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Page 32

by Mark Aaron Alvarez

  Tremors shook the foundations of the city as Lucia made it to the university, where hundreds of troops were preparing to fire cannons at the beast as it roared and shot beams of anti-light into the air. Lucia held out a hand, filling the cannons with light as the troops lit their fuses. Beams of sparkling light catapulted from the cannons, tearing through Wym’s onyx scales.

  Despite the horror and bloodshed she witnessed within her own city, Lucia was determined to eradicate this menace once and for all. Something inside her was illuminating, becoming stronger as she focused, as her emotions surged to provide her with new power. She closed her eyes, listening. With her mind, she called out to them. Virtues, please. Come to my side. Aid me in this redemption.

  “You have no one. Can’t you see, Savior? You’re all alone, and your people are weak! You can’t save them all,” Wym hissed.

  Lucia shook her head. “You are mistaken. I am stronger than you could ever know! With the blood of Sanoon and Sarina combined, I will bring glory to our names once again. Shining is the light of justice in life and in death. I won’t fear sin.”

  Wym roared as its patience wore thin. “Your anger is futile when confronting darkness. Darkness is fueled by anger!” it cried as it threw a tentacle upward.

  Lucia, quick with her senses, attempted to dodge. But the scaly grip of the tentacle hit the base of her legs, sending her flying through the air and out of control. She landed hard, feeling her wings shatter as they collided with the earth and dissipated into light. She tried to catch her breath, rising up weakly as she watched the base of the sin.

  The nest of its body lay directly ahead of her, in front of the university, standing still, almost as if it was waiting for her to rise. Wym let out a distorted roar of laughter beneath a crescendo of purple lightning. Its scarlet-red eyes illuminated as it sent a cosmic blast toward the west, turning what was left of the district into a violet inferno.

  The stench of death and decay filled the air, sending another sharp chill down Lucia’s spine. I can’t . . . give up . . . hope. She had to think fast. She jumped to her feet and dashed toward the university. Something drew her to the place. Somehow, she always knew there would be knowledge there that she’d need. So, naturally, it was the one place in all of Moz worth protecting if they ever hoped to truly defeat the darkness. She thought of Luzanna, who had always dreamed of attending it. If only she were here. Is she here?

  Wym let out a devilish laugh as it sent forth a shower of tentacles. Each one was like hundreds of bladed leeches, each racing to impale Lucia first.

  Lucia couldn’t bear to look, but she had nowhere else to go. She had to face Wym despite all her fears. Remembering her words, she thought, I mustn’t fear sin, nor death. She summoned her sword as the blades came down. She closed her eyes, waiting and listening to the sharp sound of the air as blades whipped toward her.

  Moments before they were to strike, a flash of pink light shot across the sky, slicing through the tentacles. They burst as the light incinerated them. Lucia’s heart raced as she searched for the source of the light. That wasn’t— And there, to her right, she saw a bright pink phoenix flying overhead.

  It cried out and flapped its wings, dropping feathers that exploded into magenta flames as they hit the ground. The phoenix hovered over the beast, glaring with its bright eyes of clear aquamarine.

  “Is that,” Lucia said in awe, “Luzanna?”

  A familiar voice echoed from behind her. “Close, but not quite.”

  Lucia turned from the scene to see her friend smiling, ear to ear, with the Elder Stone still shining in her mask. “You were kicking ass out there. What happened?”

  Lucia touched her head, feeling blood drip from its side. “I don’t know,” she grinned. “I must have pissed it off.” She turned back, watching as Wym’s head took snaps at the phoenix with its sharp teeth. The phoenix descended upon the sin, latching onto the base of its head before pecking at its flesh with its beak. “What is that?”

  Luzanna laughed. “You’ve been gone too long.”

  There was a pause as their eyes met. But by the time the tears formed in both of their eyes, they were in each other’s arms.

  “We’ve missed you so much.”

  “You still didn’t tell me what that was. Is that yours?”

  Luzanna nodded as they parted. “It’s hope, the virtue’s true form.”

  “Just like the sins, the virtues have physical manifestations,” Lucia revelated, her intuition as sharp as ever.

