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Words Well Put

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by Graham Sanders

  83–84; Traditionalists and, 47, 49,

  poetic performance, see perform-

  126, 131, 279. See also Classic of



  poetic praxis, 72, 164

  “Poems of My Heart” (“Yong huai

  poetic production, 6, 13, 119, 170,

  shi”), 133

  229, 248; in literary arena,

  poetic competence, 53, 72, 113,

  256–57; strategy of, 273; theory

  119–43, 156, 238; aesthetic sense

  of, 109–10. See also composition

  and, 136, 141, 143; Confucius on,

  poetic utterance, see utterance

  33; at court, 29–31, 204, 205–6,

  poetry: definition of, 78, 167;

  245; display of, 158, 212, 248–50,

  power of, 265, 267–68, 281, 282;

  254–55, 281; elite knowledge and,

  shi poetry, 4–5, 165, 166, 278, 282

  125, 136, 137; examinations for,

  poetry for poetry’s sake, 238

  229–30, 231; explicit comment

  political factions, 112, 214

  and, 49–50; flexibility in, 142;

  political hierarchy, 37, 203, 241, 255

  improvisation and, 135, 139–40;

  political power, 28, 149, 154, 238, 257,

  intent and, 71–72; master-slave

  272. See also imperial power

  relations and, 127–31, 132; narra-

  political sphere, 157, 256. See also

  tive and, 6, 12; performance and,

  court; official class

  13, 49, 157–58, 209, 211, 279, 282;

  politics, 203–4, 235–36, 280–81. See

  in Prince Chong’er story, 35,

  also diplomacy

  36–38, 42–44, 46; self-referential,

  popular taste, 146

  241, 250, 256–57; simultaneous

  power: competition for, 111–12, 123;

  composition and, 252; in

  at court, 18, 19, 37, 208; in cul-

  speechmaking, 62; in Storied

  tural capital, 72; expressive, 198;

  Poems, 10, 13–14, 164, 172, 199,

  hierarchy of, 41, 271–72; mani-

  203, 278; in Topical Tales, 10, 12,

  festation of ( fahui), 177–78; in

  113, 121–23, 126–27, 132, 133, 137,

  master-slave relations, 128; of

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  poetry, 265, 267–68, 281, 282;

  62, 63, 65–67; “Grand” cited in,

  political, 28, 149, 154, 238, 257,

  59, 60–62; “Multitudes” cited in,

  272; symbolic, 43, 116, 117–18,

  63–65; by Shi Ji, 55–56, 57–59,

  120–21, 128, 132, 272; in written

  60–67; by Zhang Jiuling, 225–26

  word, 205; of Zuo Tradition, 16.

  reputation, 12, 156, 231. See also

  See also imperial power; suasive

  literary reputation


  resentment, 170–71

  power figures, 259, 262. See also

  rhetorical gesture, 13, 65

  authority figures

  rhetorical resource, 28, 31, 54, 68,

  powerlessness, 11, 87, 92. See also

  108. See also speechmaking


  ritual: offering, 59–60; protocol in,

  practical sense, 140

  27, 31–33, 41, 42–43, 49; reen-

  production, see composition; po-

  actment, 29–31, 43, 46, 53–54, 68;

  etic production

  in song performance, 106

  propaganda, 92, 115

  romance, 204, 257. See also “stolen

  protest poems, 217–18, 235, 276. See

  love” stories

  also remonstration

  Rong Ai, 95–96, 99

  public discourse, 151, 154

  Rong Yu, 270–74

  Ruan Fu, 145

  Qi, Lady, 82, 84–90 passim; as hu-

  Ruan Ji, 133

  man swine, 88, 89–90; outburst

  Rujia, see Traditionalists

  song of, 88–89

  rulers: officials and, 18–19, 37; re-

  Qiao Zhizhi, 265–67, 271

  monstration of, 54–59. See also

  Qilin Hall, 207

  court; specific rulers by name

  Qin dynasty, 41, 48, 68, 73

  ruling class, See elite (ruling) class;

