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Lucky Seven

Page 39

by Elle M Thomas

  She found her grandparents, Dan and Pippa waiting for her in reception.

  “We thought we could take you all to dinner,” said Celia.

  “I don’t know, I’m very tired,” replied Tasha, thinking all she really wanted to do was to go home and crawl into bed.

  “Come on, Nat, you need to eat, especially if you’re taking pain relief for your bruises and bumps, or we could phone that bloke of yours and tell him you’ve gone on hunger strike. See what he says,” teased Paul.

  “That won’t be necessary, but just dinner and then I would like to go home to bed.”

  “Deal,” said Paul, hugging her. “If it’s okay with you, Philippa and Daniel want to stay with you as planned until Sunday.”

  “Of course.” She was happy for them to remain with her for a few more days, but was unsure just how she felt about them not living with her beyond that.


  The weekend passed uneventfully. Jerome contacted Tasha to let her know her grandparents had been granted the residency order for three months and then a full hearing would be called for them to make a permanent application. Jim had insisted on retaining Jerome as Tasha’s family solicitor. The restraining orders had been served and Liam had made no further contact. Her father had accepted a police caution for his assault on her and had made no attempt to contact any of them. Tasha had made sure Mr Mason had all of the legal paperwork at school and when Dan and Pippa left with their grandparents on Sunday afternoon she was a little sad, but also relieved. Lucy was staying with Ryan overnight so she had the flat to herself. She wasn’t meeting Jake until eight o’clock and as she hadn’t slept very well whilst sharing a bed with fidgety Pippa and injuries she was still struggling with, she went back to bed for a couple of hours.

  It was half past five when the phone woke her up.

  “Hi baby, how are you doing?” asked Jim.

  “Fine thanks, you?” she replied groggily.

  “I am counting down the days to seeing you.”

  She heard nothing but sincerity in his voice. “Mmm, me too.” The realisation that she really was caused her lips to curl into a full smile.

  “I was wondering if you’d opened your parcel from me?” he asked quietly.

  “No. As I was sharing a room with Pippa I left it securely packaged and hidden at the back of my wardrobe.”

  “Have Pippa and Dan gone to your grandparents now?”

  “Yeah, and Lucy is out so I have been in bed most of the afternoon.” She stretched out like a cat and released a small yawn.

  “Oh, Tasha. I miss spending time in bed with you. Maybe I should have video called and you could have opened your present,” Jim suggested salaciously.

  She heard herself moan at the thought of it.

  “You like my idea, baby?”

  “I love your idea, but I have to get showered and dressed for dinner.”

  “Dinner? What dinner?” Suddenly he sounded annoyed at her plans.

  “I told you I was going out with Jake tonight.” A pout formed on her lips and she knew a loud sigh was barely a word away at the change in his mood.

  “But that was before all of the stuff with your dad. I thought you’d have cancelled, you still could.”

  “I could, but I won’t, it’s all arranged,” she said, defiant in spite of his gruff tone.

  “I would rather you cancelled, Natasha, you are still hurt.” His irritation increased further at her insistence to keep her plans with Jake.

  “Jim, please. You are making a big deal out of nothing. If I hadn’t already made plans I would have loved to have pursued a date with you and my present, but I have made plans and you knew about them. I assume you think I’m too bruised for dinner but not too bruised for cybersex with you and a vibrator.” She snapped in exasperation, the earlier threatened sigh slipping from her pursed lips.

  “You think I am pissed about this because you are choosing Jake over sex? You think I am that shallow?” He shouted now, angry and offended by her suggestion, accusation.

  “No! I didn’t mean it like that, really I didn’t. Look, I don’t like to let people down and cancel at the last minute and Jake is a nice guy, a friend, but no more.”

  “So, if you came on to him he would turn you down?” he asked quieter, but still angry.

  “I don’t know. Maybe, but that’s not the point. I wouldn’t come on to Jake, or anybody else. I’ve told you, I have never felt about anyone like I do about you. I love you. You have to trust me,” she pleaded.

  “I love you too, Tasha, and I trust you not to cheat, but I don’t trust you to do what you say you will because you have let me down on a number of occasions. You agree to what you will and won’t do and then you do the opposite.” He was calming down with each word he spoke, his words hung between them, allowing her to absorb them and as much as she wanted to dispute what he was saying, she couldn’t

  She knew he was right. The previous week with the incident at her parent’s home. She had promised not to put herself in danger, not to protect the others at her own expense and yet that is precisely what she had done and if she was completely honest, she knew she’d do exactly the same again.

  “Sorry,” she said genuinely. “I know I drive you mad and infuriate you. When I agree to things I mean it and I intend to fulfil my promises, but then things happen and I end up going back on what I’ve agreed.”

