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Bride: The Deceit Duet Book One

Page 6

by Logan Chance

  “I’ll have that,” he says.

  “You got it, buddy.” I grab a china plate and pile it high. I have no clue how much a kid is supposed to eat. If Clementine and Erin’s faces are any indication, probably not that much.

  “Ketchup?” Tennyson asks.

  I glance around and spot an attendant. “Do you have ketchup?” I ask the young lady.

  Her eyes widen. “Um, I can find some.”

  She rushes off in search of ketchup, and I smile at Clementine with pride. I can handle being a stepfather just fine.

  I lead Tennyson over to a table beside the patio doors and sit him down.

  The blonde server returns with a ramekin of ketchup in her hand. “Anything else, sir?”

  “Maybe a glass of milk for him.”

  She nods and disappears again.

  Clementine and Erin take a seat at the table. I should go back to the party, but I don’t.

  Everyone is here. Everyone. The press. The gossip columnists. The senator even showed up to congratulate me on my pending nuptials. But, it all feels so empty. Maybe it’s the fact I’m not really into the whole charade. All I can think about is my grandfather, and why on earth he’d subject me to this.

  “Was the party moved to here?” Ronin calls out from across the room.

  He makes his way over to stand beside me, saying his hellos, his eyes lingering on Clementine, and I want to remind him that Clementine is mine. I’ve never in my life felt this protective over anyone before.

  I want to mention the kiss. The kiss I witnessed from the backseat of my car as Stefan and I sat by watching. But, I don’t.

  Ronin looks over at me. “I was hoping I could ask a favor.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I say.

  Clementine and Erin both nod, and Ronin follows me out of the kitchen and to the library next to the living room. I shut the set of double wooden doors and rest my back against them.

  “I’m in a bit of trouble,” he tells me.

  “Go on.”

  “With the Blackstone family. Bishop Blackstone, to be exact.”

  I push off the doors. “What exactly happened?”

  He moves away toward the bookshelves. “I owe him money. Big money, and he also wants…” he stops, with his back to me.

  “What does Blackstone want?”

  Ronin rubs the back of his neck. “He wants to come to your wedding.”

  I let out a short laugh. “Absolutely not.” You don’t invite your worst enemy to your wedding. “How did he hear about it? Our engagement was just announced today.”

  He turns to face me. “Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster,” he answers, speaking in fucking riddles.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. “How much?”

  “I owe him twenty million.”

  I roll my eyes. “Why?”

  “An investment gone bad. I’m afraid of what he might do. I’m afraid of him coming to the wedding.”

  “I’ll get you the money. You pay him, and let me handle the rest.”

  Ronin looks like the weight of the world just lifted off his shoulders, but I get the sinking feeling he’s not telling me everything.

  “Thank you, Gabriel.”

  “Listen, I’ve been more than nice with you. I asked you to convince her to sign the papers, not kiss her.” I step closer. “If you pull another stunt with Clementine, next time, I won’t be so nice.”

  He nods. “Got it.”

  “Do you?” I ask him, my eyes never leaving his.

  “Yeah, man. I got it.”

  “Now, go pay Blackstone. Don’t mention the wedding or anything else to him.”

  Ronin nods again and leaves the room.

  I pull my cell phone from my pocket and dial Stefan. “Follow Ronin,” I instruct.

  “Sir, do you want me to contact Dean?”

  “Not yet.”

  Dean’s my security manager. He’s handmade all my security systems and heads up my security team. There’s no one on this planet I trust more than him. And if I ever have a problem, he’s usually the first person I call. But, I don’t have a problem...yet.

  When I leave the library, I immediately spot Clementine leaving the kitchen. She’s beautiful. I never really realized it until the other day. And now I can’t stop realizing it.

  Her red dress dances around her feet as she walks with Tennyson at her side, and Erin talking animatedly in her ear.

  Before I can even take a step closer to her, Aaron Craig, US Senator, appears. “Nice party.”

