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Castle Investigations Box Set

Page 91

by Dee Bridgnorth

  "Who was he?"

  "Who was who?"

  "The man that killed your father. Who was he?" There was a stillness in Zach, like the calm of a predator right before it struck. It was frightening to behold. It was almost as if he already knew. But that wasn't possible. He couldn't know the truth. No one did.

  "I don't know," Ella lied.

  Something that looked like disappointment flashed in Zach's eyes. But he nodded and went back to eating his burger.

  Ella picked at hers. It was really delicious, but she'd lost her appetite. Still, she knew they wouldn't stop again until they were done driving for the night, so she choked down as much as she could.

  Zach paid the bill, and they climbed into the car and headed down the highway. She'd offered to drive, but Zach had said he preferred driving. She didn't argue.

  They didn't talk much. Small talk here and there. Gone was the easiness of their past few days together. She hated it. But she wasn't sure how to fix it.

  There was no way that Ella could share The General's identity with Zach. Not only was it possible that he'd hate her for her association with him, but he'd also be at risk. She couldn't do that. Not after all he'd done.

  The hours flew by as quickly as the miles on the highway. It was well after dinnertime when they finally stopped in a small country town in Oklahoma, near the Texas border.

  It was just a one-street town, with shops lining the road on either side. The lampposts were hung with decorative flags showing colorful fall leaves. Main Street stretched for only about a quarter of a mile before it opened up into pastureland beyond.

  Zach found a motel off a side street that had clearly not been updated since its opening. At least the rooms were clean. The two of them shared a room again, although this time, they had their own beds. Ella tried to swallow the disappointment she felt at not sleeping next to Zach another night. Not waking up with his body cuddled up against hers.

  It was for the best, though. Any hope she'd had that Zach and she might have a future together had flown out the window when he'd stumbled on those pictures of her.

  Ella laid her duffel bag on the bed and leaned back against the pillow.

  "I'm going to check my email, and then we can go get some dinner. Ok?"

  "Sounds good to me. I'm starving," Ella answered. "I'll change and be ready to go. I'm assuming it's casual?"

  Zach grinned at her. "By the looks of this town, I'd say that's affirmative."

  Ella bounced off the bed and took out a pair of black skinny jeans, a light pink chiffon blouse, and a pair of black wedge boots. She'd only been able to buy a few pairs of shoes, and these had been a must. They were comfortable but also cute! Win-win.

  She closed the door to the bathroom and quickly changed, then pulled her hair down from the messy bun. It fell in waves around her shoulders. She fluffed the roots a little bit and applied a tiny amount of hairspray. It didn't seem necessary to wear a ton of makeup, so she dabbed some blush on her cheeks, swiped mascara on her lashes, and put on just a touch of lip gloss. That would have to do it.

  Exiting the bathroom, Ella found Zach typing away on his computer.

  "Did you send the files to Sully yet?" she asked.

  "No. I want to wait until we get closer. I sent him an email telling him I was in but was trying to make heads or tails of it. He's willing to wait."

  "Why are you really stalling?"

  Zach made a few more keystrokes and then shut down his computer. He turned and faced her, leaning his elbows on his knees as he looked up at her with those sea-green eyes.

  "I don't want the file on you out until I know what really happened. I need to know more about who the guy is that killed your father. I need to know what your dad was involved in. Before I send this off to Sully, and he sends it to the FBI or CIA or whoever, I want to make sure your name is in the clear."

  Ella's heart burst at his words. He cared enough about her to try to protect her. She just hoped he didn't regret it if he ever found out exactly what had happened that night.

  Ella walked slowly over to him, taking his hands in hers. She tugged on them until he stood toe to toe with her. She reached up and ran her hand through his hair, loving the feel of the silky strands against her fingers.

  His gaze never left her face, even as she traced a line along his jaw, from his ear to his lips.

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  Instead of responding with words, Zach lowered his head and captured her lips with his, tentatively at first, and then with a hunger she'd never felt from him before. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and she opened to him, giving him access. He tasted sweet and spicy, like honey and mint all rolled into one.

  Zach lowered his hand to her backside, pressing their bodies tightly together. She couldn't get enough of him. It was as if she wanted to unzip him and then put him on like a jacket. If she could just get closer and then stay that way forever, she'd be perfect.

  A buzzing noise interrupted their kiss, and Zach groaned as he pulled away, checking his phone screen. His brows furrowed together as he answered.

  "Harper…yeah, we're in Podunkville, Oklahoma. No signs of any tails…I'll send a report later tonight. Any word on Ella's mom? Great…yeah, I'll tell her. Roger that." He clicked off the call.

  "What about my mom?" Ella asked, concerned for her mother's safety.

  "We have someone watching the house…"

  Ella opened her mouth to protest. No one from D.C. was supposed to be there in Phoenix.

  Zach held up a finger. "It's a local guy. A friend of ours. We have friends like that all over the country, and even some in other ones as well."

  "She's ok?"

  Zach nodded. "No one has bothered her. Our man has made visual contact, and all seems to be well. No sign of Tobias or his thugs."

  Ella felt herself relax. "That's good."

