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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 54

by Dee Bridgnorth

  Kicking open the door of the costume room, Ethan peered into the hallway. So far, no one had followed them, but he didn't want to take any chances. He also couldn't run, with Isabel unconscious. He pulled the door shut again and sat her up on the floor. Kneeling beside her, he patted her face.

  "Isabel? Izz. Wake up, darlin'."

  She moaned, and he breathed a sigh of relief. She was going to be fine.

  "What happened?" she asked, as she opened her eyes. Her voice was raspy, and she cringed as the words came out.

  "You're ok. You'll have a sore throat and probably a headache, but I think you’re otherwise unscathed."

  She looked down at her shirt. "Apparently, my shirt isn't, though. Damn him! I liked that shirt." Her voice had a huskiness to it, and her sense of humor melted his heart. This woman was something else. She'd been choked, hit, and almost raped, and yet she still had the courage to make a joke.

  "Can you walk? We need to get out of here."

  Isabel glanced around, taking in her surroundings.

  "You mean you didn't carry me out of this godforsaken place?" As she got to her feet, Ethan guided her up, looping one arm around her to keep her steady.

  "Nah. You're too damn heavy, Castle."

  Smacking him playfully on the shoulder, she looked at him, and her face turned serious. "Anyone out there?"

  "Not three minutes ago. You still have your gun?"

  She shook her head. "He knocked it out of my hand when he pushed me in here." She pointed towards the other side of the darkened room, but they didn't have time to go looking for it among all the costumes.

  "Then stay beside me. Do what I tell you, ok?"

  "Fine by me, Rambo."

  "Funny." Ethan peered around the door, relieved to see that the hallway was still empty. He took her hand in his, and they ran out towards the back door. Just as he pushed it open, an alarm sounded, and two men ran into the hallway.

  "Stop!" they yelled.

  Not a chance in hell. Ethan pushed Isabel out the door, just as a shot hit the doorframe near her head. With a yelp, she ducked and ran towards the parking lot. Ethan returned fire, getting off a couple of shots before the door slammed closed.

  They ran as fast as they could towards the back alley and the parking lot beyond. The door behind them slammed open, and several more shots were fired.

  "Go!" Ethan yelled, turning to cover her as she ran. Two rounds left his gun. One guy grabbed his arm, dropping his gun. One down.

  Isabel ducked behind the dumpster at the end of the alley to take cover. Ethan followed behind her and fired two shots towards the thug at the back door. The guy returned fire, and Ethan took aim once again, placing the tiniest bit of pressure against the trigger. This time, he hit the guy in the chest, and the guy slid to the ground.

  Sirens screamed in the distance. "Let's go before the cops get here," Ethan said.

  They reached the car, jumped in, and took off down the road, driving around for several minutes before turning towards the hotel.

  "Where are we going?" Isabel asked, her voice sounding a little stronger than it had earlier.

  "Just driving around to make sure we don't have any tails. I'm pretty sure we weren't followed, but I want to make certain."

  Isabel didn't say anything else, but she curled into herself, keeping watch out the window. They pulled into the hotel, and Ethan decided to bypass the valet and self-park instead, in order to hide the bruises and torn clothes from prying eyes. When he turned off the car, Isabel jerked awake.

  "Where are we?" Her voice was raspy, both from being choked and from having fallen asleep.

  "Hotel. I parked in the garage. I'll give you my coat to cover yourself. Try to keep your face down, or people are going to think I beat you."

  Isabel grabbed the visor to look in the mirror on the underside. When she saw her reflection—her split lip, the bruises on her neck and cheek—she groaned.

  "How am I going to hide this?"

  "You can't. Just keep your gaze down, ok?"

  Opening the door, she got shakily to her feet. Ethan rushed to her side, slipping his coat around her shoulders. Isabel tied the two pieces of her shirt together between her breasts, covering the bra that Ethan had tried in vain to avoid looking at during the car ride. She'd forgotten that her shirt lay in tatters, and he had tried to be a gentleman and not look, but once again, he was failing with self-control where she was concerned.

