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A Rake's Redemption

Page 46

by G. L. Snodgrass

  They are my family now, she realized. With a few simple words, she had taken on entirely new responsibilities.

  And what of Bradford’s mother? He had already informed her that his mother planned on moving out of the London house. A fact that bothered Olivia deeply. His mother should not be forced out of her home just because Bradford had gotten married. Especially not for a marriage in name only.

  As this and a thousand other thoughts danced through her mind. The clock on the mantle continued to tick. Each second bringing them closer to when they must leave and begin their new life.

  A small fear still remained. No, the truth was that a very large fear remained.

  What would happen? How would it happen? What if he was disappointed in her? It was not as if they could go back to before. There would be no escape. If he did not like her, he could not trade her in for another.

  His only recourse would be to take a mistress. A thought that sent a sudden burst of anger through her.

  “It is time we left,” Bradford whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her ear with each word.

  Olivia swallowed hard as she nodded her head, it could not be avoided.

  He stood, then pulled back her chair as she rose.

  “I believe Lady Bradford and I will be making our goodbyes,” Bradford announced to the room.

  Olivia’s heart jumped at his words. That was right, she was now Lady Bradford. The Countess of Bradford. The realization sent a warm comfort through her. Her mother would have been so proud.

  “I don’t know,” Lord Warwick said with a robust laugh. “It seems early to me. The sun has not yet set. “No, I think you should stay a bit longer. What do you think Caldwell?”

  A smattering of laughs and snickering told Olivia that they would not be escaping unharmed. Even the footman, Henderson, grinned.

  “I don’t know,” Nathanial began, taking up his friends joke. “I think …”

  “Ignore them,” Bradford said as he took her hand and gently pulled her to the door.

  This is it, she realized. The point where her new life begins. With this man. A man she knew so little about really. He was Nathanial’s friend, not hers. He had always been on the outside. A combatant. Someone to defeat and spar with. Not someone to care for. Not someone who cared for her.

  What would her future hold? How was she ever to make a life with Lord Bradford? But, most important, how would the night before her unfold?

  Chapter Eleven

  Lord Bradford helped Olivia up into the carriage then settled in across from her. Things were going well, he thought. She is nervous though, he realized as he saw her working a lace handkerchief in her hands over and over.

  Olivia Caldwell nervous. Who would have ever thought? The woman had always been so composed. So sure of herself. No matter the situation. And it wasn’t her brother’s wealth, he realized. It was something innate within her. Some touch of pure class that let her handle almost any situation with ease.

  The woman was intelligent, beautiful beyond belief, and normally very good in social circumstances. Yet here, now, she was nervous. Was it the wedding night? Most assuredly he thought. That had to be it.

  The thought made him smile inside. He was to spend the night with Olivia Caldwell in his bed. Most men in England would be jealous. The woman’s body was curved and shaped to fill a man with need. Her sparkling eyes and heart-shaped face were designed by a master craftsman to entice and bewitch.

  No man could ask for a more beautiful bride.

  A fact that he must not allow himself to forget. If this marriage was to work then he had to remain in control. Under no circumstances could he ever allow himself to fall in love with his wife. It would ruin everything.

  As he studied her, he thought of his conversation before the ceremony with Warwick and Nathanial. They had little to report on the kidnappers. Warwick had discovered that a man had died of a gunshot wound on the outskirts of Birmingham. No name, no report. But the description matched Bradford’s report of the man on the coach.

  Nathanial had rushed an artist up to Birmingham to capture a portrait. He hoped that someone might know the man and therefore his accomplices.

  Bradford had thanked them and then made them both promise to let him finish things once the men were located.

  Olivia stirred across from him, her eyes finding his. The two of them stared at each other, both obviously thinking about what was to happen between them very soon.

  Suddenly, Olivia’s cheeks erupted into as bright crimson when she realized he could read her thoughts.

  “So, it went well, I thought,” he said to her. Something to break the rising tension between them.

  She nodded but didn’t verbalize an answer.

  Lord Bradford sighed heavily and was going to try again when the coach pulled to halt in front of their home.

  Jumping down from the carriage before the footmen could get there, he helped Olivia down and tucked her arm into his.

  “Welcome to your new home, Olivia. I hope you will make it your own.”

  She looked up at him, her face white with worry, her eyes glistening with potential tears.

  Patting her hand, he turned to the door just as Evans opened it and said as he bowed deeply, “Welcome Home, My Lord. Welcome, My Lady.”

  Olivia smiled at the butler and thanked him. Bradford took a deep breath as he followed his wife into his home. Now it starts he thought. His future. His new life, but most important, their wedding night.


  Olivia stopped herself from gasping when she stepped inside. All of the servants were lined up waiting to be introduced. I am the Lady of the house, she realized as the knowledge finally sank in. She was a Countess and was expected to act like a Countess.

  “If I may, My Lady,” Evans said with a sweep of his hand towards the servants.

  “Of course,” Olivia said as she removed her white gloves and handed them to Bradford. His brow creased in confusion as he looked down at the gloves in his hand. He shot her a quick questioning look as if asking what he was supposed to do with them. She ignored him and focused on the staff.

