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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 50

by Dee Bridgnorth

  Their room in The Lotus Hotel and Casino boasted red carpets alongside Asian-style drapes and wall hangings. They were stunning in their simplicity, giving the room an expensive vibe that wasn't overdone. Tobias Winters, billionaire extraordinaire and owner of the hotel, had apparently spent years in Japan. He'd fallen in love with the décor of the country, leading him to adopt an Asian theme for the hotel and casino, and had received rave reviews for it.

  Isabel took in the opulence of the room for a moment before picking up her clutch off the table next to the door. As she reached for the handle, Ethan rushed ahead, opening the door for her and motioning for her to walk through.

  "After you," he said, his voice low and husky. He placed his large, warm hand on the exposed skin of her lower back, and, like electricity, sparks of fire raced along her nerve endings.

  We're undercover. It's just an act.

  Isabel repeated the words over and over to herself. After her last assignment with Ethan and the intimacy they'd had to share, she wasn't sure she could continue to act as if his touch and his kisses didn't affect her. Because they did. And with each caress, her resolve to keep things professional, and to ignore the feelings he evoked inside her, diminished.

  They stopped in front of the elevator doors, their reflections looking back at them. Her dress was practically obscene, but Ethan looked sharp in his charcoal gray pants and black button-down shirt. She took in his blond hair, swept back from his face and secured in a tie at the nape of his neck. His gray-green eyes sparkled, and the slight stubble across his jaw lent him an air of mystery.

  Good Lord, the man was gorgeous.

  The elevator doors dinged open, and Isabel jumped, catching Ethan's slight smirk in the reflection just before it disappeared behind the wall. With careful steps, Isabel stepped into the elevator. The doors closed, and the tension in the small room was so thick, they could have cut it with a knife. Her breathing picked up its pace, and she darted a glance at Ethan, who didn't seem at all fazed by her nearness, the way she was by his.

  After the longest elevator ride of her life, the doors opened, spilling them out into the cacophony of slot machines, the joyous shouts of winning gamblers, and the click, click, click of the roulette wheel. Gold ceilings, and walls with ornate red Oriental carpets lining the floors, made up the elaborately decorated casino. The lobby was just as lavish, with an enormous crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling and dangling over a water fountain shooting sprays of water in three directions. Lighted red lotus flower sculptures lined the pool, giving the lobby a warm glow.

  Stepping through the double doors to the outside, Ethan handed the valet their ticket. Zach Harper, Castle Investigations's computer geek extraordinaire, had managed to secure them a car fit for a couple that had money to spend. Throw in the cover of a quickie Vegas wedding and exciting honeymoon, and it was no surprise that the valet returned with a convertible Porsche 911. The car screamed sex and money.

  The valet held open the passenger side door, and it took Isabel a moment to figure out just how she was going to get into the car without being arrested for indecent exposure. Thank God she didn't have any paparazzi following her around. Poor Britney Spears. Before she could say a word, Ethan was by her side.

  "I've got it," he said to the valet in a rough voice, hopefully slipping him a nice tip to make up for his gruffness.

  Isabel mumbled a thanks under her breath, her cheeks growing warm as she tried to maneuver herself into the car without giving Ethan a show. With no way around it, she ducked her head and slid into the passenger seat, the car's buttery leather caressing her body. She glanced down, seeing that for all her care, her skirt had ridden up, exposing her lace panties. Isabel gasped and tried in vain to pull the skirt down.

  Ethan let out a low growl and shut her door.

  Well, maybe he wasn't as unaffected as she'd thought.

  That thought made her smile.

  Isabel took in Ethan's white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, and her smile widened. It was amusing to her that this huge Texan man could be rattled by a tiny strip of lace. Unfortunately, his discomfort was starting to get to her.

  He wouldn't look at her—wouldn't speak to her. She'd attempted twice to start a conversation, and all she’d gotten in return was a grunt and a snort.

  The air conditioning drafting up her skirt from the car vents was an unexpected consequence of her ensemble for the evening, but it provided a nice contrast to the heat racing across her skin. Isabel wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or from the tension that pulled between them like a tightrope.