  “Exactly. Leo and I discovered how to summon it while researching the virtues here at Sky University.”

  “How long have you guys been here?”

  “Well”—Luzanna put a finger to her beak, as if she were thinking of the right way to explain everything—“Leo arrived first. I didn’t return until a couple weeks after he did, but we both appeared about a mile from here. I assume you did too, from the same place. We’re not sure where we might have been this entire time. Leo’s been driving himself mad trying to figure it out, but the point is that you’re back now. It’s been three months, from what I remember. It’s winter now.”

  “Obviously,” Lucia said, pointing at the snow. “But how did you summon the phoenix?”

  Luzanna’s eyes hardened. “I’d love to tell you, but there’s no time to explain. We’ve got to get moving. I’m not sure my phoenix will be able to hold Wym for much longer. We need to regroup with the others.” She helped Lucia to her feet.

  As the two made their way back, they heard the screech of the phoenix as a ray of anti-light exploded beneath it. It fell from the sky, dissolving into a flash of magenta flames before hitting the ground.

  “You,” Wym hissed as it caught a glimpse of Luzanna. “Carist—how do you like the destruction I’ve wrought? Doesn’t it remind you of all you’ve lost? Of all you don’t have?”

  “I don’t dwell on the past, nor do I succumb to sinful wishes, envy,” Luzanna said flatly. “I hope—”

  “Hope? Your hope is as fragile as that bird,” Wym mocked, positioning itself beneath the darkening sky.

  “No, my hope is strong!”

  “Hope”—the beast chuckled—“is a meek and weak emotion. Real power comes to those who take what they want.”

  “You’d like to think so,” Luzanna whispered. She nudged Lucia to the side. “You want to know how I summoned my virtue, right?” she said to her. “Just watch!” She closed her eyes just as Leo came running up from a good distance behind them.

  With his shield and dagger in hand, Leo bolted from the doors of the university and roared, “Lucia!”

  At that moment, Lucia noticed his eyes. His sapphire gaze glowed as the shield started to shine a bright blue. Streaks of blue trailed beneath his feet, and a light rose up from the growing pool. The form of a lion’s head emerged, using its claws to rise from the now-hallowed ground that became marked by a glowing symbol of temperance. It pulled itself through the light and stood tall behind Leo with its shackles and broken chains. From its back sprouted large wings of sparkling sapphire.

  “Leo!” Lucia cried as she ran toward him, astounded by the sight of his virtue emerging from the light behind him. As they collided, she brought her golden gloved hands to Leo’s face. She planted her lips on his.

  Leo held her close, locking her into a passionate embrace, his senses returning to him in a full sweep. They parted, studying each other’s eyes as they smiled. Leo’s eyes were still burning.

  “You’re hot,” Lucia said, as she noticed the length of his hair and moved it from his eyes.

  “So are you,” Leo said with a smirk.

  “No,” Lucia shouted, trying hard not to laugh, but missing his wit. “You’re burning up.”

  “What?” Leo said, looking at his body as he stepped backward. Whether or not he’d noticed his transformation was uncertain, but as the lamassu of temperance
approached him from behind, light poured from his shield, climbing up his arm and encasing him in a bright blue aura. His clothing changed, turning from silk into shining plates of cobalt. His armor was traced with silver as a cloak sprouted from his back. His dagger metamorphosed into a mythril dual-bladed sword, while the symbol of temperance burned into the flesh of his left palm.

  “You’ve awakened,” Lucia whispered as the lamassu lowered its head beside them.

  “H-hey buddy,” Leo said, touching the fur on its glowing, bright blue head.

  “It has your eyes,” Lucia joked as she petted it. Its purr was loud as it nudged Leo forward.

  In his revelation, Leo’s power surged. His emotions intensified, and instinctively it was as if he and the lamassu became one. He was in control again. His emotions were finally where he wanted them “Lucia, look—”

  Lucia stopped him, touching the sides of his face. “You don’t have to say anything. We’ve got a job to do.” She lowered her eyes before glancing back toward Luzanna. “Duty above all else.”

