Lucky Seven

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Lucky Seven Page 60

by Elle M Thomas


  She considered her reply, but said nothing, she simply placed a hand on his leg and gently moved it up his thigh before settling on his firm crotch.

  He smiled at her and moved her hand back to her own lap, “Not here baby, appropriateness.”

  She pouted as she realised she had inadvertently turned herself on again by thinking about it and really was beginning to despise that word, appropriateness.

  “Lose the pout honey, you know it pisses me off, but I will happily rectify your horniness later. If you want me to?”

  She turned to face him and nodded.

  “Like last night?” he whispered.

  She looked back across at him and stretched up to whisper her own reply, “No, it was amazing, but I can’t do that every night.”

  “I don’t think I could either. The gentle touch?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “It’s a date. Now watch the movie.” He sat up straight in his seat and looked away from her.


  Before going to breakfast, Jim and Tasha had watched the coverage on breakfast TV of her interview with Robbie Newman where much was made of their mutual appreciation of Christian Bale.

  “I’ll be sure not to have him cast in any of my studio productions then,” Jim said joking, she thought.

  They had also discovered who Jim, her American boyfriend was, but had not inferred anything untoward, just observed that if their relationship was going to last she may be spending more time in the U.S. and of course there were a couple of references to the age difference.

  It turned out that Jon and Helen were staying in the same hotel as Jim and Tasha so breakfast was convenient for them all.

  They ordered their breakfasts and discussed the previous night’s movie and the after party before Jon turned to business. “Tasha, my proposition for you.”

  She gave him her undivided attention and turned to him expectantly.

  “The original movie you were cast in is dead in the water. We have a problem with the writer, well, more that another writer is claiming the story is theirs, so with the original funding issue it is no more. However, I do have another movie that will be shot in the New Year you would be ideal for; it’s a biographical tale of a country singer who claws her way from the gutter and just as she gets some recognition her life is tragically cut short,” he summarised.

  “It’s a comedy then,” said Tasha to the other’s amusement.

  “I could send you the script if you’re interested.”

  “Yes, please.” She turned to Jim. “Is this anything to do with you?”

  He put his hands up to gesture innocence. “Nope. Jon mentioned last night that he was casting for the movie, which is being made by my studio, but that’s it.”

  “Shall I send it to you or your agent?” asked Jon.

  “Can you send it to Jim’s house?” she said and explained, “I told you I’m going out to L.A. next week so it’s probably the best plan.”

  Jon nodded as he and Helen exchanged a glance and then asked rather cautiously, “So, does that mean you’re joining us for our traditional summer vacation?”

  Tasha looked between them all, obviously confused.

  “Of course she will,” replied Jim, but before she had the chance to clarify details he had changed the subject and began talking about some mutual friend he’d recently seen.

  After breakfast Helen turned to her husband and their plans for the day. “Are we still doing the sights today? We should get moving if we are.”

  Jon nodded. “Sure thing, honey. Jim, I will call you when I get home and we should meet up. Tasha, I will send the script to you and see you soon.”

  With goodbyes exchanged the other couple left, leaving Jim and Tasha alone. Alone was often how Tasha like to be where Jim was concerned, but there was something in her mind, niggling and nagging, not that she could name it. Jim seemed slightly off too but as he too turned his attention to the day’s plans Tasha pushed everything else from her mind.

  “What shall we do today?” he asked.

  “Maybe go shopping for Sandra’s list of supplies?”

  “We could also visit Covent Garden.”

  “What for?” Tasha asked with a confused expression. She had nothing against Covent Garden, but saw no need to visit.

  “Diamonds?” he replied.

  “What for?” she repeated.

  “An engagement ring. For my fiancée, you, remember?” He smiled at her.

  “Or not,” she replied with deadly seriousness.

  “You have to have a ring, Tasha. I want to buy you a ring, so if you want any say in it—” his voice, that sounded irritated somehow trailed off.

  “I won’t wear it until we’ve announced it and we’re not doing that for a while, so what’s the point?” she said a little tactlessly, knowing this was important to Jim.

  “Fine, have it your way. You want me to choose one for you, but we will be announcing it soon enough and you will wear a ring.” He sounded hurt more than anything now.

  Tasha felt a little guilty, having dismissed a ring with no thought for his feelings, even though she knew it mattered to him. “It’s not that I don’t want a ring, I do. You just kind of sprung it on me. But we could look and I mean, just look,” she conceded

  “We’ll see,” he said, his smile and easy demeanour reinstated.

  They had been to Covent Garden and were sitting eating lunch when Tasha broached the subject of the holiday Helen had spoken about, “What’s this summer vacation all about?”

  “We usually have a couple of weeks away, late July,” he said as if that explained everything.

  “I don’t have to come with you if you’d rather I didn’t,” she said genuinely. If it was a group of Jim’s friends, his old friends and was some kind of tradition she had no issue with him going without her.

  He frowned at her and arched a brow. “Why wouldn’t I want you to come, or more importantly, why wouldn’t you want to come?”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t want to come, but I just wondered if you wanted me there as you hadn’t made any mention of it, that was all.”

