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Maximum Complete Series Box Set (Single Dad Romance)

Page 133

by Claire Adams

  Still, there wasn't much I could do about it. I knew she'd have her eyes on me, looking for some opportunity to get me somehow. I just had to watch my back.


  I was breathing hard, and every muscle and every joint in my body was on fire. I was reaching into my last reserves of strength. This had been one of the hardest games of volleyball I'd ever played, and I'd had to pull out every ounce of strength and endurance I possessed.

  We'd won two, lost two. And to tell the truth, Rollins was outplaying us. The games we'd won had been too close. They'd gotten 22 points and 23, respectively, in those games; and in the two they'd won, we'd only managed 17 and 20 points.

  Being a home game, a big crowd had shown up – bigger than the crowd we’d seen at our season opener. The roar of their cheers echoed in my ears and spurred fresh energy into me, but the biggest boost came from two pairs of eyes watching me intently: Wade's and Anne's. And, of course, two very different kinds of strength came from each of them.

  This game could go either way now; it was a dead draw at 22 points each. The tension was almost unbearable.

  They had serve, and the serve they sent over the net was almost an ace, but Leena managed to save it with a spectacular dive.

  I got a great setup and used the same trick I often had against Tammy – setting up for a major slam, and then feathering the ball instead so that it just dropped over the net.

  It worked, and we got the point. The crowd roared; 23 points. Only two more needed, but if they scored, we'd be in real trouble.

  Leena served the ball, and it was a great serve. It wasn't good enough for an ace, though, and Rollins returned it with a vengeance, attacking hard. We blocked, and sent it right back over the net just as hard. There was a series of volleys, and they tried a spike, which Leena dived for and saved, setting up an attack. I spiked it and managed to score.

  The crowd roared again. We were at match point, and we had service. Leena called us into a huddle. I could see something was wrong from the expression on her face.

  “Guys,” she said, breathing hard, “that last save hurt my wrist bad. I can't serve.”

  “Damn,” Kerry swore. “What do we do? Leena's our best server, and this is match point!”

  As much as I knew my best position was at the net, I also knew I was the best server next to Leena. I didn’t want to leave my perch at the net, but we didn’t have a lot of choice.

  “I'll serve,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” Leena eyed me.

  I breathed in deeply and nodded. “I can do this. I can.”

  She nodded and handed me the ball. “Make it count,” she said. “This is the biggest serve of the game.”

  “Yeah, no pressure,” I joked. “Thanks.”

  She smiled and winked at me as I took the ball, and we swapped positions. I pulled in a breath slowly and deeply, doing my best to hone my focus. This was everything, right here. The roar of the crowd faded out, and my vision narrowed, coming to a crisp focus on the spot I wanted the ball to land. The sound of the referee blowing her whistle seemed to echo through a tunnel.

  I served, putting everything I had left into it.

  I closed my eyes as the ball went through the air. I didn't need to see it. I knew. I knew already.

  The whistle blew again – it was an ace. A game-winning ace. A match-winning ace.

  The crowd went wild, and my teammates grabbed me, picking me up among the cheers, but when I opened my eyes, all I could see was Wade — his striking eyes, his proud smile, and the pure joy written across his face. It was amazing.

  It was also heartbreaking. All I wanted to do was run across the court, jump into his arms and feel his lips press hungrily against mine, but I couldn't. All I could do was, like the other players, politely shake his hand.

  Still, a smoldering look of desire passed between us as we shook each other's hands. We didn't allow it to linger. Instead, I walked quickly over to Anne and jumped into her arms, hugging her tightly.

  “You were on fire out there!” she exclaimed. “Seriously, I've never seen you play like that. You've always been great, but today, you were just...just phenomenal!”

  “Thanks so much, Annie! I think having you here to support me added that extra oomph I needed for that second wind.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I watched with bated breath as Eryn took the ball to serve the match point. While Eryn was easily the best player on the team, serving wasn't her strongest point. It wasn’t that she couldn't do it, but it just wasn't something she focused on.

  Still, if Leena had injured her wrist, Eryn was definitely the next best choice. I held my breath as she served – and then let it out in a roar of triumph as I watched the ace bounce on the floor in the corner of the opposing court.

  All I wanted was to rush onto the court and sweep her up in my arms – but of course, I couldn't do that. We had to make do with a polite handshake, and then another polite wave in the parking lot later.

  Since her sister was in town, there would be no meeting up later to celebrate. Eryn had previously told Anne about the kiss she and I shared, and Anne had warned her in no uncertain terms to stay away from me outside of volleyball.

  It was, of course, perfectly understandable. We both knew how much trouble would come from anyone finding out about our relationship, so we had to simply keep it on the shadows.

  It was hard, though, especially seeing as we'd managed to spend a lot of time together over the last week when Eryn had been recovering from her ankle injury. Now, as desperately as we longed to be together, that wasn’t an option.

  I was pulling into my driveway when my phone rang. I took it out and answered the call just as I put the car in park. I didn't recognize the number.

