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A Rake's Redemption

Page 41

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Amanda rolled her eyes as they entered yet another toy store looking for the perfect gift. Olivia laughed. Amanda had already purchased a small drum, something appropriate regardless. Olivia, however, was determined to purchase something for both a boy and a girl. They would not have a chance to return to London, so she was determined to be prepared either way.

  The store greeted them with a warm smell of sawdust and lavender. A unique combination, Olivia thought until she saw the puppets sitting on the shelves. Dozens of them, marionettes, hand puppets, and masks. A child’s imaginary world.

  Giraffes, pirates, ballerinas, princesses, and kings. Everything imaginable on display. Her heart skipped a beat. Something about puppets had always thrilled her. Perhaps it was the thought of being in control, she admitted to herself.

  “Look at this,” Olivia said to Amanda as she removed a marionette of a little girl down from the shelf and tried to make it dance.

  Amanda scoffed. “It’s not really a present for a baby.”

  Olivia ignored her, what child wouldn’t love it. A beautifully made dress, painted cheeks blushing pink.

  “It is beautiful,” she said to the shop owner. “Do you make these here?” she added.

  A small, short man who looked as if he had come from the same world as his marionettes smiled and nodded. “Yes, M’Lady.”

  Olivia nodded, choosing not to correct him. Too many people made the mistake thinking she was a Lady. The fancy carriage and expensive clothes led them to the wrong conclusion. If she spent all her time correcting them she would never get anything done.

  Putting the small marionette back on the shelf, she began perusing the rest of his wares. She had learned long ago to never settle on the first find. Only after she had examined everything would she return to the marionette if she found nothing better.

  A sudden crash and a muffled curse had her glancing towards the back room. Turning she observed the shop owner frowning deeply as he reached to open the back door. His hand had just touched the doorknob when it sprang open, forcing the man back with a start.

  Olivia’s heart froze in place as two large men rushed in, both of them with scarfs pulled up to hide their face and each holding a pistol as if they knew how to use it.

  “What?” the shop owner exclaimed as he obviously fought to understand what was happening. Olivia, unfortunately, understood immediately the danger she and Amanda were now facing. Turning, she rushed to the front door, if she could get away fast enough, Henderson could help.

  “Hold,” one of the men barked. “Or your friend dies.”

  Olivia’s stomach clenched up as if squeezed by a giant fist. The taller of the men was pointing his pistol at Amanda. He was so close he could never miss. Her heart dropped as she stopped her mad rush and froze in place.

  “That’s a good Miss,” he said as he waved his pistol for her to join her friend.

  Olivia swallowed hard and stepped over to stand next to Amanda. Perhaps there was a way. Keep them calm, then run when their attention dropped. That, or give them the money in her reticule and pray that it would be enough to satisfy them.

  Her hopes were dashed however when the large man pulled a cloth bag from his pocket and handed his pistol to his partner.

  “No,” Olivia said as the man opened the bag and took a step towards her. “My brother will kill you.”

  The large man laughed. “He’s in Kent, we will be long gone before he gets here.”

  Olivia’s heart began to race. They meant to kidnap her. That could be the only explanation. They knew of Nathanial’s absence and were going to use this opportunity. How much would they ask for ransom? She wondered.

  Glancing at Amanda she silently told her to be strong.

  Amanda’s face was as white as a Christmas snow but there was a fierce determination in her eyes that comforted Olivia. Her friend would not fail her.

  “We can do this easy, or we can do this hard,” the thug said as he brought the bag up. “Make trouble, and they die. It’s easy.”

  Her heart fell again as an anger began to build inside of her. Once more she was being told what to do. But what choice did she have? The shopkeeper and Amanda’s life depended on her not making trouble.

  Sighing heavily, she allowed the man to place the bag over her head.

  The sudden darkness made her insides quiver. She was no longer in control. The thought sent a wave of fear through her. What would happen? What would these men do to her? And how did she stop them?

