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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 21

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "Let's get out of here," she whispered to Emery. Scarlett turned back around and froze. A large man with tattoos up and down his arms stood there, gun in hand.

  "I suggest you go back in there. It ain't time to leave yet," he said, his lips curling up with a perverted gleam as he took in her bare legs. Scarlett backed up into the room as he stalked forward. He reached the door to the cabin, and slammed it shut.

  The slamming of the door made Scarlett flinch, as desperation washed over her. The hopelessness of their situation began to sink in. Lucas had no idea where they were—no clue how to find them. If they were going to get out of this alive, it would be up to Scarlett to rescue them.

  Chapter 24

  As they approached Baltimore, Zach's voice echoed through the radio.

  "The GPS signal stopped at the marina, and now they're on the move. From the direction they're going, it appears they're headed towards a private airstrip. At least, that’s where I'd head." Zach rattled off the address, and it was one Lucas knew well. He just hoped they'd get there in time. Moments later, Zach confirmed the stop, and Lucas was grateful that they were only a couple minutes out.

  Lucas could see the airstrip up ahead. A large cargo plane sat at one hangar, while the other sat completely empty. Lucas made the quick decision to land the helo at the empty hangar, hoping not to draw attention to themselves.

  As he made his descent, the pinging of bullets on the side of the helo made him jerk the chopper back into the air. Men were running out of the hangar, guns drawn, shooting at them. Lucas struggled to maintain control of the aircraft, swerving left and then right to make them a moving target.

  An alarm sounded inside the cockpit. "We're hit!" Lucas yelled into the headpiece he wore.

  Fortunately, the helo wasn't far off the ground, and Lucas was able to put it down safely. As he turned off the controls, Sully, Ethan, and Gabriel jumped out of the chopper, taking up positions to return fire. Lucas did the same, and soon they were moving towards the other hangar.

  From a distance, Lucas could see women, lots of women, piling into the cargo plane. The guards lined them up, making them sit on the floor of the plane as they kept them under control with their guns. He moved behind an SUV, watching for a break where he could rush the plane and rescue Scarlett and Emery. He wasn't sure how he'd accomplish that, but the thought of their getting on that plane made his skin crawl.

  The cargo door began to close, and fear took hold of Lucas.

  "Castle, they're shutting the doors. We've got to get to them before they take off."

  "I see it. No way to stop that plane, though—not without hurting those inside."

  "Dammit! She's on there."

  "I know." The resolution in Sully's voice spiked fear in Lucas's gut. He would not give up.

  Lucas watched as the plane took off down the runway. Only a few guys were left on the ground, and now that the plane was in the air, they were retreating back inside the building. The helo was shot to hell, so they wouldn't be taking it anywhere. Sully and the guys waved him over as they disappeared into the tree line lining the small airfield.

  Lucas turned on his phone and dialed Zach.

  "Please tell me her GPS is still working."

  "It is. I'll monitor it and tell you where to go."

  "Get me a plane, Zach. Any plane." Lucas ended the call.

  He walked over to Sully and the guys as they waited expectantly for news. "GPS is still online. Zach's finding us a plane," Lucas said.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket. Zach.

  "That was quick," Lucas answered.

  "Bad news, bro. GPS signal disappeared."

  "Shit! They must have found it."

  "No worries. They're flying south. I'm checking flight plans now."

  "And a plane?"

  "Still working on it." The line went silent.

  Lucas pushed his hands through his hair. This whole mission was a total screw-up.

  "GPS signal is down. They're heading south. No plane yet." His voice sounded defeated, but Lucas couldn't muster any feeling behind the words. If he lost Scarlett—

  Sully placed his hand on Lucas's shoulder. "Let me call The General, see what he can do."

  Lucas paced back and forth as Sully called and gave him the update. If anyone could pull some strings and get them a damn plane, it was The General.

  His phone buzzed again. He answered without looking to see who it was. He knew it would be Zach.

  "Please tell me you have good news," Lucas started.