  "Better?" she asked, winking.

  "Hmm," he said noncommittally. What else could he say? No, I liked the bra better? Not going to happen.

  They made it to the hotel room without a lot of fanfare. Fortunately, they'd had the elevator all to themselves, and Isabel had avoided eye contact with anyone, so no one seemed to notice her. He, on the other hand, had garnered plenty of attention. In his concern over her, he’d forgotten that his face probably looked pretty messed up as well.

  One man had reached out to give him a fist bump. He wasn't sure what that was about, but he didn't complain. At least no one thought that he was beating the woman by his side.

  After they slipped into their room, Ethan shut the door, bolting it behind them. When he turned around, Isabel was standing at the windows overlooking the view of the Strip. He wasn't sure what to say to her. How to help. He knew she was probably shaken from tonight. She'd almost been raped. Could have died.

  Carefully, he walked closer to her, slipping his arms around her waist and drawing her against his chest.

  "What can I do?" he asked.

  "This," she whispered. And he realized then, that he'd do anything for her. Go anywhere for her. Be anything she needed him to be. The thought scared him. He was betraying his best friend, but damned if he cared right now. He needed her, and she needed him.

  "Let's get you into some clean clothes."

  "I need a shower."

  He led her to the bathroom in her room, turning on the shower for her. She took off his jacket and handed it to him. "Do you need—" he started, suddenly nervous and unsure of what to say or do.

  "I'm ok."

  "I'll be right outside if you need me. Just yell."

  She didn't respond, so he closed the door and sat on the other side. After several moments, he heard the sounds of her crying. It broke his heart, but he didn't want to impose. When her crying turned to sobs, however, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

  Opening the door, he saw her sitting on the shower floor, curled up with her knees drawn to her chest. Without thinking, he stepped into the shower fully clothed, and sat down, pulling her into his arms.

  He was soaked within seconds, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that she needed him. She turned her face into his chest and wept. He stroked her hair and back, whispering soothing words into her ear.

  Finally, the tears dried up, and he suddenly became very aware of her nakedness. He cleared his throat, but she simply turned her face up to him, water droplets beaded on her eyelashes. He'd never seen a more beautiful sight.

  "Let's get you to bed."

  Seriously, he should get an award for noblest man around.

  Isabel nodded, and Ethan scooped her up. Grabbing a towel off the rack, he wrapped it around her as he carried her to the bed.

  "You're wet," she said.

  "It's no big deal."

  He pulled the covers up over her, never even trying to take a peek at what lay under the towel. When the covers reached her chin, he looked into her eyes.

  "Good night, Isabel." He kissed her softly on the forehead and turned to walk away. She grabbed his hand before he could leave.

  "Wait." He turned back to her. "Stay with me tonight?"

  Ethan groaned inwardly, but he wouldn't deny her this. He nodded. "Let me get some dry clothes."

  He walked back to his room, stripping off the wet clothes and putting on a dry t-shirt and gym shorts. All the while, he prayed that God would give him the strength to be a gentleman tonight. When he reached her room, she was still lying there
like he'd left her—staring out the big windows, the covers pulled up to her chin.

  She turned, her eyes meeting his, and he lay on top of the covers next to her. Scooting closer to him, she rested her head on his chest.

  "Thank you," she said.

  "For what?"

  "Saving me. Staying with me."

  "Anything for you," he said.

  And he meant every word.

  Chapter 7

  The sound of screaming woke her.

  Ok, so not screaming, but something was loud, shrill, and ear-piercing. Isabel opened her eyes, slowly taking in the dark hotel room. The shrieking came again, and she quickly realized that it was coming from her phone, which was lying on the bedside table next to her head.

  She sat up in bed, then quickly jerked the covers up to her chin when she saw that she was naked. Glancing to her right, she saw Ethan asleep on top of the covers. How in the world he had slept through that piercing ringtone, she had no idea.

