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The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee

Page 52

by David Treuer



  It is estimated that by the late 1870s: “Time Line of the American Bison,” National Bison Range Wildlife Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,

  “The coming of the troops has frightened the Indians”: Quoted in H. W. Brands, The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890s (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), 18.

  “there was a woman with an infant in her arms”: American Horse, quoted in “Documents Relating to the Wounded Knee Massacre” (personal accounts of Wounded Knee, from interviews by Eli S. Ricker; Black Elk Speaks; reports and testimony relating to the Army investigation of the Battle of Wounded Knee and the Sioux Campaign of 1890–1891) (ID 1101), Digital History,

  “Helpless children and women with babes in their arms”: John A. Haymond, The American Soldier, 1866–1916: The Enlisted Man and the Transformation of the United States Army (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018), 237.

  “they can go about getting it”: Kevin Abourezk, “From Red Fears to Red Power: The Story of the Newspaper Coverage of Wounded Knee 1890 and Wounded Knee 1973” (master’s thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2012), 39,

  General Nelson Miles relieved Colonel James Forsyth: Peter R. DeMontravel, A Hero to His Fighting Men: Nelson A. Miles, 1839–1925 (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1998), 204–7.

  “Why should we spare even a semblance”: Ibid., 207.

  “the miserable wretches” . . . “The Pioneer has before declared”: Quoted in Ned Halley, afterword to L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz [sic] (London: Collector’s Library, 2009), 177.

  “The United States lies like a huge page”: Frederick Jackson Turner, “The Frontier in American History” (1893), in The Frontier in American History (New York: Henry Holt, 1921), 12.

  “We shall never be happy here any more”: Simon Pokagon, The Red Man’s Rebuke (Hartford, MI: C. H. Engle, 1893), 12–13.

  “What is life?”: Quoted in post to Native History Magazine, February 18, 2013,

  “greatest concentration of recorded experience and observation”: Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (1970; New York: Henry Holt, 1970, 2000), xxiii.

  “If the readers of this book”: Ibid., xxv.

  “Men make their own history”: Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (CreateSpace, 2013), 7 (trans. Saul K. Padover, from 1869 German edition).

  Part 1. Narrating the Apocalypse: 10,000 BCE–1890

  The Spanish crown in particular had depleted its resources: Simon Newman, “Merchants in the Middle Ages,” The Finer Times,; and Allen Pikerman, “The Iberian Golden Age: European Expansion: Exploration and Colonization, 1400–1650,” 2002, International World History Project,

  The effects were dramatic: Newman, “Merchants in the Middle Ages.”

  “While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman”: Klaus Brinkbäumer and Clemens Höges, The Voyage of the Vizcaína: The Mystery of Christopher Columbus’s Last Ship, trans. Annette Streck (New York: Harcourt, 2006), 156. Also found at Katie Halper, “Five Scary Christopher Columbus Quotes That Let You Celebrate the Holiday the Right Way,” Raw Story, October 13, 2014,

  “‘enemies of the Catholic church’”: Andrés Reséndez, The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016), 26.

  “Who is this Columbus who dares give out my vassals as slaves?”: Ibid., 28.

  “would have sent many Indians”: Quoted ibid. (emphasis in original).

  All had the same tale to tell: “Columbus Controversy,” History,

  dated to as many as nineteen thousand years ago: Ann Gibbons, “Oldest Stone Tools in the Americas Claimed in Chile,” November 18, 2015, Science,

  Archaeological evidence: John E. Clark and Dennis Gosser, “Reinventing Mesoamerica’s First Pottery,” in The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies, ed. William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2015), 209–19, retrieved at

  “to encourage them to abandon hunting”: “Jefferson’s Secret Message to Congress,” January 18, 1803, Rivers, Edens, Empires: Lewis & Clark and the Revealing of America, Library of Congress,

  “I think our governments will remain virtuous”: Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, December 20, 1787, Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters,

  “To promote this disposition to exchange lands”: Thomas Jefferson to William Henry Harrison, February 27, 1803, Founders Online, National Archives,

  “wheresoever they may be found”: Laws of the Colonial and State Governments from 1633 to 1831 Inclusive (Washington, DC: Thompson and Romans, 1832), 186.

  “Neither superior technology”: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (Boston: Beacon Press, 2014), 96.

  When it concluded, the United States secured: Charles Flowers, Peter B. Gallagher, and Patricia Wickman, Seminole Timeline, Seminole Tribe of Florida, History,

  “Am I a negro, a slave?”: Quoted in “Billy Bowlegs in New Orleans,” Harper’s Weekly, June 12, 1858, 376, [inactive] .

