Seven Nights

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Seven Nights Page 15

by Kristin Daniels

  Evan flopped onto his back and stretched long and hard as she scooted off the end of the bed. With one click of the remote, Garrett turned the TV off, sufficiently dousing the room in darkness. The heavy curtains across the windows had been drawn, so the only light shone in through the window separating the bathroom from the bedroom. Because the switch to turn the pane opaque hadn’t been flipped, the glass was crystal clear, which gave them the perfect view of Riley getting ready for her bath.

  She cranked the faucets on and as the steamy water poured from that cool-assed spigot in the ceiling to splash into the oversized tub, she stripped out of her tank top and shorts. Christ, he hardened in an instant. The nap he’d taken during the movie proved to be the perfect pick-me-up, and he couldn’t think of a better way to burn up his newfound energy than by making love with the two of them.

  Memories. He needed to make as many memories as possible.

  Garrett shifted to lie on his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “God, she’s amazing.”

  Evan ignored the ice pick sliding into his heart at the statement. “You won’t find me arguing.”

  He wouldn’t find Evan uttering a single word, not as she stepped under the streaming water. His voice froze somewhere in his throat as she wet her hair, as the water flowed over her shoulders to stream down her breasts. Riley sat on the edge of the tub then—shit, she had to know they were watching her—and reached for the bottle of shampoo. She arched her back as she lathered her hair and Evan swore he heard Garrett growl.

  Chunks of suds slid down her slickened body and she used them instead of the body wash sitting right next to the shampoo. She swirled the lather everywhere—over her breasts, her tummy, between her legs—and she did it again and again until Evan thought he might swallow his own tongue.

  When she lowered her lashes and snuck a sultry smile through the window, Evan’s entire body lit up like a three-story-high bonfire. The twinges in his foot inexplicably vanished. He couldn’t feel a damn thing, nothing other than his pulse hammering through his system, pile-driving straight for his cock.

  “She is so bad.” Garrett kept his voice at a murmur.

  “But so, so good,” Evan countered.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  She stood directly under the spigot again, this time rinsing the shampoo just as seductively as she’d applied it—which only served to drive him even more crazy. His hands itched as she turned the water off and reached for the towel next to the tub. Damn, he wanted to be the one to dry her, to run that towel over every silky inch of her body, only because he could follow the path he created on her skin with his lips and tongue.

  But instead he was forced to watch her do it herself. And holy hell, she was taking her sweet time. Not a single millimeter of her body went untouched. Finally she ran the towel through her hair one last time, dropped it on the floor, killed the light in the bathroom and slipped quietly into the bedroom.

  She crawled back in between them on the bed slowly, seductively, before lying on her side and tucking her rear up against the bulge in Garrett’s basketball shorts. Evan rolled over to face her, to touch her, to take her lips in a hot kiss. And whoa, the ferocity with which she kissed him back had him edging that fine line between endurance and impatience. He wanted to draw this out, to make his time with her and Garrett last forever, but at the same time he wanted her so desperately, he wasn’t sure he’d make it through the next ten minutes.

  Her skin was warm and still a little damp and she felt so amazingly good in his arms. He skimmed his hand up her side as Garrett drew her tighter against him. When she shivered at his light touch, Evan wanted to fucking groan. Her responsiveness blew him away. He knew he’d never get enough of that, not enough to last him the lifetime he needed.

  As he cupped her breast and ran his thumb across her nipple, she broke from his kiss. Her moan was sweet, throaty and utterly devastating.

  But before he could lose himself in that train of thought and ruin this, she pushed on his shoulders until she had him on his back. She slipped out of Garrett’s arms and straddled him, and this time he didn’t hold back. His groan matched hers in throatiness as she ground herself against him. The thin fabric of his own basketball shorts didn’t do a damn thing to mute the heat coming off her. He felt every burn, every scorch of her body against his.