  I shake his hand. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  He raises his champagne flute as a cheers to me. “Nice fiancee, too. I’ve never heard of her before.”

  ‘Heard of her.’ That’s what everyone's thinking right now. Who is this woman? Why would Gabriel Prince choose a woman like her?

  Little does anyone know my grandfather is controlling us like puppets from the grave.

  “I’ve known her for years.” I smile.

  “Ah, ok. Well, congratulations on the marriage. I’d love for you to come by my office sometime soon.”

  I shake his hand again. “Sure thing. Just call Kurt and we can set something up.” It's an election year, and I know very well why he wants a meeting—campaign money.

  Half the people who set up meetings with me want an investment, donation, or employment. The other half want me to buy something. It’s a never ending cycle, when you’re as wealthy as I am.

  On my walk toward Clementine, I smile and nod to guests who have drifted out of the ballroom, but my heart isn’t in it. I’m ready for the party to be over and get my soon-to-be bride moved in.

  If I could have all her belongings moved in by tonight, I’d be happy. Hell, I’d buy her new stuff, but I know I can’t rush these things.

  I know Clementine doesn’t want to be rushed. They cross toward the main entrance of the house and I lengthen my strides to catch up to them.


  She turns. “Yes. I think Tenny has had enough excitement for today.”

  “He can take a nap in his room,” I offer.

  She debates for a second before smiling. “No, it’s ok. We really should get going.”

  I walk her to the front of the estate, not really wanting her to go. It’s odd how well we worked together tonight.

  The valet drops off her Ford and she buckles Tennyson into his seat.

  When she closes his door, I say, “I want you to start packing, so you can move in immediately.”

  Either Clementine is too tired, or finally defeated, because she doesn’t put up a fight. “Ok.”

  She crosses around the car, and slides in the driver seat.

  “She’s not as tough as she looks,” Erin says in a low voice.

  “I’ll go easy on her.” She studies me a moment and then smiles, before getting in the car.

  I watch them drive away, before heading back inside.

  Erin is wrong. Clementine is as tough as she looks—maybe even tougher.



  * * *

  As I drive away from the Prince estate, tears fill my eyes. I’m not even sure why. I’m not sad. I’m not anything.

  I think it’s a purging of my life before this moment. Everything I’ve gone through to get me to where I am today.

  I worked hard, and now all of my dreams will come true by this time next year. I can finally give Tenny the life I’ve always dreamed of for him.

  I won’t lie, I used to fantasize about winning the lottery. Well, this is my lottery. This is my chance to better my life, and I won’t stand on the sidelines and watch it fly by me. I won’t sit in solitary counting down the minutes until this farce of a marriage is over. No, I want to embrace it. I need to be positive.

  Erin chatters about the party as I drive through town and into my driveway. Tenny is fast asleep by the time I turn off the ignition.

  Without waking him, I carry him inside. Erin waits in
my living room as I put Tennyson to sleep in his bedroom and then change into shorts and a T-shirt. When I return, she’s sitting on the couch.

  “So I guess I’ll be moving in with Gabriel.”


  I sit beside her and prop my aching feet on the table. “Immediately.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” she asks me.

  “Well, I have to pack.”

  She glances around the house. “What will you bring with you?”

  I survey my tiny home. “I guess just our personal belongings.”

  “I have a friend you can rent this place to for a year.”

  “Really?” She nods and gives me the details, vouching for their reliability. “Erin, thank you.”

  “I’ll still get to see you, right?”

  “Oh my god, yes.” She’s my rock, and I may be moving up in social status, but I won’t abandon my best friend. “I still plan on working for Dena.”

  Erin smiles and stands, moving across the room into the kitchen. “But you won’t need to work.”

  I follow behind her. “I know, but it still makes me feel like me.” I shrug.

  “So, when’s the big day? You need to start planning this wedding.” Erin grabs a bottle of red wine from the counter.