  Qing Feng, 50–51, 126

  official class

  Qu, Prince of Guangchuan, 94–99,

  Ruyi, Prince of Zhao, 88, 89


  Quan Tang shi, 203

  sadness: separation and, 171

  Saussy, Haun, 27 n 13, 192

  reader, 178. See also audience

  scholars ( oratores) , 19. See also Tra-

  Recording the Events of Tang Poems


  ( Tangshi jishi), 159

  self-consciousness, 107

  Record of Fine Conversations with

  self-deprecation, 36

  His Honor Liu, A ( Liu Gong

  self-pity, 94

  jiahua lu) 182

  self-presentation, 85. See also per-

  “remarks on poetry,” 159, 188


  remonstration ( jian), 54–67, 218–19;

  self-referentiality, 241, 250, 256–

  admonition ( feng), 173–74,


  190–91, 218; of Duke Ling, 55–59,

  self-representation, 239, 282

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  “Semicircular Waters” (“Pan shui”),

  slave-master relationship, 127–31,



  sexual love, 204, 282 n 1. See also

  “Small Carriages” (“Xiao rong”),



  shamanistic ritual, 144

  snow imagery, 136–37, 141, 152, 153

  shame, 116, 119. See also humiliation

  social competence, 140, 204

  Shang-Yin dynasty, 60–61, 62

  social context, 3, 6, 9

  Shen Quanqi, 217–18

  social engagement, 14

  Shen Yue, 175, 248

  social status, 259. See also hierarchy

  Shi, see Classic of Poetry; Poems

  “Son of Heaven,” 45, 48, 65

  Shi ji. see Historical Records

  song, canonical definition of, 78.

  Shi Ji, remonstration by, 55–56,

  See also outburst song

  57–59, 60–67

  Song, Duke of, 22

  Shi jing, see Classic of Poetry

  Song dynasty, 159

  shi poetry, 4–5, 165, 166, 278, 282

  “Song of Gaixia” (“Gaixia ge”),

  shi yan zhi, 70, 71

  73–78, 84–85, 101, 103–4

  shihua, see “remarks on poetry”

  “Song of Mulian” (“Mulian bian”),

  shihua genre, 159, 188

  247, 248

  Shishuo xinyu, see Topical Tales: A

  song performance, see performance

  New Edition

  Song Zhiwen: “The Milky Way,”

  Shu jing, see Classic of Documents


  Shun (emperor), 70

  sorrow, 145, 229, 268; song and, 77,

  Sima Daozi, 124, 125–26

  96, 102, 104, 106

  Sima Guang: Comprehensive Mirror

  Southern Dynasties, 14, 112, 157, 249,

nbsp; for Aid in Government, 161


  Sima Qian, 106, 109, 224–25;

  speaking subject, 3, 4, 7, 8. See also

  “Grand Historian’s Account of


  Himself,” 80, 171; Historical

  speech, 17, 19

  Records, 11, 80–81, 154; “Letter in

  speechmaking, citation in, 29–30,

  Reply to Ren An,” 80

  51–68; remonstration, 54–67,

  Sima Zhenzhi, Prince of Liang, 133


  singing girls, 239–41, 242, 254–55,

  spirit ( qi) , 217

  257; stolen love and, 265–67,

  spontaneous performance, 14, 84,

  270–73, 274

  107, 265; staged performance

  Six Dynasties era, 10, 12, 112, 162, 195,

  compared, 76–77, 85; suasive

  236, 238

  power in, 49, 119. See also out-

  “Sixth Month” (“Liu yue”), 38–39,

  burst song

  44, 48

  sprezzatura, 26, 135. See also spon-

  slave girls, 254–55

  taneous performance

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  Spring and Autumn Annals

  Tang court and, 205–6; wider

  ( Chunqiu), 16, 21, 72, 165–66, 184

  audience for, 233–34; wit in, 245,

  stand-up comedy, 50

  250; as work-in-progress, 201

  state of mind, 41–42, 102, 104, 235,

  strange tales, see bizarre accounts

  261; of audience, 244; emotion

  ( zhiguai)

  and, 107, 108, 169; theory of

  Su Weidao, 245–46

  mind and, 39–40, 43

  suasive power, 9, 11, 152, 220, 277,

  “stolen love” stories, 262–77; loss

  278; of music, 70; in perform-

  of equilibrium and, 264–65;

  ance, 108–9; spontaneity and, 49,

  palace ladies and, 262–67,


  270–73, 274; Rong Yu, 270–74;

  suffering, 262; outburst song and,

  separation of lovers, 204, 227–28,

  81, 98, 99, 101, 218

  248, 257–61, 268–70; woman as

  Sui Tang jiahua, 161

  “literary” object in, 267, 269; Xu

  suicide, 75, 93, 265; of Chu Mei, 56,

  Deyan, 262–65, 267, 268;