  How far was the damned club, anyway?

  "Do you think Bruno will be there?" Isabel asked, trying once again to get them talking about something—anything.

  Ethan glanced her way quickly, then turned his attention back to the road.

  "It's possible. We're close enough to the weekend that I think he'll make an appearance."

  Bruno Lopez, known as El Jefe in his hometown of Washington, D.C., had moved to Las Vegas to manage The Lotus Hotel and Casino for Tobias Winters. According to Zach, he'd also bought a small club in the old part of Vegas. Rumor had it that there was more going on there than just women taking their clothes off. Drugs, guns, and girls were Bruno's specialty, and Isabel and Ethan were here to try to find enough evidence on Bruno to put him away for a very long time.

  After the Castle Investigations team had killed Bruno's brother, Bruno had vowed to take them out one by one, putting a price on their heads and offering it to any assassin who could get near them. It didn't matter to Bruno that his brother Damon had kidnapped and almost killed Scarlett, Lucas Falco's now-wife, and her sister, and had tried to sell them as sex slaves. Revenge wasn't always motivated by rational thought.

  The car stopped in a parking garage, and Isabel made the quick decision to climb out before Ethan could make his way around to help her. She'd rather flash the masses than give him another eyeful. When she stood, just as Ethan rounded the car, he glanced down at her legs, then quickly jerked his face up to meet hers. If she wasn't mistaken, that looked like disappointment that had flashed in his eyes.


  The club, unfortunately named The Dirty Kitty, was about three blocks from the parking garage, and by the time they reached their destination and Ethan opened the door for her, she was cursing the heels she'd chosen. She felt a growing respect for the hookers that walked these streets in stilettos every night.

  The Lotus Hotel and Casino, where they were staying, was beautiful and classy, exuding understated elegance. Tobias Winters had exquisite taste, so why he allowed a second-rate thug to manage the hotel was a mystery in and of itself. One that Ethan and Isabel would need to get to the bottom of. The club was Bruno's project, however, and it showed.

  The Dirty Kitty wasn't the worst club that Isabel had ever seen, although she'd be hard pressed to find one with a worse name. There was a general feeling of deterioration that hung in the air. The floors had at one time been covered in shiny, black and white tiles, but they were now sticky and stained from spilled alcoholic beverages. The stage was divided into three parts, featuring a middle stage with heavy purple curtains behind it, faded from years of use. It was framed by two smaller stages, each with a single pole at the end. A disco ball scattered light onto the dance floor as people bumped and ground to the pounding bass blasting through the speakers, and strippers gyrated on the poles of the two side stages.

  "Snazzy place, isn't it?" Ethan said, a sardonic twist to his lips.

  "Very," Isabel answered, the sarcasm heavy in her voice.

  "Let's get a drink."

  Ethan pulled Isabel towards the bar, and she stumbled a few times trying to keep up. He was an intimidating presence when he wanted to be, though, so the crowds parted, giving him a wide berth as he pushed through to the bar.

  "Two vodka tonics with lime," he told the bartender.

  "Ordering for me now?" Isabel asked, as she propped her el
bows on the bar, turning to look up at him through thick lashes.

  "I can't help it if I know what you like." Ethan's husky tone raised goose bumps on her arms. When his fingertips lightly brushed the top of her hand, a spark of electricity raced across her skin.

  The bartender set two drinks in front of them, and Isabel quickly picked hers up, downing half the contents in one swallow. Ethan raised his glass to his lips, a smirk lifting one side of his mouth.

  Isabel watched the couples on the dance floor mirroring acts with their bodies that were usually reserved for the bedroom. Isabel could feel her cheeks flush. She wasn't a prude by any means, and this was tame compared to the party that she and Ethan had attended with Gabriel Sanchez and his new wife Cate, just a few weeks earlier. She just felt like some things were meant to be private.

  "Over there," Ethan said, pointing to the side of the stage. Isabel watched as one of the exotic dancers left the platform and pushed through the curtain that hid a long hallway.

