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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 3

by Dee Bridgnorth

  Scarlett's hands went to her hair and could feel the curls springing out around her face. This hair would be the death of her—or at least her humiliation.

  She scooted into the bathroom, dabbing her hands under the water to smooth back the flyaways and fix her messy bun, which was a little lopsided. Checking her clothes for stains, she glanced at herself in the mirror, noticing the pink tint to her cheeks. She wore very little makeup, but wished now she'd taken a little more time this morning before leaving for her office job. Well, nothing she could do now. She started to walk away but paused, unbuttoning one of the buttons on her shirt. Couldn't hurt to show a little more skin—make him want what he couldn't have. She glanced down at the cleavage peeking out of her top. What was she thinking? Buttoning her shirt back up, she stepped into the restaurant to play battle of the wills with Lucas Falco, the pilot.

  * * * *

  Maggie set the tea down in front of Lucas. "Did I scare her off?"

  Maggie giggled and sat down across from him. "Nah. She's going to take some convincing, though."

  "She likes playing hard to get?"

  Maggie was a tiny, pixie-like thing with pink hair and the biggest blue eyes he'd ever seen, but she was nothing compared to the red-haired vixen that filled his dreams.

  She frowned before continuing, "Not exactly. I don't want to share too much about Scarlett's life, since it's hers, after all." She paused, grabbed his tea, and took a swig before placing it back in front of him. She gave him a cheeky grin, and Lucas rolled his eyes.

  "After Scarlett's parents died, she took custody of her younger teenage sister. Emery was twelve at the time, and Scarlett was only twenty. She quit school and moved home. She works two jobs just to make ends meet and save some money for Em to go to college."

  "Oh man, that's tough. But what does that have to do with going out with me?"

  "She's scared. And she doesn't think she has time for a man. I also think she's a little embarrassed. When her parents were alive, you'd never have caught Scarlett on this side of town."

  Maggie shrugged as if it was no big deal that she was exactly the type to live on this side of town. Lucas understood that. His own past put him in a different category than someone like Scarlett. Probably reason to stay away from her, but he knew he wouldn't.

  Maggie went to grab for his tea again, and he caught her hand. "Thank you."

  A throat clearing caught his attention. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something here?" Scarlett stood there with his food in her hands. Her hair looked slightly damp, as if she had tried to tame the wild curls that just a few minutes earlier had framed her face. He loved those wild curls. If he wasn't mistaken, she looked almost…jealous?

  Maggie stood with a knowing smile. "Of course not, hon. I was just warming him up for you." She winked, and Scarlett's mouth hung open. As Maggie passed by, she placed her finger under Scarlett's jaw to close it and whispered in her ear. Scarlett's face flamed red, and Lucas knew that whatever Maggie had just said had been extremely naughty.

  Scarlett adjusted her apron, something he noticed she did when she was nervous, and walked over, placing his food on the table. "Anything else I can get for you?"

  "Yeah, a dinner date. You have a break coming soon?"

  "Um, no, but I get off in fifteen minutes." She snapped her mouth closed as if she hadn't meant to say that.

  Confused, Lucas checked his watch. "I thought you didn't get off for another two hours."

  "You know, the fact that you know my schedule so well is starting to sound a little stalker-ish."

  "I wouldn't have to stalk you if you'd just give in. Come on, have dinner with me. I bet you didn't take your fifteen minutes earlier, did you?"

  Scarlett opened her mouth to answer when Maggie piped in, "She didn't. And since Ron's not here, he left me in charge, so I'm officially releasing you early. We can get in big trouble if our employees aren't taking their federally mandated breaks." She winked.

  Scarlett sputtered, and Lucas tugged her hand towards his table. "Please. Just sit and talk to me. I've had a long day." His interview with Hopkins had gone as expected, and Zachary was returning tomorrow to install the system. They had some of the hired operatives going out on the security detail. After a day dealing with rich people, he'd been looking forward to seeing Scarlett. "It gets damn lonely eating alone every night."