  66; of Green Pearl, 266 n 82, 267;

  Yaoniang, 265–67, 271

  of Prince Xu, 104, 105, 106

  Storied Poems ( Benshi shi), 158–202,

  Sun Chuo, 144

  236, 244; audience in, 194, 233–34;

  Sun Fang, 121–23, 132

  bizarre tales ( zhiguai) in, 164,

  symbolic code, 19

  166, 194–97, 200; categories in,

  symbolic power, 43, 117–18, 128, 132;

  158–59, 185–89; examination

  physical violence and, 116,

  story in, 230–31; gathering doc-

  120–21, 272

  trine, 180–81; “Great Preface”

  sympathetic response, 89, 93, 101–2,

  cited in, 167–68, 170, 171, 173–75,

  148, 176, 226

  179, 184–85; innovation in, 160,

  188; on intent, 167–69, 196,

  Taiping guangji, 158

  197–98; “Lesser Prefaces” and, 48,

  Taizong (Tang emperor), 206,

  158, 189, 190–93, 198, 215, 235,

  207–8, 215

  244–45; Li Bai anecdotes in,

  talent ( cai) , 187, 204, 208, 215, 230;

  238–44, 248–50, 256; Li Linfu

  acknowledgment of, 217; ap-

  anecdotes in, 223–26; literary

  preciation of, 237; audience

  criticism in, 165, 189; oral lit-

  sympathy and, 226; display of,

  erature and, 181–83; poetic

  245, 254; political hierarchy and,

  competence in, 10, 13, 164, 172,

  241; self-referential competence

  199, 203, 277, 279; poetic ex-

  and, 250; wit and, 238, 281. See

  changes in, 209; preface to, 12–13,

  also poetic competence

  14, 160, 164–65, 179, 198–202, 244,

  Tang dynasty, 14, 157, 162, 174, 181,

  277; protest poems in, 235; ro-

  204; court of, 205–6, 211, 215;

  mance in, 204, 259, 262; search

  elite literati of, 13, 158, 203, 281;

  for truth in, 163–64, 179, 184, 196;

  love narratives, 257; poetic

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  power in, 282. See also Storied

  “Treatise on Literature” (“Yiwen


  zhi”), 78, 81

  Tangshi jishi, 159

  truth, search for, 163–64, 179, 184,

  Tao Qian, 224, 256


  Tao Wangqing, 94–95, 98

  tetrasyllabic meter, 24, 52, 83–84

  urban myth, 164

  texts, 1–2, 3

  utterance, 2–10, 107, 187, 282; con-

  time frame, 104; interval ( jian), 9;

  text of, 2–3, 5, 8–10; as locu-

  unity of, 80, 94

  tionary act, 7–8; musical quality

  Topical Tales: A New Edition

  of, 167; narrative framework

  ( Shishuo xinyu), 152, 155, 270;

  and, 17, 193; performance and,

  audience in, 209; Cao Zhi an-

  6–7; poetic competence and, 14,

  ecdote in, 113–21; categories in,

  16, 42, 47; reception and, 281;

  186–87, 188; compilers of, 148;

  speaking subject and, 3, 4, 7, 8

  cultural competence in, 112–13,

  132, 144–45, 147, 156; perform-

  values, 20–21. See also morality

  ance in, 217; poetic competence

  Van Zoeren, Steven, 24 n 8, 193

  in, 10, 12, 113, 121–23, 126–27, 132,

  Vast Gleanings of the Taiping Era

  133, 137, 204, 236, 250, 281; pref-

  ( Taiping guangji) , 158

  ace to, 165; “Speech and Con-

  veracity, 163–64, 196. See also truth,

  versation,” 135–36; stolen love in,

  search for

  266 n 82, 267; “Taunting and

  violence, 114, 119, 132; in clan com-

  Teasing,” 138–39, 188; welling up

  petition, 111, 112; symbolic vs.