  “Then don’t make promises, Tasha. Don’t just tell me what you know I want to hear, tell me the truth and if it means we fight about it, then we fight about it and resolve it that way,” he said seriously.

  “But you are relentless when we disagree and won’t stop until I come round to your point of view.”

  “You know I like things doing my way, to be in control, but if you were totally set on maintaining your view point you wouldn’t change your mind.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Jim. Sometimes it’s just easier to agree with you, to say what you want to hear, but I accept I shouldn’t do that. Apart from anything else, it’s not healthy. I told you before, I will always do whatever is needed to protect Pippa and Dan.”

  “I get it, honey, I really do. But I’m glad you can see you shouldn’t just say something for an easy life. You know, I don’t actually think we have had a proper fight yet, but when we do the making up afterwards will be amazing. I may pick a fight just to make up with you.”

  “Then I look forward to it.” The presence of the familiar fluttering in her stomach surprised her.

  “I hope you haven’t made any plans for next weekend because we will not be leaving the hotel.”

  “You could stay here if you want to. Now I’m no longer sharing with Dan and Pippa.”

  “Amanda has already booked a hotel. I will send you the details, but I would like to share your bed, baby.” She grinned to herself and then laughed, bemused as he said, “Stop grinning, it makes me horny.”

  “How do you know I was grinning?”

  “I don’t know, I just do. What time will you be back tonight? We could arrange a date and you could show me your inappropriate clothes.”

  “It’s only dinner at Jake’s so not late.”

  “You’re going to his house?” Jim sounded irritated and suspicious again.

  “Yes. For dinner and while you’re ready to get all infuriated by me again I might as well tell you I’m going to a gallery opening next Thursday where Gerry is exhibiting.”

  “And when were you going to spring that on me, as you arrived there?”

  “James, it’s not like that. I only agreed to attend this morning and Gerry is hardly going to throw me across an exhibit and shag me in full view of the art world,” she almost growled.

  “And now you decide to unleash your smart mouth and the profanities?”

  “Yes, I do. You are not the only one who gets infuriated.”

  “So it would seem. When is this gallery opening again?” he asked, still cold, but a little calmer.


  “Thank you for letting me know.” He sounded as if he was thanking Amanda for letting him know a meeting had been cancelled.

  “We could still see each other later.”

  “Hmmm. What are you wearing tonight?”

  “I haven’t decided yet, but it will be appropriate.”

  “Make sure it is. You don’t want to mislead Jake, do you?”

  “No.” Relief washed over her as he sounded more accepting of the fact she was going to Jake’s for dinner.

  “Take your phone out with you,” he ordered.

  “Okay,” she agreed once more.

  “I am pissed with you and infuriated beyond belief, but I love you.”

  “You are a crazy ass, possessive, control freak, but I love you, too.”

  “You should be more concerned about your soon to be pink and sore ass, rather than my crazy one.” He softened further.

  “I never worry about my ass at your hands.” Her voice was turning husky with desire and arousal she could feel rising in tiny prickles across her skin.

  “You shouldn’t pursue this line of conversation, Natasha, unless you want me to insist we set our next date up right now and make you open your present,” he warned.

  She said nothing and considered cancelling her dinner with Jake and continuing discussing her ass at his hands some more.

  He laughed now. “Oh baby, you are seriously considering your options, aren’t you? I am really looking forward to seeing you. I have missed your enthusiasm, your eagerness, and of course your welcome, but most of all, I have missed your smart mouth that is always so accommodating in allowing my hands to discipline your ass. Get ready for dinner and don’t drink too much. In fact, don’t drink at all. Text me when you’re back.”

  She nodded, pouting.

  “And I have just added another pout to my list, honey.”

  “I hate you,” she cried.

  “No baby, you love me.”

  Chapter 31

  Tasha was already ten minutes late when she arrived at Jake’s flat and as she pressed the door buzzer she checked out her reflection in the glass door. She looked nice in cropped black chinos and a black blouse with a bird print on it that she’d believed obscured the transparency of it. The clearly visible shape of her black bra disputed that. When she’d looked in the mirror at home she had considered it wholly appropriate for dinner with a friend, but now she wasn’t so sure. There was nothing she could about it now so focused on the nude stilettos and matching clutch that completed the look. Jake released the door when he heard her voice and as she climbed the stairs with trepidation her phone beeped.

  She paused on the stairs and checked her phone, Jim.



  With a smile Tasha continued climbing the stairs and found a reply as she got to the top.



  Tasha didn’t bother to put her phone away because she knew there would be another response from Jim. There was no way he would ignore her comment about not sexting, nor her tease regarding her wariness and excitement.