  “Hello, Wade Vinson here, what can I do for you?”

  “Hello, Mr. Vinson, my name is Charlie Jefferson. I was at the volleyball game earlier.”

  “All right,” I replied, already curious as to what the call was about and how this man had my number. “And how can I help you, Mr. Jefferson?”

  “Please, call me Charlie. I'd like to speak to you about some of your players, actually. I'm a talent scout, you see.”

  “Really? Well, sure, we can do that.”

  “Are you able to meet up with me shortly for a late lunch? I have another game to get to this evening, and it's a two-hour drive away.”

  “Sure thing. We can meet up at Captain Dorego's if you like? They have great seafood,” I suggested.

  “Sounds good. See you there in say, 40 minutes?”

  “See you there. Uh, how will I recognize you?”

  “I'm wearing a brown sports coat, black pants, red T-shirt. Short brown hair, goatee,” he said.

  “Got it. I'll see you soon.”

  I cut the call off, wondering what this guy wanted to say. I knew, of course, that if he was interested in some of my players, Eryn would no doubt be top of the list – and the fact both worried and excited me.

  There was only one way to find out what he was offering, so with that in mind, I headed inside to relax for a few minutes before heading out again.


  Charlie wasn't hard to spot – he was a pretty distinctive-looking guy. Not quite handsome, but definitely different looking. He grinned broadly as I walked in, and he offered me his hand. I shook it, and he almost crushed my hand with his bear grip.

  “Sit down, Mr. Vinson, sit down!” he said with a smile.

  “Thanks. Nice to meet you, Charlie. And please, call me Wade.”

  “Sure thing, Wade. Now, as I said, I don't have much time. So, let me cut right to the chase. I know it's early in the season, but I've been sent on a mission to find the best female volleyball players in the country. I'm starting out here on the East Coast, and heading all the way across the country. I have a lot of stops to make, so I'm only looking for the very top players from every college. And so far, two of your players have caught my eye.”

  “Let me guess,” I said. “Eryn and Leena?”

  He smiled. “Those very two, yep. They really do have amazing talent.”

  “That they do.”

  “And, I imagine you probably don't want to let 'em go. Without 'em, your team is likely to drop a few places in the league, and this winning streak you're on is likely to end.”

  “That's true. So, what are you offering in exchange for these players?”

  “I'm from Stanford, and we want to put together the best female team in the country. For the players, we're offering full scholarships. I'm talking no fees, accommodations taken care of, everything, the works. Those girls won't pay a cent as long as they play at the level they're currently operating at. We'll take care of transferring academic credits from Florida State, too. Everything will be sorted out.

  “In return, we'll compensate FSU to the tune of...well, I can't say yet, as we'll have to negotiate the amount, but let's just say a handsome sum. And you, as coach, will get some of it as commission.”

  I nodded. I wasn’t really sure about the logistics of it, but if it was on the up and up, it was great news for Leena and Eryn – fantastic news, in fact.

  But for me, not so much. In fact, it was terrible news. Not only would I lose my two star players, but I'd lose the girl of my dreams. And she'd not only be moving across the country, she'd be going right to the state I'd just done everything to escape from.

  Still, it was selfish of me to be thinking about myself. This was a golden opportunity for both of them, and it wasn't up to me to decide whether or not they should take it.

  “That sounds like a very generous offer, Charlie,” I said, my words careful and measured as I tried to disguise the disappointment and concern in my voice. “Is this just a courtesy meeting, then? Can’t say I’ve ever been in this situation before.”

  “Well, as their coach, I'd like you to talk to the girls about this offer first. If they're interested, you can put them in touch with me, and I'll make sure everything happens as it should.”

  I nodded. “All right, I can do that.”

  He smiled and handed me his card. “Here you go – you can call me on this number anytime, day or night, or just email me if you want. But please, don't delay too long, all right? My boss has made this a priority, and if they don't show interest in the offer soon, I'm sure I'll find plenty of other girls who will; you get what I'm saying?”

  “I understand. I'll let them know as soon as possible,” I assured him.

  “I hope you do. They really are immensely talented players. And you know, they could really go all the way, if you know what I mean. The next Summer Olympics are less than two years away, and Team USA could really use some fresh talent. I know your reputation, Wade, so I know you won Olympic gold a few years ago. I'm sure you'd want the same honor for your players, wouldn't you?”

  I nodded. “I sure as hell would.”

  “Good. I know you have their best interests at heart. Just please tell them about this offer as soon as you can.”

  “I will.”


  Once our lunch was over, I made a few phone calls to check on the legitimacy of Charlie’s offer. Once I was satisfied, I drove home still in a daze.

  Of course, I wanted the best for Eryn. I wanted, more than anything, for her to realize her full potential and for her dreams to come true. She had what it took to make it to the very top, and this was the opportunity of a lifetime.

  But it would take her across the country, which meant away from me. And as much as I cared for her, I’d try to make it work. She’d probably do the same and we’d imagine that the distance thing wouldn't be a factor. would.