  “Now your hands, if you please,” the man said as he grabbed her wrists and started wrapping a thin rope around them. The feeling of helplessness was overpowering.

  No, she told herself. Think, observe, learn. There must be a way out she told herself. But only if she learned about what she was dealing with. That was the whole purpose behind the bag and the tied hands. Keep her frightened, too weak to fight back.

  But she had her mind. They couldn’t take that from her.


  The man’s accent was normal. Middle class, he didn’t sound like someone from the more dangerous part of town. A merchant’s son. Someone who had worked in a corner shop. How had he fallen to kidnapping young women?

  A scar, the man had a ragged scar on his face, starting at his left temple then traveling down below the scarf. How had he gotten that? she wondered when her thoughts were interrupted.

  “This way,” the man said as he grabbed her arm and began to lead her out of the store. The blindness was a troubling situation. Her world had disappeared and now she was reliant on this criminal to ensure she was not hurt. A troubling aspect to say the least.

  He pulled her around the counter and into the back room.

  Olivia pulled away from his grasp and turned back to where she thought Amanda still stood. “Tell Bradford,” she said to her friend. The criminal didn’t give Amanda a chance to reply. He pulled Olivia roughly by the arm and into the back room.

  Twisting and turning her head, she tried to orient herself as he pulled her along and out the back door.

  The fresh air and the strong aroma of horses told her that they were now outside, probably in a back alley. The jingle of a harness and the creak of a coach as someone shifted their weight let her know they had transportation ready. This was well planned, she realized.

  They had waited until she and Amanda had entered a small shop. One where they could access from the back alley. One where they could get away without anyone seeing what they were doing.

  “Here,” her accoster said as he roughly grabbed her foot and tried to place it on the step of a carriage.

  “See here,” she exclaimed as she twisted away from him. “I won’t be…”

  “Yes, you will, Miss,” the thug said as he grabbed her around the waist with large hands. Before she could even gasp at the violation, he lifted her off the ground, and threw her into the carriage head first.

  Olivia bounced across the hard floor of the coach, hitting her head slightly on the far door. Never in her entire life had she experienced such humiliation. Such a sense of weakness. The feeling made her insides shiver with terror.

  No, she told herself. Do not succumb. Do not let them know how afraid you are.

  Gritting her teeth, she twisted, ready to fight, ready to kick and bite if necessary.

  “Here,” the man said as she felt his hands grab her arm and pull her into a seat. “Can’t have a Lady sitting on the floor. Just wouldn’t do,” he added with a small laugh.

  He resents me, she realized. Why? What had I ever done to him? Or is it Nathanial he is mad at? Again why? Of course, it could be any of a dozen business reasons. But no, it was something else. She was sure of it.

  Where was his partner, the silent one?

  Casting about with her mind she realized they were alone in the coach. No breathing. No strange man smell. It was just her and the larger criminal. Where was the other? Was he driving the coach, or was there a third man up on the box?

  A thousand questi
ons rushed through her mind as she desperately tried to understand what was happening.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked as she adjusted herself on the seat, leaning against the side of the coach to provide a little extra support. Being blind and bound left a person vulnerable to the smallest things, she realized as the coach took a sharp corner.

  “Tell me,” she said again with just a hint of begging in her voice that she had been unable to hide, “Where are you taking me? Why are you doing this?”

  A deathly silence settled over the coach as she waited for his answer.

  “Damn you. Tell me,” she said as she swung her bound hands at where she believed he sat.

  He grabbed her hands in midair, forcibly returning them to her lap. Holding them in place as he leaned in and whispered. “We only get paid if we deliver you unharmed. But then there are things I could do that his Lordship would never know. Things that a Lady like you might find enjoyable. Give me an excuse and I will teach you things that will change your world.”