  She had to admit he did have a point about the appropriateness of her sexting and confirmed as much in her response, hoping to resolve this before it got totally out of hand and ruined dinner with Jake.



  “Fuck!” she hissed. No kiss, meaning he was really pissed with her. Maybe he would sulk for a few hours and leave her alone. At least now she could enjoy dinner and catch up with Jake, no more.

  She was eating dessert when Jake asked, “Are you sure you won’t have a drink? I don’t like to drink alone.”

  “Positive. I’m driving.”

  “You don’t have to, you could stay over.”

  “No, I really have to go home. You and I are done, Jake,” she said firmly but panicking slightly that she might have missed some signs. Did he actually think there was unfinished business between them?

  Jake laughed. “I actually meant you could stay in the spare room. I know you have a new guy and are pretty taken with him.”

  “Sorry.” She laughed back with a blush. “How vain am I, to assume you were inviting me to spend the night with you?”

  “You are gorgeous and we made a very attractive couple and what we had was great, but it’s over and I don’t like to go back. I’m more of a move on kind of a guy. In fact, I have a hot date with the new girl on your old soap,” he revealed.


  “Yeah. I did a photo shoot with her last week and we are doing a film and dinner on Tuesday night and whatever else comes along is a bonus.” He grinned, making Tasha feel easier.

  “I’m very pleased for you.”

  “Does your boyfriend know you’re here?”

  “Yes and is far from happy,” she replied with total honesty as she pulled her phone out expecting to see a backlog of messages, but there were none. That could be good or very bad.

  “I can’t say I blame him, Tash. It used to drive me mad when you and Gerry hooked up and with him being so far away it can’t be easy for him.”

  “Really?” Her surprise was clear to them both.

  “Yeah, course. Most men aren’t comfortable with their girlfriend remaining friends with exes.”

  She stared at him and shook her head disbelievingly. While Jim was going into majorly pissed off over their dinner, Jake was justifying his mad, jealous behaviour.

  When Tasha was ready to leave, her former boyfriend insisted on walking her to her car where he kissed her on the cheek before she got in and drove away. She smiled with total conviction that there was nothing between her and Jake anymore beyond a friendship, but more than that she knew her future lay with Mr Control Freak, James Maybury and only him.

  Once she pulled up outside her flat, she parked in her allotted car parking space and text Jim.



  Still no kiss. She was unsure whether she should be amused, sad or scared. He had obviously sulked all night and was as infuriated as ever. There was nothing she could do now so would just have to face the music. She hit the remote locking button on her car key and walked towards the front of the building.

  “Tasha.” A familiar, but unwelcome voice called her.

  She turned to find her father hiding behind a large shrub.

  “Dad,” she whispered, shifting nervously on the spot.

  Tasha had her phone in one hand and her key in the other. She stared at him wide-eyed and was at
a loss as to what she should do. She knew what she was supposed to do because Jim had made sure of it; call the police, Jerome, Mr Stewart and him. She felt like a trapped animal and incredibly vulnerable. Was it safe to phone anyone while he stood in front of her?

  “Tasha, please, can we talk, or could I talk and you listen?” he asked meekly.

  She sighed as she realised she was going to agree and this was exactly what Jim meant when he talked about her making promises she didn’t keep, making it impossible to trust her.

  “You have five minutes?” She hoped she sounded more confident and stronger than the shaking of her hands and churning of her guts suggested.

  A frown creased Tasha’s brow when she saw her father moving towards the door.

  “No. You’re not supposed to be anywhere near me, so out here,” she told him firmly.

  “Okay. I am sorry I hit you, but you just jumped in and pushed my buttons, like you do every time.” He still refused to fully accept the blame, preferring instead to pass responsibility back to her.

  She shook her head disbelievingly, well maybe disappointedly. “Is that it?”

  “No. Tasha, I am in serious trouble with Liam. He is getting heavy about the money I owe him. I know I have no right to ask, but if you could just help me out one last time I’ll never ask again and I won’t ever borrow money off him. I promise.” He pleaded with her now.

  “How much?” He sounded like a broken man and as much as she’d heard his promises dozens of times before, she really, really wanted to believe him.

  “Twenty-eight grand.” There was a flatness to his voice that suggested he didn’t really understand just how much money he had asked for.

  She thought about it, briefly, and wondered whether she should pay it off one last time. Nobody would ever know and she had the money, Jim’s money. He had told her he’d set up payments into her account each month and she was sure he would never ask her if she had spent it or what on. She kind of felt sorry for her dad; he was a fuck up, she couldn’t dispute it, but he was her fuck up of a father. Maybe just one last pay off would finally resolve everything. Before she had chance to answer she was startled to find him next to her, in her face and she was suddenly afraid again. She needed him to be calm and meek still if she was to resolve this.


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