  "Some. I was able to hack into the flight pIans. They're headed to Puerto Rico. Small landing strip down there that's seen better days. It's no longer open to the public." Zach gave him the information, and Lucas called Sully over to relay it to him while he was still on the phone with The General.

  They had the location—now they just needed the damn plane.

  * * * *

  Scarlett sat next to Emery, crammed into the plane like sardines in a can. The cargo plane wasn't built for comfort, and the cold metal floor made her shiver. There was no heat on the plane, and since they were high in the air, and wearing very little, the cold seeped through to her bones.

  Scarlett looked around at the other women. They were from all nationalities, it seemed. All beautiful. All young. She’d been surprised when she’d found herself and Emery hauled off the yacht and into a van, and then standing in line with these other women, waiting to board this plane. She'd looked for an opportunity to escape, but the airfield was crawling with men with guns. She wasn't sure if they'd shoot first and ask questions later, or if they cared that apparently she and Emery had already been purchased.

  The guards walked down the middle of the plane, watching the women with little interest. Suddenly, one of them stopped in front of her. He'd been on his radio earlier and now had a gun pointed at her head.

  "Stand up," he said.

  Scarlett's knees shook as she tried to get to her feet to comply. Em's whimpers were faint as she held tightly to Scarlett's leg. The man watched the interaction and kicked Emery back with his boot. She yelped and dropped her hands.

  "Are you Scarlett?" he asked.

  She just nodded.

  "Come with me."

  He pushed her forward, the gun at her back as she stood before yet another guard.

  "It seems we had a little trouble back there," the new man said. "Seems some friends of yours didn't like that we were taking you on a little trip." Scarlett's heart beat faster. Could Lucas have found her? But how? He had no idea where she'd been.

  "I—I don't understand," she stammered.

  "Let me make it perfectly clear to you," the man said, leaning forward until his nose was millimeters from hers. "They followed you somehow. And I want to know how," he said. Scarlett shook her head—she had no idea what the man was talking about.

  "Search her."

  Rough hands patted her down, lingering in places they shouldn't for far too long. They pulled off her skirt, leaving her bare from the waist down as they inspected her skirt. Then they took her top off, looking in the hems, behind the buttons, and under the collar. The guard lifted something from under her collar and showed it to her.

  "A tracking device," he said to the man in charge.

  He threw it down on the ground, smashing it with his foot.

  "If you weren't worth a lot of money, I'd kill you for that stunt," he said, spittle flying in her face, he was so close.

  "But I—"

  "Shut up," he yelled and slapped her across the face. Her head snapped back, and stars floated in front of her eyes.

  One of the guards threw her clothes at her. "Sit down," he said, and she was grateful she was dismissed.

  With as much dignity as she could summon, she pulled her skirt on as she hobbled back to her seat. Her shirt was next, and she crouched down next to Emery again. Em was crying, her sobs wracking her small body. Scarlett's head was killing her. She'd had one too many blows to the head and face over the last few days,
and it was starting to catch up with her.

  Emery sat huddled next to her, her body trembling slightly from the tears she was still crying. Scarlett slipped her arms around her, pulling her close. She stroked her hair just like she had after their parents’ deaths, when Emery would wake up with nightmares. Em seemed to relax a little, and the crying finally stopped. Scarlett looked down at her face and saw that she was asleep. Might as well join her and try to rest. She wasn't sure when she'd get another chance.

  * * * *

  The jolting of the plane as it landed jerked Scarlett from her restless slumber. She felt the fear of the women in the plane with her. The hopelessness oozed from their pores. Scarlett straightened her spine. She would not give up.

  The cargo door opened, and the early morning sun's rays reflected brightly off the metal of the plane. Scarlett shielded her eyes from the glare.

  Men, Hispanic in ethnicity if she was correct, barked orders at the women, pulling them roughly from the plane. They filed out, stumbling as their legs tried to wake up from the cramped positions they'd been in for hours.