  "Let's go get some grub." Zach gave her a winning smile, and Ella felt its tug on her insides. The man was sexier than he knew. Or maybe he did know. Zach winked, and Ella was sure he'd heard her thoughts.

  They drove towards Main Street in this “small town, USA.” The town looked as if it had been ridden hard and put up wet. Several stores on both sides of the street had boards over their windows, a couple had signs that appeared to have been printed sometime in the sixties, and the whole town looked as if it could use a fresh coat of paint. What had looked quaint from a distance now looked a little bit sinister up close.

  "Where are we?" Ella asked.

  "Bordertown, Oklahoma."

  "Seriously? That's the name?"

  Zach chuckled. "I guess they weren’t too creative."

  "Tell me about it. So where are we eating?"

  "The guy at the front desk, back at the motel, said there was a bar and grill around here somewhere. Past where Main Street turns into the local highway."

  "What's the name of the bar?"

  "Knocker's Place."

  "Knocker's? Is that like someone's last name?"

  Zach shrugged. "No idea. It's the only place in town open past lunch. Everything else shuts down. We could drive to the next town, but he said it was forty miles away, so I thought this would do. He also said there was live entertainment, so we can hang out for a little while if it's any good."

  "Ok, then. Knocker's Place it is."

  Zach pulled into the parking lot of a long building that used be white, but was now a conglomeration of chipped white paint and gray cement blocks. The name Knocker's Place was stenciled in blue paint on the side of the building. Motorcycles lined the parking lot, as well as some beat-up trucks that were at least thirty years old.

  "Are you sure about this?" Ella asked.

  "Of course. How bad can it be?"

  Famous last words.

  It was a Thursday night, and the place was packed like it was the weekend. The entertainment must be pretty popular if the attendance was any indicator. The place was the definition of a dive bar. Sawdust covered the floors, neon beer
signs hung on the walls, and the smells of cigarette smoke and alcohol permeated the air. Motorcycle gang members were sprinkled among local country boys. Loud country music blared from speakers hanging in each corner of the bar. A pool table sat on one side of the long, rectangular building, while a small stage was set up on the other side.

  A disco ball hung near the stage, as well as a…was that—? Surely not.

  "Is that a stripper pole?" Ella squeaked.

  Zach followed her gaze to the stage. "You've got to be kidding me. Knockers? As in, breasts?"

  Discomfort settled over Ella. She never wanted to set foot in a strip club ever again. She knew the life. Knew what the women were thinking. How they were feeling. The desperation that drove them to take their clothes off in front of strangers.

  She'd lived it.

  But she wasn't going to live it anymore.

  "Let's go," Zach said in her ear. "We can get something somewhere else."

  "But where?" Ella asked. They'd just ridden through the town. The only market was closed. She hadn't even seen a gas station.

  "There's a place to get gas a few miles in the other direction. We can drive out there and maybe pick up something to get us through till morning. Or we can pack up our stuff and drive a little farther to see if we stumble on a place that has some real food and a motel nearby."

  "No, the gas station is fine."

  Ella wasn't interested in potentially driving for several more hours. She was tired and ready to rest. And she knew that Zach needed to read through the files he'd been able to access.

  The music changed to a blend of country and hip hop, and the lights dimmed further. The disco ball started to turn as the tiny mirrors reflected the light dancing across the floor.

  A woman about Ella's age stumbled out on stage. The announcer, a greasy-looking old guy with a long beard, stood out front with a microphone.

  "Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Starr. She's new to dancing, but boy, does she have a rack on her!"

  The men in the bar laughed uproariously, and Ella saw Starr's cheeks turn pink.

  "Just make 'em jiggle for us, darlin'. That's all you gotta do." With those parting words, the man slapped her on the behind and pushed her forward towards the pole. She tripped over her too-tall heels and stared at the crowd with eyes that were wide and frightened like those of a deer in the headlights.

  The men yelled out with catcalls and insults.

  "Dance for us, honey!"

  "Why're you just standing there?"

  "Boo! I want my money back."

  "Take your damn top off!"

  Before Ella knew what she was doing, she had taken off for the stage. She heard Zach's voice calling her back, and then his muffled curse. But she didn't care.

  When she reached the stage, Starr looked at her in shock.

  "You want to do this?" Ella asked.

  Starr shook her head.

  "Then get down and go home."

  Ella held her hand out to the frightened woman, and Starr took it, stepping off the stage. Ella wrapped an arm around her as they started towards the exit. Zach was right behind her as they hurried to leave the crowded bar. She didn't have a plan. She just knew she had to help this girl before her life ended up as screwed up as Ella's had been.

  They followed the perimeter of the room as the sounds around her rushed back. There was a lot of yelling going on, and Ella couldn't make out exactly what they were saying.

  A man dressed in black leather from head to toe stepped in front of them, his arms crossed over his chest.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked Ella.

  "We're leaving."

  "You can. She can't."

  "Of course she can. It's a free country."

  "No, she can't. We have a contract."

  Ella highly doubted that. "Well, consider it void."

  "No. She owes me money, and she's going to work tonight to pay it off."

