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Seduced in Ink: A Montgomery Ink: Boulder Novel

Page 12

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  He pulled Madison away, keeping his laughter at bay.

  “She is shameless,” she whispered beneath her breath.

  “Completely. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be a science experiment for these people.”

  “I’ll fight them off for you.”

  “I thought that was my job,” he whispered, liking how she wanted to defend him.

  “We can do it for each other. We’re in this together. Friends first, right?”

  He nearly tripped over his feet. He looked down at her, swallowing hard. “Friends first, and anything else in between.” He hadn’t meant to say that last part, but realized it was exactly right when she smiled slightly and went up on her tiptoes to kiss his mouth. He leaned into her, not wanting to embarrass her by going any further, but needing her taste.

  He was so fucking screwed.

  As the night wore on, and everybody did exactly as he had assumed—wanting his money and a piece of him—he was afraid of exactly what would happen to him. To her. To them.

  Because nobody really knew him or wanted to talk with him.

  No, they wanted his money. They wanted his brother’s money. And they wanted to get to know his family because of their name and nothing else.

  They wanted a piece of him when all Aaron wanted was Madison.

  That scared him more than anything. Because this was all fake. It wasn’t true.

  If he didn’t start reminding himself of that, both he and Madison would get hurt in the end. And he was terrified that he would be the one shattered after she walked away.

  He honestly didn’t know who he would be once that happened.

  Chapter 12

  “Seriously, you would think she would learn what kind of Botox she needs after all these years. I mean, you can’t just pick the cheapest kind and expect your brows to stay in place.”

  Madison sipped her martini and slowly moved away from the conversation, not knowing what she was supposed to say to either help or give an opinion. She had a few friends back in college who now used Botox, and she was perfectly fine with doing whatever you wanted with your body as long as you were happy.

  Maybe Madison would try it one day, though she would have to do more research into what was good and not. However, the idea that these women were complaining about someone else’s Botox and putting them down wasn’t something she was in the mood for.

  She really wanted to be home, hanging out with her friends. Honestly, she just wanted to be with Aaron.

  That should probably scare her.

  It truly did because she and Aaron weren’t real. And if she didn’t stop to remind herself of that every ten minutes or so, she would likely end up broken.

  So, all she had to do was remember that it was fake. They would walk away as friends even though they slept together and enjoyed each other’s company. Somehow, they would do it. If that was even possible.

  “I cannot believe she didn’t get that tummy tuck,” another woman sniped. Madison took another sip of her martini and moved across the room and away from her mother and her gossiping friends.

  “Seriously, who does he think he is being with a woman and a man? I don’t understand how Maeve can have that type of person in her family.”

  Madison nearly tripped over her feet at the conversation and turned to the three women in the corner, clearly talking about Lincoln. Lincoln, Ethan, and Holland. Three of the most generous souls Madison had ever known. Wonderful people who loved her and loved each other. Fuck these women. She was going to tell them as much.

  “Excuse me?” Madison asked, her voice calm. She was on martini number two. That was probably why she was speaking up. But that’s why she was here, right? To show the world and her mother that she had a spine. So, here she was, using it.

  “Oh, darling. You’re here. That’s such a nice...dress.”

  Madison heard the pause in front of the word dress, but she didn’t really care. She thought she looked great, and the little red number had made Aaron’s eyes go dark when she left the room. Everyone else could go fuck themselves for all she cared.

  Madison was so tired of this. Why was she here again? She wasn’t supporting her father. He didn’t need her here. Her mother just wanted to parade Aaron in front of her peers. Either that or somehow convince Madison to fall for Guy. But, no, she was falling for Aaron.

  She blinked and pushed those thoughts from her mind. No, no, no. She could not fall for Aaron Montgomery. She could be fake with Aaron, but she could not fall for him. She needed to protect her heart somehow, even though it didn’t quite feel possible.

  “We were just talking about your lovely cousin. It doesn’t seem that he’s here.”

  “I’m glad,” Madison said.

  Lincoln and his family hadn’t been invited. Maybe if he hadn’t already found the loves of his life, her mother would have found a way to get him here so she could use his connections and fame. But now that he was in a triad? There was no way he would be invited to these types of things.

  Madison hated that she was here.

  Well, no more. She was done with this. She didn’t want to help her parents, and she wasn’t even sure she wanted them to love her anymore. They’d never love her the way she wanted anyway. She was done.

  “I’m not sure he’d want to be here anyway,” Madison continued. “Not with the type of people that seem to be here.”

  “Excuse me,” one of the women said.

  Joyce, that was her name. The woman who had raked her gaze all down Aaron’s body when they first walked in.

  No, thank you.

  “I know exactly who’s here. And Lincoln doesn’t need to have any part of this. Hell, I don’t think I need to. And if I hear you talking about him and his family like that again? You’ll have to deal with me.”

  “And what exactly can you do, Madison McClard?”