  Isabel nodded, downing the rest of her drink, and trailed behind Ethan as they followed the dancer. He reached back, taking Isabel's hand in his.

  When they reached the curtain, Ethan looked both ways before pushing through it. The hallway was dark, with doors lining both sides of the walls.

  "Where did she go?" Isabel whispered.

  "I'm not sure." Ethan opened a door, finding a storage closet. He opened the next one, peering inside the dark room. Moaning sounds came from within. Must be one of the private VIP rooms that people could rent by the hour.

  As they approached the next one, raised voices drifted through the cracked door.

  "I'm done for tonight. I've been on my feet for three nights. I just want to go home," a female voice said.

  "He's an important client. He asked specifically for you." This time it was a male who spoke. There was something familiar about the voice. The hairs on the back of Isabel's neck rose.

  "Does it ever bother you that you're pimping your own girlfriend out to all your friends?"

  A loud slap sounded, and Isabel gasped in surprise. The door flew open, and the dancer they'd followed inside appeared, her hand held to her face.

  Ethan grabbed Isabel's arm, dragging her up against the wall. The shadows provided a little cover, although anyone could see that there were two people there. Ethan caged Isabel with his arms, lowering his face to hers as he nuzzled the spot just below her ear. Chills broke out on her arms, and she shivered.

  "Don't say anything," he whispered.

  Isabel nodded.

  Ethan turned his head, placing his lips on her neck. Isabel could feel desire coiling low in her belly. She struggled to focus on what was happening around them, but Ethan's mouth was damned distracting.

  "Quita!" the male voice shouted from inside the room. Quita, assuming that that was her name, marched towards them as a man burst into the hallway.

  Bruno Lopez. His disfigured face was unmistakable. One half looked as if it had been pulled back too tightly, his skin shiny and unnatural, while the other side drooped as if half his face were sliding down his neck.

  Isabel stiffened as Bruno walked quickly after the dancer.

  "Quita, wait!"

  Ethan's mouth covered hers with a gasp, just as Bruno approached them. His lips were firm at first, his warm breath smelling of lime and mint. He moved them slowly over hers, never taking his eyes off Bruno. As Bruno passed them, Ethan turned their bodies slightly, so that they could continue to watch the scene.

  Isabel tried to focus on the task at hand. She tried to ignore the hard press of Ethan's body against hers. She tried to ignore his hot breath on her neck, sending chills all over her body. She tried to ignore his strong arm wrapped around her waist. Her breathing was fast and labored, and she tried in vain to get it under control.

  "Quita, I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have." Bruno wrapped his hand around the top of Quita's arm, spinning her around to face him.

  "You're damn right, you shouldn't have," she said, her voice softening just a bit.

  "I'm sorry," Bruno said, kissing her on the lips. "This is the last time. I promise."

  Quita shook her head. "I can't," she said, her voice breaking.

  Bruno's demeanor changed, and the hand he had wrapped around her arm tightened as he drew her close.

  "You will. You know what will happen if you don't."

  Fear was clearly etched on Quita's face. She nodded, then jerked her arm free of his grasp, walking angrily back out to the club.

  Bruno turned slowly towards them, and Ethan moved his arm up to cover Isabel's face.

  Bruno walked purposefully in their direction, and Ethan's mouth landed on hers once again. His lips were demanding, and her body responded. Warm, liquid heat radiated to her middle. Her response to him was almost desperate. Pleading.

  His lips plied hers, playing, teasing. And, for a moment, Isabel forgot where they were. Forgot the danger. It was only Ethan.

  Reality barged in when she heard Bruno clear his throat. Isabel pulled her mouth from Ethan's, peeking over his shoulder just as Bruno lifted his head, their eyes meeting. Damn! He'd seen her.

  "Hey! What are you doing back here?" Bruno asked.

  Fear, sharp and cold, sliced through Isabel's desire-filled fog. Did he recognize her?

  "Don't look at him. Focus on me," Ethan whispered in her ear.

