Seduced in Ink: A Montgomery Ink: Boulder Novel

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Seduced in Ink: A Montgomery Ink: Boulder Novel Page 19

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  “Are you alone here?”

  She nearly rolled her eyes but understood where he was coming from.

  “Brynn just left. And, yes. I’m alone. And my car is parked in the garage, not out in the alley. I’m being safe.”

  “I don’t like that you’re alone.”

  “You don’t get to have an opinion on what I do, do you?” she asked, not realizing that she was going to snap the words until she’d said them.

  Aaron stuffed his hands into his pockets and nodded. “I guess I deserve that.”

  “No, I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to yell. I’m just so tired of yelling.”

  “I’m tired of yelling, too. Though I haven’t been the one doing the yelling. Your cousin did most of that. And my brother.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wait, is that a bruise on your chin? Did Lincoln hit you?” She reached out and brushed her fingers along his newly shaven jaw, her eyes going wide. “I cannot believe he hit you.”

  “He didn’t. Ethan did.”

  Her hand fell, and she blinked, sure she hadn’t heard correctly. “Ethan? Sweet baby Ethan?”

  Aaron snorted and shook his head. “I’m going to have to use that phrase with him, I think. I’ve never actually heard someone call him sweet baby anything.”

  “I know he’s your older brother, but he always seems so innocent and sweet.”

  “And I was never innocent?” he teased. It felt like they were back to their old selves. Madison had missed it. Even though the crack across her heart still burned.

  “There’s nothing innocent about you, and we both know it,” she said, sounding far more sultry than intended.

  He licked his lips, and she bit hers.

  “Why are you here, Aaron? If it’s to check up on me, I’m fine. I’m working. I’m making do. Guy isn’t here. He can’t be.”

  Aaron reached out as if to touch her face but seemed to think better of it at the last minute, letting his hand fall. She felt a bit bereft at the lack of touch. She needed him.

  And she hated herself for wanting that touch, for wanting him so much.

  “I’m an idiot,” he said, shocking her out of her thoughts.

  “You are, but why?” she asked. He laughed, bringing a smile to her lips.

  “Again, I deserve that. I’m an idiot for pushing you away. I thought you needed time with your family. I thought you just needed space to breathe and figure out what you wanted. Because I assumed, I hurt you and myself, thinking you didn’t need me. But you know what we didn’t do?”

  “What?” she breathed.

  “We didn’t fucking talk about how I felt. How we felt. What the hell were we thinking?”

  “It’s hard to open up to people.”

  “I know. And when I read about those couples in books that don’t talk about what they’re feeling, I scream at them and tug at my hair, begging them to just say what’s on their minds. And then I realized it’s hard. To open yourself up like that? It’s fucking hard. To tell somebody what you feel, knowing that they may not feel the same and could hurt you with just a word.”

  “I know,” she said, her heart beating fast in her ears. She didn’t know where he was going with this, but she knew if he didn’t get to the point quickly, she would either thrash him or profess her love.

  Oh God, how did she get into this situation?

  She looked at Aaron Montgomery and suddenly knew that she had fallen in love with him the second he announced that he was her fiancé.

  In that moment of panic and confusion, she had fallen hard for him. And she hadn’t even realized it.

  “Then why did you push me away?” she asked, whispering the words.

  “I thought you needed time with your mom. Honestly, that was the main part.” He ran his hands through his hair, and she wanted to do the same. Wanted to reach out and touch him. But she didn’t. She couldn’t invite the hurt again. Not until they spoke.

  “And I was so afraid that if you realized the charade didn’t need to continue, you would walk away first. That you would figure out that I didn’t need to be your fake fiancé anymore, and we would move on and just continue being friends. I didn’t want that, so I pushed you away first. I‘m so fucking sorry.“

  Madison blinked, surprised that he was so honest, and yet she shouldn’t have been.

  “Aaron. You didn’t need to push me away. Although I think I’m glad you did.”

  He blinked. “Really?”

  “You’re right. It did give me time to talk with my parents and figure out that relationship and just breathe. But I also think if you and I had been able to do it together, I wouldn’t be feeling like this now.”

  “And how do you feel?”

  “I’m so angry!” She hadn’t meant to say the words, let alone as vehemently as she had, but now that they were out, she couldn’t stop them. “I’m angry that my mother put me in this situation. I’m angry that Guy did what he did. I’m angry that I didn’t have any control over that. I’m devastated as well as angry that you let me walk away and forced me to do so. And I’m so pissed off that I was the one who walked away. And that I listened. I know it had to do with the shock and just wanting to make sure that my mother was okay after the concussion and everything, but I walked away when you told me to. After doing everything I did to ensure that others knew I could make my own decisions and choices, I followed your lead. I can’t believe I did that.”

  Aaron shook his head and took a step forward. When his hands were on her face, he rested his forehead against hers, and she took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. Needing him to be close.

  “I shouldn’t have pushed.”

  “And I shouldn’t have listened.”

  “Now what?” she whispered.

  “Now, you’re going to listen. I hope you believe me when I tell you that I’m so fucking sorry. And when I tell you exactly how I feel.”