  “Maybe not much to a person like you. But that’s the point, isn’t it? I don’t care what you do. But keep my cousin’s family’s names and their business out of your mouth.”

  And with that, she turned on her heel and walked away, practically shaking.

  She knew her mother would hear about that later but she didn’t care. She shouldn’t be here. She should just go home and write this off as a loss. She didn’t like the person she became when she was near these people. She was nice. She liked making people happy. That’s what her coffee and cupcakes were all about. And yet, here she was, sniping at another woman for daring to say something about Lincoln. Something he would likely just ignore because he wouldn’t deem them worthy of his time.

  Her mother gave her a look from across the way, and she hurried off, not wanting to deal with the ramifications. Honestly, if she had to deal with her right now, she might say something she regretted later. Not that it wouldn’t be true, but because she didn’t want to make a scene. She didn’t need to hurt her family to prove who she was. She needed them to figure it out on their own.

  She made her way upstairs, sad that Aaron was off with her father, Guy, and the rest of the men. They were drinking scotch and most likely smoking, though she didn’t think Aaron would since he had joked that he coughed like a teenager having his first cigarette when he had a cigar.

  But he was still hanging out, pretending to be the perfect fiancé.

  And she was using him.

  Something she needed to change.

  She walked into the suite that took her breath away every time she stepped inside. Everything was elegant and looked as if it had come from the Ritz in Paris rather than a lodge in Boulder, Colorado.

  That was her family’s taste—elegant and pretentious.

  She wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, however. She would enjoy what she had, even if she got yelled at later. And then she’d stand up for herself just like she had been doing all day.

  “I’m going to take a bath,” she told herself. She’d take a nice bubble bath, wait for Aaron to be finished, peel away from the others, and maybe watch a mo
vie or have scorching hot, steamy sex.

  Okay, maybe that last martini had gone straight to her head.

  That was the fun part, though. She felt all warm and confident and like she could take on the world.

  Maybe she could tell Aaron how she felt.

  No, she couldn’t. Because she didn’t know.

  And telling him would ruin everything.

  She made her way into the bedroom part of the suite and nearly tripped over her heels. She toed them off and looked at the very large basket sitting in the middle of the bed.

  She hadn’t ordered anything and wondered if she’d somehow ended up in the wrong room. She looked around, noticed her suitcase off to the side near Aaron’s and frowned.

  “Okay,” she whispered, wondering who had sent the gift. Maybe it was from Aaron.

  Giddy and a little too warm at the thought, she went to the bed and looked down at the basket, her whole body freezing.

  If this was from Aaron, it would be an interesting night.

  Her basket was filled to the brim with various dildos, vibrators, edible panties, condoms, lube, a couple of velvet ties, a mask, and God knew what else.

  “Oh, dear God,” she whispered to herself and then started to dig into the basket, wondering if this was just a practical joke. Or did Aaron have something in mind that she might be ready for?

  “Is that a…? Yep, that’s an anal plug,” she whispered, pulling it out of the basket. Everything was new, still in its packaging, and she just blinked, wondering what the poor person who had been forced to put this in their room had thought.

  Maybe Aaron had brought it up himself?

  Body humming in anticipation, she finally looked at the note and went red in sheer mortification.

  These are for you, have a wonderful time. Don’t ask us how we knew. We saw your face. We know. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do. Okay, do everything we would do. A lot. But don’t tell us everything because…ew.

  Madison shook with laughter, looking at the note and presents from Bristol, Arden, Holland, and Zia.

  Apparently, the girls wanted her to have a very good time this weekend. And the fact that Bristol wanted nothing to do with it made total sense.

  Madison’s eyes widened, and she took a look at the very thick dildo in the center. She unwrapped it from its packaging, trying her best to make her middle finger and thumb reach around the girth of it.

  “I don’t know if that’s going to fit,” she mumbled to herself, holding back a laugh.

  “We could always try it out.”

  She froze and slowly turned to look at Aaron. He stood there, his hands in his suit pants’ pockets, the very visible line of his erection pushing at his zipper. He had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, and her mouth watered.

  She loved his forearms.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice far too breathy.

  “Hi there. So, I see you packed for a good weekend,” he said, his eyes dancing with laughter as well as lust and need.

  “Um, this is a present. From the girls. Everything’s new. And now I’m going to go hide under the bed.”

  “Oh no, I don’t think you are.” He prowled to her, fucking prowled. She leaned back as he tugged on her hair and crushed his mouth to hers. The thick dildo lay between them, and she squeezed it, not meaning to. He pulled back, looking down at the turgid head.

  “You know, I’m pretty sure you’re not going to need the dildo with me around,” he promised, his eyes still shining with merriment.

  “I don’t know what kind of line that was, but I did not expect you to ever say something like that,” she said with a laugh.

  “True.” He studied her face and tucked her hair behind her ear. “How drunk are you right now?”

  She raised a brow.

  “I tasted vodka and lemon. It mixed with my whiskey quite nicely.”

  “I’m not drunk at all,” she said. “Completely sober after that look.”