  A man grabbed Scarlett’s arm, wrenching it as he pulled her out of the plane. She jerked away quickly, the momentum sending her sprawling. The man yelled at her in Spanish, and used his foot to kick her in the side. Her breath was stolen from the blow, but soft hands were reaching for her, pulling her to her feet. Emery and another woman steadied her as she gasped for air. Her ribs ached with every intake of breath.

  The humidity was sweltering, a stark contrast from the cold winter of D.C. She was suddenly glad for the lack of clothes, although she'd like for this skirt to be a bit longer, especially since she wasn't wearing any underwear.

  Damon had allowed them to keep their shirts on. He hadn't had much of a choice since Scarlett had tried flushing the halter tops down the toilet before they left the boat.

  Guards stood at attention, automatic weapons held in their arms, their eyes constantly surveying the area for threats, or anyone that might try to get away. Multiple white box trucks lined the runway, and the women were lined up horizontally in front of them.

  The man in charge, his dark hair inky black, as if it were wet, and slicked back from his face, stood as a commanding presence in front of the women. He had a pockmarked face and dark, lifeless eyes. Scarlett was amazed at how much evil existed in the world. It seemed she'd been sheltered from this her entire life. She wished she'd been able to shield Emery from it as well.

  "You will line up by age." The man spoke with a thick Spanish accent.

  "Fifteen and younger will go in this truck," he said, and Scarlett's eyes widened as she saw several young girls line up in front of the box truck that the man had indicated. They were so small. So young. She couldn’t imagine the horror they must be feeling. Well, maybe she could, since she was experiencing the same emotions, but to be so young and dealing with this seemed unbearably cruel.

  "Ages sixteen to nineteen here," the man continued. Emery started to walk away, and Scarlett shook her head. Em stepped back beside her and waited.

  "Ages twenty to twenty-two." He pointed to a truck nearby, and Scarlett moved them. She hoped that Em could pass for twenty, and that she could pass for twenty-two.

  "Twenty-three and up will go here," the man finished. He walked close to Scarlett and scrutinized her. She was suddenly afraid that he knew she was lying about her age. But he dismissed her with a sneer and walked away.

  They filed into the box trucks, and the doors closed, leaving them in complete darkness. There had to be thirty girls crammed into this one truck. The air was stifling, and Scarlett was finding it hard to breathe.

  The ride to their destination was short, maybe ten minutes, before the engines stopped and the doors opened again. Scarlett was relieved since she wasn't sure how long they could have stayed stuffed into such a small space with no air circulating.

  When she stepped out of the van, she saw that she was standing in front of an old building. The word hospital, surrounded by a few Spanish words she didn't understand, was her only clue as to where they were.

  The guards led them through a door and down a corridor until they reached what looked like an old emergency room. Beds were lined up against both walls, with curtains separating them. The guards began pushing girls towards the cubicles, and fear broke through Scarlett's determined resolve. One of the guards grabbed Em and pulled her away from Scarlett. "No!" she screamed, fighting against his hold to keep Emery with her. Another guard seized Scarlett from behind, pinning her arms against her sides. Tears came in tortured cries as she desperately tried to free herself from his hold. She was terrified that if she let Emery go now, she'd never see her again. She couldn't understand what he said, since her high school Spanish wasn't up to par, but she could tell by the fury in his voice that it wasn't very nice.

  The guard hauled Scarlett towards a bed several cubicles down from Emery as she tripped to keep up with his fast pace. With a solid push, he shoved her into the room. She fell against the bed and sank to the floor. Scarlett scrambled on the floor to try and glimpse one last look at Emery, but the curtain to Emery's room had closed.

  Just then, a man in a lab coat walked in, closing the curtain behind him. Scarlett backed away from him, clambering to her feet. Her head whipped from side to side, looking for anything she could find to fight him off.

  He shook his head. "You can cooperate or fight. If you fight, I'll restrain you or drug you. It's your choice."

  Scarlett knew if she was restrained or drugged, she'd never get them out of this mess.