  She paused a moment, as if warring within herself about what to do.

  "Please. It would mean a lot to me."

  Relenting, she unwrapped her apron and walked over to the bar, setting it on top. She mouthed words to Maggie that were punctuated with jerky hand motions. He grinned to himself in anticipation of the next few minutes in her presence.

  After officially giving Maggie a piece of her mind, she stomped back to the table and sat down. "I've only got about half an hour. I promised my sister I'd get popcorn for our Netflix binge session tonight."

  Lucas looked at his food and then back to her. "Have you eaten?"

  "No, I'll just—"

  "Maggie, can you bring Scarlett some food?"

  Scarlett put her hands up in protest. "No, really. I'll eat with my sister."

  "You can take her home a plate. My treat," he said, knowing money was an issue for them and hoping he could relieve that, at least for tonight.

  She looked as if she wanted to say no, but finally said, "Ok."

  She sat there, nervously playing with her fingers. He’d decided he wouldn't make her suffer for too long before speaking, when she surprised him. "So, Lucas," she said, her gaze zeroing in on him as if she were about to start an interrogation. "Maggie says you're a pilot?"

  "I am."

  "And who do you fly for?"

  "I'm a private contractor, of sorts." Castle Investigations wasn't exactly a secret organization, but he didn't really want to get into all the details of his job right now.

  "Well, that was vague." She rolled her eyes, sitting back in the booth and crossing her arms across her chest. It did amazing things for her figure, and Lucas made a concerted effort to keep his eyes on her face.

  "Not vague per se, it's just pretty complicated who I work for, and I'd rather spend the time getting to know you, rather than discussing the mundane details of my job." He gave her his disarming smile and saw the pink tint spread across her cheeks again. He wondered how far down that blush would go if he were to get her really worked up about something.

  "Ok, so what do you want to talk about?"

  "I'd like to know why you won't give me a chance."

  "I'm sitting here, aren't I?"

  "Yeah, after your friend gave you little choice." He dropped his fork, folding his hands on the table and giving her a knowing look.

  She sighed in resignation, uncrossed her arms, and leaned forward, propping her own hands on the table. "Look. I’m sure you're a swell guy and all—"

  Lucas laughed. "Did you just say swell?"

  Her face grew pink. "It's a good word, all right? Geez. Anyhow, I'm sure you're a fabulous guy and all, but I just really don't have time for the whole dating thing right now. I work two jobs, and my sister—"

  "All sound like excuses to me. What's the real problem?" he interrupted.

  "They aren't excuses, thank you very much." She paused and then dropped her head into her hands. "Why are you making this so difficult?"

  "I could ask you the same thing." He took one of her hands in his and pushed his half-eaten plate out of the way. He tilted her chin up and leaned a little bit closer. Throwing caution to the wind, he decided to go for it and be honest.

  "You fascinate me, Scarlett. I come here twice a week for a glimpse of you. All the other days feel a little less bright. I don't know what kind of spell you have on me, but I'm dying to know you better. Just give me a chance."

  * * * *

  Scarlett couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Before she could answer, Maggie dropped her plate in front of her. "I've got Em's in a bag over there for you to take to her."
Em would be so excited not to have tomato soup and toast another night. The greasy cheeseburger and mound of fries smelled like heaven on earth. Her stomach growled. Lucas chuckled and released her hand.

  "Eat. Sounds like you're hungry."

  He had no idea that she ate only one meal a day, existing the rest of the day on nuts and raisins to keep the hunger at bay. She had to save the food for Em since she needed the energy, with her long, arduous practices each day.

  She dug in, taking a huge bite out of the burger, and then slopped up some ketchup with her fries. The food was amazing.

  "So you eat with passion. You argue with passion. Tell me, Scarlett, what else are you passionate about?" Lucas's gaze held amusement and something else—desire? She knew he was attracted to her. He'd made no secret of that. It felt nice to be desired, and, suddenly, she wasn't so sure why she'd been fighting him so hard.