  They watched as a magenta light shot from Luzanna’s head. As it lurched backward, pink ribbons wrapped around her body, changing her armor and enhancing her spear to a sparkling weapon of bright pink quartz. The magenta orb floated in the air, charging into a large sphere, and from it burst the phoenix in a pink inferno.

  Lucia was impressed, as Luzanna turned to look back to her.

  The phoenix glided downward and landed behind Luzanna. “Virtues, rise!” she shouted proudly.

  Leo was beaming as he roared, “Let’s kill the bastard!”

  Lucia nodded, “We can do this.”

  Wym growled, watching as three of the light’s virtues came together for the first time.

  Lucia summoned forth her wings and sword as Leo climbed onto the back of his lamassu. Luzanna sprouted wings of her own, made of platinum and sharp to the tip.

  Wym hissed, not finding any pleasure in what it was watching. “Easy prey—I’ll kill each and every one of you.”

  For the first time, within the monster’s gaze Lucia sensed genuine anger. This battle would not be like the last. She shook her head as a golden devotion hovered within the irises of her yellow eyes. “We’ll see about that. Let’s fly!”

  Chapter Twenty-One:


  Dusk came quickly as the city turned into a fiery frenzy. Ara watched from her window as pillars of lights rose high into the evening sky. Her vision was fading, blurring as her tears formed.

  Amelia came to her side. “Lady Ara, please rest. The high maiden will certainly save the city. I’m sure of it. It will be just as Stello predicted.”

  “Stello,” Ara whispered, coughing into the sleeve of her scarlet robe before lying down in her bed. Her breath was shallow as flashes of light seeped through the window and covered the walls in many colors. “He always knew—I knew—she would be so powerful.”

  “As did I, milady.” Amelia tucked Ara in. “Now rest. Save your strength for when Lucia returns.” Amelia rose from the bed as Ara held her wrist. Ara’s skin was pale, sweaty, and cold to the touch. She tightened her grip.

  “Amelia, you must tell her.” Ara closed her eyes as she tried hard to recall the memories she had long since forgotten. “Tell Lucia the truth.”

  Amelia’s eyes widened. “No, Lady Ara. You will. You must.”

  Ara shook her head. “No, you misunderstand me.” She coughed. “Lucia, she is Moz’s—no, Terestria’s salvation. She need not forget her birthright. As a Sanoon or as a Sarina, she has always been a protector of light. Please, Amelia. Remind her of who she is. More than the high maiden of Moz or the girl I raised. Remind her. She’s a child of the light, blessed by the graces of its will, deserving of so much more than I could have ever given her.”

  “Milady,” Amelia whispered, grasping her best friend’s hand, “don’t speak. Save your strength and fight this. Fight like you always have.”

  Ara smiled. “This is my fate. Just as the Light Wings are Lucia’s.” She closed her eyes, releasing sad streams of sparkles. “Tell Lucia to remember . . . to remember . . . ” Ara’s breathing fell softer as she uttered, “her song.”


  There was a roar as the thunder summoned a shower of rain. Shadows were forming into large vipers, turning on the soldiers as they stormed into the fray.

  Angelo cried out, “For the glory of Moz and the high maiden! No holding back!” He unsheathed his broadsword, launched himself forward, and slashed into the masses of shadows.

  Lucia flew over the army, imbuing their weapons with light, while Luzanna and her phoenix worked side by side using their wings to knock and crush the vipers into the marble walls of the buildings where they sprouted from underneath.

  Leo, atop his lamassu, took to the streets below. With his sword, he cut through the serpent at the lion’s feet. The lion snarled as it pounced. “Get him, Temp!” The lion latched onto Wym’s neck, sinking its teeth into dark flesh. Leo climbed up the back of the lamassu, and Wym turned its attention toward him. Leo saw every single one of its sharp teeth as it charged a beam in its mouth.

  “I don’t think so!” Leo shouted, holding his shield over his face.

  Wym let out a high-pitched scream as it shot a ray toward Leo. But the cosmic blast minimized as it was drawn into his shield, causing it to radiate with a bright blue light. And then, with a forceful swing, Leo knocked back the light, reflecting the power back at the serpent in the form of a large blue chain.

