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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 68

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "I am sick," Quita said. "I just need to get something I left."

  "So I see," the thug said, nodding at her arm. "You must have really pissed him off this time." He chuckled at his comment, as if it were funny that Bruno liked to beat women. Maybe to him, it was. Bastard.

  "Yeah, well, what's new?" Quita quipped and marched down the hall. The darkness covered her, and Isabel could no longer see what she was doing or where she was going. She glanced at Zach, and he nodded. He'd heard the exchange.

  "What's the thug doing?" Ethan whispered in her ear. Goose bumps raced down her arms.

  "Just giving her a hard time. He stepped aside. Let her pass." Ethan looked up, switching places as he flipped her around and drew her against his front.

  He smiled at her, but then his expression fell, concern lighting his eyes. "Uh-oh. Looks like we’ve got company."

  Isabel started to turn around to see what he was talking about, but Ethan's mouth landed on hers, distracting her. He kissed her thoroughly, his tongue exploring, his teeth nipping her bottom lip. Soon, she forgot about the threat and melted into the kiss.

  Ethan's kisses were definitely distracting. His hands rested on her waist, then found their way up her back, then moved lower to rest on her backside. The sweet smell of his breath was an intoxicating scent, a little musky and something altogether Ethan. His hair brushed against her and tickled the sides of her face. She loved this man, and it didn't matter where they were or what was going on around them, she always seemed to lose track of all time and her surroundings whenever he kissed her.

  Ethan pulled away. "False alarm," he said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

  She playfully slapped at his shoulder. "You did that on purpose."

  "Maybe." His grin widened.

  Glancing to where the hallway was, she saw that another guard had approached the original guy. He whispered something too low for Isabel or Ethan to hear. The first guard shook his head, while the second guard motioned towards the hallway.

  Anger darkened the first guard's features, and he started to walk down the hallway. Before Ethan and Isabel could get there, Zach pulled on the guy's arm and punched him in the jaw. The guard reared back, then, with an angry growl, slammed his fist into Zach's face.

  "Ah, man," Zach slurred. "I think you broke sumthin'."

  Zach stumbled forward, grabbing onto the man's shirt, while the other guard righted him.

  "He's drunk, man," the second guard said to him.

  "Yeah, well, he better get out of here before he finds his entire face broken."

  "Ssssorrryyy," Zach slurred. "Wrong guy." He threw his head back with laughter, snorting at the absurdity of the situation. While they were distracted, Quita snuck behind the guards and speed-walked towards the front door.

  "Let's go," Ethan breathed in her ear.

  "Right behind ya," she said, taking his hand as he pulled her out. She glanced behind her to see Zach backing away from the guards, his hands up in surrender. When he turned around and stumbled behind them, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  No one stopped them as they left the club, and they didn't turn around until they reached the van. When they were all inside, Quita turned to Zach. "What the hell did you do that for?"

  "The guard said something about an alarm being triggered in Bruno's office. I distracted them."

  "They could have killed you," she said, fury warring with fear in her voice.

  "Nah. I was just another drunk who had the wrong guy. I'm sure that happens all the time."

  "What if they'd recognized you?"

  "I guess tonight would have turned out a lot differently. But at least you were able to get out of there safely." Zach winked at her, back to his carefree self.

  Quita crossed her good arm over her chest with a huff of exasperation.

  "Did you get the files?" he asked.

  "Of course I did," she said, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

  "You did good," he said, reaching across the van to squeeze her hand.

  "Thanks," she mumbled.

  Well, that was certainly an interesting development. Something was definitely going on between Zach and Quita.

  They arrived back at the hotel. Zach sat down at the computer, and Quita wandered back to her room. It was well past midnight, and everyone was beat.

  Sully looked up from the couch. "You get it?"

  "She got it," Isabel answered.

  Quita smiled over her shoulder as she shut her door.

  Isabel made her way to Sully, placing her hands on his good shoulder. "Can we debrief in the morning? We all need our sleep."