  As was typical, American losses were framed: Michael Warren, “Dade’s Massacre Reenacts Start of Second Seminole War,”

  “The government is in the wrong”: Adam Wasserman, A People’s History of Florida 1513–1876: How Africans, Seminoles, Women, and Lower Class Whites Shaped the Sunshine State (Self-Published, 2009), 303.

  The total cost to fight the Seminole: “The Causes and Effects of the Seminole Wars,” Florida Memory, State Library & Archives of Florida,

  Life seems to have been particularly good: Alice B. Kehoe, North American Indians: A Comprehensive Account, 3rd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2005), 209.

  “After around 3000 BCE”: Ibid., 32.

  One archaeological site in southern Maine: Ibid.

  Elaborate burial practices disappeared: Ibid.

  Bison were habituated: Nancy Blumenstalk Mingus, “Origin of the Name ‘Buffalo,’” from Buffalo: Good Neighbors, Great Architecture (Arcadia, 2003),

  Portuguese explorer Gaspar Corte-Real: Pietro Pasqualigo, ambassador to Portugal from Venice, to his brothers in Venice, October 19, 1501,

  In 1580 an English crew who had landed in Maine: James Axtell, After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), 177.

  French explorers brought Indians back to France: Kehoe, North American Indians, 225.

  In 1592, well before the Seneca had direct: Mary Ellen Snodgrass, World Epidemics: A Cultural Chronology of Disease from Prehistory to the Era of Zika (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017), 56.

  “laughed his Enemies and
the Enemies of his People”: Alfred A. Cave, The Pequot War (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1996), 151.

  In the various climates found in this vast and fecund area: Michael Perry, “Woodland Period,” 1996, Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa,

  In Ohio some mounds were found to contain: Alice Kehoe, North America Before the European Invasions, 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2016), 85.

  One burial mound at the Mound City: “Hopewell (1–400 A.D.),” Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,

  Large villages replaced small seasonal camps: “Mississippian Period AD 1100–1541,” Fort Smith National Historic Site (Arkansas), National Park Service,

  One burial site there contained twenty thousand shell beads: Jack Page, In the Hands of the Great Spirit: The 20,000-Year History of American Indians (New York: The Free Press, 2003), 70–71.

  “made frequent signs to us to come on shore”: “The Great Lakes Fur Trade: All Because of a Beaver,” North West Company Fur Post, Minnesota Historical Society,

  With the exception of the Huron: James F. Pendergast, “The Confusing Identities Attributed to Stadacona and Hochelaga,” Journal of Canadian Studies 32, no. 4 (Winter 1998), 149–67,

  The hope at Quebec was to catch furs: Michael McDonnell, Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America (New York: Hill and Wang, 2016), 29.

  “not permit any Nation to establish posts there”: Ibid., 152.

  “stabbed him to death”: Ibid., 154.

  “killed, boiled, and ate Memeskia”: Ibid.

  These were people who knew what they were doing: Page, In the Hands of the Great Spirit, 72.

  Contrary to the myth of the desert: “Sonoran Desert Network Ecosystems,” Sonoran Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network, National Park Service,

  “one of the cleverest bits of passive solar architecture”: Page, In the Hands of the Great Spirit, 81.

  The Zuni seem to have been waiting for them: Ibid., 138–40.

  After three days they emerged: Ibid.

  Nevertheless, the U.S. government prevailed: Peter M. Whiteley, Deliberate Acts (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988), 14–86.

  When the Americans arrived: Kehoe, North American Indians, 144.

  In 1863 the military launched: Ojibwa, “The Navajo Long Walk,” May 2, 2010, Native American Netroots,

  It was a place apart: Robert Petersen, “California, Calafia, Khalif: The Origin of the Name ‘California,’” December 15, 2015, KCET,

  It is estimated that in 1770: A. L. Kroeber, Handbook of the Indians of California, Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1925), 880–91.

  In 1832 the number was 14,000: Dorothy Krell, ed., The California Missions: A Pictorial History (Menlo Park, CA: Sunset Publishing, 1979), 316.

  “must be expected” that “a war”: Brendan C. Lindsay, Murder State: California’s Native American Genocide, 1846–1873 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2015), 231.