  Telekinetically, Leo used the shield to trace and guide the chain, wrapping it around Wym’s extremities. Wym’s skin sizzled as the chain tightened around its horns and neck. Its cries were no longer those of rage or intimidation, but pain, as the lighted chains bound Wym to its own tentacles and blades. Leo’s lamassu withdrew itself backward and landed a few yards from the monster, as if to admire the work its master had created.

  “Not so tough now, huh?” Leo held out his hand as his lion roared. From the cracking earth of the war-torn streets sprouted more chains that continued to bind the sin to Leo’s royal blue light.

  Wym cried out, “Damn you. Damn you all!” It emitted a beam of anti-light into the storm, filling the sky with purple lightning. Within moments, anti-light stretched and sparked inside the clouds.

  “Shit,” Leo whispered as purple lightning descended upon the city, sending a shock wave through the buildings. The earth quaked, crumbling the buildings while simultaneously setting them ablaze with shadowy fire. The chains Leo had summoned shattered into sparkling dust as the ground rumbled.

  The lightning continued to pour as Wym snarled, releasing a distorted roar as it chuckled. It moved its scarlet eyes, focusing on its prey, arching back its head as if it were ready to snap.

  Leo shouted, “Let’s go!” as blades sprouted from behind him. The lion propelled itself into the air, using its large wings to send a blast of light from its back as it took flight. The light covered the ground, destroying the tentacles as Wym shot beams toward Leo.

  The lion tried its best to dodge the blasts, but it was not as fast as Lucia or the phoenix. It struggled as one of its wings was caught by a falling piece of purple lightning. The lion cried as its body began to shatter, dissipating as it fell. Leo was freefalling from hundreds of feet in the air, on the verge of panic, watching as the streets turned red. He was screaming as he came crashing to the ground. There was a large flash as he collided into the earth encased within a bright pink sphere. He caught his breath as the sphere dissolved, revealing Luzanna flying overhead.

  “Thank you,” Leo said, seemingly embarrassed. “I’m new at this.” He shrugged.

  Luzanna rolled her eyes before summoning a quartz spear into her hand. She sent it flying through the air as she summoned another and darted forward, with the phoenix coming in from the left. The phoenix cried out as it circled overhead, surrounding Wy
m in flames of hot pink. Luzanna landed on the back of Wym’s head as the phoenix clawed at one of its many arms. Wym cried out in pain as it attempted to shake her off. She held one of its horns with her free hand as her flying spear landed into the base of Wym’s neck, causing it to cry out in agony.

  Leo pushed forward, past the vipers, slashing as his shield bashed one of Wym’s blades, and used its power to summon a chain of light. With it, he immobilized Wym’s head. “Luzanna, now!”

  Luzanna held her spear high above her head with both hands. With an echoing war cry, she thrust the spear into the head of the beast between its blood-red eyes. It roared loudly as Luzanna jumped backward and used her wings to shoot platinum feathers of light into the sin’s flesh.

  The monstrosity continued to cry as Lucia slowly descended from the sky. “It’s over,” she said, powerfully charging her wings with golden light. The light was so strong it brought the night into day. Lucia let go of her sword, letting it float between her golden hands.

  Blinded, Wym shot blasts mindlessly through the sky, its cries filled with terror.

  “This is justice,” Lucia said. “No mercy.” Her sword absorbed the light as it poured from her wings. It became a glowing orb, growing as the light of the stars and moon stretched toward her. A pillar of light sprouted from the ground and filled the air as it hit the orb. At that moment, the orb changed, transforming into gigantic seraph wings. The wings opened, revealing the blinding flash form of a beautiful golden woman. Her eyes were covered by a golden sash as she held up a set of golden scales. The glowing symbol of justice formed beneath her. Her movements mimicked Lucia’s. Lucia closed her eyes as her body floated toward her virtue. She then merged with it, becoming one as it held up its free hand, summoning a diamond greatsword.

  “No, impossible! It can’t be . . . .” Wym said.

  The woman spoke, her heavenly voice singing. “Your reign ends here, envy. No longer shall you hold dominion over Terestria.” Her voice echoed, unworldly, causing the running people below to stop and stare into her radiance. The shadows cowered backward, unable to move beneath the bright beams of the seraph’s scales of justice.


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