  “This is Mrs. Webb, the housekeeper,” Evans said, beginning the introductions.

  “Yes, of course,” Olivia said. “His Lordship has spoken highly of your skills Mrs. Webb. I am sure we will get on famously. I am relying on you to make sure I don’t misstep.”

  The housekeeper smiled widely as she dipped into a curtsey a little bit lower than necessary. Olivia knew deep inside that she had said the right thing. One of the things she had learned helping to manage Nathanial’s home. The housekeeper was key. Keeping her happy ensured the rest of the staff were happy.

  As Evans introduced her to each staff member, Olivia made a point of memorizing their names. Everyone from Porter, the lead footman, to Emily, the scullery maid. All fourteen servants seemed happy, and knowing Evans, she was sure they would be proficient.

  Once the introductions were complete, Olivia returned to Bradford as Evans dismissed the servants. She noticed that he had given her gloves to Mary, her lady’s maid.

  “What now?” she asked as she glanced at the stairs leading up to his rooms. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach with anticipation and fear.

  He smiled softly down at her and indicated a door to the left. “Perhaps we could talk in my study,” he said. “There are things to discuss.”

  She swallowed hard, that sounded ominous. Yet, it also delayed things. Therefore she was more than willing to abide by his request.

  The study was laid out much as Nathanial’s was. A large desk and solid chair, its back to two French windows to let in a great deal of light. Two comfortable chairs by a crackling fire. Not as many books as Nathanial’s. More formal in nature. A picture of a hunting hound hung above the mantel.

  His room, she realized. His place of sanctuary.

  As she turned to ask him about the painting she noticed him pouring two glasses.

  “Whiskey?” she asked a
s he handed her one.

  He smiled and nodded. “I thought it might calm your nerves.”

  “I’m not nervous,” she said, holding his stare to prove her own words.

  He laughed. “Olivia, you are many remarkable things. But a good liar is not one of them. Drink your whiskey.”

  She sighed internally. Would it always be like this, the two of them disagreeing over everything? Taking a small sip of her drink, she felt the amber liquid burn its way to her stomach. Why do men enjoy this stuff? she wondered to herself.

  He smiled again. “It’s an acquired taste.”

  See, there he was doing it again. Reading her thoughts. It was insufferable. Was she to have no secrets.

  “What did you wish to discuss?” she asked, determined to shift the subject.

  He sighed slightly and stared into the fire for a moment, then said, “I realize how much you did not want this marriage. I am also aware of your concerns about … tonight.”

  Her insides turned over, where was he going with this and why bring it up now?

  “I am not concerned about tonight.”

  He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. He knew she was lying again.

  “Very well, yes I have concerns. Of course, I do,” she said. “Everything has happened so fast. You and I were never meant to be in this situation. So yes, of course I have concerns.”

  Bradford nodded slowly as if taking her words into consideration. “I understand. And that is why I am willing to postpone our wedding night if you so desire.”

  Her stomach clenched up into a tight ball. He didn’t want her. An anger flared in her chest. How dare he reject her? Today especially.

  “Perhaps it is you that have concerns for this evening, My Lord,” she said, lifting her chin in defiance.

  He studied his drink for a long moment and Olivia realized he was fighting to hold back a smile. A smile that would have told her just how silly her statement was. Instead, he dipped his head in acknowledgment and said, “Perhaps. But it still begs the question. Are you certain you wish to go through with this?”

  Her insides continued to turn over. She could not believe they were having this discussion. In his study of all places.

  Taking a moment, she studied her husband. He was handsome, such a manly, strong face. Broad chest. Large hands that could be gentle at times. Naturally powerful. She had seen how other men reacted to him. Listening to his advice. Taking his council. A natural leader. Rich, powerful, handsome. How could she not be certain?

  Was she certain? she wondered. No, of course not. But again, what choice did she have?

  “Yes,” she said. “It is expected. Besides, I hope to have children. So yes. I am certain.”

  He smiled and she saw a hint of relief as the corner of his eye twitched. Was he looking forward to this evening? she wondered. He was a man after all. And supposedly, they thought of little else. But she was inexperienced, to say the least. Would that not be a discouragement? Besides, he didn’t exactly like her. They had fought too many times for that to be the case.

  “But,” she continued, “I do have a few conditions. For our future … liaisons, I think you called them.”

  He laughed and took another drink. “Why am I not surprised? You are your brother’s sister after all. Negotiating must run in the Caldwell blood. Very well, what are your conditions?”

  Olivia relaxed inside just a little. Lady Weston’s words danced in the back of her head but she pushed them aside. It was better to get this out now. Her true concerns.

  “I won’t be your chattel, to be used at your every whim. I am not a possession. If this was a love match, it would not be of concern. But as it is not a love match, best we agree to the terms now.”

  He studied her for a long moment. Olivia’s heart rate increased slightly at the look in his eyes. They had become inflamed with passion for just a moment before he brought them back under control. At last, he nodded and said, “Very well. I will promise not to take you to my bed unless you request it. I mean that Olivia, I won’t join you unless you ask me. I would never want you to think that I was treating you like a possession.”

