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Chosen by the Riexian Prince

Page 12

by Alyx X

  “You have made my life, Nora.” Kyel leaned down and kissed me again, this time passionately, as if he’d do all the claiming with just his tongue.

  I returned the fever, desperate for him as much as he was for me. He cupped my breast and gave it some attention, tweaking the nipple until it hardened and became pointed, then he moved so that he could pull it into his mouth, nibbling softly at the tip.

  “Kyel,” I whispered, arching into his touch.

  As he worked on my breasts, sending pleasure reeling through me, his fingers worked on my pussy. Two of his fingers dipped between the folds of my pussy lips, gathering the wetness that had already gathered there, and then circled around my clit, before pinching it. I gasped, his touch making me feel wild.

  “I’m going to come in you with one dick first. It’ll help you stretch for me by loosening all your muscles. Then I’ll be able to insert both in you. It’ll be tight and if it’s painful, I need to know,” he whispered.

  “Mm,” was all the response I could give him as his fingers pumped inside of me. He removed his fingers, drawing a whine from me, but he quickly replaced it with his cock, ramming it into me. I gasped, grabbing onto him as he continued to pump into me, stretching me so much. The top cock, the one he normally used to take me, rubbed against my stomach, slapping it with every thrust.

  “Soon,” Kyel grunted out. He reached down and flicked my clit, and it was enough to send me over. My pussy clamped onto his cock as I came hard, the flare of heat blooming through my entire body.

  Kyel pumped a few more times before he stilled, his muscles straining, and my insides flooded with something cool and tingling.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked, pulling out of my. The coolness spread.

  “No, it feels good.” I squirmed against the touch.

  “Good. That is good. It’s working, my little one. Remember what happens next?”

  “I take both of you.”

  “You do. And you’ll l Iove it. Your pussy is going to spread for me and I’m going to slide in like I belonged there the entire time. You’re my home, Nora. If it hurts too much, let me know and I’ll stop. But you need to let me know, okay?”

  I nodded, reaching down and touching my stomach, where the coolness seemed to flood to. “It feels so weird.”

  “I know, little one. I know.” He kissed my cheek as his fingers went into my again. I could feel him spreading the coolness, everywhere he touched in me tingling, almost numbed and relaxed.

  “I wish you could see this,” he whispered. “The way your pussy eats at my hand.”

  “Your hand?” I almost screeched.

  He grinned, showing all his teeth almost predatorily, but with a sexualized spin. He was planning to devour me in a different way. “Yes. My hand.”

  I whimpered, not liking that idea. This was fisting. I’d heard about it, never thought I’d be part of it. He pumped his hand and pleasure surged through me. I bucked under his touch.

  “Good girl, you’re ready.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, my nerves starting to rise.

  He kissed me gently before pulling away and saying, “I’m sure. Wrap your legs around me.”

  He positioned as I did what he said. “Remember, let me know if it’s too painful.”

  I nodded, shaking with fear and anticipation. Then he thrust his hips and I felt him at my entrance. He pushed in slowly, my pussy opening for him as he slid in.

  “See,” he whispered. “I fit you perfectly. You are my home.”

  He pushed in further and I whimpered, causing him to still.

  “More,” I moaned, feeling so impossible stretched that I wasn’t sure how I was going to accommodate him more.

  He pushed deeper and I gasped, feeling so much of him in me.

  “I’m in,” he whispered. “All of me is in you.”

  Spasms of pleasure rocked through me at the sound of his melodic voice. I moaned, holding onto him tightly, squeezing him with my thighs.

  Chuckling, he began pumping, hitting something deep in me that was almost painful, but also wonderfully delicious.

  “You feel so good, Nora.” He moaned and sped up, putting more power into each thrust that I thought we were going to slide across the floor.