  Ethan's mouth found a spot on her neck and sucked. Isabel gasped, and when her mouth opened, Ethan took that as an invitation. His tongue dipped inside, skimming against hers in a sensual dance. Ethan's hand slid up from her waist to just below her breast. Isabel's breaths came in short little pants as he moved his hand down over her hip to behind her upper thigh. Ethan's eyes found hers as he wrapped his hand around her leg, bringing it up around his waist. Her head fell back as his hand slid under her dress and cupped her ass.

  Grabbing the back of his head, Isabel drew him back down, exploring his mouth with her own. The kiss was all tongue and teeth and heat. She lost her mind, forgetting the danger, forgetting their purpose. In that moment, it was just her and Ethan. No one else mattered. No one else existed.

  A chuckle sounded near them.

  "You guys need to get a room. And you're in luck. We rent them by the hour."

  Bruno clapped Ethan on the shoulder, clearing the Ethan-induced fog that surrounded Isabel's head. But his mouth never left hers, his eyes warning her not to move. The click of the door down the hall met her ears, and Ethan finally lifted his head.

  "You ok?" he asked, his breathing labored as warm puffs hit her face.

  She nodded, but the answer in her heart was a resounding no.

  She was definitely not ok.

  Chapter 2

  As soon as Bruno shut the door to the room he'd entered, Ethan grabbed Isabel's hand and dragged her back out into the club. The pulsing beats matched the staccato of his pounding heart. He couldn't remember another time when he'd been this out of control. He needed to get his crap together.

  They'd almost gotten caught. Their first night on the job, and Ethan had almost allowed them to be seen by the enemy.

  It was those damn panties. Ever since Isabel had unintentionally flashed him a glimpse of that black strip of lace, it was all he could think about. When he'd gripped her leg and she'd wrapped it around his waist, he'd almost come undone when his hand had cupped her ass and he’d discovered that she was wearing a thong. A black lace thong. It was one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen.

  You'd think he was a horny teenager kissing a girl for the first time. He'd lost all control of himself and had wanted to take her up against that wall. But she deserved better.

  Sully's disapproving face had entered his mind just as Bruno had clapped him on the shoulder. And reality had sunk in. Not only were they in a sleazy club owned by a man who wanted them dead, but there also was a code. A bro code. And being a Marine, he didn't break that code. Not even for the most tempting woman he'd ever met.

  She was his partner.
  And the damned sister of his best friend. His brother—not by blood, but by choice.

  She was off-limits except for the part they had to play. For now, Ethan relished every opportunity to touch her skin, kiss her lips, and hold her tightly against him. It was enough. It had to be. But damn if he didn't want more—with the one woman he could never have.

  "Let's go. We'll come back tomorrow and try to talk to the girlfriend," he said over the deafening music.

  Isabel's eyes were glazed over, and she bobbed her head in agreement. She seemed to be doing a lot of that tonight. Was she just as rattled as he was by that scene in the hallway? Ethan wasn't sure if it was due to their make-out session or to almost getting caught by Bruno. Maybe a little of both.

  The ride back to the hotel was even more awkward and tension-filled than the ride to the club had been. It used to be so easy with Isabel, their friendship something he treasured in his life.

  When had things changed?

  The party they'd attended with Gabriel and Cate. They'd kissed before while undercover—had acted as lovers on many occasions—but never had they been as intimate as they'd had to be at the secret sex society they'd been infiltrating. That intimacy had leaked over into their everyday life, and things hadn't been as comfortable with Isabel since.

  Whereas once she'd been his friend, his partner, and even almost like a sister, now there was a tension between them that sparked and snapped every time they were in close proximity to each other. Ethan understood that going back, especially since their times together continued to mandate their need to be intimate, was pointless. And he didn't want to go back. He wanted to push forward and explore what was happening between them. He wanted her. All of her.

  They pulled up to the hotel, and the valet opened their doors. Ethan jumped out and rounded the car, turning his back to Isabel and stepping in front of the valet to give her the cover she needed to get out of the car.

  She squeezed his elbow as she stood. "Thanks," she muttered under her breath.


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