  "How much does she owe you? I'll make sure you get the money."

  Ella had no idea how she'd get the money to the man, but she wasn't going to stand here and let him bully Starr back onto the stage.

  "More than you can afford to pay. That is, unless you want to take her place?" The man reached his hand out to stroke her breast, but Ella caught it in her own hand and squeezed.

  "Leave me alone."

  "You bitch!" He took two steps forward, and Zach quickly moved up, pushing Ella behind him.

  "I think the lady said for you to leave her alone. Now, unless you want trouble, you'll let us leave here. Is that clear?"

  The man threw his head back with laughter. Ella had no clue what he thought was so funny.

  "I'd like to see you try and leave here. Boys?" the man said.

  Chairs slid back, and the music came to a sudden halt. Ella looked around at the eyes of all the men in the place, which were turned on them. Zach backed the three of them up a few more steps, until their backs were to the wall.

  "When I say run, you run," he whispered to her.

  She didn't respond except with the slightest nod of her head.

  Zach put his hands up in front of him. "Look, we don't want trouble. But you can't force someone to work for you. Now, I’m going to take these ladies home, and you never have to see us again. Ok?"

  "That bitch owes me money. These men here came for a show tonight. One of these women is going to give them one, or we'll make sure you don't walk out of here on your own power."

  Ella's stomach plunged. There were at least thirty men in the place. No one was interested in helping them out. Even if she and Starr were able to get free, Zach wouldn't make it out in time. And that was a huge if.

  "I'll do it," Ella said softly.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Zach asked in a hoarse whisper.

  "Saving our asses. That's what."

  Ella held her head high. "Where can I change?"

  The man pointed to a door next to the stage. She nodded and walked towards the door. Then she stopped and turned back to face him.

  "If I do this, Starr goes free. Is that clear?"

  "Certainly," the man said, with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

  Ella rushed back over to Starr and whispered in her ear. "When I get on stage, you sneak out and get to our car. Zach will tell you what kind. Wait for us there, and we'll take you someplace safe, ok?"

  Starr nodded, tears brimming in her eyes.

  "Why are you doing this for me?" she asked, as one of the tears spilled over and rolled down her cheek.

  "Because I was you, once upon a time. And I don't want you to be me now."

  Squeezing her hands, Ella turned and walked to the stage. Zach walked briskly beside her.

  "You can't do this. I won't let you."

  "You don't have a choice, Zach. We can't defend ourselves against thirty men. And I won't let Starr get on that stage. It will change her."

  "You don't even know her."

  "Maybe not. But I've known plenty like her. I have so many sins to atone for. So many people I let down over the years." She held up a finger to keep him from interrupting. "I know I didn't have a choice. Not always. But tonight, I do."

  With those parting words, she walked through the door of the dressing room. She wore her fear like a coat, its presence wrapping around her. It was almost comforting, this fear that had been her companion for so much of her life.

  Ella had convinced herself that she'd never be in a place where she had to take her clothes off ever again. She should have known better. She put on the costume that the lady in the dressing room handed her. It was colorful and would go perfectly with her stage name. It was hard not to go back to that persona.

  When she was dressed, she moved toward the door to the stage. The grizzled old announcer stood there.

  "What's yer name, darlin'?"

  "Quita. My name's Quita."

  * * * *

  Zach pulled against the two giants holding his arms. He'd tried to rush the door and get to
Ella before she did something she'd regret, but the two thugs had jumped him. One had landed a solid blow to his jaw, and the other one had clamped down his arms before he'd had time to regain his equilibrium.

  He stood there, struggling against their hold, regretting his decision to stay in this town.

  The old man walked onto the stage again, his long beard hanging down to mid-chest.

  "Well, gentlemen, it seems we have a treat tonight. All the way from Las Vegas, Nevada, I give you…Quita."

  The men stood, yelling and hollering.

  Ella walked out onto the stage, her skirt a rainbow-colored see-through number that showed off the red thong underneath. The sheer yellow shirt she had on over a rhinestone-studded red bra was tied up between her breasts. Her hair hung loose down her back, and she'd messed it up, giving it that fresh-after-sex look. Her skin glowed, and her eyes held a sorrow that broke Zach's heart.

  An idea hit him as he finally shook the two men off.

  "I'm cool," he said to them. "I promise."

  The two men exchanged a glance and then nodded, opting to move toward a spot near the stage rather than standing off to the side with Zach.

  Zach pulled out his phone and dialed, just as the first strains of a familiar song sounded throughout the bar. Ella, now in character as Quita, tilted her head back and then belted out the most exquisite and heart-wrenching sound he'd ever heard. Her voice floated on the air as she sang the first lines of the song. He was momentarily struck silent, along with the rest of the room.

  He heard the woman in his ear asking what his emergency was, but for the moment, all he could do was stare at the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on. Quita's hips swayed back and forth as she lost herself in the music.

  The moment her hand reached for the knot between her breasts to loosen it, all reality came crashing back.

  "Hello? Is someone there? I have police on their way."

  "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm here. Please send police to this address immediately. There's been a crime."

  Chapter 19


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