  It wasn't just a matter of money – I had more than enough of that. But flying across the country every week or two would be tough. It wasn't just a matter of getting on the plane; it was going through airports, security, waiting for planes, taking taxis, and that was when we could fit it into our busy schedules. It all added up, and neither of us could afford to be chronically exhausted from excessive traveling.

  I pulled into my driveway and parked, sitting there for a moment deep in thought. When I got out, I walked slowly into my house. I had a lot to think about, even though I knew what I would do –the only honest and decent thing to do.

  Not telling Eryn about the offer certainly meant she'd stay here, our secret relationship would continue, and I could take this team to the top of the division. I'd win praise and admiration, as would Eryn. After another year, she'd graduate, and then we could finally go public with our relationship and no longer have to meet in secret.

  But she'd miss out on the chance to go to one of the top universities in the country, fully funded, and play with the very best, hand-picked players from across the country.

  Right now, she'd told me about some situation with her scholarship here at FSU. While she hadn't given me all of the details, it seemed that there were a few problems and that if things didn't go perfectly, they'd withdraw the scholarship.

  I didn't know the full details of her financial situation, but it was obvious enough. With her mom's medical troubles, if Eryn lost that scholarship, I knew that she'd have to drop out of college.

  I knew the right thing was for her to take this opportunity. There was no way around it. If she and I could somehow make things work with being on different coasts, well...I guessed I could only dream of that.

  But that concern was secondary. Eryn's future was at stake, and I needed to tell her about this soon.

  With a heavy heart, I picked up my phone and dialed her number. “Hi, Coach Vinson,” she said as she answered.

  I guessed from her tone of voice and the fact that she was calling me Coach Vinson that she was with her sister. But that didn't matter; I was, after all, talking about “official business” here.

  “Look, Eryn, I've got some real big news. About volleyball. And, I think that your mom and sister will want to hear it, too. Is it all right if I come over to your place?”

  “Um, all right. Do you know how to get here?”

  I chuckled as she said that; I knew she was only saying that to get her sister off her case.

  “I think I remember,” I replied. “When can I come over?”

  “Well, my mom and sister are here now, so whenever is good,” she stated.

  “Perfect. I'll see you in a few minutes.”

  I cut off the call and sighed. Just as things were starting to feel right between us, it was going to end. I should have known it had been too good to be true, too much of a fairytale for it to last forever. Still, I could at least take pride in knowing that I was doing the right thing.

  I locked up my house, got into my car, and began the drive to Eryn’s apartment, knowing that neither of our lives would be the same after I'd finished telling her about the offer.


  I waited for some kind of response, but everyone was silent, and they remained silent for longer than I was comfortable with. I was focused on Eryn. There were tears forming in her beautiful eyes – tears of joy and of sadness at once. She understood immediately what the opportunity meant for her future, but also what it meant for us.

  Her sister was the first to break the silence.

  “Wow. Stanford. Oh my God, Eryn, Stanford!” She said in stages like it was just starting to sink in. “Stanford! They're going to give you a full scholarship! And, you'll be playing with the best players from all over the country!”

  I could see she wanted to resist, though, as tempting as the offer was.

  “But...I'll be away from Mom. Who's gonna look after her if I'm not here?”

  “I can look after myself, young lady,” her mother said. “I may be a little under the weather now, but I'm getting better! Eryn, this is one of the greatest opportunities of your life! You'll never get another chance like this. I'd be the worst mother in the world if I allowed you stay here and give up a dream like that. Come on...there's no way you can turn this down. Do
n't worry about me. For once, put yourself first.”

  Eryn looked across at me, her eyes pleading with me to give her a reason to stay. I wanted to, but I simply couldn't. I wasn't going to be selfish and throw her future away for my own sake.

  “Eryn, I agree totally with your sister and your mother,” I said. “This is the biggest opportunity of your life. You absolutely have to grab it with both hands, right now. The scout told me that if you waste time, they may withdraw the offer and give it to someone else instead. You have to take it – you really do.”

  I looked away, unable to look her in her eyes. There was too much sadness in my own eyes, and I didn't want her to see that.

  Everyone in the room fell silent. After a few moments, Eryn spoke in a quiet but determined tone of voice. “All right,” she said. “It seems like there is only once choice here, really: I guess I'm going to Stanford.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I still couldn't believe it. It was going to take some time to sink in – but it was real. It was beyond a dream, yet it was happening to me. I couldn't believe how things had changed so radically in such a short space of time; just a few weeks ago, it looked like my volleyball scholarship from FSU was going to be revoked, which would mean I would have to drop out of college.

  And now, I was on the verge of accepting a full scholarship from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, to play volleyball with some of the best players in the country.

  But then, I'd have to move to the opposite side of the country and be thousands of miles away from my mom…and Wade.

  I wasn’t sure I could say I loved him; we’d only been together for a short time, but I had never connected with a man on the level I had connected with him. We had grown close so quickly and effortlessly that it was like what I imagined a modern-day fairytale was like.


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