  Olivia’s stomach fell as she scrunched away from the evil man. Her world was crumbling. He was serious, she realized. He would abuse her if she gave him reason to. It was in the tone of his voice, the excitement she had heard. He was hoping she would give him an excuse.

  Biting her lip, she continued to stay into the corner and kept quiet. Forcing herself to stay silent lest she give him a reason to take action.

  No, she thought. Keep yourself alive. Nathanial would do something. Or maybe Jocko. Why had she told Amanda to inform Bradford? Warwick had more contacts. Nathanial had more money, and Jocko was meaner than anyone she knew when it came to something like this. So why had she asked for Bradford?

  The thought was unsettling on so many levels.

  Chapter Five

  Lord Bradford stormed into Nathanial’s home without knocking.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he yelled as he waved a piece of paper.

  Lord Warwick, Olivia’s friend Amanda, Jocko, Benson the butler, and Henderson, the footman all turned to look at him as he made his entrance.

  The look of fear in their eyes told him all he needed to know. It was true. Olivia had been taken. The thought sent a burst of anger straight through him. This would not be allowed to continue. He would kill the man responsible.

  “That is what I am trying to ascertain,” Warwick said with that maddeningly calm voice of his. Glancing at Amanda he raised an eyebrow and nodded.

  The young woman’s face was white with fear. Hesitating for a moment, she took a deep breath.

  “As I said in the note. Olivia was kidnapped.”

  Bradford bit his lip to stop himself from yelling at the woman. He needed more.

  “It seems,” Warwick said, stepping in for her, “that Olivia was taken from a toy shop on Brantley Avenue. About an hour ago.”

  “Who? Why?” Bradford demanded.

  Warwick shook his head, “We don’t know yet.”

  “I should have been with her,” Jocko said with a shake of his head. “But once Lord Warwick informed me the danger had passed. I thought Henderson alone would be enough for the ladies.”

  Bradford bit back the accusing slur he had been tempted to give. Instead, he turned to the footman for an explanation.

  The young man looked as guilty as a murderer caught in the act. “I’m sorry My lord. I was outside with the carriage. The shop looked harmless. Only an old man behind the counter. It was a toy store,” he added, as if unable to believe that anyone could use a toy store for something so nefarious.

  “It isn’t Henderson’s fault,” Amanda said quickly. “He was only doing what he had been instructed by Olivia. She hates being watched over.”

  Bradford sighed heavily. She was right. Olivia despised being cared for. She was like a young colt, always wanting to run free.

  Forcing himself to regain some control of the emotions racing through him. He turned to Warwick.

  “What do you know?”

  Warwick shook his head. “I’ve put out the word to all of my contacts. And my people will report to me here. But nothing yet.”

  Bradford nodded, he expected no less, it was too soon. A frown on Amanda’s face caught his attention as she examined Warwick. He thought about dismissing her so that he could explore all of Warwick’s secret world, but he couldn’t afford to risk her not seeing an important fact. Something that would be the key.

  “And have you sent word to France?” he asked. “They might try to take her there.”

  Amanda gasped as her eyes grew very big. Warwick glanced at her, obviously wondering how much he should expose. At last, he nodded.

  “I’ve sent word to my people in France and to every smuggler between here and Cornwall. They know that his Majesties’ government will rain a wall of terror down on their heads if they involve themselves in this matter.”

  Amanda’s face grew even whiter as she realized who he was. Bradford shook it off, he couldn’t worry about that at the moment.

  “Jocko,” he said. “I need you to scour the docks. Use every contact you or Nathanial have and put the word out. A reward, I should think., A king's ransom. If Nathanial won’t pay it, I will. For any word. Do you understand?

  The Old Breton nodded. Then frowned. “I don’t think they will use the docks. Too many people know Nathanial. Too many people know me. I would have been warned.

  Bradford nodded in agreement, “But, we can’t risk it. You cover that area.”

  Jocko nodded as he turned to leave.

  “Benson,” Bradford said. “Has word been sent to Nathanial?”