  She grinned. "Ok, I'll give you a chance." Lucas's devilish grin made her insides flip-flop. He pulled his plate back in front of him, digging into his food with gusto.

  "Saturday night? You don't work that night, right?"

  "How do you know that?"

  He leaned in close and crooked his finger for her to come closer. She leaned in so close that she could feel his breath on her face. "I didn't. You just told me."

  He glanced down at her lips, and she felt the pull. She knew if she didn't sit back, he'd kiss her. She wasn't sure she was ready for that. Still debating, Lucas leaned back. Trying not to be disappointed, she slumped against the booth and took another bite of her burger.

  "Once I start, I won't be able to stop." He took another bite of food and a sip of his tea.

  "Won't be able to stop what?"

  He leaned in once more. "Kissing you." And then he winked.

  Heat flooded her cheeks, and once again, she wished her emotions weren't displayed on her face for anyone to see. Not having a response to that, she reached for her phone to check the time. Realizing she had left it in her apron on the counter, she asked Lucas, "What time is it?"

  "It's almost a quarter after seven."

  "Oh, shoot. I've got to go. Em's waiting on me. Maggie? Can I get a to-go box for this?" Maggie yelled back and disappeared to retrieve a box. Scarlett retrieved her phone from her apron pocket and noticed she had two voicemails from Emery. She lifted the phone to her ear to listen.

  "Your number?" Lucas asked.


  "Your number, so I can call you and get your address for our date?"

  "Oh, right." She grabbed a napkin, and he handed her a pen from his pocket. She wrote the digits down and passed them to him just as she heard Emery's plea for help. Shaking, she sank down into the seat across from Lucas.

  He jumped up from the table and scooted next to her. "What's wrong?"

  "It's Emery. Someone was in the house, and then the line went dead."

  Remembering there were two voicemails, she looked down to play the next one, turning it on speaker so that Lucas could hear as well. Her hand shook as she waited for the message to play. Silence rang out at first, with only the sounds of Em's heavy breathing punctuating the quiet. A small exhalation was heard, and then a clattering sound and a scream. A cold male voice asked Em if this was all for him. Em's voice rang out clearly as she said, "Damon Smith, why are you doing this?" Emery was smart. She must be giving them a clue as to who took her. Scarlett scrunched up her brow, trying to hear the background noises.

  And then she heard the words that she knew would haunt her for the rest of her life—take her. The sound of the phone dropping onto something hard was next, and then sounds of breaking glass. Scarlett dropped her own phone onto the table. "No, this can't be happening."

  They heard screaming and thrashing, a few grunts, and a hiss of what sounded like hairspray, and then the pounding of feet. The rest was muffled, and she couldn't hear anything more.

  "I have to call the police!" She started to dial 911 when Lucas put his hand on hers and pulled the phone back down to the table.

  "What's the address?"

  "Parker Street Apartments, one ninety-one Parker Street, unit two-oh-five."

  "What time was the last voicemail?"

  "I don't have time for this, Lucas! I've got to call the police." She tried to pull her hand free from his.

  "Listen to me, Scarlett." He took her chin in his hand, forcing her to make eye contact with him. "I work for a security firm. We specialize in extractions, kidnappings, protection, ransom letters—you name it. I can help you. Now what time was the call made?"

  "Only ten minutes ago."

  "Ok, let's go. I'll make a call on the way and get the guys over there."

  "Should I call the police?" she asked, her hands shaking as she grabbed her coat and purse from behind the counter.

  "Not yet. We'll call once we get there."

  Scarlett rushed out of the diner, helpless to do anything for her sister. She knew the chances that they'd get to Emery in time were impossible, but she couldn't help but hope.

  Chapter 4

  "Yeah?" Sullivan answered on the first ring.

  "I'm heading over to Parker Street Apartments—" Lucas started.

  "Why are you headed over there?"

