By Fate
Page 1
By Fate
Accidental Billionaires
SJ Abbott
Copyright © 2019 SJ Abbott / Sara Jolene
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
What’s Next
About the Author
Also by Sara Jolene/SJ Abbott
Writing as Sara Jolene
Let’s Be Friends
The silk tie slid through Aaron’s fingers as he picked up his phone and swiped the screen. “This is Aaron.”
“Hey,” Bella chirped. “So, hear me out before you say no.”
Aaron smirked, but waited quietly for her to continue as he touched the icon that would put her on speakerphone so he could finish tying his tie.
Bella took a breath. “I want you to come to a party with me tonight.”
Aaron cinched the now-expertly tied knot up against his throat. “Not gonna happen, Bella.”
Bella’s annoyance laced her tone as she continued. “I asked you to hear me out. Today should be a happy day for all of us—graduation and all that—but I just can’t get myself there. I feel like my entire life is falling apart. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. This isn’t where I was supposed to be. I need a break…a chance to let my mind wander, and not focus on how fucked I am. This frat party is the perfect thing.”
Aaron could tell she was practically bouncing out of her skin just by the tone in her voice. He moved around his room, stuffing his wallet in his back pocket before gently taking his jacket off its stout wooden hanger and shrugging into it. Then he tucked his parents’ tickets to the graduation ceremony into the inside pocket and stood before the mirror to check the fit. He smiled a little. “Bella you know I’m not going to go to a frat party. Find a girlfriend to go with you and call me when you’re ready to leave. I’ll come and get you.”
Aaron received no response so with tightness in his shoulders, he turned off the speaker and put the phone up to his ear. His voice softened. “You know I can’t be seen at things like that. It could be too costly for the company. We’re trying to build a reputation.”
He relaxed when he heard Bella sigh. “I know you worked hard to build Genesis, but it’s making you super unfun…which is ironic, considering.” She let out a small laugh. “Seriously though. We had a deal. I need you to come with me. You know I can’t keep my hands to myself when I drink. I need you there.”
Aaron thought back to the last time Bella was drunk. He’d been walking her home when she’d pushed him into the short alley between her dorm and the science building. She’d all but attacked him, pressing herself against him and sliding down his body until she was on her knees. He remembered how swiftly her hands had freed his cock, making him groan. He tried to force himself back to the present, but he couldn’t completely push past the memories. He recalled the image of her soft pink lips stretching around his cock, and it sent shivers down his spine.
The idea of being with Bella was more than tempting, enough so that he responded, “I know we have a deal. It’s one I enjoy very much. Which is why I asked that you call me when you’re ready to go home.” Once again, the memories forced their way back. He could practically feel her mouth closing around his cock as she swallowed him into his consciousness. And he could almost feel the rough brick wall cutting into his back. The contrast between those feelings twisted through him. It was like he was back in the alley.
When Bella spoke again her voice changed from desperate and pleading to flippant and annoyed. “Look. I’m going tonight and I’m going to drink and dance and party my ass off. You and I both know I get horny as all hell when I’ve been drinking. You can come with me and we can keep our arrangement, or I can go without you and end up fucking someone else. Your choice.”
Aaron hated when she got cold. It served as a reminder of one of the many reasons he could never actually date her. They started out friends, she was beautiful and he liked to spend time with her, which is why he immediately agreed when she came to him asking if they could be fuck buddies. She’d said she was tired of having guys use her for sex, and that she wanted to get to know people and date without catching one of those unpleasant reputations that can happen so quickly. It was a good arrangement. It worked well for both of them. And now he saw it all slipping away. He’d known logically that they’d have to change things up eventually. She’d move on and so would he. Especially now that they were about to graduate, and her internship with Genesis was coming to an end.
But it was graduation day, after all. Maybe he could go, just this once. This one last time…and no one would find out. “Fine.”
“Fine what?” she asked.
“Fine. I’ll go with you.”
A high pitch squeal pierced Aaron’s ear before she said, “Thanks. See you at graduation.”
Aaron stuffed his phone in his pocket and when it landed his dick twitched. He couldn’t help it. Thinking about Bella always did that. Now he just needed to get through the ceremony without thinking about tonight. He’d have to make sure the guys had no clue where he was going. They’d be pissed if they found out.
He opened his bedroom door and found Seth and Gideon waiting in the hallway.
“Are you finally ready?” Seth asked, impatiently.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“I cannot believe you’re making me do this,” Julie complained.
“Just put it on.”
Julie shook her head and smiled as she took the shirt Shannon was offering. And as she tried to stuff herself into the itty-bitty thing, she was reminded that if Shannon hadn’t been her best friend, she’d be completely annoying.