  "Hello?" she answered. Ethan turned over with a question in his eyes. She shrugged.


  "Who is this?" she asked, not recognizing the voice or the number on the screen. She glanced at the clock by the TV. Six-thirty a.m.

  "It's Quita. I just wanted to call and say that, well, I'm sorry. I had no choice."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Tonight. I'm glad you got away. And I've thought a lot about it, and I'd like to talk to you."

  "Ok?" Isabel knew it came out more like a question, but she hadn't really put two and two together that Quita had set them up last night. Having that information now, she understood that that meant that this could be a trap, too—a way for Bruno to get his hands on them.

  "I know you have no reason to trust me."

  Isabel snorted.

  Quita continued. "Meet me at this diner"—she rattled off the address, and Isabel bent over the table to write it down with the hotel pen and paper—"at nine-thirty."

  "Wait! How do I know you'll be alone?"

  "You don't. Not really. But I give you my word that I'll come alone."

  The line went dead, and Isabel sat up. When she saw that Ethan was staring at the ceiling, she wondered what in the world he was doing—until she remembered that she was naked, and realized that she had probably just given him a nice view of her backside. Heat creeped up her neck to her cheeks.

  "Um, do you mind if I—"

  Ethan hopped off the bed. "Nope, not at all!" He exited her room so fast, she wondered if there was a fire somewhere.

  When she was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, she grabbed her phone and went to find him. He was standing in the kitchenette making coffee. God bless him.

  "What did she want?" he asked, without looking up from his task.

  "She wants to meet us at nine-thirty at a diner. Said she was sorry."

  "Do you think it's a ruse?"

  Isabel shrugged, then realized that Ethan couldn't see her with his back turned. "I'm not sure. She seemed sincere. Do we have a choice?"

  "We always have a choice, darlin'."

  He'd started calling her that since their kiss last night. She wondered if he even realized he was doing it. With his sexy Southern drawl, it did funny things to her insides.

  "I know, but I think we need to at least go and see what she has to say."

  Ethan turned, placing a cup of coffee on the bar for her, then leaning his back against the counter, his legs crossed at the ankles. He held his coffee mug in his hand, his gym shorts riding low on his hips. For a moment, Isabel was lost in watching his biceps bunch and flex as he brought the cup to his mouth to take a sip of the hot coffee.

  Laying her phone down on the counter, Isabel picked up the other mug. She sipped the steamy brew, feeling life flowing into her veins.

  "How are you feeling today?" Ethan asked.

  "Sore. But ok. My throat feels better, but I'm afraid these bruises are going to take a little longer to heal."

  Ethan's face flushed with anger. She watched as his hands tightened on the coffee cup.

  "I'm fine, Ethan."

  A quick nod was his only response.

  "Your face looks ok. Just a light bruise on your cheekbone and that split lip," she said. His wounds only made him more appealing, while hers made her look like a bad Halloween costume.

  "Could have been worse," he said, setting the coffee down and brushing past her. "I'm going to grab a shower."

  Ethan seemed a little angry still, but Isabel didn't take it personally. Although they were partners, Ethan wanted to protect her. She knew he didn’t take it lightly that something had happened to her on his watch.

  A buzzing on the table got her attention, and she realized it was coming from the phone that she'd laid on the counter. A video call request lit up the screen with the picture she'd chosen for Sully. Without thinking it through, she answered.

  "Hey, big brother," she started.

  His face turned four shades of purple.

  "What the hell happened to your face? And is that a bruise around your neck? Dammit! Where's Ethan?"

  "Would you chill out for a minute? Geez, Sully. I'm a big girl."

  "He's supposed to protect you."

  "Well, he was a little preoccupied trying to save his own life at the time. Not to mention, he did save me. If it weren't for Ethan, I wouldn't be talking with you right now."

  Sully winced. "Tell me what happened."