  "Yeah. I don't have the mental capacity to think about anything, anyway." He squeezed her hands. "Get some sleep."

  "Yes, sir," she said, saluting him.

  "Smart ass."

  Ethan stopped in the doorway of his and Zach's room. Sully walked to his own, glancing at the two of them, then shaking his head. Ethan crossed the room to her as Sully shut the door.

  He touched her hair at her temple, pushing it back and tucking it behind her ear. He didn't seem to care that Zach was still in the room—although a bomb could go off, and, if Zach were working, he'd never notice.

  "How're you holding up?" he asked softly.

  "Ok. You?" She cradled his hand to her cheek.

  "I'd be better if I could crawl into bed with you," he said, his voice husky and low.

  "Sully—" she started.

  "Is in bed. And exhausted. He's not going anywhere," Ethan whispered.

  "Zach will see—"

  "Zach is oblivious to everything around him when he's at that computer. Right, Zach?"

  Zach never looked up from his computer, his fingers typing away.

  "Any other excuses there, darlin'?"

  "Can't think of a single one," Isabel said, grasping his fingers in hers and leading him to her bedroom.

  * * * *

  Ethan followed Isabel into her room, his pulse pounding in his ears. They'd done this twice already, and yet each time he touched her, caressed her skin, kissed her lips, it felt like the first time.

  And he knew it would never get old.

  Isabel stopped by the bed, and, not wasting any time, she pulled her shirt off over her head, revealing a white lace bra underneath. He moved closer, wanting to touch her.

  Reaching around, he flicked the clasp of her bra, causing the garment to fall from her shoulders. He stepped back, gazing at the perfection of her skin. There wasn't a blemish on her, and, lifting his hand, he outlined the shape of her. She shivered, goose bumps scattering over her skin.

  She was so responsive. So tender. And she was his.

  With an animal-like sound, he scooped her up in his arms. Squealing, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. She licked his lips, as if asking for permission to sweep inside. He opened for her, and her tongue delved in, tasting with a hunger that he felt deep down in his soul.

  Gently, he laid her on the bed, covering her body with his. He undid her jeans, then leaned back onto his heels, pulling them from her legs. She wore a matching lace thong, and when his eyes took in her beauty, he groaned.

  "Are you all right there, Mr. Brooks?"

  "You're going to kill me, woman."

  "Well, if you die, at least you'll die happy. Satisfied." She drew out the last word, touching her finger to her lips.

  With a laugh, he lay down beside her, lavishing kisses onto her shoulders, across her chest, and under her ear. Isabel giggled softly.

  "Ticklish?" he asked.

  "A little." Their gazes met and held. So many things he wanted to tell her. Should he say it now? Tell her how much he loved her? How much he wanted her to be his wife? For real and forever?

  "Ethan," she started.

  "What?" he asked, simultaneously scared and curious about what she had to say.

  As if changing her mind, she shook her head. "You're wearing too many clothes."

  She tugged at his shirt, and he
took over, reaching over his head and grabbing the back of the shirt. He flung it across the room as she laughed.

  "That was dramatic."

  "I'm a dramatic kind of guy." He traced the outline of her ribs with the back of his hand, and she trembled at his touch.

  "Now, these," she whispered, tugging at his pants.

  When they were both suitably undressed, Ethan raised himself over her, staring into her eyes and longing to tell her the words that hovered on the tip of his tongue. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her, loving the taste of her, the pure sensuality of their tongues meeting and melding. His hands trailed over her body, loving her with his touch. Worshipping her with his mouth. Giving her his soul.

  Their passion grew, building and igniting—until it exploded.

  Afterwards, Isabel lay in his arms, her head resting on his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, inhaling her scent. She slept, the steady rise and fall of her chest lulling him into a peaceful contentment he'd never felt before.