  I step closer, opening the side drawer and producing a wine opener before grabbing two wine glasses from the shelf. “I haven’t even thought about it.” Erin pours our wine, and I clink her glass with mine. “I don’t even know what I want.”

  “Imagine a dream wedding where there’s no limit when it comes to money.”

  “I never really wanted the big lavish wedding.” I sip my wine. “Can I confess something? I’ve never really told anyone.”

  “Tell me.” She takes a drink.

  “I’ve always kind of thought Gabriel Prince was cute.” My cheeks flame white-hot. “When we met years ago, I may have had a tiny crush. Until, he flew a drone into my hair.” I down the rest of my wine.

  “Aw, it’ll be true love.”

  I shake my head. “No, not now. I can’t stand him.”

  Erin places her hand over mine. “It’s one year. And then you can move on and find the love of your life.”

  I fill my glass half full with more wine. “I just hope I don’t miss my Prince Charming while I’m dealing with the devil.”

  The next day, I finish packing the last box of stuff I plan on taking with me to Gabriel’s. It’s not a lot. After I dropped Tennyson off at daycare, I stopped and picked up boxes and once I started packing, I realized there’s no need for half my things. All the things I’ve become attached to or that have sentimental value are coming with me, the rest will be staying.

  I texted Gabriel earlier to send a car over for my things, and in just a few hours I’ll be living with him.

  My stomach is in knots when I pick up Tennyson and then drive to the Prince estate.

  “Are we almost there?” Tennyson asks from the backseat.

  “Yes,” I answer with a smile, even though inside I’m a wreck.

  This morning, I had a long talk with Tennyson about us moving and our ‘adventure.’ To my relief, he’s excited he gets to stay in the ‘big house with the movies.’ Life’s so simple when you’re four.

  “Remember I told you how we’d be staying here?” I know once he sees his new room he’ll no longer care why we’re staying here.

  When I pull into the circular drive, Gabriel stands outside, wearing jeans and a black button down dress shirt.

  His arms are crossed over his broad chest, and his eyes watch me. His stare is always so penetrating, like he can read my mind and see into my soul all at the same time.

  I park the car, turn off the ignition, and step out. I open the door for Tennyson, and unbuckle him from his car seat. He runs toward Gabriel.

  “We’re staying here,” Tenny says over and over as he bounces around with his yellow blankie held tight to him.

  “Hi,” I say to Gabriel as I open the trunk of the car.

  “Leave it,” he says. “I’ll have my men bring in your things. And I can introduce you to the staff.”

  “Oh, ok.” I walk away from the car, taking Tennyson’s hand in mine on my way to the front door. “Lead the way.”

  Gabriel steps aside to let us enter the front door, and when I do, there’s a line of people standing in the foyer.

  “This is Stefan.” Gabriel clasps the shoulder of a tall man with light brown hair. “He’s my driver, and he’ll be driving us when we’re together.” Stefan smiles a warm smile, and I shake his outstretched hand.

  “Hello, Stefan.”

  Gabriel moves to the man standing next to Stefan. He’s shorter, a little older, with a balding spot on top of his head. “This is Mayer, he’ll be your driver. He’ll take you anywhere you need to go.”

  “Oh, well I have a car and don’t mind driving myself.”

  Gabriel’s dark eyes meet mine. “Clementine, my wife doesn’t drive herself.”

  “Fine.” Pick your battles, I tell myself. I shake Mayer’s hand, and try to remember the names as Gabriel introduces me to more people. June, the head housekeeper. Sarah, the head chef.

  “And this is Amy. She runs the house.” He motions toward the petite brown-haired woman with a no funny-business type smile.

  “Hi, Amy.” I shake her hand.

  There’s a few other housekeepers and workers he introduces me to, and by the end of it my head spins.

  “Let’s get Tennyson to his room.” He steps closer to an older woman with kind grey eyes. “This is Faye. She’ll be Tennyson’s nanny.”