  “That’s good. Very good. I only had two drinks, but I’m pretty sure I can get drunk on something else right now.”

  “Should I ask how drunk you are?” she whispered, pressing her thighs together in anticipation.

  “Not drunk at all. Now, what do you want to play with today?” he asked, his voice low. The sound went straight to her pussy.

  “Um, maybe not the dildo. It honestly looks like it might hurt a bit.”

  He smiled and trailed his fingers up her jaw.

  “What about that itty-bitty little plug I see?”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked down at the basket, swallowing hard again.

  “That doesn’t look itty-bitty.”

  “Well, if you’re going to want my cock in that lovely ass of yours one day, we’re going to have to practice with something a little smaller.”

  She blinked up at him, pressing her thighs together again.

  “That’s something you want to do?” she asked, not knowing what she wanted his answer to be.

  He reached around and slowly squeezed her ass, spreading her cheeks slightly beneath the dress.

  “Anything you want to do, I’m up for. But, yeah, the idea of sliding my cock into that very sweet ass of yours? Definitely something I want to try one day. If you’ll let me.”


  He kept talking about one day and in the future, and it made her just as wet as the idea of him sliding in and out of her.

  Was she going to end up hurt because of it? Most likely. Did she care right now? Not in the slightest.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  He froze.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Okay, we can practice with the... You know.”

  He smiled.

  “Nope, I don’t know. You’re going to have to lay it out for me.”


  “Madison,” he whined, laughing.

  “Fine. I’d love if you’d put that anal plug in my ass so you can prepare me if I ever let you fuck me there. How’s that?”

  He threw his head back and laughed, and she pushed at his chest before he crushed his mouth to hers again. She sank into him.

  “I love you talking all technical and dirty with me.”

  “You are going to make me pull my hair out one day.”

  “No, I won’t. You like spending time with me. And you like my taste. And you like me touching you.”

  Actually, she loved it.

  And she was petrified that she was falling for him. And not just his cock.

  She couldn’t say anything, though.

  Not when it could ruin everything.

  “Touch me?” she whispered.

  “Let’s get started.”

  And then he kissed her slowly, and they gently removed each other’s clothes. She arched for him, needing his touch, needing everything.

  She found herself on her back, his head between her legs as he licked and sucked and pleasured her.

  The snap of the packaging made her swallow hard. He winked before getting up and going to set everything up.

  “Keep touching your breasts and your clit, make sure you’re ready for me. I’m just going to make sure everything’s nice and safe for you.”

  She nodded, sliding her hand between her legs, her gaze on him and him alone as she thought of what he was going to do to her.

  What he was already doing.

  He came back, and suddenly his mouth was on her pussy again, licking and sucking. When he finished preparing her, and the plug gently probed her entrance, she stiffened for a minute. He blew on her pussy and played with her clit before meeting her gaze.

  “Relax for me, take it all in.”

  She swallowed hard and did as he asked. When it entered her, she squirmed at the pressure, liking the way it felt but also not knowing what to feel.

  Then he licked her, and he sucked. When he pressed on her clit, rubbing hard circles on the nub, she came in a burst, her entire body shaking.

  He went to his knees, licked his lips, and slo
wly stripped himself, his gaze still stuck on her.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.


  “Oh, we’re not done yet.”

  He reached for something else he had prepared, and her eyes widened.

  “Always wanted to try this type of vibrator,” he said.

  He switched it on, the buzz moving through her, her nipples hardening, and everything else going wet.

  She felt as if she might come right there.

  Everything was almost too much, and not just the sensations of Aaron and the toys.

  When he pressed the vibrator against her clit, she shot off the bed. He laughed, a deep chuckle that went straight through her. She smiled with him before she groaned, screaming his name.

  She shot off like a cannon, coming so hard she was almost embarrassed.

  Honestly, there was nothing to be ashamed about when it came to Aaron. She didn’t have time for that.

  He always made sure she got what she wanted. What she needed. Things she hadn’t even realized she desired or craved.

  And when he made her come again, she felt like she was so limp she couldn’t take anymore. But then Aaron was there, hovering over her.

  “I’m going to fuck you with that plug in your ass. You okay with that?”

  “I just need you inside me,” she panted.

  “Okay, then. Anything you want. I’m right here.”

  He slowly entered her, inch by inch, using so much care and tenderness she almost cried.

  And when he licked away her tears and kissed her cheeks, she realized that she was indeed crying. She knew she should sever their connection and walk away, but she couldn’t.

  Not with him there. Not with so much sensation. So much...Aaron.

  She moved with him, feeling full and pleasured and so loved.

  The idea of the latter might just be a figment of her imagination. It could be all wrong, but she didn’t care.

  Instead, she arched for him. This time when she came, the tears fell harder, the sensations too much.

  Everything was too much.

  He came with her, filling the condom she hadn’t even realized he had put on, and he called her name, whispering sweet nothings that she couldn’t even comprehend.


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