  His hands developed a mind of their own as Garrett came to his knees beside her. He held her face in his palms and kissed her, rougher yes, but no less deeply than Evan had. Seeing the two of them above him, locked together like that, sent Evan’s mind careening down a brutally heartbreaking path. He caressed her over and over, just watching them, mesmerized almost. He smoothed his fingertips over her thighs, her tummy, her breasts and those gorgeous, beaded nipples. The hand that wasn’t latched around Garrett’s neck as she kissed him found Evan’s, and she held on, pressing his palm against her breast and rolling her hips over him.

  They were so remarkable together, her and Garrett. And to think they included him in that, that they wanted him with them. The idea that they might actually love him too had his heart cramping as his cock thickened even more.

  Garrett’s chest tightened and his biceps flexed as he nearly devoured Riley. In an almost frenetic rush, Evan’s brain completely blanked. He was moving purely on instinct now, sliding the hand not busy on Riley’s breast across her stomach until he found Garrett. So different from Riley’s warm and lush skin, the hard ripples of Garrett’s abs drew him in. He touched him. He stroked him. Heaven above, he wanted to taste him.

  Evan sat up, replacing the palm covering Riley’s breast with his mouth. He sucked and nipped on the tight bud as he slipped his arm around Garrett’s waist. Pulling him in closer, he grazed his lips across Riley’s body, over to her other breast, and then further on to Garrett’s tight stomach.

  When the skin and muscles he found there fluttered, Garrett growled and palmed the back of Evan’s head, holding his nape as he continued his assault on Riley’s lips. Despite Garrett’s grip on Evan, he didn’t stay in one place. He couldn’t. He trailed his lips lower, past Garrett’s inny bellybutton, yanking on the waistband of his shorts at the same time.

  Christ, he was hard. Amazingly so. Hard and thick and on fucking fire. The taut tip of his cock burned Evan’s lips as he drew him in, as he delved deeper. On a moan, Garrett broke from Riley’s lips and pinned Evan with a stare so searing, it cut straight through the darkness engulfing the room. He gripped the back of Evan’s neck tighter, leading him so achingly slowly. So methodically. It was all so goddamn crazy. And so unexpected.

  And it felt so fucking right.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes.” Riley whispered her approval as she snuggled into Evan’s neck, just as he’d done when she’d been the one going down on Garrett. She found that perfect spot along his neck, the one at the dip just below his jawline, and drove him utterly insane with her lips and tongue.

  Still, as incredible as her mouth on him felt, it wasn’t nearly enough. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough. Not of moments like this one. Not of these two. Not ever.

  He gripped her too, holding them both securely within his trembling arms. She circled her hips over him again, adding her hands into the mix this time as well. She trailed her fingers down his chest, skimming lower over his stomach until she reached the waistband of his own shorts.

  “Lie back,” she blew into his ear. “Let me get these off you.”

  Garrett’s halted, uneven breaths made his chest heave as he eased away and slipped from Evan’s mouth. But he didn’t just kneel there and wait for Riley to finish with the de-pantsing. No, instead he all but lunged for Evan. He swept over him until they came chest-to-sculpted-chest and face-to-beautiful-face. His lips were hot and wet, sucking and licking and biting on Evan’s with so much skill and passion it made Evan’s balls draw up tight.

  Holy hell, could the man kiss.

  Sliding his fingers into Garrett’s dark and wavy hair, Evan pinned him against his own lips whi
le Riley wriggled his shorts down his legs and carefully pulled them past his feet. And then she was there too, sliding over him, covering his body with her own as she tangled her lips and tongue and wandering hands in with theirs.

  Whoa. Seriously.

  At that moment, all he could think about was connecting with the two of them on a completely different level. All he could concentrate on was becoming something more than three flushed and primed bodies. The raw emotion spurring him on was more than a simple need or a flippant want or even a crazed desire. It was more primal than all that. More intrinsic. This wasn’t just about the sex. This wasn’t just about having a killer orgasm.

  It was absolutely about loving these two the only way he knew how.

  As he stretched to reach for the nightstand, Riley and Garrett had to have been reading his mind. There were no words spoken between the three of them; there didn’t need to be. They were all on the same wavelength, circling the same drain of desperation, feeling every tick-tick-tick of their time together slip away.