  My body tensed as my orgasm built to new heights, ready to crash at any moment. Kyel sensed it and changed his pace, shifting enough to make the thrusts feel different. He hit all the right spots as his cillia played with my clit and entrance with each thrust. My fingers curled, nails digging into him as I tried to breath through the wildness that Kyel created inside of me.

  Kyel reached down and poked at my back end, the pressure enough to send me over. I screamed as my orgasm crashed into me, everything growing hazy as all my senses and nerve endings went on the frits.

  Kyel roared as he came, the inside of me filling with hotness and coldness. It all started in my pussy but didn’t stay there as it seeped into my existence and spread through the rest of me. It was like he was changing me on a molecular level, claiming every cell of mine.

  I moaned, unsure if I was too hot or too cold. It was like sweating and shivering at the same time.

  “Nora,” Kyel crooned.

  I blinked open my eyes, finding myself in wrapped in his arms.

  “How are you feeling?”

  I blinked, unable to respond. He frowned. “Are you okay?”

  I managed to nod. Licking my lips, I forced my mouth to work. “I think I could do that again. But not anytime soon.”

  He chuckled. “You won’t have to. Your mine now. In the future, when you take me, it’ll be easier.”


  He laughed as he stood up, easily bringing me with him. He tucked me into bed and the crawled in behind, curling his body around mine, as if protecting me from any dangers that may break in while we slept.

  I loved it.

  With a huge smile, exhaustion settled over me as my body adjusted to the changes of having a Riexian mate.



  We were coming up to the final week of our journey. If water was walkable right then, I’d be walking on it with how good I felt. Things between Kyel and me were good. Too good to be true on most days.

  Unfortunately, that didn’t extend to the others on board the ship. Tension was growing and while they probably thought I was oblivious to it, I wasn’t. I was very aware, prepared, but for now, keeping my head down was the better option. Instigating a reaction wasn’t going to resolve anything. So I went to class since it was still important for me to learn all I could about Ariex. Once class ended, I would always beeline for Kyel’s—no, our—quarters. He was always adamant that I called it ours. And when I did, he always got a silly smile on his face.

  I wasn’t blind though. I saw what was going on. And today, it was more apparent when Liddia sat with the other factory works and giggled as they whispered together. I would have dismissed it if they would have stopped glancing at me before going off into a titter.

  Focusing on my studies became hard as they distracted me. They were acting worse than the whores in training. At least they were mature enough not to laugh out loud, though they never stopped smirking. Or in a few cases, failing to hide their dark jealousy. It was clear I got more out of my deal than they did. We all were sleeping with a Riexian, but I was the only one reaping the benefits.

  The video on the table continued to play but my focus was destroy. As I was getting back into the assignment, laughter broke out from Liddia and her new crew. Once again they were staring at me, leaning close together as they whispered, giggling.

  The anger in me bubbled out. While I had to be respectful to Riexian, that did not apply to the other humans. I refused to bow down to any of them nor let them walk all over me.

  Glaring hard, I asked, “Is there something I can help you with?”

  Liddia whispered something to a blond-haired, cherub-faced girl who had to be even younger than her. Th
at sent them into a fit of snickering as they pretended to look down at their video monitors.

  “Seriously. Instead of snickering like a bunch of bitches, why don’t you face me and tell me what you want.”

  The smile on Liddia’s face is predatory as she asks, “I’m only surprised, Nora. I thought your pussy would be as uptight as your personality is, but apparently, you don’t have any issue taking a Riexian’s double cock. I bet you begged for it too.”

  That got more laughter out of everyone in the classroom. Even the whores and men joined in. My face heated as rage consumed me. Unwilling to let her make a fool of me, I charged forward. Her eyes widened with disbelief as I came at her. She never expected me to tackle her, the table barely acting a barrier to stop me. I went over the table, slammed into her, and we both toppled over.

  People screamed, shouts were all around, but all my focused was on the two-faced bitch underneath me. I punched her, one after another, unwilling to let up. People grabbed at my arm, trying to pull me off. They lifted me up enough for Liddia to take a swing, her punch connecting with my eye. Pain flared out, but I didn’t care, too busy trying to get to her.

