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Fake Boyfriend Breakaways: A Short Story Collection

Page 5

by Eden Finley

  That doesn’t stop “Dunno. I might need a repeat” falling from my mouth though.

  Wyatt’s eyes widen, but he covers it with a tight smile. “I’m all for playing wingman this time ’round.”

  My brow furrows.

  “One night. No complications. You know, the smart thing to do.”

  “I’d totally be willing to call myself a dumbass if I got to take you home again.”

  “I don’t want”—Wyatt points in the direction of the bar—“that to happen to us in a few months. Because we both know if we had a repeat it wouldn’t be long before we had another and another and—”

  “I’m waiting to see the problem with that.” I’ve been thinking about that every day for a week now.

  “You know why that would be a bad idea.”

  “I really don’t.”

  “Because you will do to me what Noah did you.”

  I cock my head. “How do you figure?”

  “I told you last week I’m not a hookup guy, you won’t be ready until you stop pining for Noah, and I just got out of a shitty relationship. We can’t go down the casual sex route. We’ll end up hating each other.”

  “What if I don’t want just casual?”

  “You don’t know what you want.”

  I hate he has a point. “Are you in my brain now?”

  “I refuse to be someone’s second choice.”

  He’s so far from my second choice, but I do kinda wish we happened at a different time, when we both weren’t so fucked up.

  When would that have been though? It’s taken this long to even get this far. All I know is I want Wyatt again. For another night, for a week, a month, forever, I don’t actually know.

  “I want to go on a date with you,” I say.


  “Hear me out. We are both in really shitty places right now—I get that—but last week also made me realize that I’m ready for a relationship. Like the proper, full-on, serious relationship. I’ve never had that before, but when I think of who I’d want it with, it’s not Noah.”

  Wyatt looks down at his feet. “Is it me though?”

  “I want it to be.”

  “Are you really in a state of mind to know anything you want?”

  “I’m not professing my undying love for you here, but I want to take this step with you. We’re friends, and I think that’s a good start to have something more.”

  God, how unromantic does that sound?

  I try again. “Ever since last weekend, all I can think about is you.”


  “To me, it sounds like you’ve decided you want a relationship and I’m convenient.”

  Okay, he still needs some convincing.

  “If I just wanted the randomness of a relationship, I could go out and find one pretty easily.”

  Wyatt smirks. “Think highly of yourself, huh?”

  “It’s easy meeting people. You know that. You’re barely ever single.”

  He laughs. “Oh boy. Now I want to say no just so I can see you struggle out there. Okay, no, that’s mean. You’re right, it’s easy to meet people. Holding on to them is the hard part.”

  I shake my head. “I think we’re going off track here. This thing, between you and me, I want to explore it. If it was just a relationship I craved, I wouldn’t put our friendship on the line to see where this could go. I had fun last weekend, and last night when I was with you, all I kept thinking about was how much I wanted you again—that the one night wasn’t enough.”

  “What if it’s too soon?” Wyatt whispers.

  “Is it too soon for you? You just broke up with someone you’d been with for two years. We’re in the same situation, and all I’m asking for is a couple of dates. If you don’t think it’ll work out, we end it before we’re in too deep. But I’m serious about giving us a real shot. Shitty situations and bad timing be damned.”

  “We’d have to go slow.”

  Yes. Progress.

  “We can go at any pace you want,” I say.

  “So, you want to date me.” Wyatt says the words as if he’s trying to make sense of them, but he doesn’t need to make sense of it all right now.

  “Yup. And I think we should start tonight.”

  I grab his hand and start dragging him toward a diner I love, but it also happens to be in the direction of my apartment.

  “I thought we were gonna take it slow,” Wyatt says.

  “Unless you wanna fuck in an old fifties diner in front of everyone, I think milkshakes and burgers is taking it slow.”

  “Oh.” He lowers his head, and if I’m not mistaken, his face reddens.

  “I mean, I’m up for it if you are, but I’ll probably be kicked out of my favorite burger joint and banned for life. That’d be pretty shitty but well worth it.”

  “Okay shut up. I thought—”

  “You thought I was just bullshitting you to get you into bed again?”

  Wyatt avoids eye contact and stares out at the busy street.

  “Well then, first thing we’re going to work on is trust. You need to trust me that I’m not just fucking around here, and I need to trust that you’re going to give me a fair shot.”

  “When did you get all mature and sensible?”

  “I have no fucking idea, but it’s scary, huh?”

  “Almost as scary as you and I dating.”

  I purse my lips. “I feel like I should be offended.”

  “Come on, you have to admit this is crazy.”

  I lean in. “You know what they say: there’s a fine line between crazy and genius.”

  “I don’t think that’s a real saying.”

  “Come on, this could be the best decision we’ve ever made. Take a leap of faith.”

  Wyatt still seems skeptical.

  “Stop thinking about what’ll happen if it ends badly or why this is crazy. Think about it. This could be the beginning of our future.” Look at me, being all romancey.

  “Sounds kinda hokey, but okay.”