  Riley straddled his hips once again as Garrett took the condom and the small tube of lubrication Evan handed him, all while he glided in behind her. They both covered themselves in the span of a couple frenzied heartbeats, and then she was back to kissing him—no, check that—she was back to decimating him.

  And then, ah God, she lifted her hips ever so slightly. But it was enough. Damn, it was just enough. In one frantic plunge, she slid back on him and took his cock inside her to the hilt.

  He choked back a breath. He squeezed his eyes shut. He moaned loudly, because he couldn’t find it in himself to do anything more coherent than that. She felt so good. So torturously good. He blindly found her hips and dug in, clutching them as he opened his eyes and searched behind her. Garrett was there, looking tortured himself as he squirted a generous amount of lube onto his fingertips.

  Riley reared back on a strangled cry as Garrett tossed away the tube and found her with his fingers, applying the lube and readying her. Her eyes drifted shut and sweet mercy, Evan knew why. He could feel Garrett too. He could feel him inside her, pressing deeper, stretching her wider.

  But that erotic feeling paled in comparison to the delicious fullness, to the crazy tightness waiting for him when Garrett began to work his cock inside Riley’s ass. He guided her until he had her plastered against Evan’s chest, moving his hips slowly, gently, but with so much determination it made all three of them groan. Riley drew her lips inward on breathy, muffled cries and she stilled, which had Evan fighting like hell to do the same.

  But he couldn’t. He tried, really he did, to let Garrett catch up. To let him ease that beautiful cock all the way inside her as tenderly as he could. But the muted slide of Garrett’s dick against his own while they were both inside this gorgeous woman was simply too much for him to take.

  He rolled his pelvis under her, not a lot, and not smoothly either. He jerked, little by little. In, then out, and only an inch or so at a time. And then, yes, damn it, yes, Garrett was in her fully. Their gazes clashed from over her shoulder and Garrett nodded, once.

  The message he was sending was clear.

  Up to that point, Riley’s pussy had fit Evan like a too-tight glove, which was mind-numbing in and of itself. But now, with both him and Garrett inside her? Holy-fricking-hell. The luscious agony was perfect—and annihilating. He’d never felt more connected, not to anyone. Not like this.

  She turned her face into his neck, her breaths caressing his skin like fiery whispers. Evan let go of her hip to palm the back of her head—but he didn’t grasp her to keep her still or to lead her in any way. He held her there so he could anchor himself, so he could cover her mouth with his and slide his tongue against hers as he pumped his cock in and out of her over and over and over again.

  He and Garrett developed a syncopated rhythm, one that left Riley breathless and had Evan fighting the urge to come. But not yet. Please. Not yet. Shit, it was too soon. Way, way too soon.

  Ah man, he needed a diversion. Something. But then Garrett swooped in from over her shoulder and added his lethal lips into the fray and Evan knew it was too late.

  Their breaths mingled while their lips and mouths and tongues collided. His and Garrett’s cocks thrust in and out of their woman in time to a beat only the three of them could hear. Hell, hear? He could feel it. It was a living, aching, vital part of him—and it was killing him, plunge by destructive plunge.

  “Oh God. Oh my God,” Riley repeated.

  Understatement of the century, right there. Chants weren’t going to cut it, not for Evan. Moans weren’t either. Shouts so loud and fierce his throat bled?


  But he couldn’t even force those out.

  Not until she levered herself against him and shoved backward toward Garrett. Not until she rocked into them harder. Fucked them faster. Moved into them deeper.

  Evan jacked his hips and ass off the bed, thrusting upward, straining to be as far inside her as he could get. He clenched his teeth and dug the heel of his good foot into the mattress, trying to hold on. But it did no good. The instant her pussy started to tighten on him, he knew he was a goner. There was no stopping the potent electricity centered in his balls and the base of his dick from splintering off and zapping the rest of his pelvis, his spine, hell, even his fucking brain.

  And he wasn’t alone.

  Garrett’s eyes turned glassy in the dark shadows of the bedroom. Riley reached over her shoulder, grabbing for her husband, clutching the wavy curls at the nape of his neck as she cried out, rearing her hips and ass back further. Her pussy seized as she came, and came hard. And then Garrett’s lips were at her temple, parted on a shout of his own, one that rivaled the deep and hoarse groan Evan gritted out. The three of them held on for all they were worth, muscles tense and stiff, expressions even more so, as they all let go and blew apart together.