  He would never have enough of her. There would never be enough time to tell her all the things he cherished about her. He could spend every moment of his life telling her how much he loved her, how he adored her, how she filled his life with meaning and purpose, and yet there would still never be enough.

  Any doubt he'd had that this was the woman for him, that he could make her happy every day of her life, faded as the dark of night gave way to the morning sun.

  * * * *

  The morning sun brought with it the same problems that had existed between Ethan and Isabel before they’d spent the night in each other's arms. There was no miraculous solution to the complications that lay before them, but Ethan was determined to face them head-on.

  Isabel stretched, and Ethan was distracted by the motion as the sheet fell away from her body, leaving him with the most glorious view. He leaned closer, his hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards him.

  "Ethan, you need to go before Sully wakes up," she whispered, trying to wriggle free of his grasp.

  "I don't want to leave. What I'd like to do is a little bit of this…" His mouth found her neck as he sucked lightly on her skin, then nipped her slightly with his teeth.

  Isabel laughed softly. "You mark me, and we'll really have to explain some things to Sully."

  "If you keep bringing up your brother's name in bed, I'm going to lose my mind."

  "Ethan," she protested.

  He sighed. "We're going to have to tell him, Izz. I'm not willing to keep this a secret."

  "He'll be furious if he finds out about the marriage. I think it would be better if we told him after it was annulled."

  "About that, Isabel. We need to talk—"

  Isabel pulled away, scrambling out of bed. He couldn't understand her reaction. Every time he went to tell her that he didn't want the damned annulment, she ran away like a frightened kitten. And Isabel wasn't afraid of anything.

  "Later. I need to get ready for the day." She stood, giving him a perfect view of her delectable body.

  Ethan growled low in his throat. "You do realize that you're a master of diversion, right?"

  She pulled her sweatshirt on over her head, hiding the perfect view he'd had, and turned to give him a saucy grin.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  She fluttered her eyelashes innocently at him, then disappeared around the bathroom door.

  "Right." He stood and followed behind her, not bothering to put on his pants. A blush rose to her cheeks, and he wondered how, after all they'd done in the wee hours of the night, she could still be embarrassed to see him without his clothes on. It was incredibly endearing.

  "We will talk"—Ethan pulled her into his arms, covering her mouth with his own—"today, Isabel."

  With those words, he released her, pulled on his jeans, and strolled out the door.

  Chapter 24

  Sully let all of them enjoy the morning without having to rush, not calling for a team meeting until almost lunchtime. Isabel had checked her phone after Ethan had snuck out of her room, and then had quickly jumped back into bed. After sleeping for a couple more hours, she arose more rested than she'd felt in days. Surely some of that must be due to Ethan's thorough lovemaking the night before.

  Turning on the shower and stepping inside, she smiled to herself as she let the warm water flow over her body—a body that Ethan had explored every inch of last night.

  Memories of another night suddenly flashed through her mind.

  Ethan's mouth on hers as they drank champagne in the back of a limo. The look in his eyes when he said, "I do." The kiss they shared after Elvis had told them to love each other for life. Ethan stripping her shirt off and tossing it over his shoulder, catching it on the lamp. Falling onto the bed together, laughing and kissing. Ethan telling her he loved her.

  It all felt so real. Were they memories, or a dream?

  Isabel's mind was all tangled up. She couldn't separate reality from fiction. Truth from desire. She needed to talk to Ethan.

  Turning off the water, Isabel toweled off, pulling on shorts and a tank top. Hopefully, they'd be meeting in the hotel room all day, and she wouldn't have to go anywhere. Maybe if she were lucky, she could talk Sully into letting her hang out at the pool. Of course, that would mean buying another swimsuit, since the other one had blown up with her hotel room.

  Inhaling deeply, Isabel prepared herself for her conversation with Ethan. What would she do if he said they needed to go through with the annulment? What if all he wanted was a good time? An opportunity to burn off steam and explore their attraction to one another?

