by David Treuer
Kainna (Many Chiefs), 237
Kansas, 137, 148, 174, 219, 220, 247–48, 257, 431
Kansas Act (1940), 247–50, 255
Karok, 336
Kaw, 80
Kehoe, Alice, 38
Kelly, Bob, 381–82, 384
Kelsey, Andrew, 67–68
Kennedy, Edward, 321–22, 333
Kentucky, 32
Kickapoo, 248
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 438, 439
King, Rodney, 410
Kiowa, 28, 55, 83
Kissinger, Henry, 322
Klamath, 257
Kwakiutl culture, 70
La Flesche, Susette, 8
La Follette, Robert, 171–72, 173
Lafferty, Bernie, 327
Lake Mohonk Conference, 131
Arikara attacked by, 89
and Battle of the Little Bighorn, 3, 95, 159
Black Hills ceded by, 159
and buffalo, 3, 95, 239
and Custer’s campaigns, 94–95
and Dakota Access Pipeline protest, 435
Dog Soldiers of, 151
Ghost Dance religion of, 4
and Great Sioux Reservation, 159
and guns provided by French, 87
hair traditions of, 135
in High Plains, 84
homeland secured by treaty, 2
and Indian Appropriations Act (1851), 110
and Indian Claims Commission settlement, 319–20
intertribal conflicts, 89, 91
massacre of. See Wounded Knee massacre (1890)
military service of, 192, 196, 198
reservation period, 95
and territorial expansion of Ojibwe, 87
and Treaties of Fort Laramie, 2, 90, 94, 95, 159
Lame, Ted, 349
Lamont, Buddy, 326, 349
lands of Indians
cultural consequences of losing, 254, 261, 263
and Curtis Act (1898), 148–49
and Dawes Act (1887), 145, 149, 153, 158, 160–61, 205
dwindling size of, 150, 451
and Indian Appropriations Act (1889), 83
and Indian Claims Commission, 253, 254
and Indian Reorganization Act (1934), 206
Indians remaining in, 96–97
of Little Shell Band at Turtle Mountain, 257–60, 263
and mission of BIA, 113
and origin stories of Indians, 56
and Red Lake Reservation negotiations, 161–66, 168
treaties forcing cession of, 107
See also property ownership
Langlade, Charles, 50
languages of Indians
and bilingual education, 335
and boarding school students, 134, 139, 140, 430
as carrier of culture, 401
code talkers in wartime, 189, 219, 221
college courses, 418
Hall on cultural value of, 244
loss of, 140, 418
promotion of, 418, 430
and religious practices, 401
and tribal identities, 1n
Larrabee, Charles, 162
law enforcement, 151–58
Leach, Stella, 300
Leader, Otis W., 191–92
Leading Feather, 164
Lee, John, 78–79
Lee, Robert E., 109
Leech Lake Reservation
and Community Action Program, 332
economic status of, 284–85
legal services on, 367–68
mixed martial arts at, 179–80, 231
perceptions of, 11
timber illegally harvested from, 197
unemployment rate in, 181
leeches and leeching industry, 285, 286, 310, 339–45
legal-services organizations, 367–68, 384–85
leptospirosis epidemic, 41
Leupp boarding school, Arizona, 141
Lewis, Meriwether, 72, 89, 116–17
Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery, 72, 89, 116–17, 238
life expectancy for Indians, 293, 296
Lincoln, Abraham, 93, 215
Lipan, 55, 83
Little Bighorn River. See Battle of the Little Bighorn
Little Earth housing project, 329
Little Shell (Ojibwe leader). See Esens (Little Shell)
Little Shell Band (Ojibwe), 257–61, 263
livestock, 58, 65
Loesch, Harrison, 302–3
Looking Cloud, Arlo, 355
Luca, 31
Luger, Chelsey, 424–30, 441, 443
Luther, C. H., 369
Lutter, Bernard, 314–16
Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, 336–37
Lyon, Nathaniel, 68
Macdonald, Sir John, 139
Mahican, 39
Maine, 38, 41
Major Crimes Act (1885), 247–48
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, militants’ occupation of, 436, 437
culture of, 46
displacement of, 86, 87
and guns provided by French, 87
in High Plains, 84
and Lake Oahe, 436
sedentary culture of, 89
and Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851), 90
Mangizid, 186
Manypenny, George, 159
marijuana and cannabis
enterprise potential of, 376–77
and pharmaceutical research, 392, 393
and sovereignty, 363–64, 377, 392
and Tulalip, 363–64, 374, 376–77, 389–90, 391–92, 393, 405
marriages, 154, 156, 241, 379
Marshall, John, 32
Marshall, Thurgood, 386
Marshall Trilogy, 34
Martinez, Esteban José, 71
Marx, Karl, 17, 199
Mashantucket, 42
Mason, John, 42