  I jabbed back with my elbow. Someone grunted and let me go. I went after Liddia again, taking her and the person who had been pulling her away down with me. I landed on top again and wrapped my hand around her throat, more than willing to choke her out.

  “Make a mockery of me all you want, you bitch. I have no problem reminding you that while you’re stuck working in a factor for eighteen hours a day, seven days a week, I’ll be comfortable in a bed, with a man pleasing me.” I snarled as someone yanked me back off of her. I kicked out, connecting with her stomach before they pulled me too far back.

  Liddia curled into herself, sobbing, while her so-called friends left her laying there, all staring in shock with no idea what to do.

  No one expected me to fight back. They all thought I’d accept it. Joke was on them.

  Tryel was in my face, expression dark with his own rage. He wouldn’t hit me though. I knew he wouldn’t. His culture said I couldn’t since Kyel had claimed me.

  “Get out,” he spit out, saliva hitting my face. “Get out of my classroom and don’t you dare return. I will have words with your master about your behavior today. You are not fit for my class, and frankly, you aren’t fit for Ariex either.” He shoved me out the door and left me standing there, breathing heavily, fists aching, and my left eye blurry and burning.

  I stalked back to my quarters, cursing every person in that classroom to a bloody fate. I’d like to personally deal with Liddia. Maybe toss her out the hatch and into space, get first hand experience to how space affects a human’s body.

  As soon as I was in the room, I flopped onto the bed, buried my head into a pillow and screamed until my lungs burned.

  “What is going on? Why am I hearing about you causing a riot in the classroom?” Kyel flew into the room with slight panic and worry. “Nora, what happened?”

  I jumped up from the bed and paced hard. “That bitch finally showed her real colors.” Hanging out with Kyel so closely has taught me better how to snarl. It wasn’t anything like a Riexian’s, but for a human, I thought I did a good job.

  “What happened?” he asked. “Tryel doesn’t want you back in the classroom ever again. And stop pacing, let me get a look at you.”

  I didn’t listen and kept walking around, needing to burn off the adrenaline from the fight that still coursed through me. While I did it, I repeated exactly what Tryel said to me, how I wasn’t welcome back in the classroom ever again.”

  “Enough.” Kyel moved into my path, forcing me a stop. He cupped my face and scowled as he took in the damage. “Does this hurt?”

  I tried to yank away, but he wouldn’t let me.

  “I’m fine. I’ve had worse.”

  “Doesn’t mean you need to have anything now. I’ll have a talk with that damnable instructor.”

  I snorted. “I doubt it would only be a talk.”

  “Words will be exchanged so it is a talk.”

  “Until you leave him a bloody mess.”

  “How it ends is debatable, but it will start as a talk.”

  I giggled at his protectiveness. It wasn’t needed, but it was nice to have. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest, wincing as I was reminded that my right eye was blackened. That bitch had taken a cheap shot.

  “Why are you smiling?” Kyel asked, kissing the top of my head.

  “Remembering the sniveling mess I left in the classroom. Trust me, Liddia may have given me a black eye, but she didn’t come out of it uninjured.”

  “Even so”—Kyel pulled away and traced the injury—“I hate that this happened to you. Maybe it is best that you do not go to that classroom. I can teach you what you need to know about my planet and people.”

  “I refuse to back down or cower.”

  Kyel smiled. “It will not be cowering. You fight like a queen, not it’s time to show that you can be smart like one too. I can do that for you.”

  Both of my eyebrows went up. We hadn’t talked about what my future with him meant, what being his mate entailed. We danced around it, instead enjoying the bliss of our new relationship, learning more about each other, and making love as often as possible.

  “Queen?” I asked in a breathy voice. That sounded like a heady responsibility.