  “And how do you feel?” she asked, her breath hitching.

  “I love you so much, Madison. I don’t know when it started, but now, I don’t remember a time when you weren’t part of my life. Or that I didn’t want you to be there. You make me so happy. You make me want to create. You make me want to be a better person. And I walked away, and I shouldn’t have. You might’ve been the one to turn, but I forced it. I walked away long before you did.”

  Tears filled her eyes. When he wiped them away with his thumbs, she hiccupped a little sob. “I love you, too. I was so afraid that you weren’t going to love me back, so I hid it. I put everything into just being you and me and pretending that we made sense and weren’t making terrible decisions. Because of that, I didn’t let myself desire anything more. But I do. I want it all.”

  Aaron kissed her then, and she let out a breath, sinking into him, craving his taste. She felt like she was finally home.

  “Please forgive me,” he whispered. “Forgive me for being an asshole and for taking the decision from your hands. For hurting you. Forgive me.”

  She pulled away from him slightly and then wiped the tears from his face. “Of course, I do. Though you have to be the one who forgives me for walking away.”

  “We’re starting from scratch. You and me.”

  “I don’t think we can go back that far,” she said honestly, smiling through her tears.

  When he kissed her again, long and hard, she ached for him, needing him. But when he dropped to one knee, she froze, her whole body shaking.

  “Aaron,” she whispered.

  “Madison McClard, I love you. I want to be in your life, and I want to see who we become together. You might still be my fake fiancé, and since you’re still wearing my ring, I have a question for you.”

  “Aaron, I don’t think—”

  He cut her off.

  “Will you date me?” he asked and winked.

  She stared at him and then threw her head back and laughed, knowing that this was the most perfect thing he could’ve said. She wasn’t ready to get married. Wasn’t prepared for that
happily ever after yet.

  But she nodded, tears falling down her cheeks, and then she fell to her knees in front of him, kissing him hard.

  “Yes, I’ll date you.”

  “Nice. I can’t wait to tell everybody that my fiancée is now my girlfriend,” he whispered against her mouth. She laughed again, holding him, knowing that they had a long road to travel, but it was one they would traverse together.

  Because this was their beginning.

  She had been well and thoroughly seduced by Aaron Montgomery.

  And yet, she knew they had far more nights to go: one moment and promise at a time.


  Aaron Montgomery desperately wanted cheese. He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s waist and nibbled on her neck, and knew that if he played his cards right, he’d be getting it.

  “I don’t know if you’re kissing me because you want to be all lovey-dovey. Or if it’s because I have four kinds of cheese on my plate right now.”

  Aaron laughed, kissed her neck, and then reached around for a white-cheddar-topped cracker. Madison turned in his arms, rolling her eyes.

  “I see. So am I ranked above or below the cheese? I just need to know my place.”

  He swallowed hard, took the champagne glass from her hand, and gulped half of the contents down so he could speak.

  “I don’t know if you want the answer to that,” he said. She pushed at him with her elbow, laughing.

  “You are a terrible human being. You’re lucky I love you.”

  He kissed her on the mouth, laughing as she shoved at him with her elbow again.

  “I got all of this cheese for us to share, so don’t you dare eat it all,” she growled at him.

  “I promise, I’ll share.” He took the plate from her, and she widened her eyes at him, looking astonished before he took a toasted piece of bread topped with brie and put it directly into her open mouth.

  She closed her eyes as she started to chew, moaning.

  That sound went straight to his dick, and he had to swallow hard.

  After all, she had moaned like that the hour before they showed up. With her mouth on his cock and his head between her legs, they’d had their appetizer before they even left the house.

  He knew there was probably another joke somewhere in there, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was to kiss his girlfriend again, the same one that still wore her engagement ring, though on her right hand instead of her left.

  One day, she would move it to her left hand when they were ready. And when he asked her properly, when it wasn’t part of a plan for deception.

  He liked that she still wore it. He had a similar band on his right hand.

  After all, he was just as claimed as she was.

  “Are you guys going to make out the entire time?” Annabelle asked from his side. He grinned over at his cousin.

  “Maybe,” he said. “You got a problem with that?”

  Annabelle sighed. “How are we the single ones here?”

  She looked over at her brother, Benjamin, who shrugged.

  “I don’t know, but with the way they’re all acting all lovey-dovey and swoony, do we want to be like them?”

  Annabelle looked a bit forlorn for a moment, and Aaron had to wonder what that meant. But then she shook her head. “No, I think we’re all just fine being in Fort Collins and happily single without being all weird and mushy.”

  “You know those are likely famous last words,” his cousin from Denver said. He looked over at Maya—looking radiant as always with her ink and piercings—and saw how she stood between her two men. She had a glow about her that said that she was happily in love and settled into her marriage with her two men while raising their babies.

  “I think we’re doing just fine without a happily ever after. Without a ball and chain,” Benjamin said.

  Aaron winced. “Oh, no. Don’t call a woman that. Or a man. Anyone. Ever. That just gets you into trouble.”

  One of Maya’s husband’s snorted. “Yes, and then you end up sleeping on the couch, not even in the guestroom. The couch. With a puny blanket and no pillow.”