  “Nanny?” My head shakes a bit at the idea of Tenny needing a nanny.

  “She’s here to make sure Tenny is safe and well-cared for at all times.”

  “Well, that’s what I do.” I meet his stare head on. “I’m his mother.”

  Gabriel smiles, turning me away from the crowd of people. “I never said you weren’t a good mother. Faye is here to care for Tennyson while you’re busy being my wife.”

  I cross my arms. “I didn’t realize being your wife took so much time.”

  He sucks in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Clementine, this is your life now. Dinner parties, charity events, and you have a wedding to plan.”

  Pick your battles. And I’m picking this one. “Fine, he can have a nanny.” I smile at Faye. “Although, my son comes before parties and charity events and wedding planning. I don’t think he’ll need her much.”

  He eyes me for a moment, and then gives a nod. “Well, she’s here if needed, ok?”


  We continue our trek up the marble staircase, and when Gabriel opens the door, Tenny takes off into the large room, tugging his yellow blanket at his side.

  “Look, Mommy,” he says, gazing at the bed now covered with a Batman comforter.

  “Cool,” I say, smiling that Gabriel remembered Tenny’s love for Batman.

  “He won’t even need the yellow blanket now. He has a new one.”

  “No.” I smile, obviously Gabriel has never dealt with a child’s crutch. “This is the yellow blankie. He doesn’t leave home without it.”

  Gabriel eyes me and then the blankie. “Oh.”

  “It’s very important to him.”

  “Understood.” He smiles. “There’s a slide here,” Gabriel says, showing Tennyson the staircase in the small alcove off the side of the bed.

  I laugh as Tenny runs up the stairs and slides down the big, off-white slide.

  We spend the next twenty minutes showing Tennyson all the features of his room, and the walk-in closet.

  He loves it all. And then worry kicks in, because I don’t want him thinking this is a permanent thing. And I certainly don’t want him getting attached to Gabriel, but I fear he already may be.



  * * *

  This is bizarre. I’ve never lived with a woman. We leave Tennyson in his room, with Faye, after spending an hour or
so for them to get to know each other. Clementine was nervous to leave him alone with her, but after speaking with her and learning of her credentials, she eased into this a bit more.

  “You have to understand, Clementine, I would never let any harm come to you or Tennyson while you’re with me.” I want to add, even when you’re not.

  “No, I know. But I’m a hands on mom, and I won’t stop that.”

  “I understand.”

  I like that about her. A lot of the women I come into contact with wouldn’t think twice about it.

  We continue through the estate, and I show Clementine the private kitchen where we’ll make our food if we want to eat. There’s a main kitchen near the back of the house where the chef prepares our meals, but this kitchen is if we want a snack, or something different.

  I let her know the details of the house, when meals are served, when the maids clean which areas, and when the groundskeepers work on which area of the lawn. There’s a schedule, and nothing has really changed since I was a kid.

  “Should I be taking notes?” she asks, on the elevator ride back up to the third floor.

  I smile. “Only if you want to. Like I said, Amy runs the house. If you want to change something up, or know anything, you ask her.”

  “Amy, right. Ok.”

  “You’ll get used to it, promise.” I didn’t even think about how life-changing this must be for her.

  “Is Ronin on the property?” she asks as we exit the elevator and make our way to my master suite.

  “He left early this morning. He has business to attend to.”

  It kind of makes me a bit irate she’s asking about him at all. I understand they’re friends, but friends don’t kiss. And I still have no idea whether she liked it, or wants to do it again.

  I promised myself I would make her want it. Gain that power. But, now it makes me want to come on stronger, which means we need to plan this wedding quick, so we can get divorced even quicker.

  I open the double doors and she steps inside, eyeing the neutral decor and chandelier hanging from the tray ceiling with wonder.

  “This is the suite where I’ll be staying,” I tell her.


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