Shannon was gorgeous; tall and thin, but still curvy in all the right places. She had that full, blown-out hair that everyone wanted but could rarely pull off—Julie included. And she was sweet too. Shannon was the type of girl other girls wanted to hate.
Julie turned toward the mirror and rolled her eyes as she smoothed the shirt over her flat stomach. “There is no flipping way I’m wearing this out in public. I look like one of those girls that just learned that boys like boobs and thinks that showing them off is the way to get their attention.”
Shannon laughed. She got up from the edge of the bed and went to stand behind her friend. “So you think you look like a seventh grader?” Shannon slapped Julie’s ass with a giant smirk on her face. “’Cause honey, there ain’t many seventh graders who can fill out a tank top the way you do. Now stop fussing with yourself and let’s go,” Shannon finished impatiently, dragging every drop out of the last vowel that she could. She tapped her foot with her hand on the doorknob.
Julie continued to shift and shimmy, trying to tuck herself fully into the tiny scrap of fabric. Giving up, she huffed out a breath and turned toward the door. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
Shannon quickly opened the door, and with a hand on Julie’s back, ushered her into the balmy night.
“Oh wait, maybe I should change my shoes. I don’t do well in heels,” Julie said.
Shannon dug her nails into Julie’s back and pushed her toward the sidewalk. “Stop stalling. Your shoes are fine, and you look great. Now get in the car because we’re going to this party and we are going to have a fabulous time. Furthermore, you already promised you’d go w
ith me and I’m not letting you back out because you need this just as much as I do. Got it?”
The entire idea was completely infuriating, because Shannon knew damn well she wouldn’t make her go alone. Julie looked into her friend’s crazy blue eyes. “Got it,” she answered with a half-hearted smile, before turning and folding herself into Shannon’s little hatchback … definitely not as easy as one would think.
Settling into her seat, Julie waited for Shannon to do the same. Then she turned toward her friend, with laughter climbing her throat, and asked, “Since when do you use words like furthermore?”
“Shut up,” Shannon said, tossing her fabulous hair wildly around her shoulders. “I’m a grown-up college educated woman now. I can use furthermore if I want to.” She barely got the words out before they both burst out laughing.
Julie shook her head at her. “And yet here we are on our way to what is bound to be the craziest party of the year.”
Shannon pulled out into the street without even bothering to check if anyone was coming. “Fuck, I hope so.”
It was a miracle the police weren’t already there. The music was so loud that the house seemed to pulse with the bass. There were people in various states of sobriety and nudity all over the lawn and hanging from the porch. The place was a mad house. Shannon drove slowly past the debauchery, looking for a place to park while Julie turned from the window, her jaw slightly dropped. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Shannon stepped on the gas, the momentum tossing Julie against her seat. “Yes. I’m sure. I really need this, Jules. I spent the last six years resisting the party scene while I focused on studying. So this is like my last hurrah because next week, the shit gets real and I have to find a job.” She swung the wheel and slid into an open spot only five houses down from their destination. After putting the car in park, Shannon turned to Julie with soft eyes. “Look, I know things have been rough for you with your family stuff and all, but you deserve to have some fun on occasion, too. We both work hard. We should play hard. It’s one night, and for this one night I say we live it up and have some fucking fun.”
The family comment hit hard, like a sucker punch to the gut. Julie couldn’t believe Shannon had brought it up. It wasn’t as if she needed a reminder, she was living that shit every damn day. It was even harder for her to believe that her friend didn’t think she was absolutely miserable, living at home and waiting tables instead of finishing school and getting on with her life.
Julie felt like a complete loser, which was the biggest reason why she hadn’t wanted to go out tonight. While she was happy for her friend, it had been extremely hard to watch Shannon and the rest of her former classmates walk across the stage earlier that day. She should have been up there with them. She was supposed to be so much more than she was at the moment.
Julie took a breath and tried to clear her head. She knew Shannon loved her. They’d been friends since the summer after high school and they knew every one of each other’s deepest, darkest secrets. She was certain Shannon didn’t mean to make her feel bad. Shannon was forcing her to this party because she cared. And it was for the same reason Julie had decided to suck it up and go in the first place.
Julie released her breath slowly from between her lips, put her hand on the door handle, and pushed her way into the night. “Well, what the hell are we waiting for?”
As they made their way closer to the party house, Julie just kept telling herself she was doing it for Shannon. Her best friend had accomplished a huge feat, and it would be horrible not to help her celebrate.
Julie firmed her resolve and grabbed Shannon’s hand, towing her up the walk and through the open front door.
Talk about sensory overload. Julie squeezed Shannon’s hand as they were pressed between bodies jockeying for either an exit or an entrance into the party of the year. Her lungs suddenly didn’t want to inflate, and little black dots danced before her eyes as she pushed harder into the throng of bodies. She tried to focus on the pressure of Shannon’s hand within her own.