Massachuset, 39
Matthews, Bob (Bobby), 283–86, 288, 307–13, 338–46, 348, 357–59, 386–87
Matthews, Howard, 307, 308
Matthiessen, Peter, 355–56
Mayaca, 31
Mayaimi, 31
Mayo, William, 93
McCumber Agreement (1892), 259–60
McDonnell, Michael, 47
McGillycuddy, Valentine, 5
McGovern, George, 322–23
McLaughlin, James, 5
McManima, J. C., 160
Mdewakanton, 413
Meadowcroft Rockshelter site, 27
Means, LaNada Boyer, 300
Means, Russell
and Alcatraz Island protest, 297
arrival at Pine Ridge Reservation, 321
comment on Ojibwe (Chippewa), 317
and death of Bad Heart Bull, 318
domestic abuse charges, 356
later life of, 356
leadership of AIM, 328
occupation of BIA headquarters, 302–3, 304
violence embraced by, 293
and Dick Wilson, 320
and Wounded Knee siege, 322, 324, 325–26
Means, Walter, 297
measles, 31, 41, 72, 73
Medal of Honor, 188
Medicine Horse, 454
medicine men, 154–55, 157, 166–67
Medwe-ganoonind (He Who Is Spoken To), 162–65
Memeskia, 49–50
and allotment, 265
culture of, 46
homelands of, 264
logging operation of, 169–72, 265–66
> resistance exercised by, 169–72
restoration of reservation, 268, 278
and termination, 263–68
tribal government, 266
as wards of state, 257
Menominee County, 267
Menominee Reservation, 255
Meriam, Lewis, 201
Meriam Report, 201–2, 205, 208, 249
meritocracy, 230
Mesa Verde, 213
Mescalero Apache, 55
Meskokonayed (Red Robed), 162–63
Meskwaki (Sac and Fox), 51, 219–20, 248, 255
Mexico, 25, 26, 38, 39, 44, 53, 57, 63, 64–66, 76, 77, 81, 82, 85, 215, 435
Miami (tribe), 46, 50
Miccosukee, 32
Michilimackinac, 47–48, 49
middle-class Indians, 383–84
migrations, 219, 245–47
Mi’kmaq, 39, 41, 42
Miles, Nelson A., 6, 8, 115
military service of Indians
and American Legion posts, 198
of Blackfeet, 242
and boarding school volunteers, 190–91
and casualty rates, 193
in Civil War, 109, 189
of Sam Cleveland, 181
code talkers, 189, 219, 221
and draft registration, 189
at front lines, 192, 193
and GI Bill, 263, 286, 397
heroism displayed in, 192
and Indians Claims Commission, 251
in Korean War, 286
and Medal of Honor, 188
of Meskwaki, 221
of Seelye, 222–27
and segregation, 193, 196
and U.S. citizenship, 109, 189, 196, 197, 199
veterans of, 197–98
in World War I, 187–90, 197–99
in World War II, 201, 218–19, 221–27, 242, 251
Miller, Albert, 27
Mimbres, 53
Minnesota, 255, 256, 345
missions and missionary efforts, 4, 26, 31, 58, 59, 65–66
Mississippi, 34
Mississippi River, 42, 108, 162, 220, 413, 415
Mississippian period, 44
Missouri River, 42
Mitchell, George, 296, 301
mixed martial arts (MMA), 179–81, 185, 227–31
Mocoso, 31
modern Indian life
activism in, 417–18, 432–40, 441–42
and apology issued in 2009, 431
ceremony in, 420, 421
and changing culture in America, 409–13
demographics of, 443
diversity in, 443
and federal legislation, 430–31
and health concerns of Indians, 419, 420, 421–24, 426–30, 440–41
and identity politics, 442
indigenous foods, 413–17
indigenous knowledge, 418
people identifying as Indians, 409, 418–19, 443
public offices sought by Indians, 441
quincentenary of Columbus’s arrival, 409, 411–12
smartphone usage, 440–41
and social media, 263, 428, 435, 443
Mogollon culture, 53
Mohawk, 39, 40
Mohegan, 39, 411
Mono, 76
Montana, 2, 236, 256, 257, 335
Monte Verde site, Chile, 27
Montezuma, Carlos, 189
Moore, John S., 349
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 108
Morgan, Thomas, 113
Mormons, 77–79, 250
mortality rates for Indians, 392
Morton, Samuel George, 150
mound-building cultures, 43–44, 80
Mullin, Markwayne, 441
Muscogee, 32
Muslims, 23
NAACP, 289, 290, 294
Nakota, 87
Nanticoke, 39
Narragansett, 411
Narváez, Pánfilo de, 31
Násaazí/Anasazi culture, 53–54
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), 289–91, 332–33
National Indian Defense Association (NIDA), 158–61
National Indian Gaming Commission, 372
National Indian Youth Council (NIYC), 290–92, 297
Native (term), 1n
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990), 337, 430
Native American Languages Act (1990), 430
Navajo, 198, 207, 219, 268, 436. See also Diné (Navajo)