  Isabel recounted the story, telling Sully about her date with Tobias, the short chat with Quita, the thugs who’d tried to kill them, and then the morning meeting they had planned.

  "How do you know it's not a trap?"

  "We don't. But she sounded scared. Like she wanted to help."

  "She's a showgirl. I'm sure she's used to acting."

  "Maybe. But we need her help. We'll take precautions."

  Sully's only response was a grunt.

  Ethan emerged from his room, a towel wrapped around his waist. Isabel forgot to breathe for a moment. Couldn't remember what day it was. In fact, she was pretty certain that she couldn't remember her own name. She licked her lips.

  Ethan's brow shot up in question. "I heard you talking to someone."

  She turned the phone toward him, showing him Sully's face.

  "Dammit, Brooks. Do you typically parade around half-naked in front of my sister?"

  She could tell that Ethan was trying desperately to keep his temper in check.

  "I heard talking, arguing. I came out to make sure she was ok."

  Sully growled.

  "If you keep doing that, Sully,” Isabel told him, “you're going to turn into a bear. I've seen a guy in a towel before. Chill, dude."

  "Fine. Ethan, keep my sister safe. If she comes back with any more bruises on her, I'm going to give you matching ones. Is that clear?"

  "Quit making him feel guilty, Sully. It wasn't his fault."

  "I'll keep her safe. If there's another scratch on her, I give you my permission to beat my face in," Ethan said solemnly.

  "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Be careful today," Sully said.

  "Roger that," Ethan said as the screen went black.

  Without commenting on that disastrous video call, Isabel hurried to her room.

  "I'll take my shower now," she said over her shoulder.

  As she turned to close the door, she took a quick peek back at Ethan, who was walking back to his room. The view of his towel-clad ass did all kinds of things to her insides. Sighing, she closed the door and took a steaming shower.

  * * * *

  Isabel walked briskly through the lobby. Ethan had left earlier to retrieve the car, so she was meeting him outside. As she approached the front doors, she heard someone calling out, "Liz! Liz!"

  Tobias Winters was jogging towards her. She wasn't sure what his reaction to seeing her this morning would be after last night's debacle.

  "Hello, Tobias," she said, her head held high.

  "I'm sorry our date last night turned o
ut so poorly."

  She could tell his anger was simmering just underneath the surface of his thinly veiled politeness.

  "Yes, well, that's what happens when you put your hands on a woman after she's said no."

  "That's also what happens when your crazy fiancé goes all vigilante on someone." He looked at her closely. "What happened to you? Did he beat you as well?"

  It wasn't concern she saw in his face. More like satisfaction.

  "No. I was mugged."

  "Shame." He lightly touched the bruise on her neck. "Looks like someone wanted you dead."

  Isabel pulled away from his touch. "Again, I'm sorry for last night, but I don't think we should see each other anymore. I underestimated my fiancé's love for me."

  Tobias drew closer, his hand closing around her upper arm. He squeezed hard enough to let her know he meant business, but not quite hard enough to leave a mark. She winced.

  "I don't take too kindly to being made a fool of in my own hotel."

  She jerked her arm away. "Maybe next time, you should take no for an answer, then. I don't take too kindly to being manhandled."

  Isabel glanced towards the front doors. "My fiancé is waiting for me. If you'll excuse me."

  Tobias's hand shot out, grabbing her by the arm again. "You’d better watch your back," he said, fury blazing in his eyes.

  Jerking free, she walked quickly to the car. When she got in, she looked back at the doors, finding Tobias watching her as they pulled away.

  * * * *

  The diner was located on the outskirts of the city, near the desert. Ethan wasn't sure why they needed to journey this far out to have a meeting, but he assumed that Quita had a reason for it.

  Isabel had been quiet on the ride over, and he knew that something was bothering her. He hoped she'd let him in when she was ready to talk.

  He was still beating himself up for last night. If he'd been just a few seconds later, Isabel might not be sitting here next to him. He'd almost lost her.


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