  "What will it be?" he asked, his voice calm, as if he'd done this a hundred times. And maybe he had.

  "I'll cooperate," she said.

  "Good. Now lie on the bed like a good girl. I'm going to take your vitals and do an exam, much like you'd have at the gynecologist. It won't hurt as long as you don't fight me." He gave her a piercing glare. She couldn't place where he was from. He was older, maybe in his sixties, and he had salt and pepper hair. His skin was darker than hers, but not quite tan. Maybe more olive in complexion. He had only a very slight accent, as if he'd been speaking English for a long time.

  Scarlett crawled onto the bed, propping herself up against the back. The man proceeded to take her vital signs—blood pressure, temperature, oxygen levels. Her pulse rate, she was sure, was off the charts, but he was probably used to that if this is what he did for a living.

  All too soon, the time for the exam came, and Scarlett closed her eyes, praying it would be over soon. She felt degraded. Humiliated. And she wondered if she'd ever allow another man to touch her. Her thoughts went to Lucas. The way he'd kissed her. Held her. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was in his arms again. That they had a future together.

  "So rare to find someone of your age so pure. If you've had sex, it hasn't been a regular occurrence," the doctor pronounced. Good to know he thought so highly of her.

  He left her alone then, returning moments later with another man in a lab coat.

  The man was tall, with blond hair that was thinning on top. His long face looked as if he'd never cracked a smile. He didn't bother with formalities or introductions. He stepped in and pushed her gently back onto the bed. A light swung over her head, and he pressed the sides of her mouth, forcing it open. He put a clear plastic piece in to hold it open, and took out some tools to examine her teeth.

  "She's acceptable," he pronounced after a minute or so, removing the plastic piece and walking out of the curtained room, the first doctor following closely behind.

  She was alone for longer this time, and she stood and quietly made her way over to the curtain. Doctors and medical professionals bustled around. She looked across to where Emery was and found the curtain open, her bed empty.

  Fear for Emery's safety propelled Scarlett forward, through the curtain. She had to find her. She cautiously looked around, hoping she could slip away undetected.

  "Where do you think you are going?"

ett jumped, turning around slowly to see the doctor standing behind her, a woman in a lab coat standing next to him.

  "I was, um, just checking on someone," she said, not wanting to give away who Emery was to her. She didn't know how they might use that against them.

  "We're here for your blood," he said, forcing her back into the cubicle. The woman in the coat pulled out the necessary syringes and drew her blood. When she was done, the doctor took Scarlett's arm and led her out of the curtained room.

  Chapter 25

  Lucas paced as he waited for Zach's call. They were wasting precious time—time he could be spending in the air and on his way to Scarlett.

  Gabriel approached him, his hand going to Lucas's shoulder.

  "You holding up?" Gabriel asked. Lucas was a little shocked at his question. He and Gabriel were close—well, as close as anyone could get to Gabriel—but he wasn't usually the kind of guy to ask about Lucas's feelings. He must have seen the shock on Lucas's face because he chuckled.

  "She's special. I get it. I may not trust women, but this one—she's different," Gabriel said. If Lucas didn't know Gabriel so well, he'd almost say he sounded like he had feelings for Scarlett. Jealously tried to raise its ugly head, but Lucas pushed the feeling to the side. If Gabriel thought Scarlett was special, then this was a huge step for him. He wasn't about to ruin it by lashing out at him in jealousy.

  He nodded. "She is. I don't know what I'll do if—"

  Gabriel squeezed his shoulder. "We'll find her. Zach will come through."

  As if Gabriel had conjured him up, Zach's name lit up on Lucas's phone.

  He didn't wait for a greeting. "This is way bigger than Damon, man," Zach began. Lucas put the phone on speaker and walked to where Sully and Ethan were standing, with Gabriel right behind.

  "It's a huge operation. I've been able to find information chasing some rabbits, and I found an old hospital that was owned by one of Luftar's corporations. He also has accounts at several high-dollar resorts."


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