  Just like I did a week ago on a crowded dance floor, I lower myself to one knee on the busy and dirty street. Some people stop and stare, one woman screams, but they all sigh and move on when they hear me say, “Wyatt Black, will you go on a date with me?”



  Once I make Aron get up off his damn knee, he drags me into the diner. I focus on his words and his sentiments because my brain keeps wanting to tell me that Aron and I together don’t make sense. At least, not right now.

  But fuck, I want it. I want everything he’s saying to be true, and I want to give us a real shot, even if a big part of me thinks it’ll be a mistake.

  There’s affection that has never been there before in the subtle way he touches me, the way his hand runs down my side and clasps my hand, and the way he takes a seat next to me in the booth instead of across from me.

  Instead of normal first-date conversation where we try to get to know each other, Aron and I already know everything. Even down to embarrassing stories about ex-boyfriends.

  “You know what’s the sad thing?” he says. “Simon wasn’t even your worst.”

  I groan. “Aren’t exes like a first-date topic no-no? The only ex of yours I can really ridicule is Noah, and it’s probably not best if we bring him up any time soon.”

  Aron ignores me. “Ooh, what about the guy in sophomore year who was total goth and made you wear that spiked collar?”

  “I chose to wear that collar because it was cool.”

  His laugh, while taunting, gives me a sense of comfort, and I can’t help laughing along with him.

  “Okay fine. I wore it because he told me it looked cool.”

  I’m hoping he drops it, but it turns out he’s on a roll.

  “You know who I thought you’d end up with? That guy senior year. What was his name?”


  “Yeah, him. He was cute and sweet and—”

  “Heavily into the BDSM scene,” I finish for h

  Aron pulls back. “Really?”


  “Sooo, that’s not your thing?” It’s cute how he’s trying to ask coyly.

  “Not really.”

  Aron sighs dramatically. “I was wrong. This isn’t going to work at all.” He goes to stand, but I pull him back down, and he breaks into laughter.

  “Funny. And it’s one thing to add a little kink like bondage or edging, but I draw the line at humiliation and pain.”

  Aron screws up his face. “Yeah, that’s not my jam either.”

  “It kinda became a problem in the end. Basically, he said he didn’t want to lose me, but if I couldn’t do what he wanted, he’d have to go elsewhere for his … ‘needs.’”

  “You’re like an asshole magnet, huh?”


  His hand reaches for mine on top of the table. “I promise that even when I’m a dick I won’t be an asshole.”

  I want to believe him, but it’s hard with my past history and taste in men, but I cover my insecurities with a joke. “I don’t know what that means, and I don’t know if we’re talking about actual anatomy or—”

  He snorts. “I don’t want to be like those other guys. Ever. No matter what happens between us.”

  “Can you promise me something?” My voice is small, and I kinda hate it.


  “That we’re always honest and open with each other. All of those guys had one thing in common. They weren’t completely honest about who they were or what they wanted until we were in the middle of a serious relationship. It’s like they waited for me to fall for them before showing me their true side.”

  Aron leans in. “I could promise that, but I really don’t have to. You already know everything there is to know about me.”

  That’s true. “A perk of dating one of your friends, I guess.”

  “I’m sure there’s a whole list of perks to justify us being on a date right now.”

  I shake my head. I’m on a date with Aron Roe.

  Nope, still makes no sense, but we’re here now, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  I never thought it possible, but the best date I’ve ever been on included a diner selling greasy and disgusting food that’s surprisingly delicious. I don’t think the food has anything to do with making the date great, though.

  Aron is surprisingly flirty and funny, dropping innuendo every chance he gets. It’s a side of him I’ve never seen before, other than last week. It’s like he’s giving me a piece of him that’s only privy to those he’s with. He’s never shown me this part of him because he’s never looked at me like he is right now.

  On our way out of the diner, I stop just outside the entrance because our apartments are in opposite directions. “I guess this is goodnight?”

  He cocks his head. “You think I’m not the type of date to walk you home?”

  “Am I a seventeen-year-old girl?”

  “No, but you look like one,” he mumbles.

  “Oooh, and just when I was thinking about inviting you back to my place.”

  Aron shakes his head but gestures for me to lead the way. “We’re taking it slow, but that doesn’t mean I won’t walk with you. If not to be gentlemanly, then to just be with you a little longer before I go home and jerk off.”

  I bark out a laugh. “That was almost romantic.”

  “Mediocrity at its best. It’s how I make sure I’m not setting my dates up for disappointment.”

  I nudge him, and he throws his arm around my shoulder as we continue down the street.

  I thought it might be weird to have Aron’s arm around me or to be affectionate, but it comes as second nature. It’s reflexive for me to wrap my arm around his waist and fit against his side.

  But those mushy, first-date nerves shatter into a million pieces when we arrive on the stoop of my apartment and find Simon waiting for me.

  He stands from sitting on the front step, and he runs his hand over his crew cut. “Can we talk?”

  “Nope,” I say.

  Simon’s dark gaze goes from me to Aron as if only now noticing him. “Who are you?”

  Aron rolls his eyes. “As if you don’t know who I am, dick.”