  Garrett and Evan were still inside her when Riley pressed her palms to her face and covered her eyes. Her shoulders started shaking and for a moment Evan almost panicked. But he knew they hadn’t hurt her, that her tears weren’t because she was in any kind of physical pain.

  They were tears of love and want and need.

  And of loss.

  Evan understood her tears oh-so-soul-crushingly well. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

  Garrett shushed her with his lips against her shoulder, stroking her arms as he gently pulled from her body. “Baby, don’t. Ah God, don’t cry. It’s okay, we’ll work it out. I swear we will. You have my word on that.”

  Garrett had told him the same exact thing earlier out on the deck. Evan wanted to believe him but for the life of him, he didn’t know how to. He didn’t see a way for any of this to ever be okay, and Riley had to have felt that too.

  “We will. We have to,” was all she said, recovering quickly with a few final sniffles and a watery, painfully forced smile.

  Evan drew her against his chest and into his arms as Garrett slid out from behind her and off the bed. He plucked a few tissues out of the box on the nightstand and held them out for Evan, who took them but didn’t put them to use. He wasn’t ready to pull out of her just yet. She was still so warm and he still felt so connected. Her tearful anguish ripped through every corpuscle in his body and all he wanted right now was a few more moments to stay with her, just like this.

  But then his phone vibrated and lit up from where it sat on the nightstand, killing that idea entirely. His heart sank, simply because only one person would text him at this time of night, and he’d do it only if the matter was extremely important or a dire emergency.

  “Here,” Garrett said, handing the phone over while clicking on the bedside lamp.

  Evan one-handed the phone, keeping his other wrapped securely around Riley’s shoulders as he swiped his thumb across the screen to bring up his messaging app. He read the text, swore quietly and heaved out a bitter sigh.

  Fucking hell, he’d been right.

  “Is everything okay?” Riley

  Evan didn’t answer her, he only kissed her lightly while tossing his phone back on the nightstand. With a single, subtle shift of his hips, he slipped out of her and helped to roll her to her side before swinging his legs off the bed. Other than his wince when his feet first hit the floor, he didn’t move for a very long moment.

  The way he clutched the edge of the mattress as he sat there with his head bowed while breathing deeply screamed to her that everything wasn’t okay.

  The second she reached out for him, he shot to his feet and limped off to the bathroom. It took every ounce of restraint she possessed not to follow him in there and beg for him to tell her what was wrong. Instead, she sat up and inched in behind Garrett, who took Evan’s place on the edge of the bed. She rested her chin on her husband’s shoulder as they both expectantly watched through the bathroom window for a clue, for something to let them know what was up.

  But as soon as Evan flipped on the lights over the sinks, he also hit the switch to turn the window opaque.

  “This isn’t good,” Riley whispered.

  “Let’s just give him a minute alone.” Garrett craned his neck to kiss her forehead. “Being with you two like that was hands-down one of the most intense moments in my life. And considering how he’s—” He stopped. Sighed. “Anyway, I’m sure it was for him too.”

  There was so much left hanging in that statement. So much Riley didn’t want to read into. Because if she did, if she let herself go there, she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop the tears that would latch onto every miserable thought. She was having a hard enough time not giving in to the bitter unfairness of it all, the last thing she needed now was to add a slobbery breakdown into the already whacked-out mix.

  But damn if knowing all that didn’t stop her from pushing. “Considering how he’s what?”

  Garrett dropped his chin to his chest before sliding his gaze toward her from over his shoulder. “You know he doesn’t want to leave you, right?”

  Yes, deep down she knew that. She also knew she’d been lying to herself. No amount of mental pep-talks was going to change the way she felt. No amount of trying to avoid those feelings would end up lessening the pain of having to say goodbye. No amount of telling herself, over and over, that she could spend all this time with Evan and then up and casually walk away was going to make a light-hearted see-ya-later actually happen.


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