  "Just listen. A girl I know from the diner, her sister's missing. She was abducted from her home just moments ago. Scarlett got a call but missed it and was listening to the voicemail. We've got a voice and a name. Damon Smith. It's probably an alias, but it's a start. I'm hoping the phone is still intact when we get there. We heard it hit the floor. Can you send a team to her apartment?"

  "On their way."

  "Make sure Zach's with them. I need him to see what he can get off Emery's phone. I'm headed there now." He ended the call and looked over to the passenger seat, where Scarlett sat wringing her hands. He hated that she was going through this, but he was certainly glad he could help.

  "I’m sorry you're being roped into this. Maybe I should just call the police, and you can drop me off at my apartment—" she began.

  "I want to help. And we're the best. You're damned lucky I was with you when you got that call."

  Her eyes were wide, and tears spilled over the edges. He reached over and brushed them away with his knuckle. "We don't have much time. We have a small window of opportunity to find her. And we need to get to the scene before the police do. Once they arrive, our hands will be tied."

  She sniffed and then nodded her agreement. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she straightened in her seat.

  They drove the rest of the three miles to the apartment building in silence. Pulling into a parking space, he parked away from the building. The building was dark, and very few lights lit the area. There was no street lamp, and it looked as if most people weren't home or didn't want any lights on. He looked to the top floor and found where he assumed unit 205 would be. The door was bashed in, and faint light spilled through.

  "Stay here," he said, pulling his gun from behind his back. Scarlett looked at the weapon and then at him in question.

  "Security, remember? I wouldn't be much help if I didn't have a way to defend myself, now would I?"

  "I guess not," she whispered.

  "I'll be right back. Stay here. Lock the doors."

  She nodded, waiting for him to clear the car, and he heard the snick of the locks clicking into place.

  Lucas took the stairs two at a time. He knew that the men and Emery were long gone, but he had to see if there were any clues they could glean before they called the police. If they called the police. He stood outside the door, his back against the wall. Leading with his gun, he made his way into the semi-dark apartment. It looked as if a lamp had been knocked over, bursting the light bulb. The rug was mussed, a vase lay in pieces on the floor, and a picture had fallen and shattered. It seemed that Emery had put up one heck of a fight. Good. She was more likely to be found alive if she was a fighter.

  He made his way into the
back room. The bedroom seemed untouched except the broken door. The bathroom was a mess. The shower curtain lay crumpled on the floor. Half the rings were in the tub and on the floor, and a few were still left hanging on the rod. The vanity and sink contained broken bottles of makeup and nail polish. A can of hairspray was on the ground, as well as brushes and curling irons. Next to the tub was a phone encased in a pink unicorn protective case. He grabbed a washcloth off the sink and picked up the phone carefully. He was relieved to see that the screen was still intact. He took the phone with him, making his way back to the front of the apartment. As he rounded the corner, he saw that a shadow stood in the doorway. His gun came up, and he dropped it just as quickly.

  "Geez, you startled me, Scarlett. I could have shot you. I thought I told you to stay in the car."

  "Last time I checked, you weren't the boss of me. And I couldn't sit there anymore. I needed to see if—" She broke off. She wanted to see if Emery was there—dead or alive.

  She walked over to the kitchen and turned on the light. Its glow flooded the living room, and he watched as she took in the sight before her. The struggle Emery had put up was so evident in every broken item lying on the floor. She gasped and rushed over to the rug. He looked down, spotting the red stain on the carpet. It wasn't a lot, but there was no denying that it was blood.

  Scarlett choked back a sob.

  "We don't know that it's hers," Lucas said.

  "And we don't know that it's not."

  "There's not a lot there. It doesn't look like a fatal wound. And not to mention, your sister put up one hell of a fight." Scarlett stiffened her spine as if once again brushing off the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

  "Ok, what now?" she asked.

  "Now I give this phone of your sister's to Zach Harper and watch him work his magic." As if saying his name had conjured him up, Zach appeared in the doorway, along with four other operatives from Castle Investigations.

  "Someone called for a computer nerd?"


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