  Simon steps closer to Aron and puffs out his chest. Aron’s got a few inches on him, but Simon’s stacked. He had all the time in the world to go to the gym in between pretending to look for a job and fucking other people in my bed.

  I expect Aron to cower or back down, but he doesn’t. He shoves me behind him protectively, and instead of getting pissed at it like I would’ve had Simon done it when we were together, I secretly love it.

  “Seriously, Wyatt?” Simon asks. “This guy? Talk about a step down. Not even worthy of a rebound.”

  Aron scoffs, probably because he knows Simon’s full of shit. Aron’s one of the hottest guys I know.

  “I’m not a rebound,” Aron says, and his words sound sincere. “You fucked up, and now Wyatt’s mine.”

  Again, if Simon had said something like that while we were together, I would’ve called him a possessive dickhead, and we would’ve gotten into a fight. When Aron does it? I want to let him claim me right here on the street.

  Those thoughts should scare me after only one date.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself.

  “Just like that you’re moving on?” Simon asks, tilting his head to see me behind Aron.

  “You moved on before we were even broken up.”

  “That didn’t mean anything. Can we please have an adult conversation without your new”—Simon’s gaze rakes over Aron who folds his arms across his chest—“toy in the way?”

  “I’m good here, thanks,” Aron says, and I try not to laugh.

  “There’s nothing left to say.” I step beside Aron and wrap my arm around him.

  “Can I at least come inside and get the rest of my things?”

  “Give me a forwarding address, and I’ll send them. You’re not stepping foot inside my apartment ever again.”

  And to think we were talking about moving in together. Although, he’d practically lived with me anyway, because he was still living with his parents.

  Yeah, he’s a real winner. Why did I stay with him for so long?

  Simon’s glance flits between Aron and me until he finally gives up and stalks away.

  “God, he’s a dick,” Aron says.

  “As we’ve already established, nearly all my exes are.”

  Aron’s arms wrap around me from behind, and he nuzzles my neck. “So … we’re together, huh?”

  I laugh. “I’m yours, am I?”

  “Sorry about getting all possessive and shit. I know you don’t like it, but it’s just … I really hate that guy.”

  “So do I. And the idea of belonging to you isn’t so bad.”

  Aron’s lips graze my neck and lead up to my ear. “Maybe one day soon, you’ll belong to me for real instead of this possibly, maybe, kinda dating but still have doubts thing you got going on.”

  I turn in his arms and grip his shirt, pulling him closer to me. “Well, if our first date is any indication, I’d say it could be a possibility.”

  “Could be? I’m giving you all my charm, and the best you can come up with is could be?”

  I start dragging him up the stairs to the entrance of my apartment building. “Maybe if you come in, you can convince me to upgrade to it might be.”

  “Mmm, I love it when you talk dirty,” he says dryly.

  His hand covers mine when I get my key out to open the door. “I thought we were taking things slow.” His voice is more curious than stern, which is perfect for me.

  I lean in, touching my mouth to his and teasing him with the lightest kiss until he caves and sinks against me and forces his tongue into my mouth. I let him devour me until we both can’t stand it anymore.

  I smile as I pull back. “Fuck going slow?”

  Aron nods. “Fuck going slow.”



  Eight Weeks Later

  Wyatt wrings his hands together. “I’m nervous. Why am I nervous? It kinda feels like coming out all over again.”

  I snort. “It’s not that dramatic. We’re just telling our closest friends that we’re official.”

  We’re finally in a place where we’re both confident in what we have. We knew if we’d told everyone right off the bat that it would add pressure to an already rocky beginning. Wyatt didn’t trust I was truly in it for him and kept thinking he was a prolonged rebound. I knew differently though, and even though his asking me to keep this thing on the downlow while we worked it out reminded me of how Noah treated me, I also knew it was different this time.

  Wyatt would hold my hand in public and didn’t care if we ran into our friends. If it came out, it came out, but we just weren’t advertising it right away. He called me his boyfriend early on, we’d go on dates, we’d stay at each other’s houses … it’s been more than just dating for us from the beginning. I didn’t need him to tell the world to prove that.

  And now we both feel we can tell people about us with confidence. When our friends express their concern about changing the group dynamic yet again—which they probably will—we’re both comfortable in defending the relationship.

  “Aren’t you nervous about telling Noah?”

  “Who’s Noah?” I ask. It’s become a running joke between us. Wyatt said one night he was going to fuck me until I couldn’t remember Noah’s name anymore.

  Little does he know, he pretty much did that the night we first hooked up.

  Wyatt shoves my shoulder. I like it when he gets pushy. “I’m being serious.”

  “Why should I care what Noah thinks? According to Damon, he’s moving in with the football player.”

  Wyatt’s eyes widen. “Seriously? But he’s … Noah.”

  I shrug. “Matt’s the guy he was supposed to end up with. I … I’m actually thinking about, you know …”


  “Calling a truce with Noah and me? Try to be friends again … Would … would you be okay with that?”

  Wyatt purses his lips as if needing to seriously think about it. “Why? I mean, I don’t want to be the type of boyfriend to say you can’t do something, but we’ve had this whole honesty thing from the beginning, and I guess I want to know why you need him.”


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