  “Damn straight,” Maya said, laughing.

  “What are we doing over here?” his mother asked as she came up, kissing everybody on the cheek. His father was right behind her, grinning like a fool.

  His parents were proud as punch tonight, and Aaron couldn’t blame them.

  He and Lincoln had decided to do an art show together, reminiscent of what Lincoln had done all those months ago. This time, however, it showcased both of them.

  They had almost gotten Liam to do a reading and Bristol to play something for them, but they both had said no—very firmly, in fact.

  He just laughed, knowing that if Madison and his mother had their way, there would be time for that later.

  “We were just discussing who would be next to find their spouse,” Maya said.

  “Well, as soon as all of my ducklings are finally through their weddings, I’m sure I can talk to my sister-in-law and get on that,” his mother said. Annabelle and Benjamin shared a look and then grimaced.

  “Please do not get her started,” Annabelle pleaded.

  “I will do no such thing. I’ve always wanted my babies married and having babies, and now…look at us. You’re all happy and thrilled and showing off your talents to the world. I could not be prouder.”

  His mother dabbed at her eyes with his father’s handkerchief, and Aaron barely resisted the urge to roll his. Instead, he kissed Madison’s temple and leaned into her as his siblings circled them, joining in on the conversation.

  Somehow, each of them had found their happiness when and where they were least expecting it.

  Liam and Arden leaned into one another sharing a sly secret between them. It was one that Aaron knew only because he had forced it out of Arden, but he knew the rest would learn soon enough.

  Ethan, Holland, and Lincoln each grinned at one another, sharing another secret that he knew would be revealed soon.

  Marcus and Bristol looked blissful as they joked with Annabelle and Benjamin about something.

  Even Bristol’s ex Zia had shown up with her girlfriend Meredith, the two looking like models right off the catwalk.

  He had even seen Madison give them a second glance, and that made Aaron even hotter. He couldn’t wait to tease her about it later in bed.

  There was even a new triad in the group, Ethan’s and Marcus’s friends from work, who were now together with a third. He was very interested in hearing that story. Maybe one day at another barbecue, Ronin would explain exactly how he’d ended up in bliss with two others.

  Nobody batted an eye in this family when it came to triads, so they were in safe company.

  Everybody looked happy, except for maybe Annabelle and Benjamin, but Aaron didn’t know all their secrets. After all, the Fort Collins cousins were the most secretive of them all. And that was saying something considering most of the Montgomerys always had a thing or two they kept to themselves.

  When Madison looked up at him and pressed a piece of cheese to his lips, all thoughts of everybody else fled from his mind.

  This was the woman he loved. The one he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

  He hadn’t been looking for her, but he had claimed her, nonetheless.

  As he pushed her hand away slightly to capture her lips, he knew that she had claimed him just the same.

  His fiancée-turned-girlfriend was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  And as his friends and family surrounded him, everybody cheering the kiss, he knew that this was only the beginning. They had many more years of this to savor, many more connections and memories to make.

  But first, tonight was about family, love, their future.

  And, of course, cheese.

  Next in the Montgomery Ink series?

  Annabelle finds her match INKED PERSUASION.

  And as a bonus, Ronin, Julia, and Kincaid take a chance in CAPT

  * * *

  Want to read a special BONUS EPILOGUE featuring Aaron and Madison CLICK HERE!

  A Note from Carrie Ann Ryan

  Thank you so much for reading SEDUCED IN INK!

  I loved writing a fake-engagement romance!

  Next up in the Montgomery Ink series?

  Annabelle Montgomery finds her match in INKED PERSUASION. Yes, the Fort Collins Montgomerys are next!

  And as a bonus, Ronin, Julia, and Kincaid take a chance in CAPTURED IN INK.

  And if you’re new to my books, you can start anywhere within the my interconnected series and catch up! Each book is a stand alone, so jump around!

  Don’t miss out on the Montgomery Ink World!

  Montgomery Ink (The Denver Montgomerys)

  Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs (The Colorado Springs Montgomery Cousins)

  Montgomery Ink: Boulder (The Boulder Montgomery Cousins)

  Gallagher Brothers (Jake’s Brothers from Ink Enduring)

  Whiskey and Lies (Tabby’s Brothers from Ink Exposed)

  Fractured Connections (Mace’s sisters from Fallen Ink)

  Less Than (Dimitri’s siblings from Restless Ink)

  Promise Me (Arden’s siblings from Wrapped in Ink)

  If you want to make sure you know what’s coming next from me, you can sign up for my newsletter at; follow me on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like my Facebook page. I also have a Facebook Fan Club where we have trivia, chats, and other goodies. You guys are the reason I get to do what I do and I thank you.

  Make sure you’re signed up for my MAILING LIST so you can know when the next releases are available as well as find giveaways and FREE READS.

  Happy Reading!

  * * *

  The Montgomery Ink: Boulder Series:

  Book 1: Wrapped in Ink

  Book 2: Sated in Ink

  Book 3: Embraced in Ink

  Book 3.5: Moments in Ink

  Book 4: Seduced in Ink

  Book 4.5: Captured in Ink


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