  Farther inland, evidence is emerging: Loren G. Davis, “New Support for a Late-Pleistocene Coastal Occupation at the Indian Sands Site, Oregon,” Current Research in the Pleistocene 25 (2008), 74–76, retrieved at See also “Paisley Caves,” Archaeology, August 11, 2014,; and “Paisley Caves,” The Oregon Encyclopedia,

  Skeletal remains of (mostly) young men: Kehoe, North America Before the European Invasions, 106.

  Coastal populations that were around two hundred thousand: Robert Boyd, The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: Introduced Infectious Diseases and Population Decline Among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774–1874 (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1999).

  At last, disease, exhaustion, and starvation: Native Voices (Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness), Timeline, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,

  One of the men, Kimasumpkin, protested: “Whitman Massacre Trial,” Highlights of the Oregon State Archives,

  “I was not present at the murder”: Quoted in William Parsons and W. S. Shiach, An Illustrated History of Umatilla County and of Morrow County ([San Francisco?]: W. H. Lever, 1902), 62.

  They adopted the bow and arrow around 500 BCE: Page, In the Hands of the Great Spirit, 47–49.

  They plied the lowlands of south and central Texas: “Coahuiltecan Indians,” Handbook of Texas Online,

  By that time their population had dropped: S. C. Gwynne, Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History (New York: Scribner, 2011), 274.

  “the tallest race of men in North America”: George Catlin, letter no. 30, Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians . . . (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1845), vol. 2, 40.

  When the ice sheet retreated: Alan J. Osborn, “Paleo-Indians,” Encyclopedia of the Great Plains,

  It wasn’t long, however, before the former: Francis Haines, “The Northward Spread of Horses Among the Plains Indians,” American Anthropologist 40, no. 3 (1938), 429–51.

  “There is something deeply ironic”: James Wilson, The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America (New York: Grove Press, 1998), 248.

  Between ten thousand and fifteen thousand Blackfeet: Michael J. Ables, “Smallpox: The American Fur Company Pox Outbreak of 1837–1838,” Electronic Journals Hosted by University Libraries, Wichita State University,

  So it was not merely the Indians’ lack of immunity: Ibid.

  William Mayo: Helen Clapesattle, The Doctors Mayo, 2nd ed. (Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic, 1969). Found also in James V. Fenelon, Redskins? Sports Mascots, Indian Nations and White Racism (New York: Routledge, 2017), 59–60; and in “Dakota War of 1862,” Alchetron,

  “saw one squaw lying on the bank”: Quoted in Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor (New York: Dover Books, 2003), 344; see also “The Sand Creek Massacre,” Native American Nations,

  “one little child”: Jackson, A Century of Dishonor, 344.

  Part 2. Purgatory: 1891–1934

  Kevin Washburn slips off his cowboy boots: Author interview with Kevin Washburn, March 11, 2016. All quotations of Washburn are from interviews with the author.

  “In case any agent of the ministry”: “July 1, 1775: Congress Resolves to Forge Indian Alliances,” This Day in History, History,

  “I would recommend that some post in the center”: George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, May 31, 1779, Founders Online, National Archives,

  The Oneida, despite being a member: “The Revolutionary War, Oneida’s Legacy to Freedom,” Oneida Indian Nation,

  Polly Cooper, an Oneida woman with the entourage: Alejandra Smith, “Oneida,” George Washington’s Mount Vernon Digital Encyclopedia,

  “The United States acknowledges the lands reserved to the Oneida”: “The Revolutionary War, Oneida’s Legacy to Freedom.”

  The Oneida contributions to American victory: Joseph T. Glatthaar and James Kirby Martin, Forgotten Allies: The Oneida Indians and the American Revolution (New York: Hill and Wang, 2010), 5.

  “The President is willing to grant them peace”: Donald L. Fixico, Bureau of Indian Affairs: Landmarks of the American Mosaic (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2012), 32.

  The commission also forced the Seminoles to sell: Ibid.

  “It does not seem a great task”: Ibid., 33.

  A Seneca, he was born and raised: “Ely Parker 1770–1844: Parker Family Tree,” A Warrior in Two Worlds: The Life of Ely Parker, PBS,

  “‘to sound the war whoop and seize’”: C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa, Crooked Paths to Allotment: The Fight over Federal Indian Policy After the Civil War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014), 39.

  The Parker home became a meeting place: Ibid., 45.

  “We are all Americans”: Arthur C. Parker, The Life of General Ely S. Parker: Last Grand Sachem of the Iroquois and General Grant’s Military Secretary (Buffalo, NY: Buffalo Historical Society, 1919), 133, retrieved at


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