  “Yes, My Lord,” the butler said. “I dispatched Thomas as soon as Miss Amanda Informed us.”

  Bradford nodded approval. “He won’t be here until tomorrow at the earliest. We need to find her before then.” The fear coursing through his veins was like nothing he had ever experienced before. That storm off India was nothing to this. Those brigands in Egypt were but a bump in the road compared to this.

  “Miss Amanda, what can you tell me about the men who took her?” he asked, the words eating at his gut. The thought of her being physically taken against her will was tearing him up inside. What if they were hurting her even now as he stood there doing nothing.

  Amanda frowned slightly and shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t see much.”

  “Just tell us what you remember,” he said gently, determined not to frighten her more and make her forget some small detail.

  Amanda took a deep breath then said, “Two men, both with dueling pistols, polished and well cared for. A match, I believe. Not common weapons. The first man was shorter, a gray wool scarf pulled up to just below his eye. Brown eyes. Brown hair dipping out from beneath his cap.

  “The second man was taller, the leader. Again, a gray scarf, but a different gray, darker. Blue eyes. Black hair. A scar on his left temple that dipped below his scarf. I don’t know how far, but I got the sense it was a long scar.”

  Warwick’s mouth opened in shock as she continued to lay out what she had seen.

  “The man talked with a slightly educated accent. Middle class, I should think. He knew who Olivia was. He even knew that Nathanial was out of town. His hands were rough, dirty. I remember thinking that he talked like a clerk but his hands looked as if he was a laborer.”

  Bradford nodded, impressed with the level of detail she was providing.

  “They placed a bag over Olivia’s head,” she continued as she shuddered at the memory. Bradford’s guts turned over at the image.

  “The bag had a drawstring. A golden thread with a wooden tab.”

  “Any hint where they were taking her?” Bradford asked.

  She slowly shook her head. “When they left, I hurried after them. I wanted to see.”

  “Really?” Warwick said, “You followed after two armed men.”

  Amanda nodded, “I looked through the crack of the door and watched them put her in a coach. They were not gentle,” she added with a sour look as s
he obviously remembered it.

  Bradford fought to push down the rising anger inside of him. “Can you tell us anything about the coach?”

  She slowly shook her head. “Not really. A large coach, the same size as Nathanial’s, only rougher looking. Not polished, not clean. I remember seeing a nasty scratch on the back and a dented corner. Things that Nathanial’s people would never allow.”

  “Remarkable,” Warwick said as he slowly shook his head and looked at Miss Amanda as if she was a totally different person.

  Bradford thanked her for her detailed report then turned to Warwick.

  “Any chance this is related to your rumors. The one about someone staging a kidnapping to hide a lover’s tryst.”

  Amanda gasped, “Olivia would never be involved in such a thing,” she said, obviously offended that he would think so.

  Bradford nodded, he agreed with her, but every aspect needed to be explored.

  Warwick shook his head, “I don’t think Olivia was involved in this in anyway, yet, something about that report. Some aspect rings true. That is the way of these things. You get parts and pieces. The trick is trying to understand which piece goes with which.”

  Bradford nodded as he ran a hand through his hair. He needed to find her. And soon. They could be anywhere.

  Turning he began to pace. Who could he go to for help? There was no organized entity to turn to. The only reason he even had the King’s government involved was because of Warwick. If not for him, the average person would have no one to turn to.

  Not for the first time, he thought it was time this country began to form some type of enforcement system to keep lawbreakers in check. Someone who was expert at this type of thing.

  “They are headed to Scotland,” he said suddenly as he turned back to the group.

  “How? Why?” Warwick asked.

  Bradford halted in his tracks and looked at his friend. “Where else could they go? Nathanial’s contacts will discover them if they stay here in London. Your contacts would find them if they tried for the coast. There have been no ransom demands. Not yet.”

  “Why Scotland?” Amanda asked.


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