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Lucky Seven

Page 56

by Elle M Thomas

  “No hurry, but there’s no point in waiting for the sake of it,” he countered.

  “Can we wait until I am settled in L.A. and then talk about it properly?” she asked cautiously.

  “That’s not really working for me, Tasha. But we can wait until you come out next week to talk about it.”

  “Thank you, and can we keep it to ourselves, for now?” She felt nervousness seeping in.

  “For now,” he agreed and pulled away from her to roll onto his back.

  She moved towards him and as she landed on her bottom winced and moaned making him smile.

  “I think you may have done me some damage.”

  He laughed again but gently stroked her face.

  “As turned on as you made me, I don’t think I like this, it hurts,” she said seriously.

  “That is kind of the point, honey. It was a punishment, to make you consider your behaviour in the future, to deter you from telling me about a fuck buddy, to discourage you from persistently telling me no or from sulking,” he explained, amused and then added, “I actually only got halfway through my list, baby, but we can call it quits for the sake of your very beautiful ass, my ass, our ass.” He gently stroked a hand over her behind.

  “Thank you, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want you to do it again in your office.”

  “You are absolutely fucking amazing, Tasha,” he told her seriously before looking at his watch. “What do you want to do tonight?”

  “Dunno, maybe I could sit in a cold bath or something.” She laughed at her predicament and own suggestion.

  “Pizza and a movie?”

  “Before or after the cold bath?”

  “After, see if you can’t take the heat out of it.” He grinned then gathered her in his arms and pulled her close.

  The Sunday tabloid ran the story of her father’s account of a family dispute caused by Tasha resulting in him losing his temper and lashing out, for the first time ever. Tasha had removed her siblings and with help from a rich American he had just discovered she was dating, she had taken out an injunction and ensured that him and his wife were excluded from their children’s lives and had even claimed his in-laws had always disliked him and finally used it to get residency of his youngest daughter. He had begged for a reunion with them all, but feared Tasha would not allow that. He even said she had cut all ties with her heartbroken mother.

  She stared at it disbelievingly, but maybe it shouldn’t have been so much of shock, after all, neither of her parents were the honest sort. “What a load of bollocks!”

  “Then let’s not give it any more of our time.” Jim threw the paper into the bin.

  Angie had called to check if Tasha was okay and was happy with their agreed response, which she was.


  Tasha was standing in her third outfit of the day and still unhappy, with everything.

  “Honey, you look great, you always do,” said Jim as he sat on the bed watching her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t have anything to wear.” She pouted.

  “We are having lunch with your family, what would you normally wear?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Jeans and a t-shirt I suppose, but somebody ripped my t-shirt off me last night.”

  “Do you have another t-shirt with you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then let’s go and buy one or ten or whatever.” He was becoming impatient.

  “No, I’ll go home first. We have to virtually bypass mine to get to my grandparents so I will pack my washing and drop it home and change. I need to text Lucy first.” She quickly composed a text as Jim watched her, confused.





  Tasha quickly threw the things she needed into her Prada bag and put her hoodie on as Jim stood waiting for her with his overnight bag already packed.

  “Are you nervous about me meeting your grandparents?”

  “A little, but only because I want you to like them, and Dan and Pippa and I really want them to like you. To love you like I love you,” she said.

  “I will be at my most charming then,” he said sincerely.

  “And don’t mention marriage or me moving to L.A.” she said firmly.

  “Why?” A hint of annoyance entered his voice now.

  “Because we agreed to keep the whole marriage thing to ourselves for now and I was going to tell them I was going to L.A. for a while and then tell them I kind of wasn’t coming back.”

  “That’s rather dishonest,” he said and then added, “I emailed my attorneys yesterday to ask them to look at your driver’s licence and work permits and whatever else needs dealing with, so by the time you come out next week it should be clearer.”

  She nodded as a belly full of nerves rose at the reality of what she’d agreed to.


  They had just got through the front door of the flat when Lucy appeared and hugged Tasha tightly before turning to Jim, “You must be Jim. Nice to meet you at last.” Lucy offered him a hand which he readily accepted.

  “And you, Lucy. I feel as though I already know you,” he replied as a topless Ryan appeared.

  “Hi Tash, bet you didn’t recognise me with clothes on,” he joked with his just shagged face on.

  Tasha laughed a little too loudly as she remembered their first meeting.

  “This is Jim, Tasha’s boyfriend,” interrupted Lucy.

  “Alright mate?” said Ryan before turning to Lucy. “Are you coming to collect the rest of my stuff, Luce?”

  Lucy nodded and returned her focus back to Jim and Tasha. “Are you two back for dinner? Maybe we could go out, down the pub or something?”

  “Sounds great,” smiled Jim, wanting, needing to be liked by Tasha’s people.

  “Cool,” replied Ryan as he pulled on the t-shirt he’d been holding. “Tash, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve taken over some of your shelf space in the bathroom.”

  “No problem.”

  “See you later then,” called Lucy as she followed Ryan out.