Finally making it into the house proper, they found a small area where they could collect themselves and come up with a plan.
“Have you seen the bar? We should get drinks.” Shannon’s voice floated over the pulse of the music.
Julie’s eyes swept the room as she attempted to readjust her shirt. She spotted what she assumed to be the bar. “Over there,” she answered, hitching her chin.
“I’ll be right back.” Shannon disappeared into the crowd, leaving Julie alone and seemingly playing with herself as she shifted and tucked the “ladies” back into their lacey confines beneath the way-too-tight tank top.
Julie laughed at herself when she realized how she must have looked and quickly moved her hands from her chest to her skirt, smoothing it down her thighs as she decided to embrace Shannon’s plan to let loose
Her friend had a point, Julie did work hard. Between working six days a week at the restaurant and taking care of her ill mother, she deserved a night off. Tonight could be fun. If only she could let go and be free.
Bella opened the door, and Aaron once again wished his dick and his gut could agree. She was a fucking knock-out. Her long, tanned legs seemed to stretch to her neck in a tiny black dress that was so low-cut he knew just the slightest brush to the fabric would expose her tight pink nipples. The thought made his mouth water.
He gave in and took the two steps needed to be able to put his hands on her waist and pull her against his body. Her skin was smooth and hot against his as he brushed her hair behind her ear and leaned into whisper, “We could just stay here.”
He was getting dangerously attached to her. In that moment he wanted more than anything to taste her. His gut flipped at the thought of his tongue running lightly just above the edge of her neckline that was barely covering her breasts.
Bella laughed and the sound rang in his ears, waking him from the moment. He loved seeing her like this and wished it could continue. But deep down he knew this would probably be their last night together.
He’d decided long ago that Bella wasn’t the one. They wanted different things. Aaron, despite the high-powered look of the business he’d built alongside his best friends Seth and Gideon, was a hometown boy who wanted a hometown girl to share his white picket fence.
Aaron swallowed hard, resolving in his mind that he’d try to make tonight the best night the two of them had ever had. He’d give Bella whatever she wanted, and there was no way that Seth or Gideon could fault him once he had a chance to explain. They’d get it. They understood what he and Bella had.
“We can play later,” she purred. “I want to dance first.”
He couldn’t help himself. He had to test his theory about her dress. He ran a finger softly against the edge of her neckline, then bent his head and nipped the fabric slightly between his teeth, proving himself right when it slid slightly and the tender, pink skin around her nipple came into view. Bella sucked in a breath, and the sound made his cock twitch.
“I’m going to hold you to that,” Aaron whispered against her ear as he covered her back up. “Let’s go, then.” He took her hand and walked her out to his car.
Aaron loved that car. It was his one obvious indulgence. He and his partners may have shared half a house with drippy faucets and a hand-me-down couch, but as soon as he’d saved up enough money, Aaron had gone out and bought his dream car.
He’d felt completely out of his element. A college kid walking into a BMW dealership in jeans and a hoodie telling Ed, the salesperson who’d obviously drawn the short straw, that he wanted a brand new custom outfitted 335I, black sapphire with black leather. He remembered the timid, apologetic smile that had come across Ed’s face when the paperwork was being processed and he realized who Aaron was. And more importantly, what Aaron was worth.
Most people were reluctant to admit they knew who he was because then they’d have to explain how they knew. But the numbers spoke for themselves and on
ce they were revealed he had instant friends. Aaron reminisced about how that had become his defining moment. It was then that he’d realized they’d made it. Regardless of what his family—or anyone else, for that matter—thought of the business they were in, he knew that he was doing something he loved while allowing himself and his future family a comfortable life. He was living the dream and he knew it.
Aaron still drooled over his car. He took care of it as well as he took care of himself, maybe even better, taking it monthly to be detailed.
As Bella slid into the passenger seat, her skirt rode up her thighs and he knew the conditioned leather had to feel like butter against her smooth skin.
He closed her door and made his way to the driver’s side, took a deep breath and got in. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination or not, but he swore he heard Bella purr when he turned the key and the engine roared to life. She shifted in her seat as he shifted the car into gear, and they took off down the road.
Bella was quiet, which was unusual for her. Once they hit the highway he slid his hand across her thigh, creeping closer and closer to her center. “What’s up babe? You’re super quiet.”
She turned and looked at him before turning back to the road, her expression changing from solemn to bold as she put her hand on top of his and guided him to her core. She sighed as his thumb made contact with her warmth, and a smirk spread across her lips when he realized her panties were already slightly damp. He ran the pad of his thumb against the thin cotton covering her center, all while trying to stay focused on the road.
“You never answered me the other night,” she said as she wiggled against his hand.