  She wouldn't make a big deal out of it. She would just tell Sully that she needed to stop working undercover. At least then, she wouldn't have to spend so much time alone with Ethan. There were other things she could do for the team. The allure of working undercover had started to fade, anyway. Too many close calls this time.

  Her heart clenched at the thought of not being with Ethan. But if he didn't want her, she wasn't going to beg him. She'd get past this for the sake of the team.

  Isabel pulled her hair up in a ponytail and didn't bother with makeup. When she felt presentable enough, she left her room.

  Nothing could have prepared her for the humiliation that awaited her.

  * * * *

  It was killing Ethan that Isabel hadn't come out of her room. He'd been waiting for her all morning, hoping to take her out onto the balcony and tell her that he loved her. He also needed to tell her about that night.

  He wasn't letting her go. Not this time. Not after almost dying together, almost losing her several times over the past week. There had been too many close calls for his liking. Ethan checked his watch and, seeing that it was almost time for the meeting, strolled into the dining room, where Zach still sat, trying to decrypt the files. Whoever had encrypted them had known what they were doing.

  "Any luck?" Ethan asked as he slid a chair out and sat down.

  "Not yet. Getting closer."

  "You think you'll crack it?"

  Zach peered up at him with arched brows. "Have I ever let you down?"

  Ethan laughed. "Not once."

  Zach went back to pecking at his keyboard.

  Sully came in, with dark circles around his eyes and his complexion pale. Looked like he hadn't slept well last night. That made two of them. Ethan had stayed up most of the night watching Isabel sleep, praying that it wouldn't be the last time he held her in his arms like that.

  "You ok?" Ethan asked him.

  "Yeah, just tired and sore."

  "Did you take the pain relievers the doctor prescribed?"

  Sully stared at him as if he'd grown a second head. "What do you think?"

  "You know that it's not a sign of weakness if you need a little help with bullet wound pain."

  "There's too much at stake here for my head to be clouded by narcotics. I took some ibuprofen to take the edge off."

  Sully pulled out a file
folder and flipped through the pages as Gabriel and Lucas wandered in. Everyone was there but Isabel. Where was she? Was she avoiding him?


  Looking up from his file, Sully asked, "Do you still have those pictures from the back alley? The ones of Lopez and Winters?"

  "Yeah. Here," Ethan said, unlocking his phone and tossing it to him. Sully stood, caught it, and started tapping.

  Realization hit Ethan too late.

  "Wait, I—" Ethan said, leaning forward in his seat to reach for his phone.

  Sully pulled it out of his reach. With a dark look on his face, he stilled, his whole body going tight with tension.

  Shit. Ethan knew exactly what he was looking at.

  "What. Is. This?" Sully asked. The clatter of Zach's fingers on the keys halted. No one in the room seemed to breathe.

  Ethan stood. "I can explain."

  Sully rounded the table, backing Ethan up as he stalked towards him. Ethan's hands came up in front of his body. "Sully, seriously, I can explain."

  Without warning, Sully's good arm shot out, punching Ethan on the jaw so hard that it sent him stumbling backwards. Rubbing his chin, Ethan said, "I deserve that, but you need to listen to me—"

  Another punch hit Ethan across the face, whipping his head to the left. Ethan saw stars. Injured or not, Sully packed a mighty punch.

  "I told you to protect her, and this is what you do?" Sully asked, continuing to stalk towards him as they backed into the living room.

  "I can explain. If you'd stop hitting me and let me talk."

  "She's my sister, Ethan. There's a code. You're supposed to be my best friend. How could you?" Sully's anger was laced with hurt. He really thought Ethan capable of messing with his sister without having any feelings towards her? Really thought he would take advantage of her?

  "I told you—"

  "There's no explanation good enough!" Sully roared.

  "I love her!" Ethan yelled back.

  Silence rang through the room, the echoing vibrations of his declaration hanging heavily in the air.

  "I love her," he repeated quietly.

  "Does she love you?"

  "I don't know. I haven't had a chance to talk to her."


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