notion of seeing his step-mother in pornos deciding his sexuality for him and then she laughed longer and louder at the expression of distaste he wore along with a shudder.

  “But Lizzie and I caught her entertaining friends a couple of times and we were told not to tell Dad or he would be angry and we wouldn’t be able to visit anymore.”

  “No way,” cried Tasha. “Who were the friends she was entertaining?” She was eager to learn more of the six ex-wives.

  Philip laughed. “I thought they were boyfriends, but it turned out they were casting directors and she insisted she hadn’t slept with them which I think the old man believed which would indicate she was telling the truth on that at least. With hindsight, I think she knew her marriage to Dad was done so was setting wheels in motion for after it ended.”

  They both laughed now.


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