  “I assumed you’d be coming, which you will be,” he said matter of fact. “Not that I’d really given it much thought.”

  “Could I have details? When, where, who?” She felt like she was pulling teeth now, which made her uncomfortable because even when Jim was barking orders he didn’t hold back details or behave in a secretive way and now he was.

  “Late July, ten days sailing around the Med’, you, me, Lizzie, Jon, Helen, their daughter Daisy, son Sean, another college friend of ours Joe and his wife Callie and another old friend Mickie. Details, happy?” He was still irritated and it confused Tasha because as far as she was concerned there was no reason for him to be that way.

  “Have I done something to upset you?” she asked having been treading on egg shells all morning.

  “Why?” he asked abruptly.

  “Because you are being a complete and utter arse. Everything I say seems to be wrong. I’m going on a holiday I didn’t know existed with people I don’t know and you’re reluctant to discuss it. You want to buy me an engagement ring to wear when nobody actually knows we’ve even discussed marriage. If I have done something to piss you off, then at least give me the courtesy of telling me. No wonder you scare your staff with these moods.” She frowned at him and believed she was the one with the right to be pissy and antsy if anyone did.

  “Sorry, I hope I don’t scare you. I just feel agitated today. Like I say, I hadn’t given the vacation a thought, but it’s on the schedule, our schedule. We will discuss marriage next week and you will have an engagement ring and wear it.” His irritation was subsiding, much to Tasha’s relief.

  “I thought it was just time off for you on our schedule. We will talk next week about the marriage thing, as we agreed. Why are you agitated, is it me?” she asked as he moved along the bench he was sitting on until there was no space between
them. “Or…are you suffering from my usual cause of crankiness?”

  He laughed at her. “You think I’m horny?”

  “Are you telling me you’re not?” she asked as she placed her hand on his thigh and beyond.

  “What do you think?” he asked flexing beneath her hand.

  “I think we should go home for me to relieve your crankiness.” She grinned.

  “I am inclined to agree, but what about Sandra’s shopping list?” he asked.

  “It can wait until tomorrow.”

  “But tomorrow is your naked day, our last day before I go home,” he said with a sad expression.

  “Maybe that’s why you’re agitated,” she said, leaning in to nuzzle his ear.

  “Most probably,” he agreed.

  “Right, I have a plan; we shop this afternoon, then we go and resolve your agitation before we go to dinner and tomorrow we stay in bed all day.”

  “I like your plan.” Suddenly, he looked relaxed and happy, more sure of himself.


  They had got all the things on Sandra’s list when Tasha suddenly had a thought. “Before we go home there is one more place we should go.”

  Jim shrugged and followed her to her car.

  After a short drive she pulled up outside a sports stadium.


  “No. Football. My country my labels.” She laughed.

  She led him into the shop at West Ham and picked up the new home shirt. “I was thinking for Mike, and...” She picked up a smaller shirt. “I don’t have the new shirt, but I’d happily play number seven for you.” She grinned.

  “You do realise Mike will love you a little bit more when he gets this,” he said and added, “but as my number seven I will be the only one that you love.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She approached the counter to pay and have the printing added.

  The sales assistant looked up at her, looked away and then back. “Are you Tasha Winters?”

  She smiled and nodded at him.

  “Some of the first team have been signing merchandise today and a couple of them are still here. I could get them to sign some stuff for you,” he offered.

  “If they could sign something for a friend of mine that would be great, thanks.”

  He nodded and ran off out of sight.

  “Another scalp of a love struck man to add to your collection, Miss Winters.”

  She laughed and shook her head as the young man returned. “They’ll be out in a couple of minutes, so I’ll get your shirts printed up.”

  Tasha nodded and offered her thanks as the sales assistant appeared to be about to speak several times before finally plucking up the courage to nervously ask, “Do you think I could take a picture of you because my friends will never believe you were here.”

  “Yeah, course,” replied Tasha as he produced his phone.

  He took a couple of shots of her and then she said to Jim, “Would you take one of us together?”

  He nodded and took pictures as Tasha stood with Rhys, who nervously put an arm around her. Jim smiled. This poor guy was beside himself with joy and horniness looking at his face, but was obviously petrified of her, and rightfully so. She would eat him alive. He shifted uncomfortably as he thought of her eating him. Not only did she enjoy it she was absolutely brilliant at it, the best he’d ever known and he’d known a few.

  Suddenly, a cry from behind them came roaring across the store, “Tash!”

  A tall, broad, sandy haired man of about twenty-five appeared and hugged Tasha. He spun her around before he dropped her to the floor then kissed her on the cheek.

  “You look fantastic,” he said as he hugged her again.

  Jim thought she looked comfortable with him, so she obviously knew him. The two men behind him looked less familiar as she shook their hands as they were introduced.

  Tasha turned to face Jim. “Aiden, this is Jim Maybury, my boyfriend. Jim, this is Aiden McIntyre an old friend of mine and also a player here.”

  They shook hands and as Rhys passed some merchandise to the three players, they began to sign their names.