  “Lucy seems nice, you two are quite alike, aren’t you?” Jim followed Tasha into the lounge/kitchen.

  “And Ryan?” she asked.

  “Jury is out. He’s all abs and innuendo,” he said accusingly, making Tasha laugh as she bent down and threw her washing into the machine.

  He moved behind her where he gripped her hips firmly.

  “Do you like abs and innuendo?”

  “Depends whose abs and whose innuendo.” She leaned back against him, enjoying the feel of his firm body.

  “How’s your ass, baby?” He pressed his erection against her.

  “Sore, but okay. Better than last night.” She straightened and turned to face him.

  “Show me your bedroom,” he whispered.

  “Why, are you tired?” she asked with a mock serious expression.

  “No.” He bent down and nipped her ear. “In fact, I’m getting used to no more than two hours sleep a day, although I was disappointed to get a full eight hours last night because of your red ass, but at least we didn’t need any lights on.”

  She giggled as he persisted.

  “Come on, Tasha. I want you. I need you,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear as he pushed his hands under her hoodie and found her nipples welcoming his attention.

  “We’ll be late for lunch,” she gasped.

  “We’ll be quick,” he said, making her laugh out loud.

  “Not one of your best lines,” she smirked. “You are supposed to be charming my family today and you will no
t do that if we are late.”

  “But right now I am more interested in charming you out of your panties, baby.”

  She writhed as his fingers found their way into her bra. Her phone rang, breaking the moment and as she retrieved it from her pocket she smiled at him and answered.

  “Hello Grandma. No, we are leaving in a few minutes. Do you need me to bring anything?” she asked. “Okay, yes, I’m coming now,” she said and realised Jim had removed her trainers and was pulling her jeans down.

  “See you soon, bye Grandma.” She hung up and smiled down at Jim. “What are you doing?”

  “You know I like honesty, right?” he asked cryptically.

  “Yes…” she replied hesitantly.

  “You told your Grandma you were coming, so...” His fingers disappeared inside the front of her pants.

  “James, please,” she said making him smile.

  “Show me your bedroom and let me make you come. You’re still tense, you need to relax.” He teased her with his fingers.

  “We really don’t have time for sex.” And although she knew she’d rather get lost in Jim they really didn’t have time.

  “Just this once I will agree, but in the future you need to remember, there is always time for us to have sex.” He grinned. “Now, show me your bedroom.”

  She frowned. “You just agreed we don’t have time.”

  “For sex, but there is loads of time for me to see your bedroom and to make you come. I can do that really quickly.” He allowed his fingers to explore her making her moan deeply. “See. Don’t make me ask you again, Tasha, show me your bedroom.”

  As they ran downstairs, Tasha smiled contentedly. “You are a very bad influence on me, Mr Maybury, and I like to be on time.”

  “It’s not my fault. You make me reckless, not to mention late for lunch with your grandparents.”

  She turned as she hit the remote key fob to open her car and shook her head at him. “You are so full of yourself.”

  She was just about to open the door when he pressed her against the door.

  “You prefer it when you are full of me, don’t you?”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “You are still a bad influence on me. Now get in the car or we will be rudely late.”

  He grinned down at her, unable to dispute his influence over her so just moved around to the other side of the car.


  They were almost at her grandparents and after Jim told her that she drove too fast, too wide, too close and too aggressively, she said, “I think I will buy a new car.”

  “Why? You won’t be here,” he said confused.

  “No, when I get to L.A. I will keep my car here for a while for when I’m working here and then Dan can have it after he passes his test or I can sell it.”

  “I can sort a car...” he started.

  “No! You will get me something like yours and I want something girly, more me.”

  He didn’t reply but was glad she was thinking about their future and making decisions for her life with him in L.A.

  The gate across the driveway was open and her grandfather was tidying the front garden when they arrived.

  “Nat,” he called as he enveloped her in his arms. “How is my favourite person in the whole, wide world?” He kissed her head gently.

  “Late,” she replied.

  “Don’t worry about that, you’ve given your grandma another half an hour to plump cushions and re-lay the table.” His laughter suggested he meant every word he said but also carried genuine warmth and love for his wife and her fussing. “Anyway, you look absolutely gorgeous. I almost didn’t recognise you wearing a dress,” he said, shocked.

  “Ha-ha, you’re so funny, Grandpa. I can feel my sides splitting already,” she replied sarcastically, but knew he rarely saw her in anything other than jeans.

  He playfully spanked her bottom, causing her to wince as Jim smiled at her.

  “Sorry,” said Paul, “Mr Maybury, nice to meet you in person rather than via a computer.”

  They shook hands, both offering a firm grip but slightly cautiously. “Jim, please, Mr Winters. I feel like I am at work when I’m Mr Maybury.”

  “Ditto,” said Paul, his use of that single word reminded Jim of Tasha. “Paul.”

  Paul took Tasha’s hand and led her into the house followed by Jim.