Navajo Community College (now Diné College), 334–35
Navajo-Hopi Law, 268
Navajo Livestock Reduction Program, 207
Nebraska, 2, 2, 257
Neihardt, John, 447
Nelson Act, 147, 163
Netherlands, 26
Nevada, 256
New Deal, 205, 243, 244, 278
New England, 40, 41, 42, 96
New Mexico, 201, 268
New York, 40, 257
New York Acts (1948; 1950), 255
Newfoundland, 40
Newman, Wallace “Chief,” 299–300
Newton, Huey, 294
Nez Perce, 72, 114–22
Nezhikegwaneb (Lone Feather), 166
Niantic (tribe), 411
Nichols, Darlene, 327, 354–55
Nicolet, Jean, 264
Niigaanakwad (Ojibwe chief), 164
Nisqually, 74
Nixon, Richard
and Indian policy, 278, 417
and Johnson’s war on poverty, 333
and occupation of Alcatraz Island, 299–300
and occupation of BIA headquarters, 303, 305
self-determination directive of, 328
and termination, 278
Nooksack, 381–82, 383–84
Nootka Crisis, 71
Nordwall, Adam, 297–300
North Carolina, 32
North Dakota, 2, 236, 256, 257
Northeast, American, 38–42
Northern Piikuni, 237
Northern Plains, 84–95
adaptability of Indians in, 88
agriculture in, 85, 86
and buffalo, 86, 88
ceremonial lives of Indians in, 88
Europeans’ arrival in, 84–85
and guns provided by French, 87–88
and horses, 85, 87, 88
and intertribal conflicts, 89, 91
Plains Wars of, 85, 92–93
prehistoric tribes of, 85
resistance exercised by Indians in, 85
settlers’ crossing of, 90
and Treaties of Fort Laramie, 2, 2, 90–91, 92, 94
tribes of, 84, 87
white settlement of, 92
Northrup, John, 192
Northwest Plateau, 71
Oakes, Richard, 298–300, 301
Obama, Barack, 431, 440
Oberly, John, 144, 159
Odawa, 46–49, 51, 86–87
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 332–33, 367
Office of Indian Affairs
administrative authority of, 111–13
coercive methods of, 138–39
corruption/ineptitude in, 110, 130, 143, 159, 249
and Creek Draft Rebellion of 1919, 189
and education of Indian children, 137, 138. See also boarding schools
establishment of, 106
and Friends of the Indian, 131–32
and Grant, 110
and Graves, 203
and Indian Reorganization Act (1934), 206, 208
and Indian rights movement, 130–31
under Inte
rior vs. War Departments, 106, 113
on military service of Indians, 189
paternalism of, 96
and religious beliefs of Indians, 205
scope of task, 107
and “survey of Indian conditions” (1943), 249
See also Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Indian Trade, 106
Ogden, Peter, 77
Oglala, 138, 326, 375
Ohio, 40
Ohio River valley, 42
oil and gas companies, 385–86
Ojibwe (Anishinaabe)
and allotment policy, 147–48
and Battle of the Little Bighorn, 95
Bear Clan of, 151
clan system of, 48, 162
culture of, 46, 48
determining membership in, 380
fur trade, 47, 86–87, 185, 338
in High Plains, 84
homelands of, 47, 51
and Lakota, 87
language of, 401
Little Shell Band of, 257–60, 263
Russell Means’s comment on, 317
migrations of bands, 258
military service of, 190, 192
and mixed-blood Indians, 379
and Nelson Act, 163
population growth of, 49
and Red Lake Reservation negotiations, 161, 161–66, 168
territorial expansion of, 86–87, 185–86
tribal government, 203
war chiefs of, 186
casinos in, 371
and cattle industry in Texas, 83
climate of, 79
and Comanche, 80, 81, 82
and Curtis Act (1898), 149
and homesteaders, 83
and Osage, 83–84
and relocation program, 268
tribes indigenous to, 83
tribes resettled to, 37, 83
Oklahombi, Joseph, 188, 197
Old Copper culture, 264
Omaha (tribe), 123
Oñate, Juan de, 58
Oneida, 39, 40, 51, 87, 105, 188
Onondaga, 39, 40, 188
O’odham, 55. See also Akimel O’odham; Tohono O’odham
Oregon, 256, 257
origin stories of Indians, 28–29, 56, 76–77, 212–13
culture of, 46
and Dakota Access Pipeline, 434
migration of, 80
military service of, 84, 189, 190
in Oklahoma, 83, 84
wealth from oil discoveries, 84, 190
Osceola, 36, 37
Ottawa (tribe), 83
Ottomans, 21, 22
Ovando y Cáceres, Nicolás de, 25
Pablo, Eddy, 374–78, 389, 400, 403, 405–6
Pacara, 31
Pacific Northwest, 68–79
adaptability of Indians in, 97
agriculture in, 70
arrival of Europeans in, 70–71
Cayuse War, 72–74
crafts developed in, 69, 70
diseases spread by Europeans and other whites, 72, 73