  of feelings in, 176

  physical, 116, 120–21, 272. See also

  Traditionalists, 11, 15–72, 16, 210,

  suicide; warfare

  280; Analects and, 22 n 6, 24–26,

  voice, 67–68; as aesthetic object, 98;

  151; Confucius as, 15–16 n 1, 27;

  in speechmaking, 62; unity of,

  cultural competence of, 19,

  80, 94

  23–27, 29, 125, 133; Poems and,

  279; remonstration and, 54–67;

  Wang Bi, 177

  ritual reenactment and, 29–31.

  Wang Dao, 138–39

  See also Zuo Tradition

  Wang Dun, 133–34

  Traditional knowledge, 18, 28, 126,

  Wang Gong, 145

  131, 152; cultural competence and,

  Wang Huizhi, 143–44, 150–51,

  35, 37, 280; Golden Age and,


  20–21; speechmaking and, 29, 30,

sp; Wang Ji, 145

  31, 52

  Wang Rong, 176

  trancontextual forces, 8–9

  Wang Wei, 268–70

  transcendent ecstasy, 144

  Wang Xianqian: Zhuangzi jijie, 3–4,

  transtextuality, 4

  27, 39–40 n 35

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  warfare, 22–23, 84–85; martial and

  Wusun barbarians, 99–100, 101

  civil men, 19, 208, 212, 228

  Wuzong (Tang emperor), 243

  Wei, Tang empress, 213, 214, 215

  Wei clan, 214

  Xi, Marquis of Lu, 123

  Wei dynasty, 112, 200

  Xi Gui, 268 n 85

  Wei Xuan, 161; A Record of Fine

  Xian, Prince of Ning, 268–69

  Conversations with Adviser to

  Xiang, Duke of Qin, 59, 124, 125

  the Heir Apparent Liu, 162

  “Xiang shu,” 51

  Wei Xun, 194

  Xiang Yu, 112, 118 n 13; “Song of

  wen, see cultured men

  Gaixia,” 73–78, 84–85, 101, 103–4

  Wen, King of Zhou, 55, 60–62

  “Xiao rong,” 124

  Wen (Wei emperor), 113–19

  Xiao Tong, 169

  Wen fu, 169

  Xiao Wu (Liu Song emperor),

  Wen xuan, 169


  Western Han, 10

  “Xiao xu,” see “Lesser Preface(s)”

  Western Zhou, 16, 20–21, 28, 41, 46

  Xiaoman (singing girl), 242, 243

  wise counsel, 18

  Xie An, 140, 141–43, 147, 148, 149;

  wit, 14, 126, 139, 156, 195; friendship

  word chain game and, 136–37

  and, 245–47, 248, 250, 251–52;

  Xie Lang, 136

  talent and, 238, 281. See also

  Xie Lingyun, 123–24


  Xie Xuan, 140, 141–43

  women: as “literary” object, 267,

  Xie Zhan, 150

  269; slave-master relations,

  Xie Zhong, 124–26, 132

  127–31; stories of exemplary, 185.

  Xie Zhuang, 236–38

  See also palace concubines/ladies

  Xijun, imperial princess, 99–102

  “word chain” ( yuci), 135–38

  xing, see impulse

  written composition, 16, 29 n 17, 93,

  Xu, Prince of Guangling, 104–6

  205. See also composition of

  Xu Deyan, 262–65, 267, 268


  Xuan, Duke, 55

  Wu, Duke of Wei, 142

  Xuan, King, 41, 45, 48, 65

  Wu, King of Zhou, 179

  Xuanyuan Miming, 252–54

  Wu Chengsi, 265–66, 267

  Xuanzong (Tang emperor), 163,

  Wu (emperor), 81, 175

  183–84, 220–23, 225, 239–43;

  Wu Ying: Explanation of Ancient

  separated lovers and, 258–59


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