  They found Celia in the kitchen giving Dan and Pippa orders, but as Tasha appeared she was crushed beneath her sibling’s hugs. Jim smiled at how much they obviously loved her, all of them; she was her grandfather’s favourite person, her siblings obviously adored her and as he watched Celia watching her three grandchildren it was clear she was besotted with them all. He also thought how attractive the older woman was. He realised she was probably similar in age to his own mom and felt slightly uncomfortable, but then he realised what it was about her he found most attractive, Tasha and their strong resemblance.

  “Can we put Tasha down please,” shouted Celia to be heard over them all.

  Tasha emerged from under the others allowing Celia to hug her tightly.

  “We are honoured, a dress.”

  Jim smiled, the dress was at his insistence and they needed to get used to seeing her in dresses because jeans really didn’t do it for him, although the way she filled them was almost pornographic.

  “Grandma, this is Jim,” Tasha said, interrupting his thoughts of how her jeans cupped her curves.

  Jim offered Celia a hand, but she bypassed it and hugged him warmly. “Thank you for looking after Tasha, and these two.” She pointed at Dan and Pippa smiling.

  “My pleasure,” he said before Dan spoke.

  “Hi, nice to meet you.”

  Pippa, who was now holding Tasha’s hand grinned at Jim. “So you’re the rich, old guy?”

  Pippa and Tasha both laughed and as he looked at them Jim could see a resemblance, but more than that he could see a younger, carefree Tasha. He needed to facilitate this existence by making her happy and by making her family part of his.

  “Pleased to meet you, too.” Jim laughed at them laughing.

  They had finished eating lunch and Tasha was quite happy with how things had gone. Her family seemed to like Jim and he’d been perfectly charming. Charming to the extent that she’d been charmed by him all over again. Her grandfather had been quite open in his questioning of Jim, about his work, his wives, his life and in return Jim had been open in his responses.

  “Right, Daniel and Philippa can clear the table and Natasha, Banksy is ready for a walk if you fancy it?” said Celia.

  They all stood up to follow her instructions and Jim was very impressed at the order and compliance she instilled in them.

  “Who is Banksy,” Jim asked Tasha.

  “The dog,” she replied.

  He nodded.

  “Do you want to come with me?” she asked him, but before he could reply Paul interrupted.

  “I wanted a word with Jim, so you carry on Nat and he can join you afterwards.”

  Tasha nodded and left Jim with her grandparents and again he thought how he liked them, they obviously ran a tight ship, very ordered and in control.

  Banksy, the grey lurcher was retrieving his ball for the twentieth or thirtieth time at the top of the garden before they entered the wooded area that fell within the boundaries of the Winters’ property. Tasha heard her name being called and looked back to see Jim walking up the lawn towards her in black jeans and a white linen shirt. She smiled as he approached and looked at the large detached Georgian house and, not for the first time wished she had been fortunate enough to have been brought up here. Jim was about thirty feet away when Banksy began to bark at him.

  Tasha threw his ball towards Jim. “Throw it into the woods and he’ll be your best friend forever.”

  Jim caught the ball and called the dog to him before throwing the ball and laughed as the dog disappeared into the woods. “You’re the only one I need to be my best friend forever.”

  Tasha laughed
as Jim cringed at his cheesy line. “Cats or dogs?” she asked.

  “For what?” Jim took her hand and led her into the woods.

  “Which do you prefer?”

  “Dogs for loyalty, cats for their independence.”

  She smiled thinking she had always thought that too. “Banksy,” she called and he appeared from nowhere.

  “Isn’t he an artist or something?” asked Jim.

  “Yes, but not our Banksy. He is named after the England goalkeeper Gordon Banks. Every dog Grandpa has had since 1966 has been called Banksy, which was confusing when he got this Banksy before the last Banksy died.” she laughed.

  “They love you very much,” said Jim.

  “Who the dogs?” She smiled, knowing exactly who he meant.

  “Your family,” he said. “I have just had the ‘what are your intentions?’ inquisition.”

  “And?” she asked.

  “I have convinced them that my intentions are perfectly honourable.” He smiled as he considered that most of his intentions for Tasha were downright depraved.

  “Shame.” She settled next to him and leaned against his chest.

  “You are very naughty.” He rubbed his hand over her bottom. “In fact, your grandfather has assured me I need to be very firm with you because you have a reckless streak. He even uttered the words that you sometimes need to be put over a knee.” He grinned.

  “I would have died on the spot had I heard Gramps make that suggestion.”

  “I assured him I have no issue in asserting my firmness with you.”

  Tasha giggled while Jim wiggled his eyebrows. “I like you when you’re firm,” she teased.

  “You keep flirting with me like this and you won’t have long to wait long, honey,” he told Tasha as she threw the ball for Banksy again before taking Jim’s hand.

  “Did you mention marriage or L.A. to them?” she asked nervously.

  “I said I still believe in marriage and I see you as my long term future and I also said I would take very good care of you when you are in L.A. but no more,” he reassured her. “This is a nice house and the gardens are lovely.” he deliberately changed the subject.


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