  Olivia froze for a moment, why had he agreed so willingly and what did it mean? Would she have to beg him to come to her bed? Why did the thought sound so unappealing? But it was what she had requested. She could not back out now.

  “In addition,” she continued as she fought to bring her thoughts back to the conversation, “I will not share you with another woman.” She paused for a moment when she realized that her words had sounded more stringent than she had intended. “It is that the threat of disease for myself and my child is unacceptable. I realize that men …”

  Bradford held up a hand to stop her. “I have no intentions of taking a mistress,” he said. “But, if I do, I will inform you and at that time we will cease … having liaisons. Agreed.”

  Olivia swallowed hard, he hadn’t said he would always be faithful to the marriage. Only that he would warn her if he wasn’t. It was probably the best she could hope for, she realized as she nodded her head in agreement.

  He continued to study her, that small smirk of his made her skin itch with indignation.

  “What?” she demanded.

  He laughed and shook his head. “It is just that you negotiated these terms without any real sense of the value you were dealing with.”

  Olivia frowned. “I obtained the terms I desired. Isn’t that the objective of any negotiation.”

  Again, he laughed as he set his glass down on the mantel. “Perhaps,” he said. “But you have turned what should have been a beautiful, and joyous occasion into a business deal. I must say, it does kill the romance of the moment.”

  Olivia scoffed. “Romance? What about our situation is romantic? I ask you. I thought the only reason we are married is to save our reputations. And as for the moment. I see nothing beautiful or joyous about it.”

  He tilted his head slightly as he looked at her for a long moment. Then sighed heavily. “Of course, Olivia, that was my point.”

  She continued to frown. What did he mean and why did he seem disappointed in her? All she had done was lay out her concerns and issues. Why did he find that upsetting?

  He stepped up close to her and gently removed the glass from her hand and placed it next to his on the mantle.

  “It is time,” he said. “If we are going to do this, best get it over with.”

  His words stung. He really wasn’t thrilled with the idea of taking her to his bed. What did that say about her? Was it her appearance? Her personality? Granted she could be sharp at times. Did that dissuade him? Or was it something else. Maybe the fact that he was being forced into this just as she was. Maybe that was what he found so disturbing.

  No, it was her appearance. Wasn’t that the only thing men cared about? Did he find her too curvy? She knew the fashion was changing to thin women in straight dresses. Or perhaps it was her face he found less than attractive.

  A thousand thoughts raced through her mind as she fought to ignore the unhappy feeling floating around the bottom of her stomach. It was turning out to be such a miserable wedding day. She was terrified of the upcoming liaison and her husband didn’t find her attractive.

  No worse scenario could occur. No, this was surely the worse wedding day in the history of wedding days. And it could only get worse from here.

  Sighing heavily, she preceded him out of the room and up the stairs. With each step, her heart hitched just a little. Please, she begged, don’t be a fool tonight. Not in front of him. But deep in her heart, she couldn’t deny the sense of anticipation building inside of her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lord Bradford watched his wife’s sweet derriere as she preceded him up the stairs. With each step, he felt his ardor increasing. The woman was a goddess and wasn’t even aware of just how tempting she was. Her innocence of that fact was definitely one of her most appealing aspects.

  He smiled to himself at the thought of her negotiatio
ns. She wasn’t aware of just how innocent and unaware it had made her sound. So sure of herself. So positive of exactly what she wanted. With absolutely no idea of the cost.

  Yes, she had given him the keys to the marriage. It had come to him in a flash. He needed to teach her exactly what she was missing by always being in control. It was simple, he had to seduce his wife.

  Not tonight. Tonight was a given. A formality in her mind. But to him, tonight was but the first night in a long campaign of changing Lady Olivia Bradford’s outlook on life and of him. He now knew exactly what must be done. Only once Olivia surrendered herself to him, body and soul, would she find true happiness.

  At least that was his plan. Of course, the danger was in becoming lost himself.

  Sighing internally, he stepped up next to Olivia and let his hand rest on the small of her back. She shot him a curious frown but she didn’t shy away.

  “These are your rooms,” he said as he stopped and opened a door into her chambers. The maid, Mary, was putting away clothes. She turned quickly and dipped a quick curtsy.

  “That will be all Mary,” he said to the maid.

  Olivia immediately turned and stared at him. But he ignored her until the maid had slipped past them and out the door. A knowing smile and a bit of blush on her cheeks.

  “I don’t know that I like you dismissing my maid,” Olivia said with a cold tone.

  He laughed, “It is expected, at least for tonight.”

  Olivia’s cheeks blushed a pretty pink as she realized why he had sent the maid away. Her scowl turned over to a curious frown.

  “Does it bother you that everyone knows what we are about to do?”

  He smiled and shook his head, “No, not in the slightest.”

  She sighed with exasperation, “But, it doesn’t bother you that this is happening only because we signed a piece of paper, said a few words. And now, we are to do something we have been told we must never do. It doesn’t seem right. What are your thoughts on the matter.”


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