  His grin was feral, eyes sharp. “Yes. Queen.” His response held surety that I hadn’t gotten from him before. He finally made up his mind. I would be the queen, and that meant he’d be the king.



  Soft warmth pressed against me, making my cocks hard. I groaned, pushing against the heat, seeking its source. Nora responded by snuggling in closer to me, her naked flesh tempting me. I blinked past the sleepiness that still clung to me and looked down at the woman who was mine.

  Never had I ever met someone so perfect for me. Never I had I ever thought I’d be given someone so precious. She was never someone I planned for. My mate.

  She slept peacefully, her expression content, skin pink and practically glowing. I only hoped her dreams were full of goodness and happiness. She needed it. We were only a day out now, tomorrow the big day. We’d finally be arriving at Ariex.

  There was still so much unresolved. Having to train Nora made it harder to nail down whoever had hacked into the ship’s system. Drayl and I still didn’t know who did it, we only knew it was one of the instructors. I’d have to find out when we landed. If it meant finding one of them, I didn’t mind locking all of them up.

  If it was needed to keep Nora safe and me able to wake with her tucked into my side, then I’d do what needed to be done. No one was going to take my mate away from me. Nora was right, I had been spineless, thinking backing away from her was the best for everyone. I knew better now. If I wanted my happiness, then I needed to be willing to fight for it.

  Nora moaned and pushed into me, her soft lips tracing my jawline. The tension that had been building instantly went away with her touch. A magic trick of hers I hadn’t been able to solve.

  “Morning,” she said, blinking gorgeous hooded green eyes at me. “I can get used to this.”

  “Me too, little one. And we will. I promise. Once we get settled on Ariex, we will have a lifetime to wake in each other’s arms.”

  “Tell me about it,” she whispered.

  “About what?”

  “How we came to this point? How did you know who’d I be to you?”

  I grinned. “TerraLink. They have connections to hundreds of other planets and we wanted those connections. It’d give us access to more resources for our people. So we applied to join TerraLink. It took three years to do. About a year in, we discussed doing a round of pickups as a test.” I kissed her hard before pulling away. “That was when I saw your picture. You were this little dirty thing, but underneath that was a woman I knew would do me proud. You had fight in you, even in your photo. Your r
ed hair was crazy around your face. I couldn’t stop looking at you. But we couldn’t get you right away, not if I wanted you as a mate. So we had to wait another two years so that you were of age.”

  My smile slipped away, darkness seeping in as I remembered the day my father told me who his new wife was going to be. I almost killed him then and there, but his elite soldiers were there and they would have destroyed me.

  To lessen my rage, I dragged Drayl with me to one of the war torn planets, dropped myself into the middle of a battle, and released all my emotions. Even after being surrounded by broken, bloody bodies, the rage kept screaming. It had only been another lesson taught by my father, that nothing would ever truly be mine for as long as he lived.

  “Hey, where did you go?” Nora cupped my face.

  With thoughts of my father at the cusp, I pulled Nora closer, rolling so I was on top of her, all of her softness pressing against me. I loved how easy it was to sink into her, for her to mold to my body.

  “I do not admit much, Nora. Keeping my emotions in check has always been a requirement in my life. But you are mine now, and it makes me crazy. I am excited, I am happy. But most of all, I fear for you. If it means I am spineless, then in this, I will be because it is questionable if we’ll win against my father.”

  “Okay. I’m stopping you right there.” She slapped both of my cheeks, jarring me from the tailspin of dark thoughts that were about to consume me whole. I blinked, focusing on her. “The issue with your father is not questionable. He will go down. And I will be there to take him down with you.”

  “The idea of anything happening to you…”

  She squeezed my face so my cheeks were squished and my lips puckered out. “I can take care of myself, Kyel. I’m a badass. If anything, you’re the one who needs to be taken cared of.”

  The idea of this little human taking care of me was so laughable that I shook with my amusement.

  “What?” she asked, smiling in a way that made me want to keep it there for eternity.


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