  “Who is this for, Tash?” asked Aiden slipping an arm around Tasha’s waist.

  “Mike, he’s a friend of Jim’s, back in The States,” she explained.

  “A Yank?”

  “No, an East Ham boy originally,” she explained and freed herself from Aiden’s grip to return to Jim’s side.

  Tasha paid for the shirts and accepted the signed photos for Mike.

  Aiden insisted on walking her out with Jim. “I saw you on the red carpet on the telly this morning, nice dress.”

  Tasha laughed. “Thank you.”

  “Call me, Tash, when you’re free or at a loose end. We can hook up and catch up,” he said.

  “I am very busy for a few months, but I should be around for September,” she explained.

  “Well, I’ll be here, so call,” he said firmly. “Nice to meet you, Jim.” He offered Jim a hand, which he accepted.

  Just then a group of lads came running towards them, “Aiden, can I have your autograph.” Aiden leaned in to kiss Tasha on the cheek and whispered, “Call me.”

  Tasha left him surrounded by the group of lads and took Jim’s hand to walk back towards her car.

  “Home?” she asked as she started the engine.

  “Yes. I believe you made an offer to resolve my agitation and crankiness.” He grinned.

  “With pleasure.” She licked her lips.

  “You are very rude, Natasha.” He put a hand on her thigh and gently squeezed it.

  “And you, James, are very distracting when I’m driving.” She removed his hand.

  “Did you just remove my hand, Miss Winters? From what is mine? That is tantamount to a no in my book,” he said with mock horror.

  She took a sharp turn into a derelict residential area and pulled into the underground car park.

  “What are you doing?” asked Jim as she undid her seat belt and reached down to undo his jeans.

  She looked at him and smiled as she slipped her hand into his boxers.

  “What do you think I am doing?” Her head disappeared into his lap.

  “Tasha, what if someone comes?” He spoke with a mixture of shock and excitement.

  “That would be the plan.” She looked up briefly before lowering her mouth to his lap where she set about devouring him.

  She worked relentlessly and effectively so that very quickly she could feel Jim was close; his breathing increased as he pulled her hair tightly and began to speak through clenched teeth until he was calling her name as she drank him dry.

  She sat up and looked across at him. “Better?” she asked as she climbed across and straddled his lap.

  “Definitely getting there.” His hand disappeared beneath the skirt of her sundress and into her pants. “Now, this doesn’t feel like a no,” he said as he slipped a finger inside her, rotating his finger, making her moan. “You really are very naughty, baby.”

  “Then I really think you should spank me,” she replied breathlessly as she bucked and started to grind against him.

  “Not here, Tasha,” he said firmly.

  “James,” she started.

  “Tasha, no. I have no intention of getting busted for committing a lewd act in a disused parking lot,” he said with dogged determination. “Let’s go home.”

  She sat back in her seat and was about to argue when a police car pulled up alongside them. She lowered her window as did the policeman.

  “Are you okay, Miss?” he asked.

  “Yes, fine thanks. I was just showing my boyfriend my old stomping ground,” she explained.

  “I wouldn’t hang around, it’s a bit of a no man’s land and there have been some muggings down here,” he explained.

  “I didn’t realise, although it’s changed a bit.” She smiled and hoped she didn’t look as guilty as she currently felt at coming so close to being busted for a lewd act
as Jim had phrased it.

  “Has it been a while since you were around these parts?” His colleague, the driver asked.

  “Kind of. My parents don’t live far, but I don’t come out this far unless I am visiting home or going to a match.”

  The original policeman said, “You’re Tasha Winters, aren’t you? I thought it was you when we first pulled up, but we’ve had your vehicle details come through now.”

  She nodded.

  “Well, nice to meet you, but let us give you an escort back onto the dual carriageway, back to civilisation,” said the driver.

  “Thanks.” Tasha followed the police car off the derelict estate, past a couple of rough looking gangs before they waved her off onto the dual carriageway.

  “God! That was close.” She laughed now.

  “Too fucking close!” Jim was unamused. “You really do need to be more appropriate Natasha, a time and a place, baby.”

  “So, the time and place was okay for me to suck you off, but not to screw. I get that now,” she said and meant it.

  “That’s not quite what I meant and your mouth appears to have put in an appearance again. We really need to establish some boundaries for you, honey.” He sighed.

  “When we get home?” she asked with a light in her eye and optimism in her voice.

  “Oh no. When we get home it will be the time and the place for me to spank you and fuck you baby, not talk,” he said as she put her foot down on the accelerator.


  They were taken to a table for two at the back of the restaurant and once alone Jim said, “This place is nice, secluded.”

  “I first came here with Aiden. Soccer players, as you would say, are big business over here and he has a reputation as a lady’s man, so if you want to go anywhere with Aiden and not end up on the front pages of the tabloids you frequent secluded places,” she said honestly.

  “You dated him?” Jim’s words were a combination of a question and a statement.

  “Kind of. When I worked on the soap opera some of the guys got tickets for big matches and I went along one time and loads of us went out afterwards, including Aiden and we saw each other for a while, but it was never serious, not really.”


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